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www,378700000.com Are they clones? natural clone man-made clone clone Natural clone is one that occurs from the “parent ” in a natural form of cloning without human help. Man-made clone is one that produced through human intervention(介入) . cactus pendulum orchid (吊兰) natural cloning examples strawberry twins natural cloning examples There are twins of the same sex and those of different sexes. The twins here are identical in sex and appearance and are good examples of natural clones. They carry the same genetic information. The fertilized egg has split into two while inside the mother, and so produced two identical human babies. man-made cloning examples the first cloned cat Dolly the sheep It’s the most famous sheep in the world. Do you know how Dolly is different from other sheep? She was cloned while the others were born naturally. It is the copy of another sheep. Questions about cloning: 1. What is a clone? A clone is an animal or plant produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another animal or plant and is exactly the same as it. 2. How is a clone produced? The cloning of plants is simple and relatively easy. It can be done by taking cuttings or letting the plant produce its own runners. The cloning of animals is more complicated. It was not achieved until 1996 and is fully explained in the first reading. 3. What benefits can humans gain from cloning? 1.By cloning, farmers can produce quantities of different commercial plants. 2.Medical cloning can help cure serious illnesses that ruin one’s quality of life (such as Parkinson’s disease帕金森症 ) 3.Cloning can help save endangered animals. 4. What problems may arise when humans are cloned? 1) People may want to clone themselves so they can live forever. 2) People may want to clone dead children. 3) People may want to clone their favorite pets. The text is mainly about the 1. _________ of animal cloning and the life of Dolly the sheep, as well as the reasons why cloning is still 2. ___________.controversial procedure Read the text quickly and complete its main idea. Read through the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph. Ⅰ. Read the text and then match the main idea with each paragraph. Para 1:( ) A. Dolly’s problem and death. Para 2:( ) B. What is cloning? Para 3:( )C. Two major uses of cloning. Para 4:( )D. Arguments brought by Dolly. Para 5:( )E. The effect of Dolly. B C A E D Ⅱ . Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text. 1.The main idea of the text is . A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future 2.The lamb is the clone of the cell from sheep because . A. it provides the egg cell B .it gives birth to the lamb C. it provides the nucleus D .it is a female sheep 【答案】D 【答案】C 3.It can be learnt from the passage that a cloned animal . A. usually lives as long as the original one B. usually lives longer than the original one C. usually dies earlier than the original one D. is usually as healthy as the original one 4.Which of the following is NOT a problem or danger of cloning mentioned in the text? A. Evil leaders may want to clone themselves. B. Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals and may die younger than the donor animals. C. There are moral objections to cloning human beings. D. Too much cloning may lead to the destruction of the balance of nature. 【答案】C 【答案】D 5.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of cloning? A. Cloning can be used for medical purposes. B. Large quantities of food can be produced by cloning. C. Famous persons who have passed away can be cloned. D. Cloning can help keep animals from becoming extinct. 6.In Para.2,the word “straightforward” means . A. Uncomplicated B .honest C. Frank D. difficult 【答案】C 【答案】A 7.We can infer from the last three paragraphs that . A. The normal development of Dolly had no effect on the cloning of other species B. Dolly’s serious disease and final death disturbed the whole world C. Dolly successfully cloned a new lamb with the help of cloning scientists D. There were arguments about animals cloning and concerns about the future of cloning 8.What about the writer’s attitude toward cloning in this passage? A. The writer is against cloning. B. The writer is in favor of cloning. C. The writer does not state any personal opinion about cloning. D. The writer is in agreement with cloning. 【答案】D 【答案】C Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks. Definition Cloning is a way of making ____________ of another animal and plant. Major uses of cloning • Gardeners use it to _______ commercial quantities of plants. • It is valuable for research on new plant species and for _______ research on animals. an exact copy produce medical About Dolly the sheep ◆ Encouraging news: Dolly seemed to develop ________. ◆ Disturbing news: Dolly lived only six and a half years, half the length of the life of the _______ sheep, because of serious illnesses which were more appropriate to a ________________. normally original much older animal Do you know about the procedure works of a sheep? Reproductive cloning is intended to produce a c___ of an existing a_____ or a plant. Reproductive cloning of animals is a______ for technology and farming as well as for cloning e_________ animals. But reproductive cloning of human beings is specifically f________ by law in most c_______. opy nimal ndangered llowed orbidden ountries Therapeutic (治疗的) cloning is to produce a healthy copy of a s___ person’s tissue (肌肉 组织) or organ for transplant in order to save the lives of those who would d___ without it. This t________ would be many times better than r______ on organ transplants from other people. The tissue or organ would have the sick person’s original DNA. ick ie echnique elying Go through paragraph four and f i v e , t r y t o f i n d o u t t h e advantages and disadvantages of cloning Comprehend ing Advantages using cloning to cure serious illnesses help save endangered animals produce plants of similar quality for sale cloning plants can be useful for research on new plant species www,378700000.com Disadvantages evil leaders hoping to clone themselves religious leaders raised moral questions animal clones may develop the illness of older animals animal clones may die younger than donor animals www,378700000.com Advantages cloning Disadvantages www,378700000.com using cloning to cure serious illnesses 1 help save endangered animals produce plants of similar quality for sale 2 3 evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions 1 2 religious leaders raised moral questions 3 a n i m a l c l o n e s m a y develop the illness of older animals4 4 Express your ideas Are you in favor of cloning or against cloning? State your point of view on it. The expressions below may be helpful to you. Those who agree ... think ... People who are against ... think ... Some people hold the opinion that it is good to ... because ... Some people think ..., while others argue that ... On the one hand, ..., on the other hand, ... On the contrary, some people think ... Firstly / First / First of all ... Secondly / Second ... Lastly / Last but not least ... As far as I am concerned / In my opinion, ... As a coin has two sides, everything has two aspects. On one hand, if cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us. On the other hand, if cloning is used in an evil way it can cause much trouble. Therefore, we should use cloning in a correct way. Some are for human cloning because they think it will help those who aren’t able to give babies achieve their dreams. Besides, human cloning helps maintain or save people’s lives as human cells can be cloned and used for medical treatments. However, those who are against it hold the view that human cloning is against human ethics and morality. What’s worse, this technology can be used by evil leaders or terrorists, which will bring great damage to the world.

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