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高考英语语法核心考点专项复习 03:代词 代词是十大词类中的主要考点也是高考的必考点,分类繁多,考察也是形式多样, 主要考察题型是短文改错和语法填空。 本专题主要是从代词的分类、不同代词的语义功能和语法功能、不同代词的意义区 别和考点来考察。特别是要重点讲解代词 it 的用法和考点。 一、代词的分类 单数 复数 分类 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 主格 I you he she it we you they人称代 词 宾格 me you him her it us You them 形容 词性 my your his her its our your their 物主代 词 名词 性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 指示代词 this that such these those such宾格 each other one another相 互 代 词 所有格 each other’s one another’s 可数 one each, many, (a) few ,both, another, either., neither 不可数 much, (a) little 可数不可 数 any other all some 不 定 代 词 复合 不定代词 anyone anybody anything somebody something someone everyone everything everybody nobody nothing 疑问代词 who whom whose which what 连接代词 who whom whose which what(参见名词性从句) 关系代词 who whom whose which that(参见定语从句) 二、代词的用法 考点一 it, that, one(s), those 的用法 1.it 代替的是前面提到的同一事物,即同名同物,所代替的名词可以是可数名词, 也可以是 不可数名词。如: I’d like to look at that atlas. May I borrow it?我想看看那张地图,我能借用一下吗(it 代替可数名 词 atlas)? 2.one 叫作泛指代词代替的是前面提到的同名异物中的任何一个, 所代替名词是可数名词单数, 其前可带冠词 与修饰语。如果代替复数名词,则用 ones。如: ①The population problem may be the greatest one in the world today. 人口问题可能是当今世界上最大的一个问题。 (one 代替可数名词 problem) ②—Which jackets are yours? “哪些是你的夹克?” —The white ones. (ones 代替可数名词 jackets) “这些白色的。” 3.that 叫作特指代词 代替前面提到的同名异物中特指的事物,所代替的名词可以是可数名词单数,也可以是不可数 名词,后面常有限制性定语。如: ①The doctor in our school is younger than that in their school. 我们学校的校医比你学校的要年轻。(that 代替可数名词 doctor,相当于 the one) ②The weather of this week is worse than that of last week. 这周的天气比上周的天气要坏。(that 代替不可数名词 weather) 4.those 是 that 的复数形式 代替前面提到的同名异物中特指的事物,只能指代复数名词,相当于 the ones。如: The computers in your office are more expensive than those / the ones in our school. 你办公室的电脑比我们学校的电脑要贵。(those 代替复数名词 computers) no one, nobody, nothing 和 none 的用法区别考点二 no one,nobody,nothing 和 none 的用法 1.no one=nobody 意为“没有人”,只能指人,不能指物,不可与介词 of 连用,谓语动词用 单数形式,回答 who 引导的问句。如: —Who is in the classroom? “是谁在教室?” —No one. “没有人。” 2.nothing 意为“没有东西”,一般回答 what。如: —What’s in the cave? “洞里面有什么?” —Nothing. “什么都没有。” 3. none 既可指人,也可指物,强调数量,意为“一点也不,一个也不”;谓语动词既可用单数 也可用复数;常与 of 连用,通常指“三者以上的人或物中没有一个”,上下文已明确的情况下, 也可省略 of 短语。常用来回答 how much 和 how many 引导的疑问句。如: They were all tired, but none (of them) would stop to have a rest. 他们都累了,但没有一个愿意停下来休息。 考点三 other, another, others, any other, the other 的区别 1.other 表示泛指,意为“另外的、其他的”常与复数名词。如果前面有 the, some, any, each, every, no, one 以及形容词性物主代词时,其 后就可接单数名词。如: I have no other place to go. 我再也没有别的地方可去。 2. another 常用于指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个”,泛指单数。可单独使用,也可后接名词。 如果其后接复数名词,则表示“又、再、还”。如: ①This cap is too small for me. Show me another (one). 这顶帽子对我来说太小了。再给我拿一顶。 ②We need another three assistants in our shop. 我们店里还需要三位助手。 3.others:相当于复数名词,是“other+复数名词” 的一种变式,意为“别的人或物”,但不指 全部。特指时在其前加定冠词;前面可加任何限定词以及数量词。如: He has more concern for others than for himself. 比起自己来说,他更关心他人。 4. any other 表示一个之外的其他任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。如: China is far larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何一个国家都要大得多。 5.the other:表示两者中的另外一个。可单独使用,也可接单数名词。如: No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other. 因为双方都不向另一方让步,所以讨论没有达成任何协议。 考点四 all ,both, either, neither, one 的区别 1.all 与 both 均表示“都”,但 all 表示三者以上的人或物, both 则表示两个人或物。二者 都表示肯定意义,如果与 not 连用时,则表示部分否定。 2.neither 与 either 都可用于表示两个人或物。 neither 表否定意义,意为“(两者中的每一个)都不”;而 either 表肯定意义,意为“(两者中的每一个)都”。都可单独使用,也可同介词 of 连 用。如: ①Both teams were in hard training; neither is willing to lose the game. 这两支球队都在刻苦训练。哪一方都不愿意输掉这次比赛。 ②—Do you want tea or coffee? 你想喝茶还是喝咖非? —Either. I really don’t mind. 啥也行,我其实不介意。 3.none 表示三者以上的人或物都不,经常与 of 短语连用。有时 none 也可表示不可数名词。 如: None of them has seen me before. 以前他们没有一个人见过我。 None of the money belongs to me. 这些钱都不属于我。 考点五 it 用法 1. it 用作形式主语的用法 当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主语 it, 而把真正的主语放在句子末尾。it 用作形式主语的三类特殊句式: (1) 用作动词 look, seem, appear, happen, occur, follow 等的主语(后接 that 从句或 as if 从句)。如: It (so) happened that I had no money with me. 碰巧我没带钱。 (2) 当系表结构后接有 if 或 when 引导的状语从句时,通常在系表结构前使用形式主语表示说 话人对某情况的看法。如: It was a great surprise to me when he did a thing like that. 他那样做使我很吃惊。 (3) 用于 if it were not for…/ if it hadn't been for…(若不是因为)结构中。如:If it hadn't been for the freezing wind they could have reached the injured man in time. 要不是 有刺骨的寒风,他们就能及时赶到伤员身边了。 2. it 用作形式宾语的用法 当不定式、动名词、从句等用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,常在宾语补足语前使用形 式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。 it 用作形式宾语的两类特殊句式: (1) 动词+it+if / when 从句。 当 enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate 等动词后需要接一个 if 或 when 引导的从 句时,此时需要先在动词后接 it 作形式宾语。如: I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it. 如果你能帮助我做这事,我会十 分感激。 (2) 动词+介词+it+that 从句。 能用于此句型的主要动词短语有 depend on, rely on, count on, answer for, see to 等。如: I'll see to it that all these letters will be sent to the post office before twelve. 我将注意让所有的信件在 12 点以前送到邮局。 3. it 在强调句中的用法。如: It was lack of money, not of efforts, that defeated their plan. 他们的计划受挫,原因是缺少钱 而不是没有尽力。 Who was it that won the World Cup in 1982? 谁赢得了 1982 年的世界杯? 4. it 在习语中的用法。 包括 it 的习语很多,如: make it 成功,到达 take it easy 别着急,放心好了 believe it or not 信不信由你 forget it 没关系;别在意;算了吧 That's it. (口语)完了;没有了(表示某个情况已经结束);做得对。 when it comes to sth.说到,涉及 5. 与 it 有关的几个时间状语从句。 It+is/has been+一段时间+since­从句 It's ages since we last met. 自从我们上次见面到现在有很多年了。 It+was/will be+一段时间+before­从句(从句用一般过去时或一般现在时) It was not long before he left Nanjing. It+was+时间点+when­从句(从句谓语用一般过去时) It was eight o'clock when we arrived. 我们到达时是八点。 1. The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than ________ in the newspaper. A.it B.those C.one D.that 【误】 只注意 information 是不可数名词而选择 A;误把 information 看作是复数概念而选 择 B;把 information 理解为是单数可数名词而误选 C。 【正】 D 句意为:因特网信息比报纸信息传播更迅速。it 指代前面提到的事物,代替可 数名词单数;that 代替“the + 可数名词单数或不可数名词”,表示特指;此处 that 等于“the + information”,特指报纸上的信息。 2. To save class time, our teacher has _____ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for our homework. A.us B.we C.our D.ours 【误】 认为 students 是名词,应该用形容词修饰,而误选 C;对词性把握不够而误选 B、 D。 【正】 A 根据 our teacher 可知说话人是学生,us 与 students 是同位语。has 是动词,后 需要跟宾语,选 A。 3. The protection of our environment is not __________ to be left to the environment. Everyone should be concerned. A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 【误】 受 not 的影响,容易误选 anything,但 anything 与 not 连用多用来表示没有东西, 与所给语境不符。 【正】 C something 在此处表示“某事、某物”,即环境保护的事情不能留给环境本身。 4. 【误】 I like if you help me do the work. 【正】 I like it if you help me do the work. 【解析】 like, hate, appreciate 后加 it 才能跟从句。 5. 你没有必要惊慌。 【误】 It is no need for you to panic. 【正】 It is not necessary for you to panic. 【正】 There is no need for you to panic. 【解析】 要注意区分 it 作形式主语的句型和 there be 引出的句型。it 作形式主语时可以很 容易地找到它所代替的真正的主语,而 there be 句型里是没有这个替代关系的。 课堂练习 1. —Do you want milk or coffee? —_______. I really don't mind. A.None B.Neither C.Either D.All 【解析】 C 此题考查代词 none, neither, either, all 的用法。根据问句知道是两者之间进 行选择,而且从答句中后一句的“我真的不介意”可知第二个人的意思是“两者中任何一个都可 以”,所以用 either。 2. Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn't answer ______ of them. A.other B.any C.none D.some 【解析】 B 考查代词辨析。所填词与 not 构成全部否定,四个选项中只有 any 与 not 构 成 not…any,等于 none,表示全部否定,选 B。 3. Will you see to ________ that my birds are well looked after while I am away? A.them B.yourself C.it D.me 【解析】 C 考查代词。所填词构成固定句型 see to it that,意为“注意,务必,一定要做 到”。选 C。 4. When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson,could you please say _______ for me? A.Everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 【解析】 C 考查代词。句意为:当你把我介绍给约翰逊先生时,能为我说说话吗? something 用在问句中是表示建议或请求,期望得到肯定回答。 5. He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _______ of them again. A.neither B.either C.each D.all 【解析】 B 考查代词词义辨析。这里用 never…either 表示“两者都不”,相当于…and found neither of them again。 6. —How do you find your new classmates? —Most of them are kind, but __________ is so good to me as Bruce. A.none B.no one C.every one D.some one【解析】 A 考查代词的用法。根据 but 一词确定应该从 A、B 中挑选。有一定范围的用 none,相当于 none of my new classmates。no one 不必有这种范围。 7. Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and__________ before you leave. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 【解析】 C 考查不定代词的用法。理解句意是关键。句意为:在你们离开前,确保你们 已有了护照、票等一切东西。everything 所有,一切东西;something 某种东西;anything 任何 东西;nothing 没有什么。 8. Helping others is a habit, _____ you can learn even at an early age. A.it B.that C.what D.one 【解析】 D 句意为:帮助他人是一种习惯,一种你可以从小学习的习惯。one 在此指 a habit。 9. Isn't it amazing how the human body heals _____ after an injury? A.himself B.him C.itself D.it 【答案】 C 10. You are a team star!Working with _____  is really your cup of tea. A.both B.either C.others D.the other 【解析】 C 考查代词的用法。sb.'s cup of tea 合乎某人的口味,使某人感兴趣的东西。 others 表示泛指“其他人”。11.The cost of renting a house in central Xi'an is higher than _____ in any other area of the city. A.that B.this C.It D.one 【解析】 A 本题考查代词。that 被用来替代 the cost of renting a house。在英语中,that 被用来替代同一类事物。 12.On my desk is a photo that my father took of _____ when I was a baby. A.him B.his C.me D.mine 【解析】 C 考查代词词义辨析。作介词宾语用人称代词的宾格。句意为:我的桌子上放 着我小时候父亲给我拍的一张照片。 13.—We should save some food for _______ who arrives late. —There's no need. __________ is here. A.anyone; Everyone B.everyone; Anyone C.anyone; Anyone D.everyone; Everyone 【解析】 A 考查代词辨析。句意为:“我们应该留着些吃的给来晚的人。”“没有必要。 大家都到齐了。”第一个空 anyone(任何人)是先行词,后面跟 who 引导的定语从句;第二个空 的 everyone 指“大家;每个人”,选 A。 14.I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with _______________. A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.none 【解析】 A not…everything 部分否定,不是所有的都。15.How can I help _____ if people don't read the instructions? A.that B.it C.what D.them 【解析】 B 考查代词。句意为:如果人们不看说明,我有什么办法呢?此处 it 用于谈论 某种情况。 新高考命题探究 1.代词 (1) My father asked Tom and I to help. 答案:I 改为 me.作宾语用宾格。 (2)If you meet Jack or Tom,tell them to call me. 答案:them 改为 him.him 与前面 Jack or Tom 一致。 (3)h was me who cleaned the classroom this morning. 答案:me 改为 l 被强调部分为主语 I. (4) I heard that Mr. Wu would teach our English this term. 答案:our 改为 us.teachsbsth. (5)I found that difficult to speak in front of so many people. 答案:that 改为 it , it 作形式宾语,that 不能。 (6)If anyone happened to call while I am out of the offlee, please have them leave a message for me. 答案:them 改为 him 或 her;与前面的 anyone 一致。(7) This isn't your book. Your is on the desk. 答案:Your 改为 Yours.名词性的物主代词作主语。 (8) This book is my sister's,but that one is not her. 答案:her 改为 hers.hers 名词性物主代词,相当于 herbook (9) I have a black bike and a red. 答案:red 后加 one.one 代替 bike. (10) Nobody of the girls came on the trip. 答案:Nobody 改为 None.nobody 后不接 Of 短语;可以说"none of..”. (11) My parents were all at home yesterday evening. 答案:a11 改为 both.both,两个都。 (12) The wounded soldier lived for other five days. 答案:other 改为 another.另外五天,再有五天:another five days 或 five more/other days. (13) There is so little left that I can't spare you one. 答案:one 改为 any.any 指代不可数名词。 (14) I invited Bill and Tom to my birthday party, but none of them came. 答案:none 改为 neither.none 指三者或三者以上都不;neither 两个都不。 (15) Some people like to stay watching TV at home, while other like to go to the cinema. 答案:other 改为 others.others 另外一些;some people...,others...“一些人……,另一些 人……”。 (16) Please help you to some fish. 答案:you 改为 yourself.help oneself to...自己拿/取/吃……。(17) Open the door,please. This is me. 答案:This 改为 It.It's me.是我。h 指双方心目中所指的那个人。 (18) Neighbours ought to respect each another. 答案:another 改为 other.each other 相互;或 each 改为 one,one another=each other. (19) Every a few weeks he pays a visit to his aunt. 答案:去掉第一个 a. every few weeks 每几周。 (20) That was not until eleven o'clock that I finished my work last night. 答案:That 改为 II 强调句式用“his/was...that...”. 2.定语从句 (1)The book I need it is not in the library. 答案:去掉 I(that/which)I need 是一个定语从句,need 后 it 多余。 (2) This was all which Oxford had to offer. 答案:which 改为 that 先行词是不定代词时,其后用 that 引导定语从句。 (3) Is this the restaurant in where you work? 答案:去掉介词 in 或将 where 改为 which.where=inwhich 引导定语从句。 (4) It is known to all,Taiwan belongs to China. 答案:It 改为 As.As is known to a11 是一个非限制性的定语从句,as 指代 Taiwan...整句的 内容。(5) That is one of those books that is worth reading. 答案:第二个 is 改为 are.that 指先行词 those books. (6) Paris is the place where I'd better visit first. 答案: where 改为 which/that 或将 where 去掉。which 或 that 在定语从句中作 visit 的宾语。 (7) Do you work near the building which color is white? 答案:which 改为 whose.whose 引导定语从句,指某人的或某物的。 (8) Last night I took a taxi,and which took me straight home. 答案:去掉 and.定语从句与主句之间不用 and 连接。 (9) China has hundreds of islands, the largest of them is Taiwan. 答案:them 改为 which.后面是一个非限制性的定语从句;或在 the 前加 and,后面是一个并 列分句。 (10) He is the only one of those students who are able to read in English. 答案:are 改为 is.who 引导的定语从句修饰 one,因为 one 前有 theonly 修饰。

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