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Reading Dolly是世界上第 一例用体细胞─ 乳腺上皮细胞,通 过细胞核移植技 术,在复杂的人工 操作下,得到的一 只小绵羊 。 多利 “多利”的诞生标志着克隆研究 取得新的进展和重大突破,而且这个结 果证明:动物体中执行特殊功能,具有 特定形态的所谓高度分化的细胞与受 精卵一样,具有发育成完整个体的潜在 能力。也就是说,动物细胞与植物细胞 一样,也具有全能性. “多利”的诞生有什么重大的意义和影响? 1996 cloning sheep 2001 cloning cattle 2002年4 月十六日 美国第一 头克隆牛 “艾米” 产下牛犊 我国成功繁殖克隆兔 体形要比普通兔大许多 克隆的荧光小猪(左)和正常小猪(右) 2002 cloning cat 第一只 克隆宠 物猫 克隆马及其“母亲兼姐姐” 2005 cloning dogs Skimming Please read whole passage and then find the answer to the question. 1.The main idea of the text is____ A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world. B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born. D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. scanning Now please read the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions. Write the letter "T" if the statement is true. Write "F" if it is false. 1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. 2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. 3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants. F T F T T 4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. 5. Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants. 1. Which of the following statements about cloning is NOT true according to text? __ A. Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently. B. Twins that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg. C. Cloning is used by gardeners to make more money. D. Animal cloning is much more difficult than plant cloning. 细枝末节 A 2. The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed B 3. In the second paragraph, the word “straightforward” means ____. A. uncomplicated B. honest C. frank D. difficult 4. The lamb is the clone of the cell from sheep because_____. A. it provides the egg cell B. it gives birth to the lamb C. it provides the nucleus D. it is a female sheep What is cloning? It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. 克隆,是 “无性繁殖”。 “克隆”一词于1903年被引入园艺学, 以后逐渐应用于植物学、动物学和医 学等方面。 科学家把人工遗传操作动物繁殖的过 程叫克隆,这门生物技术叫克隆技术。 How is cloning produced? The cloning of plants is simple and relatively easy. It can be done by taking cuttings (man-made cloning) or letting the plant produce its own runners (natural cloning). The cloning of animals is more complicated. It was not achieved until 1996 and is fully explained in the first two paragraphs. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that a cloned animal___________. • usually lives as long as the original one B. usually lives longer than the original one C. usually dies earlier than the original one D. is usually as healthy as the original one 2. What is people's fear about human cloning? Which of the following is wrong? A. Cloned Hitler would do harm to the world. B. Cloned people may be killed at will for medical aid. C. A woman would have difficulty recognizing her real husband. D. Men will die out because a woman can give birth to a baby without a husband. 3. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived ____ years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 推理判断 4. What about the writer’s attitude towards cloning in this passage? • The writer is against cloning. • The writer is in favor of cloning. • The writer does not state any personal opinion about cloning. D. The writer is in agreement with cloning. Find the main idea of each paragraph. Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant. Cloning has two major uses. The problems of Dolly. The effect of Dolly. It is forbidden to clone human beings. Para 1. Para 2. Para 3. Para 4. Para 5. Important sentences • 课文原句突破 • 1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. • [信息提取] be appropriate to (for) sth.适 合于……的;适当的。 • 2.Is it in favour of cloning or against it? • [信息提取] in favour of赞成,支持。 • [例句仿写] 我对她讲了我们的计划,她表 示赞同。 • I have told her about our plan,and she________ ________ ________ ________ ________. • 【答案】 is in favour of it • 3.Dolly’s death,like her birth,was bound to raise worries. • [信息提取] be bound to肯定会。 • [例句仿写] 看看天,今天下午一定会下雨 。 • Look at the sky,________ ________ ________ ________this afternoon. • 【答案】 it’s bound to rain • 4.Scientists believe human cloning is just a matter of time but the assumption that human clones have already been born hasn’t been proved yet. • [信息提取] a matter of……的问题。 • [例句仿写] 你应该把这当成一回事,这是 一个生死攸关的问题。 • You should take it seriously.It’s________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. • 【答案】 a matter of life and death Cloning people is a good thing, or a bad thing? 克隆人是福音, 还是恶兆? Thinking 意大利狂人医生: 安蒂诺里 冒死也要克隆人的 科学家:布瓦瑟利耶 1.克隆技术现在还不成熟,克 隆人可能有很多先天性生理 缺陷。 2.克隆人的身份难以认定,他 们与被克隆者之间的关系无 法纳入现有的伦理体系。 反对克隆人 3. 克隆技术有可能被滥用,成为恐 怖分子的工具。 4. 从生物多样性上来说,大量基因 结构完全相同的克隆人,可能诱 发新型疾病的广泛传播,对人类 的生存不利。 1. “不让我们克隆人,就是不让 我们修正我们的错误,人类 历 史 难 道 能 够 这 样 构 造 吗?”—《纽约时报书评》 2. “当然应该‘克隆’人,如果 谁第一个掌握了这个技术, 他就是我真正的、也是唯一 的竞争对手。”—比尔·盖 茨 支持克隆 人 3. “克隆人绝对是科学上了不起的进步, 克隆技术必将创造21世纪的辉 煌。” —麻省理工学院生命工程教授 约翰·布洛克 4. “人体商业化是人类经济活动中无与伦 比的成就,毫无疑问,克隆技术的出现 将为世人创造一个最为广泛和深远的 市场。” —英国《经济学家》杂志。 Homework Write a passage about cloning people.(about 100 words.) You should state your own opinion and the reason why you are in or against the idea.

资料: 3.2万


