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第三部分 写作第一节(满分15分) 假定你是李华, 上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛跑 活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括: 1. 参加人员: 2. 跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下: 3. 活动反响。 注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右: 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 A Cross-Country Running Race新闻报道的写作结构: 标题: 导语 主题 结语或补充 浓缩 概括 简洁 明了新闻报道的写作结构: 标题: 导语: 主题: 结语或补充: 报道的核心内容 5W + 1 H The ancient city of Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, is decorated to celebrate the upcoming National Day holiday which falls on Oct 1-8. This year's National Day on Oct 1 coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival which falls on the 15th day of the Chinese lunar calendar's eighth month. This photo, taken on Sept 27, shows tourists visiting Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a famous tourist attraction in Xi'an. French authorities have placed the Paris region on maximum virus alert, banning festive gatherings and requiring all bars to close but allowing restaurants to remain open, as the number of infections increases rapidly.新闻报道的写作结构: 标题: 导语: 主题: 结语或补充: 详实,具体 一句话总结; 一段话概括; 预测趋势,发人深思,背景补充第一步:审题 假定你是李华, 上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛 跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括: 1. 参加人员: 2. 跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下: 3. 活动反响。 一般过去时 六要素: What: a cross- contry running race. When: last Sunday Where:跑步线路 (from the school gate to the foot of the South Hill) Who:活动举办方our school, 活动参与人员 Students (& teachers) Why:强身健体;增强凝聚力 How:具体表现:活动反响,特写,细节第二步:搭建结构——三段式 Para1: (导语) Para2: (正文) Para3: (评价及升华) Why、What、When、Where、Who How Influence 、Feeling第三步: 分类寻词 why: in order to; in a bid to; aimed at / to do sth ... what: include; hold; organize... who: take part in; participate in; be involved in... how: try one's best to do sth; make every effort to do sth enjoy oneself... feeling/influence: benefit; beneficial; impressive; refresh; relax; apart from; not only... but also...; think highly of; turn out to be; enrich our school life; learn from; bring joy; strengthen our team spirit; promote the friendship...第四步: 文章初形成 Cross-Country Running Race 导语:_________________(为了)build up students' body, our school students'union___________ (举办) a 5000-metre race last Sunday from the school gate to the foot of the South hill. 正文: It was a________ day(介绍天气).200 participants __________________(参加) the running race. Most of them were students and teachers. All of them___________________ (尽全力) finish the running race and_______________________ (玩的开心) 评价: All of us____________________ (高度评价) the running race. Not only did it___________________________________(丰富 了我们的学校生活), it also________________________ (带来快 乐) In order to held fine participate in tried their best to enjoyed themselves thought highly of enrich our school life brought joy to us all第五步:美化文章成 1. 主被动句式转换 In order to build up students' body, our school students' union held a 5000-metre race last Sunday from the school gate to the foot of the South Hill。(变为被动句) ......, a 5000-metre race was held by the school students' union last Sunday from the school gate to the foot of the South Hill. 2. 非限制性定语从句 200 participants participated in the running race. Most of them were students and teachers.(用非限制性定语从句) =200 participants participated in the running race, most of whom were students and teachers. 3. 非谓语动词 All of the participants thought highly of the running race. They said that not only did it enrich our school life, it also brought joy to us all. (用非谓语动词) All of the participants thought highly of the running race, adding that not only did it enrich our school life, it also brought joy to us all.A Cross-Country Running race In order to build up students body, a 5000-metre race was held by the school students'union last Sunday from the school gate to the foot of the South Hill. It was a sunny day. 200 participants participated in the running race with high spirits, most of whom were students and teachers. All of them tried their best to finish the running race. Though exhausted with sweat, all cheered with great joy. All of the participants thought highly of the running race, adding that not only did it enrich our school life, it also brought joy to us all.【实践提高】 7月20日,我校隆重举行了高三年级的毕业典礼。作为学校英语学 习微信公众号的学生通讯员,请你写份通讯稿,报道此次盛大活 动。要点如下: 1. 时间和地点:上午9点开始,校体育馆内,院士广场上 2. 主要活动:毕业典礼校长致辞,学生代表发言,举行成人礼, 拍合照,给未来的自己邮寄明信片等。 3. 高三同学的感想和你的感受。 注意 1. 标题已给出; 2. 涵盖要点,可适当发挥,以使行文流畅。 3. 120词左右。 4. 要点词汇: 体育馆 (stadium;院士广场 Academician Square; 成人礼 coming- of-age ceremony A grand ceremony sees our growtha grand ceremony sees our growth A graduation ceremony was held at our school stadium on July 20th. All students in Grade 3 assembled together to participate in this meaningful and impressive meeting. The ceremony began at 9am with the headmasters speech which summarized the gains and growth in three years, as well as threw light on the students' promising future. Student representatives, stepping onto the stage, also made speeches, followed by an adult ceremony when photographs were taken to memorize the important occasion. After that, students sent postcards to future themselves, which carried their best wishes and expectations to be seen. All graduates were wearing delighted expressions with tears in their eyes. they were excited at the season of harvest while also frustrated with the moment of departure. I felt touched by the strong touching mood and determined to spare no efforts so as not to leave regrets when I graduate.

资料: 29.3万


