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                        英语期中试卷            第一卷    听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选出正确选项。(5分) ( )1.Ross is                  A. running  (  ) 2.Neal is                   B.exercising  (  ) 3.Arthur and Clark are      C.swimming  (  )4.Sarah                    D.making a telephone. 二、听对话及问题,选择正确答案(5分) (  )1.There is a    in Chang Feng Park today.     A. a TV show  B.a music show  C. a flower show (  ) 2.I am going to the show with     .     A. my friends  B.my parents  C.my sister (  )3.I am watching the the flowers and    in Chang Feng Park.     A.playing games B.taking pictures C.having a picnic (  ) 4. Some flowers on the show are from     .     A. Heilongjiang  B. Hong kong   C. Taiwan (  ) 5.      people visit the flower show.    A. One hundred   B.Only a few  C.Thousands of 三.听短文,完成表格。(5分)       people        actions   Li Dan`s father Playing        Li Dan`s           Walking the dog along the street   Li Dan`s mother Visiting  a          Li Jing Having  a                     Answering the telephone 四、听录音,完成短文。 Today is a 1        day.Bob plans to go out for a  2       tomorrow with Maria.But it`s going to rain tomorrow. So Maria wiil have to 3      at home. But Bob wiil have a party at home.And Bob lives in a 4    house.M aria will get to Bob`s house at  5     tomorrow morning. 第二卷   笔试部分(100分) 一、选择题(15分) (  )1.How does your father go to work every day?He____to work __his bicycle. A. go ,by   B.goes, by     C.go, on    D.goes, on (  )2.How do you like Canada?________. A.I like it very much.      B.I like the food . C.I like the people.        D.I like the clothes. (  )3.Don’t talk .Your mother _______. A.is sleeping   B.sleeps   C.sleep    D.sleeping (  )4.Bob often____his mother with the homework on Sundays. A.help   B.helping  C.helps   D.helped (  )5.I can _____a little Chinese now. A.speak  B. talk    C.tell     D.say (  )6.______ your parents there? A.Is  B.Are   C. Do     D.Does (  )7.Mrs King doesn’t like swimming _____playing football. A.or  B.and   C.with    D.so (  )8.She is having breakfast_____the table.      A.at   B..on       C.in    D.over (  )9.After school,I forget_____ the door. A. close   B.closing  C.to close    D.closes (  )10.Would you like to join us? Yes,I’d______. A.loves   B.love     C.like   D. love to (  )11.I have     uncle. He is good at mending TV sets. A. an     B.a       C. /     D.the (  )12.Listen! Who    a song.    A. is sing   B.is singing  C.sings   D. sing (  )13.Here           . A.the train comes B. comes the train C.the train come   D. come the train (  )14.Don`t draw on the wall.         .    A.I `d like to B.Yes ,I do C.That`s wrong D.Sorry,I won`t (  )15.I`m thirsty.will you please give me some      .    A.pencil    B.cake    C.water    D.books 二.词形转换.(5分) 1.life(复数)______            2.one(序数词)_____ 3.south(对应词)______        4.use(形容词)_____ 5.ill(同义词)________         6.dig(现在分词)______ 7.found(动词 )______       8.take(反义词)_____ 9.worry(形容词  )_______    10.where( 同音词 )_____ 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)。 1.There ___(be) five____(people) in my family. 2.This is my bike.That’s______(your). 3.Will you_____(join) us ina walk? 4.Let______(we) go home . 5.They are ____(run) fast. 6.He wants____(go ) home by bus. 7 I have something ______(eat) 8.I look forward to ______(hear ) from you soon. 9.How about _____(fly) a kite? 10.The Greens_____(watch) TV now. 四.句型转换(5分) 1.They like tomatoes.(改为单数) He ____the______. 2.John can swim in a river.(改为现在进行时态) John ____ ____ in a river now. 3.What`s the date today?(就实际情况回答)                               4What does she do?(变同义句) What is _____   _____? 5.She usually leaves home at half past six.(改为一般疑问句) ______ she usually_____home at half past six ? 一.   情景对话(5)。 A.  Can I help you ?    A:______. B:I’d like a dark colour. A:We have a red one._______. B:_________. A: Oh. We also have a blue one and a black one. B:________. A:OK.thanks. B:________. A.  Do you like it ?          B.  I like the blue one. C.  What colour do you like? D.  No,I don’t like it. E..Here you are. 五.完形填空。(10分) Jim and Mike are in 1   same school. They are 2     the same grade, too. After 3    , they 4     computer games. 5    friends play 6     . Some play basketball . Some play football. Some fly 7 and some ride8    . They jump, 9      and sing, too. They 10    good students. They love their school. (  )1. A. a         B. an        C. the       D. / (  )2. A. in        B. with       C. at        D.to (  )3. A.school     B.lesson      C. row      D. grade (  )4.A. play       B.plays      C. playing   D. playying (  )5.A.They       B.Them      C.Their     D.Theirs (  )6.A.different game            B. different games     C. same game              D. same games (  )7.A. plane      B. kites       C. bikes     D. bird (  )8.A.kites       B.planes      C. bikes     D. boats (  )9. A.to swim    B. swim       C. swiming  D. swimming (  )10.A.be        B. is          C. are      D. am 阅读理解(40分) A)根据短文内容,判断正误(10分)。   Jean is an English girl .She lives in Nanjing with her parents.She doesn’t know Chinese very well. But she studies very hard.She often speaks Chinese in and after class. Sometimes her classmates don’t understand her because she can’t speak Chinese well.   It’s Saturday morning .Jean wants to buy some flowers but she doesn’t know the way to(去    的路) the flower shop.     She asks a Chineseboy for help. The boy doesn’t understand her,and then she takes out a pen and draws a picture of a shop and flowers. The boy looks at it and then shows her then way. (  )1.Jean is a girl ,and she comes from the USA. (  )2.Jean studies hard and she speaks good Chinese. (   )3.Sometimes Jean’s classmates don’t know what she says. (   )4.One Saturday morning she goes to buy some food for lunch. (  ) 5.The boy understands Jean because of her picture. B) 根据短文回答下列问题:( 10分)   Jim is an English boy. He lives in London.He Studies in a high school.He is a good student in his school. His home is far from his school.Jim gets up at seven thirty on wekdays.He often has a glass of milk ,an egg and some bread for his breakfast. He goes to school at eight thirty by bus and gets there at ten to nine.The first class starts at nine o’clock.   Now it is eight o’clock in the morning. What is Jim doing ? He is drinking milk and eatnig bread.Have a banana ,Jim .”His mother says. “No, thank you , Mum .I have no time .I must go to school now.” Then he runs to catch the bus to school. 1. Breakfast food :   2.How to go to school ?   3.What is he doing now?   4.What time does he get up?   5.What kind of student is he?    C)阅读下列海报,回答问题   Sunny English club For students 6:00----18:00 Every Saturday 200 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel:3785290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! Ocean Museum 9:00---17:00 From Thursday to Sunday Ticket:50 yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel:5439871 Show you a full picture of sea lives! Health Centre 9:00—17:30 16 Yong Le Street Tel:3801451 Free examinations for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy!   (  )1.Sunny English Club is for            . A.nurses   B.policemen  C.businessmen  D.students (  )2.You will pay       if you want to stay in the English Club for half a year. A.300 yuan  B.600 yuan  C.1,200 yuan   D.2,400 yuan (  )3.You can visit Ocean Museum                . A.on Saturday  B. on Wednesday  C. on Monday D. anytime (  )4.One can get free examinations in Health Centre if  he is    . A. 9      B. 17     C. 67       D.73 (  )5.If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to       . A.Health Centre            B.Ocean Museum C.Sunny English Club       D.16 Yong Le Street. D) 阅读短文回答问题 Modern is impossibie without reavling .The fastest way of traveling is by plane.With a modern airline you can travel in one day to places which it .Took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.       Traveling by train is slower than by plane,but it has its advantages(便利).You can see the country you are traveling through.Modern trains have com-fortable seats and dinning-cars.They make even the longest journey enjoyable. Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large liners and river boats.You visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes,but traveling by ses is a very pleasant to spend a holiday. Many people like to travel by car.You can make your own timetale.You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day,just as you like.You can stop wherever you wish where there is something interesting to see,at good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal,or at a hotel to spend the.That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips,while people usually take a train or plane when they are traveling on business. 1.What is the fastest way of traveling?                                   2.It is impossible without traveling in our modern life,is it?                                                         3.Why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips                                                     4.What makes the longest journey enjoyable?                                                           5.How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage?                                                    七.书面表达。(10分) 母亲节快要到了,你想为母亲做点什么,发挥你的想象写一篇60字左右的短文。提示词:Mother`s Day, flower, help ,housework  cook diner,Happy Mother`s Day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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