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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Talking In this class, you will 1. collect information about sportsmanship through listening; 2. identify the specific language to express agreement and disagreement; 3. give reasons to show agreement and disagreement in specific situations. Learning objectives Review Review Lang Ping brought glory and honour to the country as both a player and a coach. She always showed great determination and never lost heart. It proves that she is a true champion. Review Michael Jordan played basketball in a graceful way, but also showed great strength. He never let failure stop him and never gave up his dreams. Warming-up • What is sportsmanship? üplaying fair übeing polite and friendly in the competition üfollowing the rules of the games ürespecting the judgment ütreating the opponents(对手) with respect ü… Warming-up Sportsmanship is behaviour and attitudes that show respect for the rules of a game and for the other players. Listening Listen and answer the questions. 1. What happened to one of the girls in the race? 2. What was the result of the race? Listening strategy Focus on key words Do not try to take down every word of the answer. Just take down key words and phrases. It will help you to get the full answer. Listening Listen and answer the questions. 1. What happened to one of the girls in the race? 2. What was the result of the race? Listening Listen and answer the questions. 1. What happened to one of the girls in the race? Listen to this part and find out the answer to the question. Cao Jing: Hi, Lily. Hi, Max. You saw the race yesterday, didn’t you? Max: Hello, Cao Jing. No, I didn’t. What happened? Cao Jing: Two girls were on the final lap. They had nearly finished the race and had only a hundred metres to go, when one of the girls fell and couldn’t get up. Listening Listen and answer the questions. 1. What happened to one of the girls in the race? Listening A girl fell and couldn’t get up when the two girls had only a hundred metres to finish the race. Listen and answer the questions. 2. What was the result of the race? Listening Listen to this part and find out the answer to the question. Lily: Oh, my! So the other girl won, did she? Cao Jing: No, that’s what was so cool. She stopped and helped the other girl finish the race. Listening Listen and answer the questions. 2. What was the result of the race? Listening The other girl stopped and helped the girl who fell finish the race. Match each opinion with the right speaker. Cao Jing ____ Lily ____ Max ____ A. An athlete should do his/her best to win. B. The girl should stop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than winning! C. An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country. Listening vi. 竞争;对抗 Listen to this part and find out the answer to the question. Max: What? Why did she do that? Cao Jing: I think she thought it was the right thing to do. It’s more important to help each other than to win. Lily: I don’t agree. If someone falls during a race, that’s too bad. It’s just part of the race. Max: Exactly! If you’ve practised hard for the race, you should do your best to win. Listening Cao Jing: I don’t think so. Winning isn’t always the most important thing. Lily: But that doesn’t make any sense. What if an athlete is competing for her country? She should think about the fans and the honour. Cao Jing: I see what you mean, but I still don’t think that you’re right. Helping others should always come first. Listening Match each opinion with the right speaker. Cao Jing ____ Lily ____ Max ____ A. An athlete should do his/her best to win. B. The girl should stop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than winning! C. An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country. Listening B Listen to this part and find out the answer to the question. Max: What? Why did she do that? Cao Jing: I think she thought it was the right thing to do. It’s more important to help each other than to win. Lily: I don’t agree. If someone falls during a race, that’s too bad. It’s just part of the race. Max: Exactly! If you’ve practised hard for the race, you should do your best to win. Listening Cao Jing: I don’t think so. Winning isn’t always the most important thing. Lily: But that doesn’t make any sense. What if an athlete is competing for her country? She should think about the fans and the honour. Cao Jing: I see what you mean, but I still don’t think that you’re right. Helping others should always come first. Listening Match each opinion with the right speaker. Cao Jing ____ Lily ____ Max ____ A. An athlete should do his/her best to win. B. The girl should stop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than winning! C. An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country. Listening B C A Listen to this part and find out the answer to the question. Max: What? Why did she do that? Cao Jing: I think she thought it was the right thing to do. It’s more important to help each other than to win. Lily: I don’t agree. If someone falls during a race, that’s too bad. It’s just part of the race. Max: Exactly! If you’ve practised hard for the race, you should do your best to win. Listening Who do you agree with? Why? Listening Listening Circle the expressions that you hear in the conversation. • What is your opinion? üAn athlete should do his/her best to win. üAn athlete should think about honour first. üWinning isn’t always the most important thing. ü A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team. Practising vi. 假装 Read the conversation and underline the expressions to show agreement or disagreement. A: I agree with the idea that a soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team. You should never cheat. B: Exactly! It’s important to do the right thing. Talking vi. 作弊;舞弊 Read the conversation and underline the expressions to show agreement or disagreement. C: Well, I don’t think so. Many players do it, and they think it helps the team. A: That doesn’t make any sense! B: I see what you mean, but the audience wants fair play. Talking n. 观众 Read the conversation and underline the expressions to show agreement or disagreement. A: I agree with the idea that a soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team. You should never cheat. B: Exactly! It’s important to do the right thing. Talking Read the conversation and underline the expressions to show agreement or disagreement. C: Well, I don’t think so. Many players do it, and they think it helps the team. A: That doesn’t make any sense! B: I see what you mean, but the audience wants fair play. Talking Talking Make a list of reasons for agreement and disagreement. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement Talking Make a list of reasons for agreement and disagreement. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement ü Honesty is more important. ü People care more about fair play. ü … Talking Make a list of reasons for agreement and disagreement. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement ü Honesty is more important. ü People care more about fair play. ü … ü Winning is more important. ü It helps the team to win. ü … • What is your opinion? Situation 1. In school teams, everyone should get a chance to play, not only the best players. Situation 2. It is wrong to pay people millions of yuan to play sports. Situation 3. Athletes should play only for their own country. Talking Talking Make a list of reasons for agreement and disagreement. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement Talking In school teams, everyone should get a chance to play, not only the best players. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement üEqual chance is important. üIt helps to spread the spirit of sports. ü… üTo win is the most important thing. üThe best players can help a team to win. ü… Talking It is wrong to pay people millions of yuan to play sports. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement üIt spoils the spirit of sports. üIt might encourage people to cheat. ü… üIt is a good way to motivate athletes. üIt helps to attract more talented people. ü… Talking Athletes should play only for their own country. Reason for agreement Reason for disagreement üIt will set an example of loving one’s own country. üThey can get more support from fans. ü… üIt is not beneficial for personal growth. üIt is not good for the competition. ü… Homework Choose one of the situations below and make a conversation.

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