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2021 中考英语复习之真题阅读词块与阅读练习(十九) 2019 年湖南省湘潭市中考英语试卷 目录 内容 第一部分 中考真题试做 第二部分 真题词块解析 第三部分 阅读练习 一:真题试做 It's late evening.Sun Tian is using her smartphone do her homework.The 15﹣year﹣ old girl from Zhejiang uses an app to read Engish articles according to her teachers instructions. These days,it's normal for teachers to give homework on apps.For example,students are asked to practice English or do math exercises.Some teachers also use Wechat chat groups to give homework.Bu now,Zhejiang province is moving io ban(禁止)teachers fom giving homework on mobile apps because they worry about sudents' eyesight.More than 70 percent of middle school students in China are found to be nearsighted,according to the World Health Organization.Using mobile phones for long periods of time is bad for our eyes. Do students like to do their homework on their phones?Zhang Hua,a 13﹣year﹣old boy from Fujian , said he doesn't . "Sometimes the apps can't recognize what I'm reading in English.I have to work on them for a long time to get a high score,"he said.He said his eyesight has gotten worse since he started using apps to do his homework. Howevwer,Wang Xidi,from Anhui,15,enjoys doing homework on apps."The apps have big databases(数据库)of math exercises!And I can revise(修改)my answers easily, "She said . "But the bad part is that I can't help playing with other apps while doing nmy homework." Zhou Tianyi,12,from Sichuan,also thinks it's fun to do homework with apps.Her teachers ask their students to dub(配音)English videos and make their own short videos."But if I have too much other homework to do,I feel like it's too much for me to finish,"she said. (1)From Paragraph 2. we know that . A. all teachers must give homework on mobile apps B. it's unusual for teachers to give homework on apps C. using mobile phones for a long time is bad for our eyes (2)Wang Xidi while doing her homework on apps. A. can't play with other apps B. often plays with other apps C. doesn't play with other apps (3)According to the passage, doesn' t like to do homework on apps. A.Zhang Hua B.Wang Xidi C. Zhou Tianyi (4)The text is most probably from . A. an ad B.a newspaper C.a story book (5)What's the best title of this text? A. Protecting our eyes B. Playing games on a phone C. Doing homework on a phone 二:词块梳理 databases 美 /ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪsɪz; ˈdætəˌbeɪsɪz/ n. [计] 数据库;资料库(database 的复数) v. 把信息存入数据库(database 的第三人称单数) 双语例句 1.Computerized databases are proliferating fast. 计算机存储数据库正在迅速发展。 2.Or you can set up databases on any number of servers and access them from particularworkstations. 或者你可以在任意数目的服务器上建立数据库,并从特定的工作站获 取数据。 3.This test should measure how the feature handles the load caus ed by large databases. 这个测试应度量该特性如何处理由大型数据库引起的负载。 revise 英 /rɪˈvaɪz/ 美 /rɪˈvaɪz/ vt. 修正;复习;校订 vi. 修订;校订;复习功课 n. 修订;校订 n. (Revise)人名;(法)勒维斯 过去式 revised 过去分词 revised 现在分词 revising 第三人称单数 revises 双语例句 1.I can't come out tonight. I have to revise. 我今晚不能出去。我得复习。 2.With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession. 随着时间的推移,他开始修正自己对这一职业的看法。 3.Revise the draft to improve its content. 修改草案,完善内容。 dub 英 /dʌb/ v. 给……起别名(或绰号);封……为爵士;装上(假蝇)做钓饵; 将(软毛、羊毛等材料)掺入鱼饵;在(皮革上)涂油;译制;配音; 复制;合成;(高尔夫)打糟(球的一击);付清,捐款 n. 配音,配乐;混录音乐;新手;强节奏音乐,强节拍诗歌;鼓声; 笨蛋 n. (Dub) (乌克兰、美)杜布(人名) 过去式 dubbed 过去分词 dubbed 现在分词 dubbing 双语例句 1.Running on a variety of phones, Dub lets you swap business cards electronically, even withpeople who don't use the service. Dub 可以在多种手机上运行,让你可以通过电子方式交换名片,甚至 可以与不使用这项服务的人交换名片。 2.We have two main cafeterias, the Ratty and the V-Dub, which are on opposite sides, Southand North. 我们有两个主要的食堂,一个叫 Ratty,一个叫 V-Dub,两个食堂在 相反的方位,一个在南边,一个在北边。 3.One of the concerns for students in this course, particularly those we dub less comfortableis that you're already starting off at a disadvantage. 对于这门课的学生,尤其是那些被我们称为不太舒服的学生来说,首 先要考虑的是你们已经处于劣势了。 make 英 /meɪk/ vt. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安 排;引起;构成 vi. 开始;前进;增大;被制造 n. 制造;构造;性情 n. (Make)人名;(塞、南非)马克 过去式 made 过去分词 made 现在分词 making 第三人称单数 makes 双语例句 1.I'd just like to make a comment. 我只想做一下评论。 2.Four quarters make a whole. 四个四分之一构成一个整体。 3.Nothing will make me change my mind. 什么都不能让我改变主意。 homework 英 /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ n. 家庭作业,课外作业 双语例句 1.How much homework do you get? 你有多少家庭作业? 2.He let us off homework today. 他今天免了我们的家庭作业。 3.I'll do my homework after supper. 晚饭后我要做家庭作业。 三. 阅读练习 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo Time: April 29﹣October7 Theme: Live Green, Live Better. Many flowers and herbs from both home and abroad are on display at the expo. There are also lots of wildflowers. Around 110 countries and intemational organizations take part in the expo. The expo has 4l outdoor display centers and about 2,500 activities. 注: International Horticultural Expo 世界园艺博览会 (1)How long will the expo last? A. More than 5 months. B.More than 6 months. D.Less than 5 months. (2)Which of the following about the 2019 Beijing Intemational Horticultural Expo is true? A. You can' t see wildflowers at the expo. B. There are many flowers and herbs from both China and other countries. C. About 4l countries and intemational organizations take part in the expo.

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