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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ? Section A (3a-3c) 说课稿 本课内容是人教版八年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ? SectionA (3a-3c)第二课时。现在我从教材内容 分析、教学重、难点及教法、学法和教学过程进行如下具体阐述: 一、说教材(地位和作用) 本节课教材内容是阅读课,体会现在完成时在阅读文章(鲁滨 逊漂流记)中的应用以及对阅读文章的理解分析。教学中教师通 过引导学习、学生间的互相学习、学生的自主学文的学习帮助学 生理解文章内容。比较贴近学生的学习生活,能激发学生的学习 兴趣。 在 本单元中起着拓展和巩固的关键作用,在本节课中通 过短文,掌握一些新词及短语,并学会能够利用信息进行复述。 通过本节课的教学,进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,提高读写 能力。 二、说教学目标: [知识与技能] 1、知识目标: (1)学习并掌握本课的重点词汇、短语及句型。 (2)掌握常用动词的过去分词的拼写形式。 2、能力目标: 体会现在完成时在阅读文章(鲁滨逊漂流记)中的 应用以及对 阅读文章的理解分析。学生能用自己的话清晰地复述文章。 3、情感目标: 通过对(鲁滨逊漂流记)节选部分的学习,引导学生在生活和学 习要不放弃。乐观积极和勇敢坚强的精神。 三、说教学重、难点 教学重点: (1)词汇:(2) 句型 (3)掌握文章内容 教学难点: 提高学生的读写技能,进一步理解现在完成时。 l 四、说学情分析 八年级学生精力旺盛,求知欲强,不太乐于表现自己,对英 语文章的阅读策略有所了解,,对英语来说比较感兴趣。但是学生 基础差,对于语法需要详细讲解,面对全体学生,调动学生的积 极性和兴趣,达到英语教学标准。 五、说教法和学法 1、教法 英语新课程标准倡导任务型教学模式,即让学生在教师的指 导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现该任务 的目标,感受成功。本课是阅读课,多在课堂设计上下工夫,通 过完成各项任务,来熟悉课文,理解课文。我采用的方法主要有: 情景教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、合作学习法、循序渐进法。 2、说学法 教师不仅是知识的传授者,更是教会学生学习方法、发展思 维的引导者。 鉴于所学单词及句型特点及学生现有知识水平,我准备引导学生 采用听、看、读、说的方法来学习本课。通过听、看,达到有所 思,有所得,帮助不同阶层的学生掌握学习重点;采用多表扬、 勤鼓励的评价方法,使不同层次的学生都有学习积极性,提高课 堂效率。 六、说教学环节 Step 1 Warming-up Enjoy an English song Step2.Review Review the phrases learnt in the last lesson. 1.金银岛 2.认为·····怎么样 3.出海 4.充满,装满 5.长大 6.在沙子上 7.放下 8.至少 Step 2 Before reading 1,Introduce the movie:Robinson Crusoe 2.to try to retell the story in students’ own words . 3.Read the passage and answer the following questions.(3a) What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? Step 3 While reading Present the new lesson Robinson Crusoe by showing the picture of the text ,And talk about what happened in the picture. 1)Read Para.1 to answer the four questions 1 Has Robinson foud the ship and made a small boat? 2 What things has he brought back? 3 Does he give up? What does he wait for? 4 What does he kill for food?What does he even learn to grow? 2) Read Para.2 to answer the four questions 1 What did he find on the sand a few weeks ago? 2 What did he see not long after that? What did he do to help the man? 3 Why did Robinson name the man Friday? 4 What has Robinson taught Friday? 3) Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings.(3b) 1. You can use these to shoot things: _____ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _____ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: ______ 4. You can use these to cut things: ______ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: ______ 4)Students read the whole passage carefully and find out the difficult points. arrive on this island, make a boat, bring back, give up, wait for, cut down, build a house, kill…for food, the marks of another man’s feet, who else, see sb. doing sth., run towards, help sb. do sth., name sb. …, teach sb. Sth. 5) Retell 3a according to the difficult points. Step 4 After reading(3c) Correct the sentences. 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build a house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. Step 5 Discussion If you are Robinson ,what will you do? Talk about what you can do if you are in danger. Step 6.Pratice Ask :Have you read Little Women /Treasure Island /Alice in Wonderland /Oliver Twist....yet? Yes ,I have ./No,Ihave’nt. Show some phrsaes on the screen: Make a model plane buy a doll have been to Beijing wash clothes play the piano Then ask some questions using the phraseas . Have you ....? /has he ....? Yes ,I have . No ,I haven’t. Step7.Sum up The students sum up. Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Retell the story of Robinson Crusoe. 问题及反思: 一、新单词。课件设计中,除了对新单词的学习外,还较为注重新单 词的语法知识,这一方面是较为详细,但也会使学生产生复杂心理。 对于新单词的语法,可以稍微一带而过,在真正讲语法知识的时候再 来细讲解。在课件上关于“用现在完成时句型谈论是否已经读过某本 书”这一环节的设计上有失妥当。可以把这部分的内容放在“预习自 检”后面。通过对这一环节知识的学习,再来进行互学,才能真正体 现“知识输入”后的“知识输出”。 二、学案内容的取舍。本节课能够挖掘的知识点有很多,但哪些是本 课时重点,有地要教授的知识点,我们要有所取舍,不面面俱到,最 终失去对重难点的把握。

资料: 3.2万


