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Units 13 — 14 (九全) Ⅰ.单项选择 1.—Could you tell me the of making such tasty cakes? —Well, I just follow the instructions in the cookbook. A.time B.method C.menu 2.—Why not ask Bob to join in the trip to the zoo tomorrow? —Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems . A.careless B.personal C.cruel 3.So many people are fond of this product because it has the advantage of being both easy and cheap. A.direct B.double C.down 4.—Jack, have you done your ? —Not yet. I still have some information to research. A.survey B.speech C.standard 5.Yesterday our headmaster made a speech environmental protection, and we learned something about recycling of waste. A.on B.at C.to 6.My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from the of my heart. A.bottom B.condition C.task 7.As students, we should ourselves. We can't spend much time playing computer games. A.be responsible for B.be proud of C.be popular with 8.People in many big cities have to early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning. A.set out B.put out C.take out 9.—Gina, you look thinner. What's the secret? — , I exercise more than before. A.First of all B.As a result C.In that case 10.—After the big exams, we can finally have a good relax. —How I a chance to have a trip! A.am worried about B.am good at C.am thirsty for Ⅱ.阅读填表格 Food waste is a world's problem. Every year, about 1.3 billion tons, or one-third of all the food produced is thrown away, according to a survey. Using just 25 percent of that wasted food could feed 870 million hungry people, which would end world hunger. The people of France wasted 234 pounds of food per person, which is much better than some other countries. In the past, France wasn't good at controlling food waste, but now the country takes the lead. A law was made by French government. It made France the first country in the world to prevent supermarkets from throwing away unused food. Now supermarkets of a certain size must donate unused food, or they will face a fine. There are other rules requiring schools to teach students about food sustainability(可持续性). They also ask companies to report the food waste numbers in their environmental reports. And restaurants should provide takeout bags. “These laws make it a standard to reduce waste,” says Marie Mourad, a student in Paris who has written several reports on French food waste. “France is not the country that wastes the least food, but Frenchmen have become the most active because they want to be the example in Europe.” “Preventing supermarkets from throwing away food means a lot,” says Jonathan Bloom, a famous writer. “This step has also influenced parts of French food industry.” It is everyone's duty to fight against food waste. Everyone should pay attention and take an active part in it. Ⅲ.[2020·山西百校联考]阅读回答问题 If you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a “lesson” in garbage sorting( 垃 圾 分 类 ),as the city has introduced new garbage-sorting regulations( 条 例 )since last July. People are required to sort garbage into four different kinds. They are namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. What's more, if people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan. The regulations took effect. The amount( 数 量 )of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced by an average(平均的) of 15,500 tons, dropping by 26 percent from the end of 2018, while the average weight of daily recyclables hits 4,200 tons, five times higher than that at the end of 2018. Following the practice in Shanghai, more Chinese cities are introducing garbage-sorting regulations. By the end of 2021, garbage-sorting systems will have been built in 46 major Chinese cities. Beijing has started to carry out garbage-sorting since May 1 this year. Citizens are required to sort garbage into four kinds:recyclable, kitchen, hazardous and other waste. People who fail to sort their garbage properly can be fined 50 to 200 yuan. Food waste is a problem around the world. Every year, if people used just a 11. of that wasted food, the world hunger would end. In the past, France didn't do well in controlling food waste, but now the country has taken the lead. For example, supermarket of a certain size must donate unused food, or they will be 12. . Restaurants should 13. takeout bags to customers. Jonathan, a writer thinks it's 14. to prevent supermarkets from throwing away food.In the writer's opinion, everyone should take an active part in 15. against food waste. Besides China, many other foreign countries have also introduced garbage-sorting regulations. Garbage sorting and recycling around the world Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get some money. 人们 喜欢这样,因为他们在保护环境的同时还能赚钱。 Japan: Waste sorting has become a basic survival skill. There is a fixed time to deal with each kind of garbage and littering can cause high fines and even jail(监狱) time. Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations. An-hour-long bus ride costs three large bottles, five medium bottles or ten plastic cups. According to a study, over 90 percent of the public believe that garbage sorting is necessary for the protection of the environment. However, garbage sorting is still a big problem in China. Only 30 percent of people say they are carefully sorting their trash. It's partly because many people don't realize the meaning of garbage sorting to the environmental protection. And in the past some garbage regulations didn't give clear fines for those who failed to sort garbage. 16.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.What was the average weight of daily recyclables in Shanghai at the end of 2018? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.What color garbage bin should citizens in Beijing throw waste flowers in? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.Please translate the underlined sentence into English. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.According to the passage, how can the big problem mentioned in the last paragraph be solved? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.Do you think people should be fined if they don't sort their garbage properly? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ.词语运用 problem hang north solve unless dark force stay safe pollute if bright Smog is a health concern in many areas, such as China's capital. Beijing started the New Year with heavy smog 22. over the city. Because the thick clouds mix with smoke and air pollution, the skies seemed 23. than usual. People in Beijing were forced to wear masks (口罩) from the heavy smog when traveling. Masks can help prevent them from breathing the small pieces of unhealthy particulates (微粒) in the air. The smog has led to delays(延误) of airline flights, 24. involving shipping and port operations(港口 作业), and school closing in the north and center of the country. In early January, more than 2,000 people 25. to stay on a ship for two days because of smog. The thick clouds prevented the ship from reaching the port of Tianjin 26. . The government and environmentalists say the smog is coming from coal-burning factories and power stations. Chinese officials are trying to limit (限制) the use of coal in the very cold, 27. parts of the country. Across large areas of the countryside, people burn coal in home stoves (火炉) 28. warm. Between 1950 and 1980, coal was given to people for free. Today many Chinese still depend on it for heating. Environmentalists say both the large industrial plants and small stoves are responsible for China's air 29. . Some people in Beijing are angry about living in a polluted cloud.“I believe we 30. the problem finally, but the thing is how long does it take for them to deal with it? 31. they need a few decades(几十年), my child will live under the smog all his life and I will end my life in smog as well. If so, where is the hope?” As long as coal remains the cheapest way to stay warm, China still has a long way to work for cleaner air. 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.1.B 2.C 考查形容词辨析。句意:“为什么不请鲍勃加入明天去动物园的旅行呢?”“我们组的每个人都喜爱动物,但是 鲍勃似乎总是很残忍。”根据答句中的“but”可知,后半句表示句意的转折。故选 C。 3.B 4.A 5.A 考查介词辨析。句意:昨天我们的校长做了一个关于环境保护的演讲,并且我们学到了一些关于废物回收 利用的知识。介词 on 有 “关于” 的含义,常用于表示 report, lecture, speech 的主题。故选 A。 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.C Ⅱ.11.quarter 12.fined 13.offer 14.meaningful 15.fighting Ⅲ.16.人们应按要求把垃圾分成四种不同的类型。 17.700 tons. 18.Green. 19.People like this because they can get money while protecting the environment. 20.By teaching people the importance of garbage sorting and giving clear fines for those who fail to sort their garbage properly. 21.Answers vary.(Yes, I do. Because it's a way to stop people from throwing rubbish everywhere./No,I don't. Because many people have little knowledge about garbage sorting./…) Ⅳ.22.hanging 23.darker 24.problems 25.were forced 26.safely 27.northen 28.to stay 29.pollution 30.will solve 31.If

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