9A Unit1---2中考练习题

9A Unit1---2中考练习题


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08英语中考复习单元复习 9A Unit1—2 练习题 I. 选择题 ( ) 1. Timmy often gets full marks in the exams, but he never shows off. He is very _____. A. curious B. certain C. modest D. practical ( ) 2.This road is not______ for heavy trucks to pass through. A. widely enough B. enough wide C. wide enough D. enough widely ( ) 3. It is important ____ you to learn English very well. A. of B. to C. for D. on ( ) 4. When Andy nearly reached the end of the 10,000-meter race, she felt _____ because all the other runners were far behind her. A. unhappy B. nervous C. confident D. unlucky ( ) 5. It’s generous _____ David to lend me his bike. A. of B. on C. for D. to ( ) 6. We’ll keep on _______ we succeed. A. trying after B. to try before C. trying until D. try until ( ) 7. _____ is wrong to play tricks on the old. A. This B. That C. It D. The ( ) 8. I want to do all I can _______ you. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped ( ) 9. Don’t talk in class, or the teacher will _______ you. A. agree with B. look after C. be angry with D. hear from ( ) 10. ---Would you mind _____ my pet dog while I’m away? ---Sure, no problem. A. look after B. to look after C. looked after D. looking after ( ) 11.I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything ( ) 12. --- Mum, I think I’m well enough to go to school. --- Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for _____ day. A. any B. other C. the other D. another ( ) 13. --- Dad, may I have some cakes? --- Sorry, there’s ______ left in the box. I’ll go and buy some for you tonight. A. nothing B. no one C. no D. none ( ) 14. I don’t have _____ to tell you. A. anything else B. else something C. else nothing D. something else ( ) 15.If _____ calls, tell ____ I’ll come back soon. A. everyone ; him B. someone; them C. anyone; him D. anybody; them ( ) 16. The bus is too crowded. I would rather ______ than_____. A. walk home; take the bus B. take the bus; walk home C. to walk home; take the bus D. walk home; to take the bus ( ) 17. Someone ______ the school gate now. A. are waiting for B. is waiting for C. are waiting at D. is waiting at ( ) 18. At weekends I prefer ______ at home to ____ out. A. stay;going B. staying; go C. staying; going D. to stay; go ( ) 19. I find English ______ to learn than Chinese now. A. easy B. easily C. easier D. more easily ( ) 20. The old photos _____ them _____ the old days when they were young. A. let; to B. make; for C. take; of D. remind; of II.词汇运用 A) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示填空。 1. The new boy is _________ and he can do everything that you ask him to do. (随和的) 2. Susan said she __________ water to milk in the past. (喜欢) 3. The girl is busy____________ her room with colour paper. (装饰) 4. A year is ____________ into twelve months. (分成) 5. Africans are used to hot ____________. (气候) 6. Orange ____________ joy and success, so many people like to wear orange in winter to get warm feelings. (代表) 7. When we have lessons, we should pay __________ to what the teachers say. (注意) 8. All the students choose him to be the____________, for he is fair. (领导者) 9. Does your cousin like this ______________ dress with flowers? (粉红色) 10. Don’t look down upon this young man. He’s full of _____________. (智慧) B) 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Alan wears a pair of red sports shoes to make himself look more __________. (power) 2. Different people have different _________ (feel) after seeing this film. 3. Bill is good at doing things and dealing with difficult things. He is _______. (practice) 4. It’s bad for your health to keep your__________ (happy) to yourself. 5. Don’t feel so ______________ (patient) when you wait. 6. If you need physical _______________ (strong), you should wear red clothes. 7. The color white can make you feel calm and ______________.(peace) 8. Usually a player is an _______________ (energy) person. 9. David never forgets to do the things he needs to do, and he is also________. (organize) 10. We all love the boy because he has many good _______(person) qualities. C) 根据句子意思和首字母提示,完成句子。 1. How can you see a r___________ if you don’t experience wind and rain? 2. As a teacher, he must be careful, p_______________ and love students. 3. Colors can a___________ our moods, so we can use colors to change our moods. 4. People born under the same star sign share s__________ characteristics. 5. We’d like to r_________ David as the new chairperson of the Students’ Union. 6. Orange can c___________ you up when you are feeling sad. 7. When we r_____________ what time it was, it was too late for us to go back home. 8. We should keep the b___________ of the nature. 9. Cindy is too tired. He is s____________. He wants to go to bed. 10. Do you have d___________ working out the problem, Bob? If so, let me help you. III. 翻译下列句子。 1. 我们不用担心不能准时到达那儿。 We shouldn’t worry about _____ ______ ________ ______ _______. 2. 老师要公平地对待班上的每个人。 A teacher should _______ _______ ________ in class. 3. 我们应该有足够的信心来接受这项工作。 We should be ______ _______ _____ _______ this job. 4. 问一下你的年龄,介意吗? Do you ______ my _____ your age? 5. 我们宁愿去见他,也不愿在这儿等他。 We _____ ______ meet him than ______ ______ him here. 6. 你要学会宽恕别人的错误。 You should learn to _____ ______ ______ ______ _______. 7. 射手座的人会享受生活,并很有幽默感。 People born under Sagittarius _____ ______ and have _____ ______ _____ _____ _____. 8. 我不知道如何使他振作起来。 I don’t know how to ______ ______ _______. 9. 这本书使我想起我以前看过的那部电视剧。 The book ______ ______ ______ the TV series I have watched before. 10. 蓝色创造一种和谐的感觉,尽管它也象征悲伤。 Blue _____ ______ ______ of harmony though it also ______ ________. 11. 如果你感到有压力,你应该穿白色的衣服。 You should _____ ______ if you are _____ _______. 12 他擅长解数学难题,但他从不炫耀。 He ____ _____ ______ working out Maths problems, but he never_____ ______. 13. 他为我们付了饭钱,他真大方。 It’s _____ ______ him ______ ______ ______ the meal for us. 14. 我爱宁静,不喜欢与人争论。 I _____ ______ and don’t like to _____ _____ _______. 15. 据报道,颜色疗法能改变我们的情绪, 改善我们的生活。 It is reported that colors therapy can _____ our _____ and _____ ______ _______. Keys: 1—5 CCCCA 6---10 CCBCD 11—15 DDDAB 16---20 ADCCD A) 1. easygoing 2.preferred 3. decorating 4. divided 5. climate 6. represents 7.attention 8. leader 9. pink 10.wisdom B) 1.powerful 2. feelings 3. practical 4.unhappies 5.impatient 6.strength 7.peaceful 8. energetic 9.organized 10.personal C) 1.rainbow 2. patient 3. affect 4.similar 5. recommend 6.cheer 7.realized 8.balance 9.sleepy 10.difficulty 1. not arriving there on time 2. treat everyone equally 3. confident enough to take 4. mind, asking 5. would rather;wait for 6. forgive others for their faults 7. enjoy life; a good sense of humour 8.cheer him up 9. reminds me of 10. creates a feeling; represents sadness 11. wear white; feeling stressed 12. is good at; shows off 13.generous of; to pay for 14. love peace; argue with others 15. change, moods, improve our life

资料: 4.5万


