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Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees Reading 1 导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees Reading1 学习目标 与 核心素养 知识目标:1.认读和理解单词 against,branch,convenient,example,fight, furniture,gas,harmful,imagine,major,oxygen,produce,save 以及短语 for example,millions of,take in 等;认识单词 root。 2.初步接触现在进行时这一语法现象。 能力目标:1.通过观察标题和图片,预测阅读文本的话题。 2.通过上下文语境,猜测 convenient,imagine 等单词的基本语义。 3.通过略读和找读主阅读篇章,了解篇章大意。 核心素养:了解树木为人类所做的巨大贡献,树立保护树木的意识。 学习重点 了解主阅读篇章的结构与内容,学习核心单词和短语。 学习难点 通过略读和找读主阅读篇章,逐步深入理解篇章内容。 1、翻译词语。 save __________ pine _________ discuss ____________ branch _________ root__________ fight___________ against _____________ example _________ harmful_______ gas ____________ produce ____________ oxygen__________ major _________ convenient _______ furniture ___________ imagine _________ 2、阅读 45 页课文,了解文章大意。 探究点一: (1) 看 44 页 A 部分题目中的图片,了解本课的主要学习目标。 (2)看 45 页课文标题及文中图片,完成活动 B 题目: 二、探究案 一、预习案 列出我的疑惑 探究点二: ①默读 45 页课文,选出最好的答案: 1.Who is Rebecca interviewing A. Mr. Li B. Dr Jones C. Her teacher D. Her doctor 2.How does trees fight against air pollution? A. They produce oxygen for people to breathe C. They keep the air cool and clean D. All of the above 3. Which of the following things can’t we get from trees? A. paper B. rubber C. wood D. wine ②完成 45 页 C1、C2。 ③听录音,朗读课文。 探究点三: Language points 1. keep sb./sth.+adj./adv. 使……处于……状态 He is interested in painting, so he keeps _______ his painting skills. A. practise B. practising C. to practise 2. be made of+原材料:“由……制成”(从制成品中仍能看出原材料) be made from+原材料:“由……制成”(从制成品中看不出原材料) be made in+地点:“某物生产于某地” Look at this old bridge! It is made _______ stones. A from B of C into D up 3.come from = be from 来自 4.stop doing sth 意为“停止做某事”,表示不做这件事了; stop to do sth 意为“停下来去做某事”,表示停下手中正在做的事,去做另一件事。 Stop __________(talk), please. Let's begin our meeting. (2019 吉林) 我的知识网络图 一、单选 1. Trees are very important.We can't_________ . A.cut them down B.cut it down C.cut down them D.cut down it 2.—— Daniel is a boy of few words. —— But _________ , he is warm-hearted. A. in a hurry B. in fact C. in the end D. above all 3.How can we fight_________ pollution? A.for C.against 4.I can’t imagine a world _______ water. A. with B. without C. and D. have 5.Trees can ______ us _____ fruit. They are very useful and important in our daily lives. A. protect; with B. provide; with C. protect; for D. provide; for 二、根据句意及首字母填空 1. She can speak several languages. For e________,she can speak French and Russian. 2. Don’t go into the room. There is bad g______ in it. 3. Can you i________ yourself to be a president in the future? 4. Science and technology(技术) makes our lives more c__________. 5. Even he, the most famous doctor, cannot s________ the old lady's life. 三、适当形式填空 1. Your father is a_______(fight) and patriot(爱国者). 2. They spent three hours __________ (discuss) the problem yesterday. 3. Try to eat at least one piece of________(fruit)a day. 4. They used the ________________ (branch) of the tree to make a boat. 5. Everyone must know the________(important) of trees. 四、阅读 It is important for us to look after the earth well. The earth gives us a lot of things. We also give the earth a lot, but some of the things are not good. In nature, when something dies, other animals and plants get food from it. Every animal or plant provides food for other animals or plants. However, animals can’t get food from many 三、训练案 of the things that we “give” the earth. Animals and plants can’t eat metal, plastic or glass. These things will stay in the ground for many, many, many years. Some rubbish is very dangerous for plants and animals. In some places, many animals live together. One animal makes food for many other animals. If we throw rubbish and chemicals into the water, the plankton (浮游生物) can die. If there isn’t any plankton, many animals have nothing to eat. So what can we do? Don’t leave any rubbish in the countryside! Don’t make so much rubbish. ( )1. What do we give the earth? A. Rubbish. B. The plankton. C. Animals and plants. D. Food. ( )2. When something dies in nature, ___. A. it will pollute water and grass B. plastic and wood become food C. other animals and plants get food D. metal and glass stay in the ground ( )3. What do the underlined words “These things” refer to (指)? A. Animals. B. Plants. C. Animals and plants. D. Metal, plastic and glass. ( )4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. There is less and less food on Earth. B. Many animals need plankton for food. C. We give Earth only good things. D. Animals and plants can eat rubbish. ( )5. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Earth gives us a lot of things. B. Some rubbish stays in the ground for many years. C. Some rubbish is dangerous. D. It is important for us to look after the earth well. 教与学的反思 答案: 一、预习案 拯救 松树 讨论 树枝 根 与……作斗争 反对 例子 有害的 气体 产生 氧气 主要的 方便的 家具 想像 二、探究案 探究点二: BDD 探究点三: 1. B 2. B 3. talking 三、训练案 一、ACCDB 二、1.example 2.gases 3.imagine 4.convenient 三、1.fighter 2. discussing 3. fruit 4. branches 5. importance 四、ACDBD

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