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河北区 2020 届高三毕业年级英语学科“停课不停学期间线上 测试” 英语笔试 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用 时 90 分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 例:Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see it better. A. or B. and C. but D. while 答案是 B。 1.— I see you got a “D” in biology ______ ? — Well, I found that subject hard. I think I’ll drop it for history. A. How come B. Why not C. So what D. Who cares 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查交际用语。句意:—我看见你生物学科得了一个 D。怎么会这样? —嗯。我发 现这个学科很难。我认为我要放弃生物学习历史了。A. How come 怎么会这样?B. Why not 为 什么不呢?C. So what 那又怎么样?D. Who cares 谁在意?根据下一句“我发现这个学科很难。 我认为我要放弃生物学习历史了”可知是对上句的解释,由此可知 A 项(怎么会这样)符合 题意,故选 C。 2. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ______ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:他用事实证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,当他和别人一起工作时,他 的人格魅力尤为突显。A.temper 脾气; B.appearance 外貌;C.talent 天赋; D.character 性格,根据句意和各选项分析,故选 D 项。 3.— The buyer ______ me 50 yuan for MP4. Shall I sell it? — Why not? Your MP4 is out of date and it isn’t worth so much. A. provided B. offered C. charged D. supplied 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:——买家出价 50 元买我的 MP4。我要把它卖了吗?——为什 么不呢?你的 MP4 过时了,不值那么多钱。A. provided 提供;B. offered 主动给予;C. charged 要价,收费;D. supplied 供应。根据主语是 buyer 买家,可知买东西的是出价,C. charge(要 价)是错误。“offer sb.sth”为固定搭配“主动提供某人某物”符合题意,即买家主动出价50 元 买 我 的 MP4 符 合 题 意 。 固 定 搭 配 “provide ...with...” 意 为 “ 提 供 某 人 某 物 ”; “supply ...with”供应某人某物“,这两者从搭配的介词就不对,故选 B。 4.We won’t start the work until all the preparations __________. A. are being made B. will be made C. have been made D. had been made 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查动词时态辨析。句意:我们得等到所有的准备工作都做好了才能开始工作。are being 是现在进行时的被动形式;will be made 是一般将来时的被动形式;have been made 是现 在完成时的被动形式,用于强调动作产生的影响;had been made 是过去完成时的被动形式 。 本题是主将从现的用法。主句是将来时时,从句用现在时或相当于现在的时态;现在完成时 强调过去对现在的影响或动作从过去一直持续到现在。故选 C。 【点睛】通常说来, 在时间状语从句中使用一般现在时代替将来时,前面的主句中使用将来时。 在高中英语中也使用现在完成时代替将来时,表示到将来某个时间已经完成的事情。主句是 We won’t start,从句用一般现在时或者现在完成时,故选 C。5.The girl devoted all her spare time she had ______ others. A. to help B. helped C. to helping D. help 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:这个女孩把她所有的业余时间都用于帮助别人。本句的主 语是 the girl ,谓语动词是 devoted,宾语是 all her spare time ,而 she had 是 her spare time 的定语 从句。根据语境是说女孩把所有的业余时间用于帮助别人,句中的“devote ...to...”为固定搭 配,意为“把......献给......”,这里的 to 是介词,后面要跟动词 ing 或名词,故选 C 6.________ medicine works in a human body is a question ________ not everyone can understand fully. A. What; that B. How; that C. That; what D. That; which 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查名词性从句和定语从句。句意:药物如何在人体中起作用是一个并非所有人都 能完全理解的问题。 分析句子结构可知,______ medicine works in a human body 是主语从句, 其主谓不缺少,只缺少状语,缺少的是状语,依据题意,故填 how。a question 被定语从句 not everyone can understand fully 修饰,先行词 a question 指物,在定语从句中作宾语,可填 that/which。综合可知。故选 B。 7. —Have you worked here since you graduated? —No, I ________ at a factory in Beijing for six years. A. would work B. have worked C. had worked D. worked 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 考查动词时态。句意:---你自从毕业就在这儿工作吗?----不,我在北京的一家工厂工作了 6 年。 根据答语可知,自从毕业以来,"我"并没有一直在这里工作,在此之前"我"还在北京的 一家工厂工作了六年,故此处表示发生在"我"在这里工作之前的事情,故用一般过去时。故选D。 8.Would it be ______ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport? A. comfortable B. vacant C. convenient D. handy 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:你四点钟来送我到机场方便吗? A. comfortable 舒服的;B. vacant 空着的,未被占用的;C. convenient 方便的;D. handy 手边的。根据语境可知,本空格 是问对方四点钟来送我到机场“方便”吗?“it is convenient for sb to do sth”为固定句式,意 为“对某人来说做某事很方便”。故选D。 9.The new machine according to the report, will work twice as fast, ______ greatly reducing costs. A. so B. even C. yet D. thus 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查词语辨析。句意:据介绍,这台新机器的工作速度将是原来的两倍,从而大大 降低了成本。A. so 因此;B. even 甚至;C. yet 但是,然而;D. thus 因此,从而。根据前后两 句的内容可知,前面的新机器工作效率是以前的两倍,导致后面的结果,so 和 thus 都有“因 此”之意,但 so 是连词,后面跟句子,而 thus 是副词,后可以跟动词-ing 形式。本句空格后 是动词的-ing 形式作结果状语,因此要用 thus。故选 D。 【点睛】1.thus 和 so 都有“因此,如此”之意。用作副词时,都可与 and 使连用,可互换。 用于并列句表“表顺承关系”,此时可互换。 It's all over now, and so you think no more of it.现在一切都过去了,别再去想它了 He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.他是长子,因此是头衔的继承人。 so 作副词时,常修饰形容词或其它的副词。 Don't look so angry.别那样怒气冲冲的。 2. so 作连词时,可独立引导并列分句(分句前可用逗号或不用); thus 前必须有分号(或破折 号)隔开或与 and 连用。才能引导并列分句。 She's not feeling well, so she wants to stay in bed.她感到不适,所以想卧床休息。 Fay studied hard; thus she received high marks.费伊用功读书,因此获得高分。 3.thus 后常常接 -ing 形式, 但 so 不可以。 Agriculture has developed rapidly, thus providing light industry with ample raw materials. 迅速发展,从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。 10.Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories. A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:Lucy 非常幽默,总是能用她讲的故事逗她的同事们开心。这里考查 keep 的复合结构(keep+宾语+宾补),keep 的复合结构中不能用不定式做宾补,所以先排除 C、D; 然后再根据"keep her colleagues______with her stories"Lucy 总是能用她讲的故事逗她的同事们 开心可知,宾语 her colleagues 与 amuse 之间是动宾关系,也就是被动关系,所以用过去分词 amused,表示被动,故选 A。 11.Can you make a sentence to ______ the meaning of the phrase? A. bring out B. show off C. take in D. turn out 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:你能造一个句子来阐明这个短语的意思吗?A. bring out 阐述,显现;B. show off 炫耀;C. take in 吸收,欺骗;D. turn out 结果是,最后是。根据前面 的“造一个句子”可知是来阐述(bring out)这个短语的意思。故选 A。 12.The boy ______ on the ground ______ to me that he had ______ the book on the shelf. A. lying; lay; laid B. lying; lied; laid C. lie; lied; lay D. lay; lied; laid 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:躺在地上的男孩对我撒谎说他把书放在书架上了。lie “撒 谎”时,过去式 lied,过去分词 lied,现在分词 lying;如果 lie 意为“躺”时, 过去式 lay, 过去分词 lain,现在分词 lying。lay 意为“放置,产蛋”,其过去式是laid,过去分词 laid,现 在分词 laying。本句中的第一个空“__on the ground”在句中做主语the boy 的后置定语,二者是主动关系,即“躲在地方的男孩”,填lie(躺)的现在分词 lying。第二个空是谓语动词 lie(说 谎),根据语境可知,本句叙述的是过去的事,要用一般过去时,此空格用动词的过去时,要 填 lied。第三个空是宾语从句的谓语动词的现在完成时的一部分,根据语境可知,此处是指把 书本“放置”在书架上,lay 是“放置”之意,此空格要用过去完成时,即用 lay 的过去分词, 即 laid。综合可知,本题选 B。 13.— I like your new shoes! — Thanks. I had to try on almost a dozen pairs _________ I decided to get them. A. as B. when C. after D. before 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查连词。句意:——我喜欢你的新鞋子。——多谢,我在决定买下之前试了许多双。A.as 当……时候;B.when 当……时候;C.after 在……之后;D.before 在……之前。根据语境和选 项分析,故选 D。 14.Sales director is a position ______ communication ability is just as important as sales skills. A. whose B. where C. what D. that 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:销售经理是一个交流能力和销售能力一样重要职位。本句是 定语从句,先行词 position 在定语从句中做地点状语,把 position 放回从句中,在从句中充当 的成分应是“on this position”,用关系副词where。故选 D。 【点睛】定语从句关系词的选择: 1、划分句子成分,细心甄别答案。我们确定了考查的是定语从句后,接下来就要判断选用关 系代词还是关系副词。关系代词与关系副词表意不同,在从句中的作用也不同。关系代词一 般作主语,宾语。表语等,主要有既指人又指物的 that,指人的 who(主语),whom(宾语), 只指物的 which 或 as。指“人的”或“物的”时,要用whose。而关系副词一段作状语等,主 要有 when(作时间状语), why(原因状语) ,where.(地点状语)。 2、依托语境逻辑,选对关系词。要注意分清它们在定语从句充当什么成分。有时候,仅仅依 靠语法规则,很难正确判断关系词,还要结合空格前后所提供的语境以及逻辑来选择3、结合从句提供的语境和句子的逻辑意义来判断。 4、确定先行词,可将先行词还原到从句中。 1) What was the name of the man who /that lent you the money 借钱给你的那人叫什么名字? (定语从句修饰先行词 the man, the man 在定语从句中当主语,指人即可用 who 又可用 that) 2) This is the factory that/ which we visited two days ago. 这是我们两天前参观过的工厂。 (the factory 在定语从句中做 visit 的宾语,做宾语指物,既可用 which,也可用 that) 3) There are some people whose faces you can never forget. 有些人,他们的脸你永远难以忘怀。 (定语从句修饰先行词 people, people 在定语从句中当定语,修饰 faces,即他们的脸,人的/物 的,要用 whose) 4) I recently went back to the town where I was born. 我最近曾回过一次我出生的城市。 (先行词是 the town,在定语从句中表示出生的地点,当地点状语,有 where,where = in which) 5) Please tell me the reason why(for which) you missed the plane. 请告诉我你误机的原因。 (先行词是 the reason,在定语从句中表示 missed the plane 的原因,当状语,用 why,why = for which) 6) I still remember the day when I first came to this school. 我仍然记得我第一次来到这所学校的那一天。 (先行词是 the day,在定语从句中表示 came to this school 的日子,做时间状语叶要用 when, when= on which) 7) As is well known to us, the telephone has brought us much convenience. = The telephone has brought us much convenience,as is well known to us. 正如大家所知道的(众所周知),电话给我们带来了许多方便 (as 在定语从句中指代后面的一整个句子 the telephone has brought us much convenience 众所周 知,电话已经给我们带来很多方便。As 引导非限制性定语从句时,有“正如,就像”。既可置 于句首也可置于句末。) 15.— Tony, any plans tonight? — ______ I may do some washing and homework. A. It’s up to you B. That’s a good idea C. Nothing particular D. How about seeing a movie 【答案】C 【解析】【详解】考查情景对话。句意:——托尼,今晚有什么安排吗?——没什么特别的,我可能 洗衣服和做作业。A. It’s up to you 你决定; 你说了算;B. That’s a good idea 是个好主意,是 个好点子;C. Nothing particular 没什么特别的事;D. How about seeing a movie 看电影怎么样? 根据后句“我可能洗衣服和做作业”,可知没有什么特别的安排。C 项符合题意,故选 C。 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~35 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中,选出最佳选项。 When I was a child, my mother didn't force me to eat everything in my dish. She said I had to___16___every food three times. Her ___17___ was the first time to try it, the second time to get over the fact that you had just tried it, and the third to ___18___that you don't like it. After that, if I still___19___the taste, she would ___20___make me eat it again. Her reasonable approach ___21___almost every time----except with bananas, which I still don't eat now. As I grew older, I brought that simple ___22___ into my life. I had been ___23___the diving(跳 水) board at the pool, but I had___24___ to make the first jump off the board. When I breathed in water, my mother jumped in to ___25___ me. Before she could even reach me, I was up and out of the pool, heading back to that diving board. I jumped off___26___.More coughing followed, but I was determined to get over the fear. When I ___27___the pool the second time, my mom tried to cover me with a towel.___28___, I threw off the towel and___29___trying. The third time there was no ___30___ and no water in my nose. In fact, there were___31___ from the others at the pool. At that point, I fell in love with the pool. In my mid-thirties, I ___32___ a successful job that didn't satisfy me in order to achieve my dream of being a writer. Having been ___33___ twice, I tried for a third time. I have been happily living the life of a writer ever since. We are all afraid of something ___34___. But how can we be sure that something won't be ___35___ unless we give it a try. 16. A. smell B. cook C. try D. share 17. A. reason B. decision C. dream D. order 18. A. point out B. make sure C. agree D. imagine 19. A. remembered B. required C. missed D. hated 20. A. even B. never C. still D. ever 21. A. worked B. changed C. formed D. developed22. A. answer B. plan C. game D. rule 23. A. excited about B. afraid of C. bored with D. proud of 24. A. hoped B. waited C. managed D. continued 25. A. help B. watch C. warn D. praise 26. A. as usual B. by chance C. just now D. once again 27. A. fell into B. looked at C. got out of D. ran away from 28. A. Instead B. Besides C. Therefore D. Moreover 29. A. began B. regretted C. avoided D. kept 30. A. fear B. sadness C. surprise D. anger 31. A. invitations B. cheers C. replies D. thanks 32. A. left B. needed C. took D. offered 33. A. forgotten B. punished C. refused D. caught 34. A. dangerous B. unknown C. difficult D. strange 35. A. important B. special C. enjoyable D. similar 【答案】16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要通过作者的亲身经历讲述了一个道理:如果我们不去尝试,我们 怎么能确定某件事不会令人愉快呢? 【16 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说每种食物我都要试三次。A. smell 闻;B. cook 烹饪;C. try 尝 试;D. share 分享。根据句意和语境可知,妈妈要求对于食物,我需要尝试三次再决定“喜 恶”,且对应后文提及的“you had just tried it (你已经试过了)”。故选C 项。 【17 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的理由是第一次是尝试,第二次是为了克服你刚试过的事实, 第三次是为了确定你不喜欢它。A. reason 理由;B. decision 决定;C. dream 梦想;D. order 命 令。根据句意和语境可知,后文是在解释为什么要求我尝试三次,为原因(reason)。故选 A 项。【18 题详解】 考查动词及短语词义辨析。句意:她的理由是第一次是尝试,第二次是为了克服你刚试过的 事实,第三次是为了确定你不喜欢它。 A. point out 指出;B. make sure 确保;确定;C. agree 同意;D. imagine 想象。根据句意和语境可知,第三次尝试是为了确定(make sure)我不喜欢 这道食物。故选 B 项。 【19 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,如果我仍然讨厌它的味道,她就不会再让我吃它了。 A. remembered 记得;B. required 要求;C. missed 思念;错过;D. hated 讨厌。根据句意和 语境可知,所选词应与前文“don’t like”表达含义一致。故选 D 项。 【20 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,如果我仍然讨厌它的味道,她就不会再让我吃它了。 A. even 甚至;B. never 绝不;从不;C. still 仍然;还;D. ever 曾经。根据句意和语境可知,妈 妈不强迫我吃掉盘子里所有的东西,因此,不喜欢的话,就不会再让我吃掉。故选 B 项。 【21 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的合理方法几乎每次都奏效——除了香蕉,我现在还不吃香蕉。 A. worked 工作;起作用; B. changed 改变;C. formed 形成; D. developed 发展。根据 句意和语境可知,句子主语为“approach(方法)”,对应动作应是“有效果/有作用 (work)”。故选A 项。 【22 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着年龄的增长,我把这个简单的规则带进了我的生活。A. answer 答案;B. plan 计划;C. game 游戏;D. rule 方法;规则。根据句意和语境可知,此处的名词之 前有 that 限定词,因此,所选词应与前文提及的 approach 为同义词,rule 可以理解为“方法; 原则”。故选D 项。 【23 题详解】 考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我一直害怕游泳池里的跳板,但我成功地从跳板上做了第一跳。 A. excited about 对……兴奋; B. afraid of 害怕; C. bored with 对……厌倦; D. proud of 为……而 感到骄傲。根据后文提及“At that point, I fell in love with the pool. (就在那时,我爱上了游泳 池)”可知,作者刚开始对于跳水是恐惧的(be afraid of)。故选 B 项。 【24 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 我一直害怕游泳池里的跳板,但我成功地从跳板上做了第一跳。A. hoped 希望;B. waited 等待;C. managed 设法(做成某事);D. continued 继续。根据后文 “When I breathed in water (当我在水里呼吸)”可知,作者第一次跳水做到了。故选 C 项。 【25 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在水里呼吸的时候,我的母亲跳进来帮助我。 A. help 帮助; B. watch 观看;C. warn 警告;D. praise 表扬。根据句意和语境可知,妈妈下水来帮助我 (help)。故选 A 项。 【26 题详解】 考查副词短语辨析。句意: 还没等她来接我,我已经从游泳池里出来了,又回到了跳板上。 A. as usual 像往常一样;B. by chance 偶然;意外地;C. just now 刚刚;D. once again 再一次。 根据后文“When I ___12___the pool the second time”提及the second time 可知,作者又一次跳 入水中(once again)。故选 D 项。 【27 题详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我第二次走出游泳池时,我妈妈想用毛巾盖住我。A. fell into 落 入;掉入;B. looked at 看着;C. got out of 从……出来;D. ran away from 逃离。对应前文提及 “out of the pool”,所填空应是从泳池中出来(got out of the pool)。故选 C 项。 【28 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我扔掉毛巾,继续努力。 A. Instead 然而;B. Besides 除…… 之外;而且;C. Therefore 因此;D. Moreover 而且;此外。根据句意和语境可知,前文“my mom tried to cover me with a towel (妈妈想用毛巾将我裹上)”,后文提及“I threw off the towel (我将毛 巾扔到一边)”,前后为转折关系。故选A 项。 【29 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,我扔掉毛巾,继续努力 A. began 开始;B. regretted 后悔; 遗憾;C. avoided 避免;D. kept 坚持。根据句意和语境,我坚持(kept)尝试。故选 D 项。 【30 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第三次,我不再害怕,鼻子里也没有水了。 A. fear 害怕;恐惧; B. sadness 伤心;难过;C. surprise 惊讶;惊喜;D. anger 气愤。根据句意和语境可知,所填空 对应前文提及的“be afraid of ”,作者不再害怕(fear)。故选 A 项。 【31 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,泳池边的其他人都在欢呼。A. invitations 邀请;B. cheers 欢呼;C. replies 答复;D. thanks 感谢。根据句意和语境可知,作者克服了跳水的恐惧,其他人也为之欢呼(cheer)。故选 B 项。 【32 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我 35 岁的时候,为了实现我成为一名作家的梦想,我放弃了一 份并不令我满意的成功工作。A. left 离开; B. needed 需要;C. took 带走;D. offered 提供。 根据后文“in order to achieve my dream of being a writer.”可知,作者为了实现自己的梦想而辞 去(left)了一份自己不满意的工作。故选 A 项。 【33 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我被拒绝了两次,又试了一次。A. forgotten 忘记;B. punished 惩 罚;C. refused 拒绝;D. caught 抓住。根据后文“I tried for a third time (我又试了一次)”可知, 作者的前两次尝试并不成功,遭到拒绝(refuse)。故选 C 项。 【34 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们都害怕未知的东西。A. dangerous 危险的;B. unknown 未知 的 ;C. difficult 困 难 的 ;D. strange 奇 怪 的 。 根 据 句 意 和 语 境 可 知 , 我 们 对 于 未 知 的 (unknown)事物感到害怕。故选 B 项。 【35 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,如果我们不去尝试,我们怎么能确定某件事不会令人愉 快呢? A. important 重要的;B. special 特别的;C. enjoyable 喜爱的;D. similar 相似的。根据句 意和语境可知,此处应是双重否定表肯定:只有尝试过才知道是否喜爱,即对应前文提及的“fell in love with”。故选 C 项。 第二部分:阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Matilda By Roald Dahl Price: $ 10.25 Gifted and sweet Matilda White goes largely unnoticed by her less-than-loving parents. Things only get worse when she goes to school. Luckily, her teacher, Miss Honey, helps Matilda discover how special she is and encourages her to create the life she dreams about. Ivy & Bean By Annie BarrowsPrice: $4.59 When Ivy moves in across the street, Bean is sure they won’t be friends. They are just too different. However, when Ivy helps Bean get away from her sister, who is trying to get Bean in trouble, a friendship blossoms between the unlikely pair. Kids who enjoy this book can read the whole series over the summer. Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed By Emily Pearson Price: $ 7.99 When Mary decides to give some fresh-picked wild blueberries to a neighbor, she starts a chain reaction of kindness. After Mrs. Bishop makes and shares newly-made cake, her recipients go on to spread kindness to others they meet. Mary might be a common little girl, but she learns that even children can help make the world a better place. Frederick By Leo Lionni Price: $ 14.39 Frederick is a mouse who lives with his family in a large field. During the summer all of the mice begin to store food to prepare for the cold winter months. All of the mice except Frederick, that is. Instead, Frederick collects things such as rays of sun, rainbows and words. Although the others think he is stupid, they come to learn that everyone’s contribution counts. 36. Who helps Matilda discover how special she is? A. Her friend, Annie. B. Her neighbor, Mary. C. Her father, Mr. White. D. Her teacher, Miss Honey. 37. Whose book is mainly about friendship? A. Roald Dahl’s. B. Leo Lionni’s. C. Emily Pearson’s. D. Annie Barrows’s. 38. What does Mary decide to give to her neighbor ? A. Cakes. B. Blueberries. C. Books. D. Flowers. 39. How much should you pay for a book of animals? A. $4.59. B. $7.99.C. $14.39. D. $10.25. 40. Where is the text most likely to have been taken from? A. A story book. B. A lesson plan. C. A book review. D. A kid’s magazine. 【答案】36. D 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. D 【解析】 本文为说明文。主要介绍了几本儿童故事书。 【36 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Matilda 部分中的“her teacher, Miss Honey, helps Matilda discover how special she is ....”可知,她的老师 Honey,小姐帮助马蒂尔达发现她有多特别,故选 D。 【37 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Ivy & Bean By Annie Barrows 部分中的“When Ivy moves in across the street, Bean is sure they won’t be friends. They are just too different. However, when Ivy helps Bean get away from her sister, who is trying to get Bean in trouble, a friendship blossoms between the unlikely pair.” 当常春藤搬到街对面时,比恩确信他们不会成为朋友。他们太不一样了。然而,当常 春藤帮助比恩摆脱试图让比恩陷入困境的姐姐时,一段不太可能的友谊在两人之间绽放。由 此可知,是 Annie Barrows 的书中叙述了友谊。故选 D。 【38 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed 部分中的“When Mary decides to give some fresh-picked wild blueberries to a neighbor,”可知,玛丽决定给邻居一些新鲜采摘的野生蓝 莓。故选 B。 【39 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Frederick 部分中的“By Leo Lionni Price: $ 14.39 Frederick is a mouse who lives with his family in a large field.”可知,由Leo Lionni 写的书 Frederick,价格是$14.39。书中 描述的是动物老鼠,由此可知,买本书有关动物的书要付$14.39,故选 C。 【40 题详解】 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了四本给孩子看的故事。由此可知,这些文章主要来自于儿童杂 志,故选 D。 B In an attempt to win back old customers, restaurants and companies often introduce new menu items or new flavors. Most of these are successful with customers because they have always been researched and tested by companies before they meet the public. However, there are still some that are so unpopular with customers and they fail so badly as a product that they become infamous. One of the most well-known marketing failures happened in 1985 with New Coke, a soft drink created to replace the original Coca-Cola flavor. The Coca-Cola Company tested several new flavors and found that people always preferred a sweeter soda. As a result, the CEO decided that the sweeter soda would replace the original Coca-Cola drink. Many customers, however, soon started to express their dissatisfaction with the new drink. The Coca-Cola Company received over 1,500 angry telephone calls every day. The Coca-Cola Company actually employed special experts to talk to customers because they were so angry and sad about the change. Some Americans were buying old Coca-Cola drinks from overseas where the new drink had not yet been introduced. And in some parts of America people were so angry that they emptied bottles of New Coke into the street. So many people were unhappy with Coca-Cola’s new drink that the company decided only three months later to return to the old Coca-Cola drink. On July 10,1985, the Coca-Cola Company said that it would bring back the old Coke and rename the drink “Coca-Cola Classic” or “Coke Classic”. Thousands of customers phoned the company to express their support. Even today, business experts are interested in this case. Even though the Coca-Cola Company had carefully tested and experimented with New Coke before introducing it to customers, the New drink was still very unpopular. So, what did Coca-Cola do wrong? It seems the company simply did not understand customers’ deep historical and emotional attachment to the drink. 41. Why do companies usually introduce new menu items? A. To attract past customers. B. To attract new customers. C. To attract elderly customers. D. To attract customers with special needs. 42. What is the difference between New Coke and the original one? A. New Coke is sweeter. B. New Coke is more acidic. C. New Coke’s color is lighter.D. New Coke’s bottle is bigger. 43. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? A. Why New Coke failed in America. B. The harm New Coke did to people’ s health. C. How customers acted in answer to the introduction of New Coke. D. The comparison between sales of New Coke and the original one. 44. When was New Coke put on the market? A. In May 1985. B. In April 1985. C. In June 1985. D. In July 1985. 45. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows? A. The reasons why New Coke succeeded overseas. B. The history of the Coca-Cola Company in the 1990s. C. The difference between New Coke and Coke Classic. D. The importance of people’s feelings about old products. 【答案】41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. D 【解析】 【分析】 本文为说明文。文章叙述了有些餐馆和公司经常推出新的菜单或新口味,但并非所有的新产 品都受客户的欢迎。文章叙述了口可乐最著名的一次营销失败:用甜味的苏打水来代替老的 原汁饮料。产品推出却遭到顾客的强烈反对而最终失败,可见即使之前已经对其进行了仔细 的测试和试验,但这种新饮料仍然非常不受欢迎。因为公司忽略了顾客对这款饮料的感情。 【41 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“In an attempt to win back old customers, restaurants and companies often introduce new menu items or new flavors. Most of these are successful with customers because they have always been researched and tested by companies before they meet the public” 为了赢回老顾客,餐馆和公司经常推出新的菜单项目或新口味。这些产品之所以能在 客户中获得成功,是因为在面向公众之前,它们总是经过公司的研究和测试。可知,推出新 菜单是为了吸引老顾客,故选 A。 【42 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段最后部分“The Coca-Cola Company tested several new flavors and found that people always preferred a sweeter soda. As a result, the CEO decided that the sweeter soda would replace the original Coca-Cola drink.” 可口可乐公司测试了几种新口味,发现人们总是喜欢甜味 的苏打水。因此,CEO 决定用更甜的苏打水代替可口可乐的原汁饮料。由此可知,新可口可 乐与原来的可口可乐的区别是新的可乐是更甜,故选 A。 【43 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第三段内容可知,许多顾客很快开始对这种新饮料表示不满。可口可乐公 司每天接到 1500 多个愤怒的电话......一些美国人从没有引进新饮料的海外购买可口可乐。在 美国的一些地方,人们非常愤怒,把几瓶新可乐倒在街上。由此可得出本段主要讲述顾客对 新可乐的推出的反应。分析选项,可知 C 项(顾客如何应对新可乐的推出)符合题意,故选 C。 【44 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“So many people were unhappy with Coca-Cola’s new drink that the company decided only three months later to return to the old Coca-Cola drink. On July 10,1985, the Coca-Cola Company said that it would bring back the old Coke and rename the drink” 许多人对可 口可乐的新饮料感到不满,以至于公司仅在三个月后就决定恢复使用旧的可口可乐饮料。1985 年 7 月 10 日,可口可乐公司宣布将旧可乐重新命名为“可口可乐经典”或“可口可乐经典”。 由此可推出新可乐上市是在 1985 年的 4 月份,故选 B。 【45 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“So, what did Coca-Cola do wrong? It seems the company simply did not understand customers’deep historical and emotional attachment to the drink.”那么, 可口可乐做错了什么?这家公司似乎根本不了解顾客对这款饮料的深厚历史和情感依恋。由 此可推断出接着要讨论人们对老产品的感情的重要性。故选 D。 【点睛】文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文 内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。细节理解是指原文提到了某事, 某种现象或理论,题干一般针对原文具体叙述的事情本身提问。一般包括直接理解题(在原 文中直接找到答案,常用 why/what/when/who/how 等提问)。语意转化题(需要将题目信息与 原文相关信息进行语意上的转换,两者存在着表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工整理后方能 得出结论)、数字计算题,排列顺序题、图表图画题等。抓住文章中的事实和细节是做好该类 题的关键,也是做好其他类题的基础。第 4 题属于计算。根据第四段“So many people were unhappy with Coca-Cola’s new drink that the company decided only three months later to return to the old Coca-Cola drink. On July 10,1985, the Coca-Cola Company said that it would bring back the old Coke and rename the drink” 许多人对可口可乐的新饮料感到不满,以至于公司仅在三个月 后就决定恢复使用旧的可口可乐饮料。1985 年 7 月 10 日,可口可乐公司宣布将旧可乐重新命 名为“可口可乐经典”或“可口可乐经典”。由此可推断出新可乐上市是在1985 年的 4 月份, 故选 B。 细节理解题有时考查的并不是单一的信息,而是多处信息的整合。解答此类“综合”信 息细节题时,一定要全面捕捉相关信息,进行综合分析、归纳,切忌根据“一面之词”草率 地做出结论。 C Jennifer Udler was in the middle of a 50-minute session with a patient when it started to rain. Walking and talking about anxiety and stress, she and her teenage patient got wet. But when they made it back indoors, Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” This kind of insight is key to her practice. Jennifer, a social worker whose practice focuses on adolescents, has been a therapist (治疗师 ) for 20 years. For most of that time, she practiced in a traditional office, but she noticed how easy it was for her running partners to open up about their problems. After doing some research, in 2013, Jennifer founded Positive Strides Therapy, where she conducts sessions while walking outdoors. She conducts all of her sessions outdoors and in all kinds of weather. “When somebody asks me if I specialize in walking therapy, I say, ‘No, that’s how I practice,’ ” Udler said. “I specialize in family systems theory. Walking in the park is just where I practice. ” Despite the lack of formal research, Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful. “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” And outdoor walking therapy doesn’t just benefit teens. Jennifer says the adults in her practice welcome the humanizing effect of taking therapy outdoors. 46. What lesson did Jennifer teach her teenage patient through the rain? A. Rain and suffering are a part of life. B. She is ready to help the young man. C. We can beat our difficulty after all. D. Rain can help us deal with our trouble.47. The underlined word “insight” in Paragraph 1 probably means . A. qualification B. foresight C. awareness D. prediction 48. How does Jennifer feel her therapy in her reply to people’s question? A. Doubtful. B. Confident. C. Unconcerned. D. Disappointed. 49. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to? A. The lack of formal research about the therapy. B. Building physical memory of past experience. C. Treating her teen patients in a traditional office. D. Conducting walk — and — talk therapy for teens. 50 Why does Jennifer think her therapy will help her patients? A. Walking outdoors is similar to managing worries. B. Moving in the rain is a bit too difficult to tolerate. C. The rain can make one excited and face the trouble. D. Running in the rain or storm will make one healthy. 【答案】46. C 47. C 48. B 49. D 50. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文为说明文。文章主要叙述了专注于青少年的社会工作者的詹妮弗,用自己创造的 Positive Strides Therapy 疗法,在户外散步时对青少年进行治疗,去除他们的烦恼。 【46 题详解】 推理判断题。第一段中的 Walking and talking about anxiety and stress, she and her teenage patient got wet. But when they made it back indoors, Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” 她和她十 几岁的病人边走边谈论焦虑和压力,她和她十几岁的病人淋湿了。但当他们回到室内时,詹 妮弗说:“看看我们!我们身上湿了,但我们熬过去了!现在你可以在下次出现焦虑之前和 期间运用它”,由此可推断出,通过与青少年病人在雨中散步,她要告诉这个病人的是,虽然 经历了风雨,但是我们最终能够战胜困难的。故选 C。 【47 题详解】猜测词意题。根据划线词上文 Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” 詹妮弗说:“看看 我们!我们身上湿了,但我们熬过去了!现在你可以在下次出现焦虑之前和期间运用它”由 此可知,这是詹妮弗得到的经验。由此推断“This kind of insight is key to her practice”的意思 是说“这种洞察是她实践的关键,由此可推断出划线词“insight”指的是“认识;洞察”。分 析选项 A. qualification 资格,资质;B. foresight 深谋远虑,先见之明;C. awareness 洞察;认 识,意识;D. prediction 预测。可知 C 项符合题意,故选 C。 【48 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段 When somebody asks me if I specialize in walking therapy, I say, ‘No, that“s how I practice,’ ” Udler said. “I specialize in family systems theory. Walking in the park is just where I practice. ” (当有人问我是否擅长 Positive Strides Therapy 疗法时,我会说,‘不, 我就是这样练习的,’” 詹妮弗·乌德勒说。“我专攻家庭系统理论。在公园散步正是我练 习的地方。)”以及下文“Despite the lack of formal research, Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits”可推断出詹妮弗•乌德勒对她的这种疗法非常自信。故选 B。 【49 题详解】 词句猜测题。前第三段一直在讨论 walking therapy 疗法,并且说她一直在运用它。 第四段划 线词所在句子“Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful”詹妮弗还是 坚信这样做的好处,她说这样做会有帮助。可知,此处的 it 是指“walking therapy”。并且 下文对此进行了详细的解释说明: “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” “我们将谈论“向前迈进”,因为我们实际上是在前进的道路上,建 立让他们向前迈进,让焦虑消失的肌肉记忆。”分析句子可知,此处“it”是指与年轻人一起 散步并谈话的疗法。分析选项可知,D 项(提供边走边谈的治疗方法)符合题意,故选 D。 【50 题详解】 推理判断题。倒数第二段 Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful. “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” 詹妮弗坚信 这样做的好处,她说这样做会有帮助。“我们将谈论“向前迈进”,因为我们实际上是在前进 的道路上,建立让他们向前迈进,让焦虑消失的肌肉记忆。”由此可推断出这种疗法对病人 有效是因为在户外散步类似于处理烦恼。分析选项可知 A 项(在户外散步类似于处理烦恼) 符合题意,故选 A。 【点睛】高考中词义推断可以是一个单词的意义推断,也可以是一个短语或句子的意义推断, 既可以是生词意义,也可以是熟词新意;还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。在阅读理解 题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据短文提供的语境。在阅读中我 们经常会考查猜测词义题。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都 有联系。运用逻辑推理猜测词义是使用最广考查最多也最易失分的猜词方式,这要求考生具 备整合分散、复杂信息的能力,充分利用上下文(各种已知信息)并结合具体的语境推测、 判断某些词或短语的词义。例如第 4 小题词意猜测题。前第三段一直在讨论 walking therapy 疗法,并且说她一直在运用它。 第四段划线词所在句子“Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful”詹妮弗还是坚信这样做的好处,她说这样做会 有帮助。可知,此处的 it 是指“walking therapy”。并且下文对此进行了详细的解释说明: “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” “我们将谈论“向前迈进”,因为我们实际上是在前进的道路上,建立让他们向前 迈进,让焦虑消失的肌肉记忆。”分析句子可知,此处“it”是指与年轻人一起散步并谈话 的疗法。分析选项可知,D 项(提供边走边谈的治疗方法)符合题意,故选 D。 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分:写作 第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。 In June 2011, my life changed and so did my family’s. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I came downstairs all ready for the family swim. Right before I got into the pool, my mom called me inside. She sat me down and waited for my dad and brothers to come to join us. Then, our parents told us the worst news imaginable-- my dad had been diagnosed with Stage III Colon Cancer(结肠癌). The news hit hard of course. However, in my head, my dad was a superman. As his daughter, I knew that cancer wasn’t going to beat him. I just went out and swam. As weeks went on, life didn’t change much within our house. My mom still went to work; my brothers and I still went to school; and my dad still worked while also meeting his doctor. However, I didn’t realized how much this new diagnosis was going to change my life. As treatment progressed with my dad’s cancer, I couldn’t depend on him for things he usually did. And with my brothers being away at college, I had to take on a lot more responsibility. But that was not the hardest part of this new journey. It was the fear. The fear that I could lose my Dad. The fear that I could get a call saying that he was in bad condition. The fear that I could never talk to him again. Yet with all these fears, there was never a doubt in my mind that my dad would beat this cancer. He was a superman. The day of my dad’s surgery finally came. It was Father’s Day and I had my soccer game that day. I won my battle on the field and my dad won his in the hospital. May 2013, my dad was completely cancer free. Though this journey proved to be a few of the hardest years of my life, it also proved to me how wonderful my dad really is. 51. What happened to the author’s family in June 2011? (no more than 10 words) 52. How did the author behave after hearing the news from her mother? (no more than 10 words) 53. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “surgery” in Paragraph 6? (no more than 5 words) 54. When did the author’s father completely recover from cancer? (no more than 5 words) 55. What’s your father like? Please explain. (no more than 25 words) 【答案】51. Her father developed a serious disease./ Her father was diagnosed with serious Colon Cancer. 52. She lived as usual. 53. Operation. 54. In May 2013. 55. Open. 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者介绍了自己家里发生的改变。作者的爸爸被诊断患有癌症,虽然这个消 息对作者一家是个沉重的打击,但爸爸却像个超人一样,边工作边治病,最后战胜了癌症。 【51 题详解】 细节理解题。第一段“In June 2011... I remember the day like it was yesterday.... -- my dad had been diagnosed with Stage III Colon Cancer.” 2011 年 6 月我记忆犹新——我父亲被诊断出患有第三 期结肠癌。由此可知,她的父亲被诊断出患有第三期结肠癌,时间是 2011 年。故本题的答案 为 Her father developed a serious disease./ Her father was diagnosed with serious Colon Cancer。 【52 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段“The news hit hard of course. However, in my head, my dad was a superman. As his daughter, I knew that cancer wasn’t going to beat him. I just went out and swam.” 和第三段“As weeks went on, life didn’t change much within our house. My mom still went to work; my brothers and I still went to school” 可知,当然,这条消息对我们打击很大。然而,在 我的脑海里,我的父亲是一个超人。作为他的女儿,我知道癌症不会打败他。几个星期过去 了,我们家里的生活并没有多大变化。我妈妈仍然去上班;我和我的兄弟们还在上学。由此可 知,作者认为父亲是个不会被打败的超人。作者的生活没有多大变化,和平常一样。故答案 为 She lived as usual。 【53 题详解】 猜测词意题。根据第二段“my dad still worked while also meeting his doctor”爸爸边工作边看病; 以及第 五段划线词所在句子 The day of my dad’s surgery finally came.后的“It was Father’s Day and I had my soccer game that day. I won my battle on the field and my dad won his in the hospital.”那天是父亲节,我有一场足球赛。我在战场上赢了,我爸爸在医院里赢了。以及最 后一段的第一句“May 2013, my dad was completely cancer free” 2013 年 5 月,我父亲完全没有 了癌症(即手术让爸爸从癌症中康复)。由此可推断出,作者的爸爸手术(surgery)的时间到 了。故第六段划线词“surgery”的意思为 Operation。 【54 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段“May 2013, my dad was completely cancer free.”可知,2013 年 5 月, 我父亲完全没有了癌症。即从癌症中完全康复。故本题的答案为 In May 2013. 【55 题详解】 推理判断题。根据自己对父亲的观察以及平时的了解。先对自己作一个总的概括,再举例说 明即可。My father is a caring engineer, ready to help others. No matter which neighbor's household appliance is broken, he is willing to help deal with it for free。 第二节:书面表达(满分 15 分) 56.假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。你所喜爱的英语杂志 Teens’ Spacec 创刊五周年,在此之际, 该杂志向读者征集对杂志的意见或给出建议,请你根据以下内容给杂志主编写一封信。内容:① 说明你是该杂志的忠实读者; ② 说明你喜欢该杂志的原因; ③ 提出你的建议。注意:① 词数不少于 100; ② 可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; ③ 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 Dear Editor-in-chief, ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Jin 【答案】Dear Editor-in-Chief, Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Teens’ Space! I’m a regular reader of your magazine. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that I can learn all important things that happened in the world. Second, Teens’ Space carries articles to guide me in our English learning, which is helpful to me. As a student, I am looking forward to reading the success stories of famous people in the world, which is of great benefit to me to understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place. Meanwhile I hope Teens’ Space will become better and better. Yours, Li Jin 【解析】 【分析】 。本文为提纲类作文。要求给 Teens'Spacec 杂志主编写一封信。 【详解】本文为提纲作文中的书信体。你所喜爱的英语杂志 Teens'Spacec 创刊五周年,在此 之际, 该杂志向读者征集对杂志的意见或给出建议,请你根据以下内容给杂志主编写一封信。 书信体作文主要包括三个部分。第一部分叙述写信的内容,第二部分叙述写信的内容,内容 主要有:① 说明你是该杂志的忠实读者;② 说明你喜欢该杂志的原因;③ 提出你的建议。最 后部分表达自己的期望。注意 词数不少于 100;可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。 【点睛】本文内容完整,结构合理。语言委婉礼貌。文章中运用了许多较高级的词汇如 congratulations on ;be helpful to; of great benefit,以及顺序连词 first,... second,...等,使的文章内 容脉络清晰,结构明了。文中简单句与复合句相结合,一张一弛,相得益彰。较高级的复合 句有“so that...”引导的状语从句 it covers both national and international news so that I can learn all important things..., 由 that 引导的限制性定语从句 I can learn all important things that happened in the world;由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句 Teens’ Space carries articles to guide me in our English learning, which is helpful to me 和 I am looking forward to reading the success stories of famous people in the world, which is to me to understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place;以及宾语从句 I hope Teens’ Space will become better and better 等,这体现了 作者对英语很好的驾驶能力。

资料: 29.3万


