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2008 学年第二学期中学单元练习试卷 八年级英语期末测试卷 班别 姓名 学号 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得 分 一、听力测试 (20%) 二、语言知识与运用(20%) 第一节:单项选择(10%) 1. If you use an English word more often, of course you ________ it better. A. remember B. remembering C. will remember D. remembered 2. ______ he retired from work, _____ he was concerned about his company. A. Though, but B. Although, / C. /, though D. /, / 3. I’m searching for the clues for the accident. Please tell me what ________ at this time last night. A. were you doing B. you did C. you were doing D. you have done 4. Dr. Wang called me to ask when the plane would _______. A. turn off B. take off C. set off D. fly off 5. Mar Twain was a famous American writer in ___________. A. the 1830s’ B. 1830s C. the 1830’s D. the 1830s 6. There are many places of ____ in China, many foreign visitors enjoy doing ____ sightseeing here. A. interests, many B. interest, much C. interests, much D. interest, many 7. Tomas Edison ______ a lab for himself when he was young. A. set out B. set free C. set up D. set in 8. While my mother was busy ______, I ______ TV. A. cooking, watched B. cooking, watching C. to cook, was watching D. cooking, was watching 9. Mr. Black went to see a doctor this morning since it was difficult for him _______ asleep at night. A. to fall B. falling C. fell D. to falling 10. My mother is strict _____ me, but I am still grateful _____ her. A. with, with B. to, to C. with, to D. to, with 第二节:语法填空(10%) When I was three years old, just before my sister was born, my mom asked me what we should name the new baby. I said, “Let’s call 11 Gravy(肉汁)!” You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes 12 ! My parents found my idea interesting, but named the new baby Caroline, 13 . Having a sister changed my life. When my sister and I played together, we often got into fights and got angry with each other if we did 14 wrong. It sometimes drove our parents crazy. 15 at the same time, we learned to share our things and to forgive(原谅) each other when we got angry. In North America, there are many kinds of families, but most families 16 a boy and a girl. Of course, some have three or more. In China, most children don’t have brothers 17 sisters, and they have to learn those things in 18 ways, which is more difficult. When I moved away to university, my sister wished that I still lived at home. She wasn’t used to getting all the attention from my parents. But Chinese children get all the attention for all their life! Some middle school students in China wish they had a brother or sister. 19 you are one of them, I have a good idea for you. Treat(对待)your friends and classmates 20 your brothers and sisters! 11.A. her B. him C. me D. them 12.A. fine B. good C. well D. kind 13.A. in place of B. in place C. instead D. instead of 14.A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 15.A. But B. So C. Or D. Though 16.A. have B. has C. had D. are having 17.A. and B. but C. with D. or 18.A. another B. the other C. other D. any other 19.A. Though B. If C. When D. Because 20.A. instead of B. for C. as D. like 三、完型填空(10%) English names and Chinese names are quite different, but it’s not hard for us to know. Unlike Chinese, most English people 21 three names. One is their family name, both of 22 names are given names. Their family name 23 behind the given name. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss 24 the given name, but they never use 25 with the first name.For example, we can 26 a man named James Allan Green Mr Green, 27 we can’t call him Mr James or Mr Allan. People usually use Jim 28 James. Jim is short for James because 29 easy to remember.But Chinese names are the opposite.A girl named Han meimei puts her family name Han first. Of course, she 30 Ah Mei for short in China if you wish. 21.A. has B. had C. have D. owns 22.A. another B. other C. others D. the other 23. A. are B. is C. was D. were 24.A. with B. for C. of D. to 25.A. theirs B. their C. them D. it 26.A. call B. ask C. write D. say 27.A. so B. or C. but D. and 28.A. instead of B. for C. with D. of 29.A. its B. it’s C. it D. its’ 30. A. can call B. calls C. can be called D. called 四、阅读理解(15%) A In Britain, people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee. People who know each other very well—close friends, family or neighbors—visit each other’s houses without an invitation, but usually an invitation is needed. When people invite someone to their homes, they often say: “Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?” Answers are: “Thanks. We’d love to. What time?” or “I’m sorry. We’d love to but we have tickets for the concert.” However, it is not polite to say “No, we wouldn’t”! Sometimes, the British use expressions that sound like invitations. For example: “You must come over for a drink sometime.” or “Let’s go out for a meal one of these days.” These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because they don’t mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are: “Yes, that would be nice.” or “OK, yes, thanks.” So next time, you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly? 31.It’s always necessary for ______ to visit each other’s houses with an invitation. A. close friends B. family members C. neighbours D. new friends 32.It is not polite to answer the real invitation by saying “_________” A. Sorry, we’d love to but we have tickets for the concert. B. Thanks. We’d love to. What time? C. Sure. We’d like to, thanks a lot. D. No, we wouldn’t! 33.If the British just want to end a talk politely, they may say, “_________” A. Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday? B. Let’s go out for a meal one of these days. C. Let’s go out for a meal on Saturday. D. Shall we go for a drink this afternoon? 34.The British often use “________” to answer the invitations that are not real. A. Yes, what time? B. No, that’s not a real invitation. C. OK, yes, thanks. D. No, you just want to be friendly. 35.Which is the best title for the passage? A. Britain B. Invitations in Britain C. A talk with friends D. A Dinner B In Singapore,many middle school students spend a lot of their time on their studies. Good education is often regarded as a ticket to success in their future.So,many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their examinations.They have a lot of homework every day and exams are a big headache.Sometimes,some of them are even made to go to remedial(补习的)classes after schoo1. Schools run programmes outside school hours.The students can take part in sports and games, music and dance,hiking and rock—climbing,etc.They are also very active in community service(社 区服务).In their spare time,most students like to listen to pop music.Hollywood blockbusters(大 片 ), Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them . They understand IT very well.Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet,e—mailing their friends,playing computer and video games.They sometimes go to cafes,fast—food restaurants,shopping centers and big bookstores.So,it looks like life as a middle school student in Singapore is not easy but it is rich and colorful. 36.Many students want to get good education to be _____ in the future. A.popular B.successful C.comfortable D.generous 37._____ go to remedial classes after school in Singapore A.A11 of the students B.Few of the students C.Not all the students D.Most of the students 38.In the school,the students can’t ______ outside school hours. A.have sports B.dance C.go hiking D.go to a restaurant 39.According to the passage,most students in Singapore like ______. A.Hollywood blockbusters B.writing to their friends C.talking to their friends D.having exams 40.The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is ________. A.the middle schoo1 students’ life in Singapore is easy B.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is amazing (疯狂的) C.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is boring D.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is hard,but it’s interesting C Mr. Zhang is on business in France. Here is the hotel card for him. According to the information on the card, choose the right answers. 41.Mr. Zhang lives in ______. A. Hotel Eiffel B. Hotel Concorde C. Hotel Mapol D. Hotel Napoleon 42.The hotel is ______ . A. on King Street near a bank B. next to a museum C. near a train station D. on George Street 43._______ buses can reach the hotel. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 44.If Mr. Zhang gets lost, he can _______. A. take Bus 507 to the hotel B. wait until the light is green C. go back to the hotel to search the Internet D. call the hotel at the phone number on the card 45.Which of the following is true? A. Open the door when the red light is on. B. The card can be used to open the door. C. The card can be used for shopping. D. Mr. Zhang can keep the card when he checks out. 五、写作(35%) 第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子。(5%) 46.Joyce will study in Canada as an e______ student. 47.Grandma Liang has a number of grandchildren, i_____ Peter. 48.It’s dangerous to ask a s_______ to look after your belongings(行李). 49.The student is good at all the subjects, she wins s_______ every year. 50.A car rushed to the p______ last night, some people hurt in the accident. 第二节:根据句子意思,改写句子(10%) 51.When she was only four years old, she became interested in violin. She became interested in violin ______ _______ _______ _______ four. 52.“Would you please get some water for me?” Professor Wang said to Alice. Professor Wang ______ Alice ______ ______ some water for ______. 53.My uncle is a teacher and so is my aunt. _______ my uncle _______ my aunt _________ ________. 54.Mr. Lee had the lesson in place of Mrs. Chen. Mr. Lee had the lesson _______ _______ Mrs. Chen. 55.Cartoons are easy for me to draw. _________ _________ for me _________ __________ cartoons. 第三节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%) 56.这次意外后,他失忆了。 He ______ ______ ______ after the ________. 57.毕业后,我与一些同学很难保持联系。 It’s hard to ______ ______ ______ ______ some classmates after I left school. 58. 这本书值得看, 但它有点贵。 The book ______ _______ _______,but it’s a little ______. 59. 父母对我的英语测验很满意。 My ______ _____ ______ ______ my English exam. 60. 汤姆猫总是犯事而落到主人手上。 Tom the cat always _________ _________ _________ _________ his owner. 第四节:书面表达(10%) 林涛是学校“爱心俱乐部(Kind-Hearted Club)”的成员之一。请根据林涛的情况和图片的内 容,用英语写一篇字数 80 字左右的文章介绍林涛。 提示: a tall boy with thick black hair, round cheeks, small eyes, a smiling mouth, look strong and healthy, get on well with…, get ready to help others, … “爱心”表现:见图片 Lin Tao is a member of our school’s Kind-Hearted Club.______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ (广州市天河区专家技术协会编印)

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