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2021 届高考英语词汇延伸与阅读练习(三十一) 1. spread /spred/ (spread,spread) v. & n. 延伸;伸/展/铺开;传播,蔓延,流传 拓展 spread about〔around〕广泛散布 spread from...to 从…传到… spread on 在…上涂 spread over 传遍,遍布,延续,覆盖 spread out 伸展,摊开;分散 spread throughout spread to 蔓延到 spread with 用…涂… 例句 The trees spread their branches over the house. 树枝伸向房屋的上方。 Television is a very efficient medium for spreading information. 电视是传播信息非常有效的工具。 串记 As the saying goes,good news will not be spread while the bad news will. 正如谚语所说:好事不出门,坏事传千里。 2. stage /steɪdʒ/ n. 舞台;(the ~)戏剧表演;阶段,时期 拓展 on the stage 舞台上 at a stage 在某一阶段 in a stage 在某个时期 例句 She stood alone on the enormous stage. 她孤零零地站在巨大的舞台上。 串记 At this stage, all the performers are familiar with the stage. 在这个阶段,所有的演员都熟悉这个舞台。 3. stand /stænd/ v.(stood,stood) 站,起立;坐落;忍受(bear);经受,持久;n. 架,货摊 拓展 stand aside 站到一边;让开;袖手旁观,不参与 stand by 袖手旁观,无动于衷;支持 stand for 代表,主张,容忍,接受 stand out 突出,显眼,杰出 stand up for 支持;维护 stand up to 经得起,耐……,勇敢地面对 stand sb./sth. doing sth. 忍受…做某事 outstanding adj.杰出的;显著的 例句 ①In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. 在中国,这些绳结(中国结)代表友谊、爱和好运。 ②As citizens of our country, it is our duty and responsibility to stand up for the legal rights of our own in the election. 作为我们国家的公民,在选举中维护我们的法定权利是我们的责任和义务。 ③ Good Heavens! How could you stand by/aside and allow such a thing to happen! 天哪!你怎么能够袖手旁观允许这种事情发生! ④I won't stand your talking to me like that. 我不容许你那样跟我讲话。 点津 stand 意为“忍受”时,常与 can, could 连用,常用于否定句和疑问句,其后 常接名词、代词或 v.ing 形式。不能用于进行时态。 串记 All the people must stand up for the leadership of the outstanding party because it stands for the whole nation’s interests. 所有人必须要坚决拥护杰出的党的领导,因为党代表的是全民的利益。 4. start /stɑːt/ v. 开始(同 start);出发(同 set/start out/off);发动;创/开办(同 establish/set up) 拓展 get(have)the start of 抢先.先发制人 start doing/ to do sth.开始做某事 get started 开始;被启动 start off/out 出发,开始 start up 开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现 to start with 首先;作为开始(同 to begin with) starter n. 开头的人或事;第一道菜;起动机,自动起动装置;发令员 例句 ①You can start the machine by pressing the button. 按一下按钮就能开动这机器。 ②At fourteen he started earning a living for himself. 十四岁时,他开始养活自己。 串记 To start with, astronauts should start out before they get started. 首先,在他们动身之前宇航员们就必须要先出发。 5. state /steɪt/ n.状态;情形;国家,(美国的)州;陈述,说明 拓展 (1)in a(n) ...state = in a state of ...处于……的状态 a good state of health/mind 良好的健康状况/心态 (2)It is stated that ... 据称…… state one's views 陈述自己的见解 (3)statement n. 声明;陈述 issue/make a statement 发表声明 statesman/statewoman n.政治家 例句 ①They will make a statement about the accident tomorrow. 他们明天将就这次事故发表声明。 ②In the face of failure, it is the most important to keep a good state of mind. 面对失败,最重要的是要保持良好的心态。 ③Those who disagree with the plan can state your views now. 那些不同意这个计划的人现在可以表达你的观点了。 串记 The stateman was for my statement,which made me in a good state. 这位政治家支持我的陈述,这使得我心情大好。 课后练习 As experts warn of a coming food crisis,the vertical(垂直的) farming industry aims to create plants that offer more nutritional value and require fewer resources.In vertical farms,plants are grown indoors.Each set of plants is stacked on another.Workers control the climate and closely monitor each plant’s growth. Aero-Farms is one of the top indoor-farming companies.One of its vertical farms is in a large building near a busy road in Newark,New Jersey.It grows more than 250 kinds of greens and herbs.Farmers wear gloves,coats and coverings on their head.Their shoes must be cleaned. Aero-Farms grows crops at the same rate throughout the year.The methods it uses lower soil erosion.They also reduce the amount of pesticides and water needed to grow the crops.The company says carbon emissions are heavily reduced.David Rosenberg is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Aero-Farms.“We could do this whether it is in the Sahara Desert or a city like Newark,” he said.“We think about how we can really bring and celebrate different types of varieties and different types of greens.” Alina Zolotareva is a dietitian and nutritionist at Aero-Farms.She says she wants people to eat more leafy greens like kale,one of the most nutritionally dense foods.She says if her company is to successfully encourage this kind of healthy eating,it must grow crops that taste good.“Americans especially don’t eat enough vegetables,and so for me the most exciting part is all of the different flavors that we have here. Recent World Bank studies predict that an estimated global population of 9 billion in 2050 will require at least 50 percent more food.Experts say the crisis will be worsened by climate change,which they believe will reduce crop yields by more than 25 percent during that time. 1.What can we know about vertical farms? A.They grow crops outdoors. B.They aims to plant safe crops. C.They usually cover a bigger area. D.They can control environment factors. 2.What’s the requirement for farmers in Aero-Farms? A.Neatness. B.Sociability. C.Physical strength. D.Good self-confidence. 3.What do you think of the crops in Aero-Farms? A.Watery. B.Muddy. C.Energy-efficient. D.Quick-growing. 4.Why is the last paragraph written by the author? A.To remind us of the seriousness of population problems. B.To stress the necessity of new farming approaches. C.To inform us of the popularity of vertical farming. D.To indicate the consequence of climate change. 本文是说明文。垂直农业也叫垂直农耕,是科学家为了研究未来农业发展面 临的人口压力及资源匮乏问题所提出的一个新概念,主要任务在于解决资源与空 间的充分利用,在于单位面积产量的最大化发挥,所形成的一种农业耕作方式。“垂 直农业”是当前普遍存在的室内温室的“升级版”,它与室外种植相比有很多优势。 1.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Workers control the climate and closely monitor each plant’s growth”可知,垂直农场工作人员可以控制气候变化、监控每一 颗植物的生长。因此,环境因素可以人工调控。 2.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Farmers wear gloves,coats and coverings on their head.Their shoes must be cleaned”可知,在 Aero-Farms,工作人员要保持干 净清洁。故选 A 项。 3.C 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 中 的 “The methods it uses lower soil erosion.They also reduce the amount of pesticides and water needed to grow the crops”可知,垂直农场的农作物比较节能。故选 C 项。 4.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,本段主要介绍了人口增多使得食 物需求量增加和气候变化使得食物供应量相对减少。而作者介绍这两方面的事实 其实都是为了突出文章的主题:垂直农业的必要性。

资料: 3.2万


