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任务型阅读专题 江苏省常州“教学研究合作联盟”2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期期中试题 第四部分 任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 An inferiority complex(自卑情结) as the name suggests is a complex in which an individual has strong feelings of inferiority. While we all have weak points, the person with an inferiority complex will focus on these weaknesses and use them to evaluate their overall worth. As a result, they see themselves generally less important or successful than others. In some cases inferiority complex can lead to overcompensation. Here the individual does everything in his power to overcome his inferiority and this can mean that they end up in highly successful jobs, gaining great wealth and succeeding in powerful relationships. However while such a person might be a high achiever, a sense of inferiority will mean that they will always be less happy than they could be and it may have other negative impacts on their life. Another possible outcome of an inferiority complex is that the individual ends up backing down from difficult situations and acting without any sense of worth or entitlemen(t 权利). Here the person’s low self belief changes the way he behaves, and that in turn changes the way he is treated by others which in turn results in him actually becoming inferior in some ways. There are many factors that may lead to inferiority, but they tend to be the result of conditioned beliefs that come from continuous failure or criticism. Often parental attitudes can result in an inferiority complex if the child did not receive the right encouragement or unconditional love when growing up. In some cases an inferiority complex could also arise as a result of some kind of defect(缺陷) either physical or mental. If you are suffering from an inferiority complex, it's time that you did something about it. One of the very best ways to improve your self esteem is to find a loving partner. This is a great way to make you more confident as he or she will love you for who you are and always be there to support you and increase your confidence. Another is to take up a hobby. Find one thing that you are good at and then get your confidence from that. For instance, you might choose to take up a sport or woodwork, and then you can practice getting better at that and gain more confidence. Moreover, you can turn to self-help book. If you find the right books and follow the advice carefully, then it is possible to transform the way you view yourself and the way you present yourself. Concept of an inferiority complex An inferiority complex refers to a ___51___of self-worth and a mental state where people think they are not as good as others. Outcomes of an inferiority complex ● People with an inferiority complex may misjudge their value and consider other people___52___ to themselves. ● People with an inferiority complex are likely to spare no___53___ to fight inferiority and becomes a higher achiever finally, but they may still feel less happy. ● An inferiority complex can lead people to___54___from difficult situations and act improperly. ___55___of an inferiority complex ● People who often lose out or are blamed continuously are more ___56___to suffer from an inferiority complex. ● Children having no ___57___to unconditional parental love and proper encouragement tend to have an inferiority complex. ● Physical or mental disabilities can increase the chances of an inferiority complex. Suggestions on overcoming an inferiority complex ● Find a loving partner who will always love you and be around to ___58___you, which helps you be more confident. ● Choose something you are ___59___in and practise it for better thus getting your confidence developed and increased. ● Find the most suitable self-help books and do as they advise, and you can change ___60___you view and represent yourself. 【答案】51. lack/shortage 52. superior 53. effort(s) 54. hide/withdraw/shrink 55. Causes 56. likely 57. access 58. support 59. interested/expert 60. how 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了自卑情结的定义和导致的结果,原因以及克服自卑情结的几 点建议。 【51 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第一段“An inferiority complex(自卑情结) as the name suggests is a complex in which an individual has strong feelings of inferiority”可知,自卑情结顾名思义是 一种个人有强烈自卑感的情结。所以自卑情结指的是缺乏自我价值感。所以空处填 lack/shortage“缺少” a lack/shortage of “缺少”。故填 lack/shortage 。 【52 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第一段“As a result, they see themselves generally less important or successful than others.”可知因此,他们通常认为,自己没有其他人重要或成功。自卑的人可 能会错误地判断自己的价值,认为别人比自己有优越。所以空处填 superior“较好的”,superior to sb/sth“超过某人/某物;胜过某人/某物”。故填 superior。 【53 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第二段“Here the individual does everything in his power to overcome his inferiority and this can mean that they end up in highly successful jobs, gaining great wealth and succeeding in powerful relationships”可知,有自卑情结的人会尽其所能克服自卑,这可能 意味着他们最终会获得非常成功的工作,获得巨大的财富,并在强大的人际关系中获得成 功。有自卑情结的人可能会不遗余力地克服自卑。所以空处填 efforts“努力”。spare no efforts to do sth“不遗余力做某事”。故填 effort(s) 。 54 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第三段“Another possible outcome of an inferiority complex is that the individual ends up backing down from difficult situations .”可知,自卑情结的另一个可能结果 是,个人最终从困境中退缩。所以自卑情结会导致人们从困境中退缩,行为不当。所以空 处 填 hide/withdraw/shrink “ 退 缩 ” 。 hide/withdraw/shrink from “ 退 出 ” 。 故 填 hide/withdraw/shrink 。 【55 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第四段“There are many factors that may lead to inferiority,”可知,有 许多因素可能导致自卑。所以本段在说导致自卑的原因。所以空处填 cause“原因”,cause of“的原因”。故填 Causes。 【56 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第四段“but they tend to be the result of conditioned beliefs that come from continuous failure or criticism”可知,但是,但它们往往是来自持续失败或批评的结果。 所以经常失败或不断受到责备的人更容易患自卑情结。所以空处填 likely“可能的”,be likely to do sth “可能做某事”。故填 likely 。 【57 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由第四段“Often parental attitudes can result in an inferiority complex if the child did not receive the right encouragement or unconditional love when growing up.”可知, 如果孩子在成长过程中没有得到正确的鼓励或无条件的爱,父母的态度往往会导致孩子自 卑。所以无法获得无条件父母关爱和适当鼓励的孩子往往有自卑情结。所以空处填 access“接 近;进入”,have no access to sth“有机会获得”。故填 access 。 【58 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由最后段“This is a great way to make you more confident as he or she will love you for who you are and always be there to support you and increase your confidence” 可知,这是一个让你更自信的好方法,因为他或她会爱你,永远支持你,增加你的自信。 所以找一个爱你,支持你的的伴侣,这有助于你更加自信。所以空处填 support“支持”,support sb “支持某人”。故填 support。 【59 题详解】 考查 提取 信息 的能 力。 由最 后段“Find one thing that you are good at and then get your confidence from that.”可知,找到一件你擅长的事情,然后从中获得自信。所以选择你感兴 趣的事情,好好地去做它,这样你的自信心就会得到发展和增强。所以空处填 interested/expert “感兴趣的/专业的”,be expert in“擅长” 故填 interested/expert。 【60 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。由最后段“If you find the right books and follow the advice carefully, then it is possible to transform the way you view yourself and the way you present yourself.”可知,如 果你找到了合适的书,并认真地遵循这些建议,那么你就有可能改变你看待自己的方式和 表现自己的方式。所以找到最合适的书籍,按照它们的建议去做,你就可以改变你看待和 表现自己的方式。故空处填表示“方式”的连接副词 how“怎样”。故填 how。 江苏省高邮市 2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期期中试题 第四部分 任务型阅读 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 Most people have a list of wishes—things that they think will bring them happiness. Happiness lists are easy to come up with. However, the mechanism behind them is somewhat complicated, since it involves what psychologist Daniel Gilbert calls the greatest achievement of the human brain—the ability to imagine. To imagine what will bring joy to our future selves requires mental time travel, which is a unique human skill resulting from two million years of evolution. We use this skill every day, predicting our future emotions and then making decisions, whether big or small, according to our forecasts of how they'll make our future selves feel. Yet, our imagination often fails us. When we're lucky enough to get what we wished for, we discover that it doesn’t come with everlasting happiness. And when the things we feared come to pass, we realize that they don't crush us after all. In dozens of studies, Gilbert has shown that we can mispredict emotional consequences of positive events, such as receiving gifts or winning football games, as much as negative events, like breaking up or losing an election. This impact bias(影响偏差) —overestimation of the intensity and duration of our emotional reactions to future events—is significant, because the prediction of the duration of our future emotions is what often shapes our decisions, including those concerning our happiness. Just as our immune systems work tirelessly to keep our bodies in good health, our psychological immune systems routinely employ an entire set of cognitive(认知) mechanisms in order to deal with life's habitual attack of less-than-pleasant circumstances. Actually, our psychological immune system has an impressive feature of its own: the ability to produce happiness. Thus, when life disappoints us, we “ignore, transform, and rearrange” information through a variety of creative strategies until the rough edges of negative effects have been dutifully dulled. When we fail to recognize this ability of our psychological immune systems to produce happiness, we're likely to make errors in our affective forecasting. Happiness, Gilbert points out, is a fast moving target. As passionate as we’re about finding it, we routinely misforecast what will make us happy, and how long our joy will last. In reality, he adds that the best way to make an affective forecast is not to use your imagination, but your eyes. Namely, instead of trying to predict how happy you'll be in a particular future, look closely at those who are already in the future that you’re merely contemplating(冥想) and ask how happy they are. If something makes others happy, it'll likely make you happy as well. Forecasting Happiness The mechanism behind happiness lists *It’s a bit complicated because of the involvement of the human ability to ____71____. *Mental time travel is a unique human skill we use on a(n) ___72___ basis to make predictions about our future emotions and then ___73___ all our decisions on them. The ___74___ with predicting happiness *We can make wrong predictions about emotional consequences of positive or negative events, which can ___75___ us from making right decisions. The functions of *Our psychological immune system routinely help ___76___ the psychological immune system unpleasant circumstances in life. *Our wrong affective forecasting results from our ___77___ to recognize the power of our psychological immune system. An effective ___78___ to predict happiness *Use your eyes ___79___ of your imagination while making affective forecasts. ____80____ others who are in the future that you’re contemplating and ask how happy they are. 【答案】71. imagine 72. daily 73. base 74. problem 75. prevent/keep/stop/discourage /block 76. handle/address/approach 77. failure/failing 78. way 79. instead 80. Observe 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。人们会用想象来预测幸福,然而这会带来问题。做出预测的有效方法不 是靠想象力,而是靠眼睛。 【71 题详解】 根 据 第 一 段 中 的 However, the mechanism behind them is somewhat complicated, since it involves what psychologist Daniel Gilbert calls the greatest achievement of the human brain—the ability to imagine.可知,幸福清单背后的机制有些复杂,因为它涉及心理学家丹尼尔·吉尔伯 特所说的人类大脑的最大成就——想象的能力。简而言之,幸福清单背后的机制有点复杂, 因为其涉及到人类(想象)的能力。故填 imagine。 【72 题详解】 根据第一段中的 To imagine what will bring joy to our future selves requires mental time travel, which is a unique human skill resulting from two million years of evolution. We use this skill every day,可知,想象什么会给我们未来的自己带来快乐需要心理时间旅行,这是人类 200 万年进化的独特技能。我们每天都在使用这一技巧。也就是心理时间旅行是(每天)都被 使用的,故填 daily。 【73 题详解】 根据第一段中的 then making decisions, whether big or small, according to our forecasts of how they'll make our future selves feel.可知,我们每天都在预测我们未来的情绪,然后根据我们对 未来自我感觉的预测做出决定,不管是大的还是小的。也就是我们的决定是(基于)对未 来的预测,故填 base。 【74 题详解】 根据第二段第一句话 Yet, our imagination often fails us.可知,我们的想象力经常让我们失望, 也就说预测幸福存在着(问题),故填 problem。 【75 题详解】 根据第三段中的 because the prediction of the duration of our future emotions is what often shapes our decisions 可知,对未来的预测会影响我们的决定,包括那些关于我们的幸福(的 决定)。也就是说如果我们做了错误的预测,这会阻止我们做出正确的决定。故填 prevent/keep/stop/discourage/block。 【76 题详解】 根据第三段中的 our psychological immune systems routinely employ an entire set of cognitive mechanisms in order to deal with life's habitual attack of less-than-pleasant circumstances.可知, 我们的心理免疫系统通常采用一整套认知机制以(应对)生活中不好的情况。所以填 handle/address/approach 等词。 【77 题详解】 根据第三段中的 When we fail to recognize this ability of our psychological immune systems to produce happiness, we're likely to make errors in our affective forecasting.可知,当我们没有意 识到我们的心理免疫系统产生快乐的能力时,我们很可能在情感预测上犯错误。也就是我 们在了解免疫系统力量方面的(失败)导致了我们错误的预测结果。故填 failure/failing。 【78 题详解】 根据 the best way to make an affective forecast is not to use your imagination, but your eyes.可 知,最后一段讲述了做出预测的一个最好的(方法)是运用你的眼睛而不是想象力。故填 way。 【79 题详解】 根据最后一段 In reality, he adds that the best way to make an affective forecast is not to use your imagination, but your eyes.可知,做出情感预测的最好方法不是运用你的想象力,而是运用 你的眼睛。换言之,用你的眼睛(而不是)想象力来做预测。故填 instead。 【80 题详解】 根据最后一段中的 Namely, instead of trying to predict how happy you'll be in a particular future, look closely at those who are already in the future 可知,用眼睛看不是试着去预测你未来会多 幸福而是(仔细观察)那些已经在未来的人。observe 意为“观察”切题。注意句子开头首字 母大写,故填 Observe。 江苏省无锡市江阴四校 2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期期中试题 七、任务型阅读(本大题共 10 题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中填入最恰当 单词。 注意:每空一词。 What Does Teamwork Really Mean? We often hear the word “teamwork”. But are you a team player? Understanding the question can surely promote team spirit as well as individual development. In many job interviews, a common question is whether the interviewee is a “team player”. More often than not, he or she will say “yes”. But what does being a team player really mean? On the most basic level, a team player is someone who can work within a group of people. This group is a number of people greater than one. Therefore it is an essential requirement of any employment that any potential employee is a team player. On a deeper level, a team player is someone who can play a role in the team, to achieve and support the goals set and agreed upon by the team. The simplest analogy(类似)to the corporate team would be a sports team. There are two main aims of the football team. One is to score goals and the other is to prevent the opposition team from scoring. In football, there are eleven players per side, and almost the same number of players in reserve. There are also other vital members of the team in the background, such as the coach, the doctor, etc. Every member of the team has a very specific role - as a captain, goalkeeper. Every member of the team is vital to the success of the team. If one player does not perform to the best of his or her ability, the team is handicapped(阻碍,妨碍). Similarly in the corporate world, each company has its clearly defined goals. Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals. Being a team player does not mean you should always agree with the rest of the team. There are times when your vision may differ from the vision of the company, the leader or the rest of the team. It may be a valid vision and if you believe in it strongly enough, you should share it with the rest of the team. If the leader is a competent one, he or she will assess it on its merits and not let ego(自我,自负) get in the way. However, if the team should not agree with your vision, don’t take it personally. They may find the idea inappropriate, not YOU personally. Don’t take it as a sign of personal rejection. If your leader or team members see that you can handle rejection of your ideas in a mature manner, it is only to your own credit. So, don’t be afraid to offer new ideas even seemingly crazy ones. Everyone in the team should feel free to offer ideas and not worry about them being dismissed. The pleasure of working in an environment where every member of the team is a team player is unparalleled. If you are not enjoying your working environment, chances are high that your team is also not working well. Ask yourself this: Are your team objectives in line with those of the company? If not, why not? What Does Teamwork Really Mean? Introduction ●When asked the question whether the interviewee is a “team player”, ____71____ he/she will say “yes”. The essence of a team player ●____72____, a team player is one who can work within a group of people. ●Deeply, a team player is one who can play a role in the team. ____73____ In a football team ●There are two aims of the football team---to score goals and prevent the opponents from scoring. ●Every member has a specific role and plays a(n) ____74____ role in the success of the team. In the corporate world ●Each company has its clearly defined goals. ●Every member of the team should ____75____their responsibility for their goals. ____76____ ●You should have your own idea when your vision ____77____with that of the company, the leader or the rest of the team. ●When others find the idea inappropriate, don’t take the rejection personally and you should handle it ____78____. ●Although seeming crazy, new ideas should be offered ____79____ and freely. Conclusion ●If you are not happy in your working environment, it is ____80____ that your team is not working well. 【答案】71. usually 72. basically 73. Analogy 74. important 75. take 76. Suggestions/Advice 77. disagree 78. maturely 79. bravely 80. likely 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了什么是团队合作以及成为团队成员应该做什么的的建议。 【71 题详解】 根据第一段中的“a common question is whether the interviewee is a “team player”. More often than not, he or she will say “yes”.”可知,一个常见的问题是受访者是否具有团队精神,通常 情况下,他或她会说“有”,故填 usually。 【72 题详解】 根据第二段中的“On the most basic level, a team player is someone who can work within a group of people.”可知,从基本层面上来讲,团队成员是能够在一群人当中工作的人,故填 basically。 【73 题详解】 根据第三段中的“The simplest analogy(类似)to the corporate team would be a sports team.” 可知,与企业团队最简单的类比就是体育团队,故填 Analogy。 【74 题详解】 根据第五段中的“Every member of the team is vital to the success of the team.”可知,团队里的 每个成员对团队的成功都是至关重要的,play an important role in 表示“在……中扮演重要角 色(发挥重要作用)”,故填 important。 【75 题详解】 根 据 第 六 段 中 的 “Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals.”可知,为了实现目标,团队中的每个成员都 有特定的角色和职责,take one’s responsibility for 表示“对……负责”,故填 take。 【76 题详解】 根据第七段中的“Being a team player does not mean you should always agree with the rest of the team.”可知,作为团队成员并不意味着你总是要同意团队里其他成员,接下来就介绍了 如何成为团队成员的几点建议,故填 Suggestions/Advice。 【77 题详解】 根据第七段中的“There are times when your vision may differ from the vision of the company, the leader or the rest of the team. It may be a valid vision and if you believe in it strongly enough” 可知,有时你的想法可能与公司领导和其他人的想法不同,如果你足够相信,它可能是一 个有效的想法,也就是说当你的想法与别人的想法不一致时,你应该坚持自己的想法, disagree with 表示“与……不一致”,故填 disagree。 【78 题详解】 根据第八段中的“They may find the idea inappropriate, not YOU personally. Don’t take it as a sign of personal rejection. If your leader or team members see that you can handle rejection of your ideas in a mature manner,”可知,当别人认为你的想法不合适时,不要认为是对你的个人 拒绝,要成熟地处理它,故填 maturely。 【79 题详解】 根据第九段中的“So, don’t be afraid to offer new ideas even seemingly crazy ones.”可知,不要 害怕提出你的新想法,即使它看起来很疯狂,也就是说要勇敢地提出自己的想法,故填 bravely。 【80 题详解】 根据倒数第二段中的“If you are not enjoying your working environment, chances are high that your team is also not working well.可知,如果你对工作氛围不满意,很可能是你的团队没有 很好地工作,be likely that 表示“很有可能……”,故填 likely。 【点睛】本篇第 5 题难度较大,根据空后的“responsibility”确定答案在第六段中的“Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals.”可知,为了实现目标,团队中的每个成员都有特定的角色和职责,也就是说每 个人都要对团队的目标负责,take one’s responsibility for 表示“对……负责”,故填 take。 江苏省沭阳县 2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期期中调研测试试题 第四部分: 任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个..最恰当的单 词。每个空格只填一个单词。 If you turn on the news, you can hear about hurricanes, earthquakes, and more happenings in our world every day, and these tragedies can reach us on a minute-by-minute basis. Furthermore, when we hear about the disasters, it is hard for us not to react emotionally, even when we are not directly affected by them. Therefore, learning how to cope in a world full of tragedy is something everyone needs. What we put into our mind has a powerful effect on our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. If you are exposing yourself to negative media sources for hours each day, then you are likely to begin feeling negative. It is good to be informed about world events and what is happening around the globe. However, it is another level to dwell on (细想) these events. If you find yourself constantly thinking about all the terrible things happening in the world, then you may have to limit your intake of negative things. Disasters are inevitable (不可避免的) in this world. When you are feeling that what is going on in the world is affecting your emotional well-being, it is time to make sure you are still keeping up with your life. Don’t stop your normal activities as a result of a disaster striking on the other side of the country. Donate and then move on with your life. It is even better if you can volunteer. What’s more, let the affected know you are concerned for them and hope that all is OK with them and their home. You will find that your expression of care toward others is cathartic (起 宣泄作用的) for your own emotional well-being. If you are having feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression because of what is happening in the world, then you should talk to someone. Share your thoughts and feelings with someone who cares about you, as they will be more willing to take the time to listen. If you find you are still feeling heavy, then you should contact a professional. They can help you work through your emotions. There is no such thing as a perfect world or perfect people, therefore natural and human disasters will continue. However, there is goodness in this world. There are good people and good things happening if you look for them. You’ll find yourself with a happier and more joyful spirit when you focus on the positive. When earthquakes happen, people often die. This is a sad reality. However, you can also read about stories of heroism and people helping others. These stories are what need to be celebrated. Find the glimmer of hope, heroism, or human decency (正派) in any situation and you will find yourself better dealing with the reality of the bad things that happen in today’s world. How to deal with negativity when disasters happen Introduction It is necessary to be able to deal with negativity since we can hear about all the terrible things going on around the world 71. ________ they happen and we can be emotionally affected by them. Limit your exposure to 72. ________ media ●We are likely to become a(n) reflection of what we expose ourselves to over time. ●It’s fine to learn about what is happening in the world, but don’t spend too much time 73. ________ the negative news. Keep up with 74. ________ activities Reach out to the 75. ________ people as soon as you can, and make contact with them to show your concern, which can also 76. ________ you. Talk it out ●Disasters may make you feel sad and 77. ________ your thoughts and feelings with a friend counts. ●If 78. ________, refer to a professional. Look for the positive around you ●Accept that there are always 79. ________. ●When disasters happen, try to 80. ________ on stories that can warm your heart. 71. immediately/directly/instantly 72. negative 73. considering 74. normal 75. affected 76. benefit 77. sharing 78. necessary 79. disasters 80. focus/concentrate/center/centre 江苏省泰州市姜堰区 2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期期中试题 八、任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。 注意:每空格只能填一个单词。 As the Internet has become widely used, the online bookstore has gained much popularity with consumers, which have a vital influence on the survival of many private small—and medium—sized physical bookshops, a cultural landmark in the cities in China. Apart from a campaign, “saving physical stores”, many Chinese politicians and scholars have also urged the government to adopt measures to prevent bookstores from closing down their businesses, because unlike shops selling other goods, physical bookstores play the important social role of passing down knowledge and culture to younger generations. Besides tax cut, the government should also take other measures to support and encourage the development of such bookstores. Online bookshops are popular because they offer customers easier access to books, more attractive prices, and delivery service. Readers can buy almost any book sitting at home. Physical bookstores have actually become “the exhibition halls” of online bookstores. People read and select books in physical bookstores, and then buy them from online bookstores. However, physical bookstores have their own advantages. The physical bookstores make people feel the existence of culture. Entering a bookstore is like absorbing various elements of culture. For example, they offer the choice of feeling a real book rather than just the chance to see the cover and read a few introductory lines. But they can also offer lower prices, sales promotions and better service, and organize readers’ club and other activities to attract more book lovers. A citywide delivery service could make it more convenient for readers to buy books from them. Moreover, the physical bookstores can make use of new technologies to improve their services, develop their online sales and expand their business. Theme How to (1)_______ physical bookstores Introduction The popularity of online bookstores is a (2)_________ to many real ones, so steps must be taken to help them (3)_____________. (4)___________of online bookshops ·The prices of the online books are (5) ________. ·Its delivery service makes people buy almost any book (6)__________. Suggestions ·The government should (7) ________ tax and take other measures. ·Physical bookstores have their own advantages (8) _______full use of. ·Some activities like (9)________ sales, lowering prices and bettering service should be organized. ·New technologies should be (10)_________ to improve physical bookstores’ services, develop their online sales and expand their business. 八、任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 1. save 2. challenge/threat 3. survive/develop/exist 4. Advantages/Benefits 5. lower/low/attractive 6. conveniently/easily/indoors 7. reduce/cut/lower 8. made 9.promoting 10. used/adopted

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