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考点精讲六  八年级(上) Units 3-4 冀教版八年级上册英语期末复习课件(2) however celebrate past attend meal conversation post thirsty complete bank whole sound blew blown alive lively attendance fitted/fit cost wonderful chose chosen choice celebration born banker deeper deepest deeply perfectly him his himself  interviewer interviewee completely MidAutumn Festival the same size as… best wishes to… such as on the top of in fashion at the first crossing across from be/get lost add…to… stay in touch with… try on have no luck turn off make a wish blow out go past/by… turn left/right be busy doing… have the flu pick up go/walk through chat with give…a big hug take a deep breath sound like face to face too…to… three  blocks Both and prefer rather than too to Taking photos get together MidAutumn Festival send to talk face to face attend worry about On Thanksgiving Day Did you have a birthday party What size do you like Is there a supermarket nearby  the way to Go down Turn right how can I get to D B not enough so  that too to  too to  C B have already B A D turn  on C D B A across  through cross  spend cost took pay takes to A A A repaired mending fixing fix/repair repair broken to   mend has   fixed A B A C C B B D himself strawberries months' cross turn  off D A C A postman interviewer choice deeply chat with doesn't   fit Have sent Never cross the road in a hurry. Why  does Can help far    from stay touch  Walk    through too to rather    than parties Others celebration on usually enough makes a wish out receive funny 第一篇 教材系统复习  考点精练六 八年级(上) Units 3-4 D A B A A A D D C A A A B D C C D B A B A C A D  B said worried Staying so shown through  study useful teach physical They would arrange a special and big dinner,too/as well. 整件衣服颜色鲜艳,意味着国家富裕,人民幸福。 was brought  The final day of the 12th month. Dumplings. pianist oceans surprised advises coughed

资料: 8611


