Unit 4 How is food made?

Unit 4 How is food made?


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Unit 4 How is food made?  1/5 I.  Language focus: 1.    Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon 2.    Using the simple present tense to express thoughts 3.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a food item II.   Language skills: Listening l        Identify main ideas of a new topic l        Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately l        Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression Speaking l        Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic l        Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinions Reading l        Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression l        Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure l        Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts III.  Materials: l        SB P20 l        Cassette 7B   ProcedureI.   Warming-up  1. Free talk: l        A chant: A perfect score                             II.      Pre-task preparation: l        Where is food made?  factories l        Have you ever been to a food factory? l        Do a project on how a certain kind of food is made: Which food are you going to investigate in your project? I am going to investigate bread. My project is going to be about food in cans. l        Read: 1) listen and follow l        Look, ask and answer: review the food vocabulalry: frozen vegetables, orange juice, cheese, biscuits and crisps l        Pair work: ask and answer about a food project               III.      Consolidation 1. Oral:        1) Listen and read 5 times                      2) Pair work: ask and answer about the project 2. Written:   1) Copy work: new words and phrases                      2) Supplementary exercises                             IV.        Notes          Unit 4 How is food made?  2/5 I.  Language focus: 1.    Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon 2.    Using connectives to show a result. 3.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a food item II.   Language skills: Listening l        Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately l        Understand the connection between ideas by recognizing linking words and phrases Speaking l        Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic l        Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinions Reading l        Scan a text to locate specific information l        Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure l        Understand the connection between ideas by identifying linking words and phrases III.  Materials: l        SB P21 l        Cassette 7B l        WB P13 l        PP P15   ProcedureI.   Warming-up  1. Free talk: l        A chant: A perfect score                             II.      Pre-task preparation: l        Food production: food         food factory yoghurt      dairy frozen fish    frozen fish factory noodles       noodles factory         add more to the columns l        Individual work: What is your project going to be about? My project is going to be about canned food. Who do you need to interview for your project? I need to interview someone at a canning factory. l        More oral practice: I’m investigating how food is put into cans, so I need to talk to (interview) someone at a canning factory l        Look and read:                        1) read by yourselves                                                                      2)listen and follow                                                                         3)role-play using the target language l        Group work:  PP P15: fill in the table and organize the information into a short report               III.      Consolidation 1. Oral:        1) Listen and read 5 times                      2) Pair work: ask and answer about the project 2. Written:   1) Copy work: new words and phrases                      2) WB P13                      3) GB P15                             IV.        Notes Unit 4 How is food made?  3/5 I.  Language focus: 1.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a place 2.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about something 3.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a reason 4.    Asking ‘How’ questions to find out specific information about a method II.   Language skills: Listening l        Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately l        Listen for specific information Speaking l        Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic Reading l        Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts III.  Materials: l        SB P22 l        Cassette 7B l        WB P15 l        PP P16,17   ProcedureI.   Warming-up  1. Free talk: l        A chant: A perfect score                             II.      Pre-task preparation: l        Review the use of interrogatives: What is your project about? Why did you choose to investigate yoghurt? Where are you going to visit? Who do you need to interview? How are you going to visit the person? l        Look and read: 1)      read by yourselves 2)      listen and follow 3)      pair work: practice the dialogue between Danny and the man at the frozen factory. 4)      act out l        Comprehension questions: Where do the people at the frozen fish factory get the fish from? What do they do to the fish before the freeze it? Why do they freeze the fish? How do they get the frozen fish to the shops? l        Individual work: PP P16: complete Eddie’s notes about his visit to the frozen fish factory                        1) do it by yourselves first                                                                      2) read and correct                             III. While-task procedure: l        Pair work: PP P17: make an interview               III.      Consolidation 1. Oral:        1) Listen and read 5 times                      2) Pair work: ask questions about your project 2. Written:   1) Copy work: new words and phrases                      2) WB P15                      3) GB P16                             IV.        Notes Unit 4 How is food made?  4/5 I.  Language focus: 1.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a day 2.    Using formulaic expressions to begin a formal letter 3.    Using formulaic expressions to end a formal letter 4.    Using modals to indicate preferences II.   Language skills: Reading l        Scan a text to locate specific information l        Recognize the presentation of ideas through headings, paragraphing, spacing, italics, bold print and punctuation l        Understand intention, attitude and feelings stated in a text by recognizing features such as the choice and use of language III.  Materials: l        SB P23, 24 l        Cassette 7B   ProcedureI.   Warming-up  1. Free talk: l        A chant: A perfect score                             II.      Pre-task preparation: l        Review the format the a letter: formal letters: Dear Sir/Madam… Yours sincerely informal letters: Dear Danny… Love l        Read: 1)      Read Danny’s letter by yourselves 2)      Is it a formal letter or an informal one? 3)      When is it appropriate to use a formal letter? 4)      Listen and follow               III.      Consolidation 1. Oral:        1) Listen and read 5 times                      2) Pair work: ask questions about your project 2. Written:   1) Copy work: new words and phrases                      2) WB P14                      3) GB P17                      4) Complete the letter on P24 of your SB                             IV.        Notes Unit 4 How is food made?  5/5 I.  Language focus: 1.    Using the simple present tense to express needs 2.    Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about something 3.    Using adverbs to express time sequence 4.    Using imperatives to give instructions II.   Language skills: Listening l        Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately l        Listen for specific information l        Identify main ideas of a new topic Reading l        Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts l        Scan a text to locate specific information l        Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression l        Predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world III.  Materials: l        SB P25 l        Cassette 7B l        WB P16 l        PP P18,82   ProcedureI.   Warming-up  1. Free talk: l        A chant: A perfect score                             II.      Pre-task preparation: l        Name the ingredients and cooking utensils needed to make yoghurt: milk, powdered milk, yoghurt, a saucepan, a stove, a spoon, a flask, a bowl or a plate What do you need to make yoghurt? You need four cups of milk, two spoons of powdered milk and two spoons of yoghurt. You also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask. l        Look and read: 1)      Look and the pictures and the captions 2)      Try to answer: l        What do you do first? l        What do you do secondly? l        What do you do next? l        What do you do then? l        What do you do after that? l        What do you do finally? → l        First, you mix the milk and the powdered milk in the saucepan. Heat the milk on the stove. l        Secondly, take the saucepan off the stove. Let the milk cool. l        Next, add the yoghurt. Stir the mixture with a spoon. l        Then pout the mixture into the flask. Close the lid. Leave for six hours. Do not move the flask. l        After that, open the flask after six hours. The mixture is now yoghurt. Pour into a bowl. Put the bowl in the fridge to make the yoghurt cold. l        Finally, when the yoghurt is cold, add some fruit. Then eat it! It’s delicious! 3) Listen and follow                             III.      While-task procedure: l        Pair work: PP P18: ask and answer questions about how to make more yoghurt with a little yoghurt using the target language l        Now listen: PP P82: Listen to the conversation between Mr Li and Kitty, and do the quiz.                             IV.       Post-task activities: l        Make yoghurt at home: you may follow the recipe in your textbook, or make your own yoghurt l        WB P16               V.        Consolidation 1. Oral:        1) Listen and read 5 times 2) Individual work: describe how to make yoghurt 2. Written:   1) Copy work: new words and phrases                      2) PP P19 to 24                      3) GB P18,21                      4) PA Part Module 1                           IV.        Notes

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