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Unit 2 单元测试题 一. 词汇(Vocabulary)(单词识记与拼写) 1. How’s the w in Beijing? It’s raining. (首字母提示) 2. How’s it going? It’s t !I can’t pass the driving exam. (首字母提示) 3. It’ll be in Harbin tomorrow. (sun 词形转换) 4. Look! people are TV at home. (watch 词形转换) 5. Listen! they songs. (唱,中文提示) 6. I don’t like , it’s too cold. (冬天,中文提示) 7. Yunnan is a warm place. It’s . (pretty good/too bad 选择) 8. What do you do when you’re free? I help Mum . 9. I’m they can play volleyball in this heat. /s∂ praIzd/ 10. The dolphins are on the beach. / laInIη/ 二. 单项选择(Choose the best answer for the following sentences) 1. ( ) --Who is standing under the tree? -- . A. Tom are B. Tom is C. Tom does D. Tom do 2. ( ) --Hi. How’s it going? -- . A. I don’t like it B. I will go to school C. Not bad D. No 3. ( ) It is Sunday today. Look! Alice and Bob in the park. A. is playing B. playing C. plays D. No 4. ( ) What do you do when it ? A. snowing B. snow C. is snowy D. is snow 5. ( ) Her mother is . She her students now. A. a teacher, teach B. teacher, teaches C. a teacher, teaching D. a teacher, is teaching 6. ( ) I’m not a book like this. A. watching B. reading C. looking at D. seeing 7. ( ) It’s today. I think it’s going to . A. cloud; rain B. cloudy; raining C. cloudy; rain D. cloudy; rainy 8. ( )--How is the weather today? --Oh, lots of people are wearing warm clothes, so guess it is . A. cold B. humid C. hot D. warm 9. ( ) I like koala they’re cute. A. but B. because C. so D. why 10. ( )--The sun is shining here now. —It great. A. sounds B. sound C. is sounding D. will sound 三. 句型转换(Rewrite the sentences in another way)或连词成句(Make sentences with the following words) 1. The twins are eating some strawberries. (改为一般疑问句) ______the twins eating strawberries? 2. The students are playing computer games now. (对划线部分提问) ______are the students now? 3. It is snowy today. (对划线部分提问) 4. home Joe Uncle is look at cooking (连词成句) 5. France windy the in weather in cool and is winter (连词成句) 四、补全对话(Complete the dialogue)5 分 五. 完型填空(Cloze test) It is 1 in Qing Dao. It’s very hot here. Now, there are many people 2 vacation. They go to the beach and have 3 good time there. Today is 4 , it is not very hot. On the beach, a lot of people 5 to their friends 6 looking at the beautiful sea. Some of them are 7 .Other are taking 8 .Can you find 9 ? I’m the boy in blue shorts. I’m going to dive. It’s 10. ( )1、A. August B. December C. March D. January ( )2、A. in B. on C. at D. with ( )3、A./ B. an C. a D. the ( )4、A. winds B. wind C. winding D. windy ( )5、A. is talking B. are talking C. is selling D. are telling ( )6、A. to B. but C. and D. because ( )7、A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swimming ( )8、A. photos B. photoes C. phones D. potatoes ( )9、A. I B. me C. my D. mine ( )10、A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool A. Where can we put the cakes? B. What are you doing? C. I’m coming! D. I’m making some cakes. E. I want some help. F. Where are you reading? G.. Can you make cakes? A: Jim! (1) ? B: I’m reading an English book. A: Can you come here, please? (2) . B: Certainly Mum! (3) . Oh, what are you making? A: (4). B: Let me help you ,Mum. (5). A: Let put the cakes on that table. B: Ok, Mum! 六. 阅读理解(Reading) A Judy: Hello, Chen Xuan! This is Judy. Chen Xuan: Hi, Judy. Where are you? I miss you very much. Judy: I’m in Germany. I’m studying here now. Chen Xuan: That’s great! How’s it going? Judy: Not bad. How about you? Chen Xuan: Pretty good. How’s the weather there? Judy: It’s cold and dry. It’s snowing outside. Chen Xuan: Snowing? Hainan is sunny and hot. The weather is quite different in different places. Judy: You’re right! What are you doing now? Chen Xuan: I’m talking to my good friend, Judy! Judy: Oh, yes! 根据对话完成表格 Name Where are you? How’ sit going? What are you doing? How’s the weather? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B Li Ming is staying with the Wang’s family for the weekend. Today it is warm and fine. The family are having dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden on a warm and fine spring day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting at the table with Li Ming under a tree. “It’s great to have dinner out here on such a lovely day,” Mrs. Wang says. “What’s the weather like in your hometown, Li Ming?” Mr. Wang asks. “It’s not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best. ”“Help yourself to some cakes, Li Ming,” Mrs. Wang says. “Thanks,” says Li Ming . “The cakes are very nice. I enjoy the dinner very much. ” 1. Li Ming is staying with the Wang ’s family . A. for a week B. for a day C. for the weekend D. for a month 2. It’s not cold spring day, is it? A. Yes, it is B. No. It’s a warm spring day. C. No. It’s a warm winter day D. Yes. It is a warm spring day. 3. The family are having their dinner . A. in the house B. in the garden C. in the park D. in the hotel 4. What’s the weather like in Li Ming’s hometown? A. It isn’t very cold in spring B. It’s very nice . C. It’s not very warm in spring D. It’s very cold. 5. How does Li Ming like the dinner? A. He enjoys the dinner very much. B. He only enjoys the cake. C. He eats a lot . D. He doesn’t enjoy the cake. C When who English people meet, their first words will be “How do you do?” or “How are you?” After the reply “How do you do?” or ”Fine, thank you, and you?” they often talk about the weather. The reason for this is not simply that their weather is interesting and changeable but that the English people don’t like talking about personal matters(私事)with people who are not friends. Talking about the weather can be a useful way of starting a conversation with a stranger in public. 1. What are the first words when English people meet? A. Say “hello” to each other . B. Say “goodbye” to each other. C. Talk about the weather D. Talk about their personal matters. 2. What’s the answer to “How do you do” ? A. Fine, thank you ,and you? B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. I’m fine, too. 3. Why do the English people often talk about the weather? A. Because the weather is interesting. B. Because they don’t like talking about personal matters with stranger C. Because the weather is changeable. D. A, Band Care all right. 4. From the article, you know that the English people talk about the weather to . A. finish a conversation with a friend . B. start a conversation with a stranger. C. Say “goodbye” to a stranger. D. Study the weather. 5. Which sentence is not right? A. English people like talking about the weather. B. English people usually talk about personal matters with friends but not strangers. C. English people like talking about personal matters with strangers in public. D. The weather is England is interesting and changeable. 七. 写作 写一篇介绍中国不同地区气状况以及人们在不同天气状况下干些什么,有什么感 受的短文。要求十句以上,字数控制在 70-100 字。 参考答案 一、1-10 weather terrible sunny watching are singing winter pretty good cook surprised lying 二、1---10 BCKCD BCDBA 三、1. Are any 2. What doing? 3. How’s the weather today? 4. Look! Uncle Joe is cooking at home. 5 The weather in France is cool and windy.

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