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1. Then the man explained that the child heard nothing strange, and that the shell caught a range of sounds too faint for human ears.(翻译) 随后男子解释说,孩子听到的声音没有什么奇 怪的,只不过是贝壳捕捉到了种种对于人的耳 朵来说过于微弱的声音而已。 range n. 一组,一系列 a range of : a variety of things of a particular type 一系列, 一套(同类) eg The company provides a full range of financial services. 这家公司提供全面的金融服务。 I offered her a range of opinions. 我给了她各种选择。 range between A and B 在A和B之间变化或变动 range from A to B 从A延伸到B; 从A到B不等 eg The population of these cities ranges between 3 and 5 million. The show had a massive audience, ranging from children to grandparents. range v. (在一定的范围内)变动,变化 1) 他做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到司机。 2) 这里给孩子们提供了各种活动。 翻译下面句子。 He has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to driver. There is a full range of activities for children. eg Their laughter grew fainter as they walked down the road. 他们沿路走远时,笑声也越来越模糊了。 faint adj. : difficult to see, hear, smell etc. (光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的” 回译: 随后男子解释说,孩子听到的声音没有什么奇 怪的,只不过是贝壳捕捉到了种种对于人的耳 朵来说过于微弱的声音而已。 Then the man explained that the child heard nothing strange, and that the shell caught a range of sounds too faint for human ears. 2. Some such experience as this lies in store for us when we begin the study of literature. 当我们开始学习文学的时候,我们也会有如 此这般的体验。 in store for sb: if something unexpected such as a surprise or problem is in store for someone, it is about to happen to them 即将发生在某人身上,等待着 某人 eg We never know what life holds in store for us. 我们永远不知道等待我们的将是怎样的生活。 There's a real treat in store for you this New Year! 今年新年有件很开心的事情等着你! 3. Let a little song appeal to the ear, or a great book to the heart, and we discover a new world, a world of dreams and magic. (翻译) 让一首小曲愉悦我们的耳朵,或者让一部巨 著触动我们的心灵,这样我们就会发现一个 全新的世界,一个充满梦想和魔力的世界。 appeal vi. : if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting 有吸引力 appeal to 有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣 eg That sort of music doesn’t appeal to me much. The idea of starting my own business really ________________. 创业这个主意对我很有吸引力。 appears to me appeal vi. : to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc 恳请,恳求; 呼吁 appeal for sth. 呼吁某事; 请求给予 appeal to sb. for sth. 请求某人某事/为某事向某人提出呼吁 appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事 eg Sophie had some difficulty solving the problem, so she appealed for help. The police are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl. May I appeal to you to throw yourself whole-heartedly into the work? appeal n. : 1) a quality that makes people like something or someone 感染力,吸引力 2) an urgent request for something important 恳求; 呼吁 make an appeal to sb. 向某人提出呼吁 eg Films like that have lost their appeal for me. She made an appeal to her father for help. 【拓展】 appealing adj. 吸引人的 句中or a great book to the heart是省略句,完 整的表述为or let a great book appeal to the heart. 使用省略的目的是避免重复,使语言精炼。 eg Some tourists spoke English, others German. 有些游客讲英语,其他的讲德语。 Let a little song appeal to the ear, or a great book to the heart, and we discover a new world, a world of dreams and magic. 回译: 让一首小曲愉悦我们的耳朵,或者让一部巨著 触动我们的心灵,这样我们就会发现一个全新 的世界,一个充满梦想和魔力的世界。 Let a little song appeal to the ear, or a great book to the heart, and we discover a new world, a world of dreams and magic. ① It is the way he teaches maths that _________ (appeal) to me, not maths itself. ② We should appeal _____ people to save things that the nature offers to us. ③ They appealed to the villagers ______ money to build the bridge. 根据所给提示完成句子。 appeals to for 单句语法填空。 1) The government appealed to the International Red Cross ________ (help) the people suffering from the floods. 2) What’s more, it is another effective way to appeal _____ the news media. 一句多译。 3) 作者向我们呼吁要对动物更加友好。 ① The author ____________________ be more kind to animals. (appeal v.) ② The author ________________________ be more kind to animals. (appeal n. ) to help to appeals to us to makes an appeal to us to 4. We must know all these, if the book is to speak its whole message. 如果要了解一本书所传递的全部信息,我们 就必须了解所有这些内容。 is to speak是将来时be to do的用法,表示 按计划将要发生的事。 eg We ____________ at the school gate. 我们约在学校门口见。 are to meet 5. The first step is to ___________ some of its significant qualities. 第一步是确定它的一些重要特质。 determine vt. : 1) to discover the facts about something or to calculate something exactly 确定 determine eg We have to conduct an investigation to determine the exact cause of the car crash. 我们不得不开展调查以确定这起车祸的确 切原因。 The aim of our research is to determine what is true, not what is reasonable. 我们研究的目的是要确定什么是真实的, 而不是什么是合理的。 determine vt. : 2) to officially decide and / or arrange something (正式) 决定,规定 eg A date for the final game has yet to be determined. 决赛的日期还有待确定。 determine vt. : 3) to decide to do something 决心做某事 eg In order to pass the exam to be held next month, Mary _______________________. 为了通过下月举行的考试,玛丽下决心努力 学习。 determines to study hard 【拓展】 determined adj. 坚定的;毅然的 determination n.决心 汉译英。 1) 他们实际上从没查明事故的原因。 2) 我们决心立即离开。 They never actually determined the cause of the accident. We determined to leave at once. 6. Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention, just as the shell reflects the unnoticed sounds. (翻译) 一些真与美一直被人忽视,直到一个敏锐的 人类灵魂让它们引起我们的注意,正如贝壳 捕捉到了我们未曾注意的声音一样。 sensitive adj. 感觉敏锐的;体贴的;敏感的; 灵敏的 eg His sensitive ear caught the slightest sound. My sister is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. She’s very sensitive about her weight. My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. A sensitive instrument is one that will measure very small quantities. reflect v. 1) to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling 反映,显示 eg The drop in plastic bag use reflects concern about the environment. 塑料袋使用量的减少反映了人们对环境的 关注。 reflect v. 2) if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water 反映,照出(影像) eg He saw himself reflected in the water / mirror / shop window. reflect v. 3) if a surface reflects light, heat, or sound, it sends back the light etc that reaches it 反射(光、热或声音) eg The sidewalks reflect heat on a hot day. reflect v. 4) When you reflect on something, you think deeply about it. 沉思;深思 eg The manager needed time to reflect on / upon the likely consequences of this course of action. He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. reflect on/upon sth. 思考某事 【拓展】reflection n. 反映, 反射; 映象, 倒影 补全句子。 1) Wear something white — it _______ _______ ________ (反射热量). 2) Your clothes are often ______ _________ ____ ______ __________ (一种你个性的反映). 3) I need time to ________ ________ ________ ________ (认真思考你的建议). 4) His behavior ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ (显示了他对待 工作的懒惰态度). reflects the heat a reflection of your personality reflect on your advice reflects his lazy attitude to work 7. One who reads it is capable of seeing the beauty that was hidden from his eyes before. 读了这句诗的人便能看到以前隐匿在眼前的 美。 capable adj. 1) having the qualities or ability needed to do something 有能力,有才能 be capable of 有能力 eg You are capable of better work than this. I __________________________________ myself. 我完全有能力照顾自己。 am perfectly capable of looking after capable adj. 2) able to do things well 能力强的,能干的 eg She's a very capable worker. 8. To achieve this, it should contain two elements: universal interest and personal style. 要实现这一点,它须包含两个要求:广泛的 关切和个人的风格。 contain vt. 1) to have something inside or as a part 包含,含有,容纳 eg This book contains all the information you need. This kind of vegetable is beneficial to your health, as it contains a lot of vitamins. contain vt. 2) to keep one’s feeling under control 控制 eg Try to contain yourself and don’t burst into tears in front of your mother. She ________________________ after being treated that way. 在被那样对待之后,她无法控制自己的情 绪。 couldn't contain herself eg Firefighters are trying their best to contain the forest fire. The government has successfully contained the epidemic. 政府成功控制住了疫情。 contain sth. : to prevent something harmful from spreading or getting worse 抑制; 控制 根据语境猜测contain的意思。 1) How much liquid do you think this bottle contains? _______________ 2) She could no longer contain her anger and shouted at him uncontrollably. ____________ 包含,容纳 抑制(感情) contain 通常指某容器中盛有、装有某物; 还可指某种物质中含有某种成分。 不能用于被动语态和进行时。 include 通常表示把某事物或某人作为其中 的一部分包含在内,在句中常构成 分词短语sth. /sb. included 或 including sth./ sb. contain, include 汉译英。 1) 全班四十个人中包括二十个女生。 The class of forty includes twenty girls. 2) 她考试通过了,所以不能抑制住内心的激 动。 She passed the exam and was unable to contain her excitement. 3) 垃圾食品含有很多有害物质(substance)。 Junk food contains a lot of harmful substances. 9. In summary, literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and beauty, the written record of man’s thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul. (翻译) 总之,文学是以真和美的形式对生命的表达, 是人类思想和感悟的写照,是人类灵魂的历 史。 summary n. :a short statement that gives the main information about something, without giving all the details 总结,摘要,概要 in summary: usually used to introduce a brief statement of the most important information in a piece of writing or speech 总的来说 eg A brief summary is given on a separate sheet. 摘要写在单独的一页上。 In summary, I cannot thank you enough for helping me out. 总之,对您的帮忙我感谢不尽。 in forms of / in the form of…: in the way something is or appears to be 形式,方式 eg They usually provide aid in forms of international cooperation. 他们通常以国际合作的形式提供援助。 回译: 总之,文学是以真和美的形式对生命的表达, 是人类思想和感悟的写照,是人类灵魂的历史。 In summary, literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and beauty, the written record of man’s thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul.

资料: 3.2万


