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  中考英语书面表达常见错误分析(四) 文体格式错误 要点领悟        英文日记的写作在全国各地中考书面表达题中占有较大的比例。它属于应用文的一种,这类书面表达题可以是提示性作文,也可以是看图(表)作文,无论是哪种形式,都要求按日记的格式进行写作。写作前都要仔细审题,抓住要点,理清叙述的顺序。信息提示         2008年3月12日是星期一,也是植树节。那天天气晴朗,上午8点半,老师和同学们在校门口集合,步行去西山植树。植树前,老师告诉同学们树木可以净化空气、防风固土、美化环境,并要求每人栽五棵小树。同学们干得都很卖力。班长林涛不顾生病,完成自己的任务后,又帮助其他人,他是我们学习的好榜样。请根据提示内容,写一篇日记。习作实况                                                                                     2008.3.12  Monday (1)                                        Sunny (2)   Dear friends (3),  It is March 12th today. At half past eight, all the teachers and students in our school gathered in front of the school gate. Then we went on foot to the Western Hill to plant trees. Before we started working, the teacher gave us a talk on the importance of planting trees. He said that trees can help to keep the air clean, protect us from strong wind and sand and make our city more beautiful. Then he showed us how to plant trees and asked each of us to plant at least five trees.        After that we started working. Some strong boys dug holes, some carried water and some girls put trees in the holes. We all worked hard. Among us, Lin Tao, our monitor set a good example to us. Though he was ill, he worked harder. When he finished his task, he went on to help others. He was wet all over after work. Looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled happily.                                                                                                                                                    Truly yours, (4)                                                        Mary Baker (5)                                                     精讲点拨        (1)将日记的日期2008.3.12  Monday 改为 Monday, March 12th, 2008或March 12th, 2008, Monday。写英文日记时应注意以下两点:英文日记的格式与中文日记的格式相差不大。日期和星期应写在第一行的左上角顶格位置,日期和星期的写法应注意:年、月、日俱全时,可按月、日、年或日、月、年的次序写。如:March 12th, 2008或12th March, 2008; 只有月、日时,其顺序为月、日,月份可用缩略式。如:September 20th或Sept. 20th;如果要写明星期几,可将其放在日期的前面或后面。如:Friday, Oct. 20, 2008或Oct. 20, 2008, Friday。(2)写日记时,天气状况应写在日期的右边且靠右顶格,而不是写在日期的下面。天气状况一般用形容词表示。如:Fine (晴),Sunny(晴), Rainy(雨), Snowy (雪), Windy(多风), Cloudy(多云)等。       (3)本文要求写一篇日记,而不是书信。Dear friends是用在写信时的称呼语,在写日记时应去掉。       (4)和(5)都是书信的落款格式,不能用在日记的写作中,要去掉。在写作文时,同学们一定要熟练掌握书信和日记的写作格式,不能混淆。精彩例文  Monday,March12th, 2007                                                               Sunny       It is March 12th today. At half past eight, all the teachers and students in our school gathered in front of the school gate. Then we went on foot to the Western Hill to plant trees.        Before we started working, the teacher gave us a talk on the importance of planting trees. He said that trees can help to keep the air clean, protect us from strong wind and sand and make our city more beautiful. Then he showed us how to plant trees and asked each of us to plant at least five trees.        After that we started working. Some strong boys dug holes, some carried water and some girls put trees in the holes. We all worked hard. Among us, Lin Tao, our monitor set a good example to us. Though he was ill, he worked harder. When he finished his task, he went on to help others. He was wet all over after work. Looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled happily.

资料: 29.3万


