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Module 1 Unit 1 Helping those in need Period 4 More practice and culture corner 导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 学习目标 与 核心素养 1 根据上下文语境猜测词义。 2 理解问本中有关“春蕾计划”的实施对象、目的、具体做法以及影响等方面的内容。 3 愿意为公益事业贡献自己的力量。 重点 理解补充阅读篇章的内容。 难点 根据上下文语境猜测词义。 1、阅读教材 P13 页的文本,了解文章大意, 并圈出生单词及短语。 2、根据上下文语境猜测下列单词短语。 launch ____________rent _____________ the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund(CCTF)____________ the Spring Bud Project _____________ aged from seven to fourteen____________ be unable to _____________ 探究点一: Read the first two paragraphs of the article and fill in the blanks. The Spring Bud Project Purpose Organizer Start date Who are helped? 二、探究案 一、预习案 列出我的疑惑 What kind of help do they offer? 探究点二: Read the last three paragraphs of the article and answer the following questions. 1.What did Feng Guixiang do before the Spring Bud Project helped her? 2.What did she do after the Spring Bud Project helped her? 探究点三: Read a girl’s story about the Spring Bud Project and answer the questions below. 1. What is the purpose of the Spring Bud Project? _______________________________________________________________ 2. What kind of help did Feng Guixiang get from the Spring Bud Project? _______________________________________________________________ 3.How did the Spring Bud Project change Feng Guixiang’s life? ________________________________________________________________ 4.What job does Feng Guixiang do now? What does she wish to do? ________________________________________________________________ 一、完成句子。 1. 墙上的图片是从杂志和报纸上剪下来的。 The pictures on the wall _______ _______ _______ from magazines and newspapers. 2 为了能让这花存活,我们必须把它移到温暖的地方。 To ______ _____ _______, we must move the flower to a warm place. 3.多达 300 名学生参加了运动会。 三、训练案 我的知识网络图 ______ _______ 300 students took part in the sports meet. 4.昨天他和海伦动身去美国了。 He _______ _______ for America with Helen yesterday. 5.这真是一本很有用的书——我一直在用它。 It’s a really useful book — I use it _______ ______ _______. 6. 再过五十年,世上也许就不再有用鸬鹚的渔民了。 In 50 years, perhaps there will be _______________ _______________ cormorant fishermen in the world. 7. 然后,鱼被大明取出并投进一个大篮子里。 The fish are then ____________ and _____________ into a big basket by Daming. 8. 然而,很少年轻人对这种工作感兴趣了。 However, few young people __________ ___________ _________ this type of work. 二、语法填空 Lincoln is 13 years old. Every morning, he (1) ___________ (get) up at six o’clock, and then takes out the rubbish while he is on the way to buy breakfast for his family. After he comes back home, he wakes up his little sister and dresses her. Then he calls his parents for breakfast. They sleep on the (2) ___________ (two) floor of the house. Lincoln wants them (3) ___________ (sleep) a little longer because they’re tired after a (4) ___________ (day) work. Now he is good at (5) ___________ (do) all the housework — washing clothes, making dinner and looking after his five-year-old sister, Sally. But two years ago, he hardly ever helped out around the house. “I thought housework was for my parents at that time, (6) ___________ soon I knew I was wrong. Everyone should help with (7) ___________ few things at home. We can’t depend (8) ___________ our parents all the time,” he said. Every Friday, Lincoln gets fifty dollars from his parents as his pocket money. “I think it’s good (9) __________ (pay) the children for the housework. They can get money and buy something they need, and anyway they can learn how (10) ___________ (use) their money and become more independent,” said Lincoln’s mum. 三、阅读理解 Helping others can help improve the quality of life. When we do things for others, it can be good for our health and children’s education, and it can even reduce the crime rate (降低犯罪率). Professor Paul Whiteley says, “The research has shown an interesting connection between helping others and enjoying a good quality of life. It seems that when we care for the needs of others, we may also get something good for ourselves.” Whether a community is rich or poor, volunteering has a good influence ( 影 响 ). “A poor community with lots of voluntary activities can do better in health, crime and education than a rich community without such activities,” says Whiteley. The research has also tested the connection between voluntary activities and life happiness. Again, there is a strong connection between communities with lots of volunteering and those where people are very happy with their life. Volunteering is good for families and communities. Figures (数据) show that in 2015, 51 per cent of people in England joined in their community voluntary activities. The contribution to the economy made by volunteering in their community was around 42.6 billion pounds in 2015. 1. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? A. How to improve the quality of our life. B. Helping others has nothing to do with children’s education. C. Doing voluntary work helps improve the quality of our life. D. People should reduce the crime rate by doing voluntary work. 2. Why do people enjoy a good life when helping others? A. Because people can get something good. B. Because the people we help feel happy. C. Because we are happy with our work. D. Because other people give us good comments 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Helping others helps reduce the crime rate. B. Rich and poor communities both need voluntary activities. C. There is no connection between voluntary activities and happiness. D. The passage mentions the advantages (益处) of doing voluntary work. 4. Why does the writer use the numbers in the last paragraph? A. To tell us how many people volunteered in 2015. B. To further tell us the research by facts. C. To tell us volunteering is good for people. D. To encourage us to do more research work. 5. Where can we read this passage? A. In a storybook. B. In a newspaper. C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a children’s book. 答案: 探究点一: to help girls return to school, the CCTF, In 1989, girls who are unable to attend school, 1. pay for the girls to attend class 2. provide the girls with their living expenses 3. build schools 探究点二: 1.She stayed at home and helped her mother with the housework. 2.She went to school and learnt to read and write and do many other things. 探究点三: 1.The purpose of the Spring Bud Project is to help girls return to school. 2.The Spring Bud Project paid for her to attend class. It also rented a room close to the school for her. 3.Before the project started, she stayed at home and helped her mother with the housework. After she went to school, she learnt to read and write and do many other things. 4.She works as a teacher at a Spring Bud school in Guangxi. She wishes to help other girls the way the Spring Bud Project helped her. 训练案 一、完成句子。 教与学的反思 1.were cut off 2.keep it alive 3.Up to 4.set off 5.all the time longer 7.taken thrown 8.are interested in 二、语法填空。 1. gets 2. second 3. to sleep 4. day’s 5. doing 6. but 7. a 8. on 9. to pay 10. to use 三、阅读理解 CACBB

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