2021年高考英语培优计划之思维型课堂专题14 读后续写整体思维之布局宏观结构

2021年高考英语培优计划之思维型课堂专题14 读后续写整体思维之布局宏观结构


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2021 年高考英语培优计划之思维型课堂 14 读后续写整体思维之布局宏观结构 【思维路径】 写作是一种思维活动,是学生表达思想的方式。《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高 考综合改革试验省份试用)》(以下简称《考试说明》)指出:写作是四项语言技能不可分割的一个重要部 分,更是语言生成能力的重要表现形式。该部分要求考生根据题示进行书面表达,并且考生应能:(1) 准确使用语法和词汇;(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。《英语科考试说明》 同时也规定高考写作部分由一、二两节组成,考查考生根据特定要求完成写作任务的能力。第一节为应用 文写作(分值为 15 分),要求考生根据所给情景,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。第二节为读后续写或概要写 作(分值为 25 分,两种题型不同考次不定期交替使用),其中读后续写提供一段 350 词以内的语言材料, 要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标识的关键词进行续写(150 词左右),将其发展成一篇与 给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文;概要写作提供一篇 350 词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短 文写出一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 纵观《考试说明》对读写结合的要求,我们不难发现英语新高考对写作的要求不再仅仅停留在语言本 身的层面,而是在逐渐对语言、语用、语言认知以及语篇等文本的诸要素进行综合考查,并且着重考查考 生对语篇的衔接与意义连贯的把握以及对语言结构的运用等。 基于以上分析,本文将以人民教育出版社的《普通高中课程标准试验教科书•英语必修 3》的 Unit 2 中 的 Reading and Writing 部分的 A Sad Love Story 的结尾续写为例,来具体阐释如何布局读后续写的宏观结 构。 【思维路径·整体思维】 【文本分析】 A Sad Love Story讲述是在情人节的那一天,两个年轻人李方与胡瑾约定好在下班后到一家咖啡馆见面。 但是,李方到达后,等了很久也不见胡瑾的身影。他在等的过程中,咖啡馆里的电视节目正在播放七夕节 的来历和牛郎织女的传说,这更增添了李方心中的伤痛。最后,李方决定离开,并且他把给胡瑾准备的情 人节礼物也给扔掉了。当他走在大街上的时候,他看见胡瑾正在一家茶馆门口焦急地等他。【宏观布局】 1、感知理解 在充分研读原文之后,教师可以结合原文本提出自己与文本有关的问题,例如: Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed? Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival? What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival? 提问本身就是一种批判性思维[4]。批判思维实质上是一个提问的过程,它通过提出不同的问题而逐渐 产生个体自己的新观点。因此,我们应该鼓励学生提出问题,而不是教师提问,学生回答。即使教师提问, 问题也要涉及不同的层次不应该只提让学生做出肯定与否定的问题,还要多提让学生说理的问题。不仅提 出有关微观的、句子层次的问题,还要提出宏观的、有关篇章的问题,从而能够启发学生思考,引起讨论。 2、思考整合 在学生针对原文本进行深入分析之后,充分把握文章的中心,之后教师可以引导学生进一步提出假设, 例如: Think of how Li Fang will explain that the flowers and chocolates are gone. Think of what Hu Jin will say when she hears that news. Think of an ending to the story that will solve the problem. Will Li Fang be happy or sad in the end? 教师让学生讨论他们自己提出的问题,一方而可以对课文内容进行延伸,另一方而让学生学习提问的 艺术。每个学生提问的角度会有所不同,这可以让学生了解如何从不同的视角考察问题,同时引发对文章 主题的深入思考。同时,学生可以从批判中吸取精华、质疑偏漏。在组织学生讨论过程中,教师可以通过 评选最发人深思的问题和最有争议的问题,对学生的积极思考和创新思维予以赞赏,激励学生敢于提问并 提出高质量的问题。 3、改进提升(Improving)在充分理清文章的中心的基础上,教师可以引导学生理清文章的表述逻辑。例如: Remind students to pay attention to the elements of a narrative and fill in a form about the structure of Li Fang's story. Elements Details Who Li Fang and Hu Jin When On Valentine's Day Where: At the coffee shop What happened Li Fang waited Hu Jin to celebrate the Valentine's Day, but she didn't turn up. How (feel) sad Why happened They have misunderstanding of the meeting place. Li Fang went to the coffee shop while Hu Jin waited in the tea shop. The result Li Fang was worried that Hu Jin would never forgive him. 教师要有意识地设计一些思索性的问题,给学生创设尽可能多的思索机会,这样既能真正实现在教学 过程中既注重语言技能的训练,又能重视思维能力的培养和提高,一方面学习目标语的词汇、语法、结构 等方面的语言知识,即把课文看作是语言实体;另一方面,又学习课文的信息内容,把课文看成是信息载 体。只有注重课文信息,不断进行比较、分析、推理、概括、评判、创造等思维活动,才能更有效地汲取 课文的精华,拓宽知识视野,发展思维能力。 4、尝试写作(Composing) 在充分挖掘文中信息之后,教师可以利用一下线索,引导学生进行续写:教师让学生随即在自己的记忆库中开始快速搜寻有关该方面的内容,加以整理组织,然后提取出来。 要求同学把白己的想法记录下来,然后把学习材料发给他们,让他们把白己的观点与作者的进行比较,分 析哪些是新观点。 读后续写: As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way...... ………………………………………5、评估反馈(Assessing) 在学生列好提纲并完成写作之后,教师可以组织学生进行小组交流: 观点 1:A Happy Ending As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, Li Fang heard his name called. it was Hu Jin. he didn’t think Hu Jin would love him any longer. he was so sad. but to his surprise, Hu Jin went to him with a beautiful flower. Li Fang didn’t know what to say. would he tell her the truth? …… 观点 2:A Sad Ending Two years passed quickly...one day, it was so happened that the couple met again in the same coffee shop. Now they were calm when they talked about the reasons why they broke up, they could face it calmly. The misunderstanding was finally obvious. …… Suddenly, an idea strikes him. “I’m still single now, why not get her back?” he was just opening his mouth. …… 观点 3:A Romantic Ending “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jin, my dearest honey! do you know what’s the valentine’s gift for you? can you guess?” said Li Fang. “I’m so eager to see what present for me! be quick, fang!” Jin said to Fang happily. …… 学生通过批判性思维写成的文章在课堂内接受质疑,经受批判之批判。在学生互评的过程中,教师应 要求学生既能指出优点也能指出缺点,引导学生一分为二地看待问题。教师应该加以点评,对学生的精彩 评判表示赞赏,对学生的疏漏之处予以补充,使学生在知所长与知不足中进一步熟练运用批判性思维技能。 6、深化拓展(Lengthening) 学生在深入交流与相互评价之后,教师可以进一步地引导学生充分发挥其想象力,修改故事、并最终 能够口述续写结果。这样既可以让编者在创作故事中体验成功,同时也让听众在倾听中感受喜悦。拓展的 目的不仅仅在于进一步完善故事情节,更重要的是检验学生对话题拓展的深度与广度。例如,教师可以利 用如下问题引导学生深入分析文本话题并进一步优化拓展的内容: What do you think the author stopped writing at the very end? What’s the author’s aim when mentioning a sad Chinese story in Valentine’s Day? 这些问题不但能让学生深入思考文本中的故事的意义,同时也能引导他们对文本的类型与风格的作用 的思考,从而能够指导他们更加明确地完成读写结合任务。 【语篇锤炼】 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Tringg-Tringggggg! Anna rolled in bed hoping the ringing would stop. When she eventually answered, her maid(女仆) was calling to inform she wouldn’t come as usual, as rains had flooded her house. Unhappy, Anna slid back under the quilt, wishing she also could stay in. Having moved to the city few months back, Anna lived alone and worked with an advertising firm. Assisting her colleague Mary on a presentation for a rich customer Mr. John, Anna worked rather hard. However, the fact that she wasn’t part of the team handling the deal was highly disheartening. Reaching for the bedside clock, she woke up hurriedly. 8:00 am — the red figure glared back. Damn! Late AGAIN! Taking a quick shower, she rushed to the bus-stop. She had barely stepped out when downpour caught her in the middle. Blaming the rains, she made her way through the crowd when she spotted her bus leaving. She ran after it but lost her balance and her purse contents spilled out. Frustratingly looking up towards heaven, Anna sighed. Stuffing her purse, she decided to take a taxi. Attempting to hail an empty taxi for 20 minutes, Anna paced restlessly, when someone pulled at her. A young beggar girl was vying for attention. Anna shrugged her off, assuming the girl wanted money. However, the girl held out her hand holding Anna’s mobile, which Anna left behind when she dropped her bag. Embarrassed at her insensitivity, Anna offered her chocolate for appreciation, which the girl grabbed quickly. The prize lighting up her face, she joined her companions, playing in the rains with joy. Anna’s heart soared seeing the poor children treasure the little things. Half-hour later, Anna stepped into her office which to no surprise wore a deserted look. Before she could reach her desk, Chris was walking towards her. “ Meeting with John now! Mary is not in because of water logging in here, we will go ahead”, Chris ordered seriously. Shocked yet excited at the development, Anna followed. Post the meeting, Chris announced that staff should leave instantly as thunderstorms were predicted. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2. 应使用 5 个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。 Paragraph 1: After an eventful day, Anna reached home, hungry and exhausted. _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Lost in thought, Anna looked back on the events of the day. _______________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 After an eventful day, Anna reached home, hungry and exhausted. The moment she came in, she saw a messy house. “Why is the universe out to get me?” she screamed, taking on the boring tasks of cooking and cleaning. After a while, Anna realized she was enjoying herself and the “me-time” made her refreshed. Coffee for company, she settled to catch the news. Disturbing images of a minor accident were being broadcast. Anna’s heart sank when she figured that it was the bus that she had missed. Lost in thought, Anna looked back on the events of the day. Had the maid showed up, Anna wouldn’t have the chance to appreciate life’s simple joys. If she caught the taxi earlier, she wouldn’t have got her mobile back. Had it not been incessantly raining, Mary would attend the meeting instead of Anna. Overcome with a strange feeling that the universe was sort of looking after her, Anna smiled, closed her eyes, said a small thank you to GOD and promised to look more carefully for the tiny bright spot in every gloom and be more patient in understanding life’s hidden meaning. When one door closes, another opens. 【范文解析】 范文围绕文章的内容进行了合情合理的拓展。前面的文本出现了很多的转折,因此,第一段延续这种 内容的设定,写了 Anna 对做家务前后心态的变化,结合上文的伏笔,引出本文一个高潮:原本 Anna 要搭 乘的公交车出事故了。第二段的目的在于通过 Anna 对这一天的反思,对全文进行概括,突出故事的主题。 【提炼归纳】 1. 把握内在线索 好的故事往往上下文呼应,所谓“草蛇灰线,伏脉千里”。因此,要做好文本的续写一定要读懂给定文 本,把握故事的人物和事件,抓住内在的线索。只有做到这一点,才能对故事的发展作出合情合理又合乎 逻辑的预测。要做好本篇的读后续写,必须发现文本中的几组对比:Anna 等了很久的出租车非常郁闷, 然而因为她一直在原地等车,导致她能找回原本丢失的手机;下大雨上班让 Anna 狼狈不堪,然而正因为 恶劣的天气同事请假,使她得到了上司的重用。所以,续写要按照这一模式创造更多的意料之外、情理之 中的巧合,强化文章要表达的真正目的。 2. 学会运用排比 在写作过程中,我们要根据文本特点选择相应的写作手法。在第二段的续写中,Anna 回顾一天中发生 的众多事情,而这些事情都有意想不到的后续,根据这一内容,采取排比句的方式不仅能让读者一目了然, 而且在气势上造成强化的效果。

资料: 29.3万


