2020届高三4月《新题速递·英语》考点03完形填空 解析版

2020届高三4月《新题速递·英语》考点03完形填空 解析版


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考点 03 完形填空——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)2020 届安徽六校教育研究会高三第二次素质测试 Mother Teresa and I were deeply engaged in this close conversation when we were 41 by loud voices coming from down the hall. First I smelled them, then heard them: middle aged couple, both very tall, very large, very 42 perfumed and clearly very rich. With no greeting at all, the woman shoved (推挤) a 43 into my hand. She and her husband 44 Mother Teresa from her chair and situated her against the wall between them. Then they 45 like giant bookends on either side of Mother Teresa or 46 a photograph. As I snapped the photo, without hesitation the woman put her 47 under Mother Teresa’s chin and forced it up. Shocked that anyone should 48 Mother Teresa that way. Right after the photos, she and her husband, without so much as a “thank you” to Mother Teresa or to me, 49 in a noisy rush. Mother Teresa returned to her chair and continued 50 nothing had happened. But I was 51 anger towards this couple. My body was tense, and hatred 52 through me. Later, I wrote Mother Teresa a letter, telling her how I had 53 towards her visitors. In her 54 she admonished me, saying that while I had expressed sympathy for the poor, the sick and the weak all my life, I had no 55 of the suffering of the wealthy: the isolation, the hardening of the heart, and the 56 of the soul that can come with the burden of wealth. She said that they need as much compassion as anyone else on earth. I thought back and realized that Mother Teresa had had no 57 with the wealthy couple. To her, they deserve 58 love, no less and no more than the orphans in her 59 , and she had treated them with love and respect. “You must open your heart to them and become their student and their teacher,” she said in her letter. “ 60 them in your circle of love. Do not shut them out. They also are your work. ” 41. A. attracted B. annoyed C. amazed D. interrupted 42. A. gently B. poorly C. heavily D. lightly 43. A. camera B. present C. notebook D. purse 44. A. helped B. invited C. lifted D. pulled 45. A. pushed in B. stood out C. took in D. hurried out46. A. asked B. insisted C. suggested D. demanded 47. A. face B. eyes C. arm D. hand 48. A. love B. treat C. like D. hate 49. A. apologized B. disappeared C. turned D. greeted 50. A. as if B. even if C. so that D. in that 51. A. absorbed in B. adapted to C. concerned with D. filled with 52. A. burst B. sought C. ran D. saw 53. A. felt B. identified C. hated D. ranked 54. A. response B. reply C. reaction D. letter 55. A. recognition B. mind C. attention D. head 56. A. happiness B. sadness C. kindness D. loneliness 57. A. argument B. conversation C. problem D. question 58. A. pitiful B. deep C. equal D. long 59. A. care B. service C. welfare D. benefit 60. A. Inspect B. Respect C. Include D. Contain 【答案】 41. D42. C43. A44. D45. A 46. D47. D48. B49. B50. A 51. D52. C53. A54. B55. A 56. D57. C58. C59. A60. C 文章大意:本文是记叙文。一对富有的夫妻很粗鲁无礼地对待特蕾莎修女。作者为他们的行为感到愤 慨,但是特蕾莎修女却没有当回事。特蕾莎修女告诉作者,富有的人也会觉得心灵孤独、寂寞,也需要关 爱。 41. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:特蕾莎修女和我正沉浸在亲密的谈话中,这时从大厅那头传来了很大的说话 音,打断了我们的谈话。A. attracted 吸引;B. annoyed 使生气;C. amazed 使惊讶;D. interrupted 打 断。根据 by loud voices coming from down the hall,他们正在谈话中,突然的很大的声音应该会打断他们的 谈话。故选 D 项。 42. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:首先我闻到了他们的气味,然后听到了他们的声音:一对中年夫妇,都很高 大,香水味很浓,显然很富有。A. gently 轻柔地;B. poorly 糟糕地; C. heavily 严重地,大量地; D. lightly 轻轻地。根据“First I smelled them, then heard them”可以推测,那对夫妻还没进来,作者就闻到了 味道,说明他们身上的香水味很浓。故选 C 项。 43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个女人没有打招呼,就把相机塞在我的手里。A. camera 相机;B. present礼物;C. notebook 笔记本;D. purse 钱包。下文提到“As I snapped the photo”,作者给那对夫妻拍照,因 此可以推断,是将相机塞进作者的手里。故选 A 项。 44. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和她的丈夫把特蕾莎修女从椅子上拉起来,让她靠在他们中间的墙上。 A. helped 帮助;B. invited 邀请;C. lifted 举起;D. pulled 拉。从下文“Mother Teresa returned to her chair”可知,特蕾莎修女本来是坐在椅子上,那对夫妻把她从椅子上拉起来。故选 D 项。 45. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后他们像巨大的书夹一样挤在特蕾莎修女的两边,要求拍一张照片。A. pushed in 挤进去;B. stood out 突出,显眼;C. took in 吸收,收留;D. hurried out 匆匆走出去。那对夫 妻,一边一个,挤在特蕾莎修女的两边。故选 A 项。 46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他们像巨大的书夹一样挤进特蕾莎修女的两边,要求拍一张照片。A. asked 问;B. insisted 坚持;C. suggested 建议;D. demanded 要求。从下一句“As I snapped the photo”可知,那 对夫妻要求作者给他们拍照。故选 D 项。 47. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我拍下这张照片时,那个女人毫不犹豫地把手放在特蕾莎修女的下巴上, 把它托了起来。A. face 脸;B. eyes 眼睛;C. arm 手臂;D. hand 手。根据对那个女人的动作的描述, “…under Mother Teresa’s chin and forced it up”可以推断,应该那个女人是用手托起特蕾莎修女的下巴。故选 D 项。 48. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我感到很震惊,竟然有人这样对待特蕾莎修女。A. love 爱; B. treat 对 待;C. like 喜欢;D. hate 恨。那个女人对待特蕾莎修女的动作粗鲁无礼,和下文特蕾莎修女对待他们的 态度(she had treated them with love and respect)形成鲜明的对比。 故选 B 项。 49. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:拍完照片后,她和她的丈夫,甚至没有对特蕾莎修女或我说一声谢谢,就在 一片喧闹中很快消失了。A. apologized 道歉;B. disappeared 消失;C. turned 转身;D. greeted 问候。 那对夫妻没有道声谢谢,就在一片喧闹中很快消失了。故选 B 项。 50. 考查连词短语辨析。句意:特蕾莎修女回到她的椅子上,继续(做她的事),好像什么也没有发生。A. as if 好像;B. even if 即使;C. so that 以便;D. in that 因为。根据 nothing had happened 特蕾莎修女很平静, 似乎并没有发生这回事。as if 表示假设。故选 A 项。 51. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:但我对这对夫妇充满了愤怒。 A. absorbed in 专心于;B. adapted to 适应; C. concerned with 与. . . . . . 有关;D. filled with 充满。根据上文可知,那对夫妇的行为很无无理,所以作 者对那对夫妻的无理行为感到很愤慨。故选 D 项。 52. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的全身都绷紧了,浑身都觉得憎恶。A. burst 爆裂;B. sought 寻求; C. ran 跑;D. saw 看见。短语 run through“贯穿,穿过”,此处指作者觉得心中满是对那对夫妻的厌恶。 故选 C 项。53. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,我给特蕾莎修女写了一封信,告诉她我对她的来访者的感觉。A. felt 感觉;B. identified 坚定,识别;C. hated 讨厌;D. ranked 排名 。根据下文特蕾莎修女在给作者的回信 中“I had expressed sympathy for the poor, the sick and the weak all my life”可以推断,作者在信中表达了对那对 夫妻的行为是什么样的感受。故选 A 项。 54. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在回信中,她告诫我说,虽然我一生都同情穷人、病人和弱者,但我不了解 富人的痛苦:孤独、内心的冷酷和心灵的孤寂,这些都是财富带来的负担。A. response 回应;B. reply 回复;C. reaction 反应;D. letter 信件。这里指特蕾莎修女给作者的回信;口头或书面的答复,用 reply。 故选 B 项。 55. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在回信中,她告诫我说,虽然我一生都同情穷人、病人和弱者,但我不了解 富人的痛苦:孤独、内心的冷酷和心灵的孤寂,这些都是财富带来的负担。A. recognition 认出,识别; B. mind 头脑;C. attention 注意力;D. head 头。根据上文 But I was  11  anger towards this couple. My body was tense, and hatred 12 through me. 可知,修女说作者不了解富人的痛苦:孤独、内心的冷酷和心灵 的孤寂。短语 have no recognition of “不能认出,不能识别”。此处意思为“不了解”。故选 A 项。 56. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:在回信中,她告诫我说,虽然我一生都同情穷人、病人和弱者,但我 不了解富人的痛苦:孤独、内心的冷酷和心灵的孤寂,这些都是财富带来的负担。A. happiness 快乐;B. sadness 悲伤;C. kindness 善良;D. loneliness 孤独,寂寞。根据前面的描述“the isolation, the hardening of the heart”可知,特蕾莎修女认为财富给富人带来的是心灵的孤独和寂寞。故选 D 项。 57. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我回想起来,意识到特蕾莎修女对这对富有的夫妇的态度没有问题。A. argument 论证,争吵;B. conversation 谈话;C. problem 问题;D. question 问题。 作者思考了特蕾莎修女的话,觉得她对待那对富有的夫妻的态度没错。短语 have no problem with…“…… 没问题”;question 常指提问的问题。故选 C 项。 58. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对她来说,他们应该得到同样的爱,不亚于她照顾的孤儿的爱。她以爱 和尊重对待他们。A. pitiful 可怜的;B. deep 深的;C. equal 相等的;D. long 长的。根据下一句“no less and no more than the orphans in her _____”可知,作者认为特蕾莎修女给那对富有夫妻的爱和给孤儿的爱是 一样多,是同等的爱。故选 C 项。 59. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对她来说,他们应该得到同样的爱,不亚于她照顾的孤儿的爱。她以爱和 尊重对待他们。A. care 关爱;B. service 服务;C. welfare 福利;D. benefit 益处。短语 in one’s care“有 某人照顾,在某人的照顾下”。此处指特蕾莎修女照顾的孤儿。故选 A 项。 60. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在信中说:“你必须向他们敞开心扉,成为他们的学生和老师。把他们纳 入你的爱的圈子。不要把他们拒之门外。他们也是你职责所在。”A. Inspect 视察;B. Respect 尊重;C. Include 包括;D. Contain 包含。根据下文 Do not shut them out. 可知,特蕾莎修女告诉作者,应该要对富 有的人敞开心扉,作者所关爱的人群中也应包括富有的人。contain 是指 “(内部)包含”。故选 C 项。 (2)2020 届河南省洛阳市高三下学期第二次统一考试 On a December morning in 1951, Malone left his home in downtown St. John’s in Newfoundland, to buy some butter for his mother. When he 21 the corner to Central Street, he saw 22 coming from one of his three-storey houses. A woman at its window 23 , “Save the children! Save the children!” Malone 24 toward the burning house, through the front door and up a flight of 25 , where he found a five-year-old girl. “I grabbed (抓住) the child,” he says, “but she 26 , ‘No, no, my sister! You’ve got to get my sister!’” Malone 27 felt compelled (必须) to cross the hall and check the other bedroom. He reached under the bed and found the girl’s 28 , silent three-year-old 29 . As the 30 intensified (增强), Malone carried the children safely out to the street and the waiting people. Then he 31 pushed off — he was late for 32 the butter for his mom! Over the years, Malone thought about the fire and the children he had 33 and wondered what had happened to the girls. Malone and his wife, Liz, spent four 34 in Ontario until last October, when they 35 to Newfoundland. The couple settled in Conception Bay South, 30 kilometers from St. John’s, in a house 36 the water. Shortly after they moved in, two of their new neighbors 37 with a housewarming 38 —frozen cod and salt fish. Malone and Liz invited Fowler and her husband in for a 39 , which is how Malone and Fowler, who are both in their seventies, 40 a connection. 21. A. made B. got C. turned D. cut 22. A. fog B. smoke C. steam D. water 23. A. spoke B. whistled C. whispered D. yelled 24. A. raced B. drove C. flew D. jogged 25. A. roads B. stairs C. streams D. mountains 26. A. screamed B. relieved C. complained D. interrupted 27. A. temporarily B. originally C. properly D. suddenly 28. A. disappointed B. excited C. frightened D. calmed 29. A. sister B. baby C. cousin D. neighbor30. A. sense B. flames C. relationship D. abilities 31. A. sympathetically B. selflessly C. roughly D. regretfully 32. A. lighting up B. taking up C. holding up D. picking up 33. A. met B. rescued C. raised D. recalled 34. A. years B. stages C. decades D. months 35. A. returned B. left C. immigrated D. contributed 36. A. storing B. obtaining C. refreshing D. overlooking 37. A. stopped by B. passed by C. stood by D. put by 38. A. party B. part C. image D. gift 39. A. ball B. check C. chat D. match 40. A. lost B. discovered C. advocated D. created 【答案】 21. C22. B23. D24. A25. B 26. A27. D28. C29. A30. B 31. C32. D33. B34. C35. A 36. D37. A38. D39. C40. B 文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了 Malone 几十年前在给母亲买黄油的时候突遇大火并成功救出 两个孩子,多年之后再次回到儿时住处见到了两个“新邻居”并建立了失散多年的联系。 21. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当拐过中央大街的弯时,他看到浓烟从他家三层房中的一个冒出。A. made 制作;B. got 得到;C. turned 转;D. cut 切。结合句意可知,此处考查固定短语 turn a corner“拐弯”,故选 C 项。 22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. fog 雾;B. smoke 烟;C. steam 水蒸气;D. water 水。根据下文的 Malone ____4____ toward the burning house 可知,房子着火了,故此处用“烟”符合语境和逻辑,故选 B 项。 23. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在窗户边上的女人大声叫喊到:“救救孩子!救救孩子!” A. spoke 讲话;B. whistled 吹口哨;C. whispered 轻声说;D. yelled 大叫。根据下文的 Save the children! Save the children!可知, 此处用“大叫”符合语境,故选 D 项。 24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Malone 跑向正在燃烧的房子,穿过前门,迅速爬上楼梯,在那儿他发现了 一个五岁的小女孩。A. raced 跑;B. drove 开车;C. flew 飞;D. jogged 慢跑。结合上下文可知,此处用“跑” 表示当时的情况很危急,故选 A 项。 25. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. roads 路;B. stairs 楼梯;C. streams 溪流;D. mountains 山。根据上文的 one of his three-storey houses.可知,此处用“楼梯”符合语境,故选 B 项。 26. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我抓住了这个孩子”他说“但是,她尖叫说‘不,不,我的妹妹!你要救我的 妹妹!’”。A. screamed 尖叫;B. relieved 缓解;C. complained 抱怨;D. interrupted 打断。根据下文的 No, no, my sister! You‘’ve got to get my sister!可知,此处用“尖叫”符合语境,能够表现出小女孩担心自己的妹妹, 故选 A 项。 27. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:Malone 突然感觉到必须去检查一下其他房间有没有人。A. temporarily 暂时; B. originally 最初;C. properly 适当地;D. suddenly 突然。结合上下文可知,此处是指听了小女孩说自己的 妹妹还在里面,Malone 突然有了要查看其它地方有没有人的想法,故选 D 项。 28. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他伸手到床底下,发现了这个女孩受到惊吓沉默不语的妹妹。A. disappointed 失望的;B. excited 兴奋的;C. frightened 害怕的;D. calmed 冷静的。结合常识可知,小孩在那种情况下都 会害怕得连话都说不出,故选 C 项。 29. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. sister 妹妹;B. baby 婴儿;C. cousin 表妹;D. neighbor 邻居。根据 上文的 You’ve got to get my sister!可知,此处用“妹妹”符合语境,sister 是原词复现,故选 A 项。 30. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着火焰 flames 越发强烈,Malone 赶紧把俩孩子救了出来,带到街上的人 群中。A. sense 感觉;B. flames 火焰;C. relationship 关系;D. abilities 能力。根据上文的 Malone ____4____ toward the burning house 可知此处用“火焰”符合语境,故选 B 项。 31. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后他飞快地转身离开——因为他给妈妈买黄油已经迟到了。A. sympathetically 同情地;B. selflessly 无私地;C. roughly 粗暴地;D. regretfully 遗憾地。根据下文的 he was late for ____12____ the butter for his mom!可知,此处用“快速离开”符合语境,选项中 roughly“粗暴地”可以表达 此意,故选 C 项。 32. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. lighting up 照亮;B. taking up 占据,从事;C. holding up 举起;D. picking up 买。根据上文的 Malone left his home in downtown St. John’s in Newfoundland, to buy some butter for his mother.可知,此处用“买”符合语境,pick up 和 buy 是同义词复现,故选 D 项。 33. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年后 Malone 想起了那场火和他曾经救的那个孩子,想知道那个小女孩怎 么样了。A. met 遇见;B. rescued 营救;C. raised 举起,养;D. recalled 回忆起。根据上文的 Save the children! Save the children 和 Malone carried the children safely out to the street and the waiting people.可知,此处用“营救” 符合语境,rescue 和 save 是同义词复现,故选 B 项。 34. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Malone 和他的妻子在安大略住了四十多年,去年十月他们返回了 Newfoundland。A. years 几年;B. stages 阶段;C. decades 几十年;D. months 几个月。根据上文的 On a December morning in 1951, Malone left his home in downtown St. John’s in Newfoundland,可知,此处用“40 年”符合语境,故选 C 项。 35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. returned 返回;B. left 离开;C. immigrated 移民;D. contributed 贡 献。根据上文的 On a December morning in 1951, Malone left his home in downtown St. John's in Newfoundland, 可知 Malone 的家乡在 Newfoundland 可知,此处用“返回 Newfoundland”符合语境,故选 A 项。 36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:夫妻两在 Conception Bay South 安定下来,这个地方离圣约翰有 30 公里远, 现在定居的房子可以俯瞰湖水。A. storing 储存;B. obtaining 获得;C. refreshing 使……清醒;D. overlooking 俯瞰。根据上文的 Conception Bay South 可知,他们现在定居的地方有湖,故推测他们住的房子可以俯瞰湖 水,故选 D 项。 37. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们搬进来没多久,两个新邻居来拜访,带来了乔迁礼物——冻鳕鱼和腌鱼。 A. stopped by 顺便拜访;B. passed by 经过;C. stood by 支持,袖手旁观;D. put by 把……放在一边。根据 文化常识可知,一般新到的邻居都会去拜访周围的邻居,故选 A 项。 38. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. party 派对;B. part 部分;C. image 形象;D. gift 礼物。根据下文 的 frozen cod and salt fish.可知,此处用“礼物”符合语境,故选 D 项。 39. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Malone 和妻子邀请 Fowler 和她的丈夫进来闲聊,这就是他们如何发现 Malone 和 Fowler,他们都 70 多岁,有一个联系。A. ball 跳舞;B. check 检查;C. chat 闲聊;D. match 比赛。结合 上下文可知,此处是指夫妇邀请邻居进屋闲聊,故选 C 项。 40. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. lost 丢失;B. discovered 发现;C. advocated 倡导;D. created 创造。 结合上下文可知,此处是指在聊天时,Malone 和 Fowler 发现原来他们通过那场火灾建立了联系,故选 B 项。 (3)2020 届河南省名校(、信阳、漯河、四校)高三线上联合考试 In the U. S. there are more prisoners than farmers. In fact, the U. S. houses about one-fourth of the prison population worldwide, which amounts to 21 2.3 million people. Many prisons 22 punishment rather than rehabilitation (恢复正常生活), which means the prisoners may lack the skills necessary to 23 in society when they are freed. As it stands, more than 60 percent will be sent back to prison after 24 new crimes. Today more and more prison officials are 25 the importance of rehabilitation and beginning to see the 26 of gardening in prisons. Research in California 27 suggests that, among prisoners who participated in gardening programs, less than 10 percent 28 prison. Part of what makes planting a garden so effective is that it represents 29 Growing food from seed, many prisoners 30 experience success after a lifetime of failures, which helps to build 31 . Additionally, today’s gardening programs don’t just teach prisoners gardening skills but also 32 them to take part in planning the garden and making other 33 related to the project. And the prisoners aren’t the only ones who 34 . Some prison gardens donate food to low-income areas, allowing prisoners to give back to areas where many of them were 35 Others produce so much food that they’re even 36 to donate to local nursing homes and schools. Through programs that 37 the science of gardening, prisoners learn that knowledge is power. The 38 of ever finding a skilled job after getting out of prison, a 39 that provides enjoyment and dignity in a complex 40 world, is replaced by a greater sense of purpose. 21. A. merely B. hardly C. only D. nearly 22. A. devote to B. focus on C. turn into D. give up 23. A. function B. reform C. change D. recover 24. A. planning B. accusing C. reporting D. committing 25. A. performing B. recommending C. recognizing D. promoting 26. A. sign B. interest C. aim D. value 27. A. prisons B. schools C. farms D. towns 28. A. escaped from B. stayed in C. returned to D. went to 29. A. reality B. success C. challenge D. wisdom 30. A. finally B. initially C. constantly D. frequently 31. A. relationship B. self-confidence C. reputation D. trust 32. A. force B. forbid C. allow D. remind 33. A. contributions B. comments C. discoveries D. decisions 34. A. assist B. care C. benefit D. participate 35. A. raised B. grown C. brought D. developed 36. A. content B. able C. likely D. certain 37. A. create B. improve C. assess D. teach 38. A. thoughtfulness B. expectation C. hopelessness D. ambition 39. A. job B. garden C. program D. science 40. A. ecological B. technological C. academic D. spiritual 【答案】 21. D22. B23. A24. D25. C 26. D27. A28. C29. B30. A31. B32. C33. D34. C35. A 36. B37. D38. B39. A40. D 文章大意:这是一篇说明文。本文讲述了美国囚犯比农民还要多,监狱人口占世界监狱人数的四分之ー。 然而美国监狱更注重的是惩罚而不是改造,导致囚犯出狱后没有一技之长。现在越来越多的监狱意识到了 改造的重要性,开始在监狱里教授园艺种植,取得了不错的成果。通过学习,罪犯出狱后可以找到工作, 使他们更自信,目标感更强。 21. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,美国的监狱人口占全世界监狱人数的四分之一,将近 230 万人。 A. merely 仅仅;B. hardly 几乎不;C. only 只有;D. nearly 几乎。根据 2.3 million people 可知,此处应该是 指美国监狱人口有将近 300 万人。故选 D。 22. 考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:许多监狱关注惩罚而不是恢复正常生活。 A. devote to 致力于;B. focus on 关注;C. turn into 变成;D. give up 放弃。根据 rather than rehabilitation (恢复正常生活),此处应该是指监 狱只注重惩罚而不是改造,表示注重、在意的意思。故选 B。 23. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这意味着囚犯在被释放后可能缺乏履行职责所需的必要技能。A. function 行 使职责;B. reform 改革; C. change 改变;D. recover 恢复。根据 when they are freed 可知,囚犯在被释 放后就是享受权利和义务的公民,所以要履行职责。故选 A。 24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:目前,超过 60%的人在犯下新的罪行后将被送回监狱。A. planning 计划; B. accusing 控告;C. reporting 报告;D. committing 犯罪。根据上下文, more than 60 percent will be sent back to prison 可知,此处应该是指超过 60%的人会在再次犯罪后,即犯新的罪后,再进入监狱。故选 D。 25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天,越来越多的监狱官员认识到改造的重要性,并开始看到监狱园艺的价 值。A. performing 执行,表演;B. recommending 推荐;C. recognizing 意识到;D. promoting 促销。根据 beginning to see the of gardening in prisons. 可知监狱的办公人员意识到了改造的重要性。故选 C。 26. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天,越来越多的监狱官员认识到改造的重要性,并开始看到监狱园艺的价 值。A. sign 迹象;B. interest 兴趣;C. aim 目标;D. value 价值。由前面的 importance(重要性)可知监狱里的 改造活动对犯人是有价值的。故选 D。 27. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:加州监狱的研究表明,在参与园艺项目的囚犯中,只有不到 10%的人回到了 监狱。A. prisons 监狱;B. schools 学校;C. farms 农场;D. towns 城镇。由后面的 among prisoners(在犯 人中)可知是在监狱进行的调查研究。故选 A。 28. 考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:加州监狱的研究表明,在参与园艺项目的囚犯中,只有不到 10%的人回 到了监狱。A. escaped from 逃脱;B. stayed in 待在; C. returned to 返回;D. went to 去……地方。由 sent back to prison(送回监狱)可知这里表达的是改造后再回监狱的犯人减少了。故选 C。29. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:园艺种植之所以如此有效,部分原因是它代表着成功。A. reality 现实;B. success 成功;C. challenge 挑战;D. wisdom 智慧。由后面的 experience success(体验成功)可知改造有效果的原因就 是它代表了成功。故选 B。 30. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多囚徒在经历了一生的失败后终于体验到了成功。 A. finally 最后;B. initially 最初;C. constantly 持续;D. frequently 频繁地。由后面的 after a lifetime of failures(一生的失败后)可知犯人 们最后体验到了成功。故选 A。 31. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这有助于建立自信。A. relationship 关系;B. self-confidence 自信心;C. reputation 名声;D. trust 信任。由前面的 experience success(体验成功)可知改造帮助犯人建立自信心。故选 B。 32. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,今天的园艺项目不仅教囚犯园艺技能,还允许他们参与规划花园,并 做出与项目相关的其他决策。A. force 逼迫;B. forbid 禁止;C. allow 允许;D. remind 使想起。根据下 文 allowing 可知,教授园艺技巧也可以让他们参与到规划花园。故选 C。 33. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,今天的园艺项目不仅教囚犯园艺技能,还允许他们参与规划花园,并 做出与项目相关的其他决策。A. contributions 贡献;B. comments 评论;C. discoveries 发现;D. decisions 决 策。根据 take part in planning the garden 可知,此处指罪犯们也可做出与项目相关的其他决策。故选 D。 34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:囚犯并不是唯一的受益者。A. assist 帮助;B. care 关心;C.benefit 好处;D. participate 参加。由后面的 donate food to low- Income areas(捐食物给低收入家庭)可知犯人不是唯一从改造活 动中获得好处的。故选 C。 35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些监狱的菜园向低收入地区捐赠食物,允许囚犯将食物回馈给他们曾经养 育过他们的地方。A. raised 养育;B. grown 成长;C. brought 带来;D.developed 发展。根据 give back to areas 可知,此处指允许囚犯将食物回馈给他们曾经养育过他们的地方。故选 A。 36. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们甚至能够捐赠给当地的养老院和学校。A. content 满意的;B. able 能 够的;C. likely 可能的;D. certain 肯定的。由 so much food(如此多的食物)可知犯人是能够捐赠食物给养老 院和学校的。故选 B。 37. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过传授园艺科学的项目,囚犯们认识到知识就是力量。A. create 创造;B. improve 提高;C. assess 评价;D. teach 教授。由后面的 learn(学会)可知改造项目教授园艺科学知识。故选 D。 38. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界中 提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。A. thoughtfulness 体贴;B. expectation 期待;C. hopelessness 希望;D. ambition 野心。由后面的 a sense of purpose(目标感)可知犯人对出狱后的生活充满期 待的。故选 B。39. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界中 提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。 A. job 工作;B. garden 园艺;C. program 项目; D. science 精神。由 finding a skilled job(找到一个有技巧的工作)可知,故选 A。 40. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:希望出狱后自己能找到一份自己熟练的工作,这是一份在复杂的精神世界 中提供享受和尊严的工作,这是一份让人更有目标的工作。A. ecological 生态的;B. technological 科技的; C. academic 学术的;D. spiritual 精神的。由前面的 enjoyment and dignity(享受和自尊)可知是精神世界。故 选 D。 (4)2020 届黑龙江省哈尔滨市(东北三省四市)高三下学期高考模拟 Thirteen years ago, we pulled into the driveway, excited and proud, and 21 up our kids for photos. It was a big day, but we had no idea how it would 22 our lives. We knew it 23 us as uncool. But we had become minivan(小型货车)people. That van is linked to so many great 24 ——camping trips, a gang of 10-year-old boys 25 in for a big day at Canada's Wonderland theme park and one three-week holiday to the east coast, full of long 26 and classic rock 27 on cassette tapes. I laughed my head 28 while going out with friends, and cried my eyes out at the 29 of a loved one while traveling on those four trusty wheels. I know it's just a 30 . The first time, 31 , I watched my teenagers drive off in it alone, I realized they were growing up together. There were days when it drove me 32 , too. On cold winter mornings, the sliding doors would 33 shut. Anyone who wanted to sit in the back seats had to climb in 34 the front. Still, we've 35 our van for as long as possible. It never ever let us clown, even as the 36 bills got a little bigger each year and we faithfully 37 whatever was needed to keep it on the road safely. Yesterday we finally made the decision. It was time to find a newer, smaller, more 38 replacement. Saying 39 is never easy. As we close the minivan chapter of our lives, my heart is a little 40 -not just for the much-loved metal box on wheels that we've driven for more than a decade, but for the days, months and years that passed by so quickly. The story of our minivan is the story of our family. 21. A. lined B. stood C. put D. sat 22. A. race B. shape C. overcome D. control 23. A. remarked B. witnessed C. marked D. delivered24. A. events B. celebrations C. acquaintances D. memories 25. A. piled B. topped C. stamped D. stuck 26. A. presentation B. conversation C. survival D. flight 27. A. played B. sang C. listened D. made 28. A. down B. in C. out D. off 29. A. birth B. death C. appearance D. absence 30. A. phenomenon B. reminder C. friend D. vehicle 31. A. besides B. therefore C. however D. otherwise 32. A. anxious B. crazy C. courageous D. energetic 33. A. close B. knock C. freeze D. keep 34. A. through B. across C. beyond D. to 35. A. got ahead of B. caught hold of C. kept up with D. held on to 36. A. rent B. tax C. gas D. repair 37. A. cleaned B. found C. fixed D. turned 38. A. economical B. energetic C. effective D. electrical 39. A. no. B. goodbye C. so D. nothing 40. A. passionate B. sympathetic C. sad D. messy 【答案】 21. A22. B23. C24. D25. A 26. B27. A28. D29. B30. D 31. C32. B33. C34. A35. D 36. D37. C38. A39. B40. C 文章大意:本文为记叙文。本文记叙了作者对于自己面包车的感情。面包车带着作者一起野营,一起 度假,一起快乐和悲伤。现在想换新车了,这让作者有点悲伤。因为面包车不只是一辆车,而是和车一起 度过的逝去的岁月。 21. 考查动词辨析。句意:13 年前,我们兴奋而自豪地驶入车道,让孩子们排起长队拍照。A. lined 排列; B. stood 站着;C. put 放着;D. sat 坐着。“line up”为固定搭配,意为“(使)(某一批人)排成行”,此处是指 孩子们排队(lined up)拍照,故选 A。 22. 考查动词辨析。句意:但我们不知道它将如何影响我们的生活。A. race 参加比赛,使比赛;B. shape 塑 造,影响......的发展;C. overcome 克服;D. control 控制。下文主要叙述了面包车对作者生活的影响极大,可知此处是指这个重要的日子会如何影响(shaped)我们的生活。故选 B。 23. 考查动词辨析及固定搭配。句意:我们知道它认为我们不酷。A. remarked 评论;B. witnessed 见证; C. marked 标记;D. delivered 邮寄。根据语境可知,作者一家买了一辆面包车就非常激动,可推出此处是指 认为(marked)我们不酷。“mark...as...”为固定用法,意为“将......看作......;认定......为......”。故选 C。 24. 考查名词辨析。句意:那辆面包车与许多美好的回忆联系在一起。A. events 事件;B. celebrations 庆祝; C. acquaintances 熟人;D. memories 记忆。根据下文可知,此处是指面包车让我们想起许多美好的记忆 (memories),故选 D。 25. 考查动词辨析。句意: 一群 10 岁的男孩在加拿大仙境主题公园挤在一起度过了重要的一天。A. piled 挤,堆积;B. topped 高于,超过;C. stamped 跺脚,重踏;D. stuck 插入。此处指人多挤(pile)在一起, 故先 A。 26. 考查名词辨析。句意:,一次去东海岸的三周假期,一路上人们在谈,播放经典的摇滚音乐。A. presentation 呈现;B. conversation 对话;C. survival 幸存;D. flight 飞行。根据语境可知,人们在假期坐在面包车上热烈 的交谈(conversation),故选 B。 27. 考查动词辨析。句意:以及用磁带播放的经典摇滚乐。A. played 演奏,播放;B. sang 唱歌;C. listened 听;D. made 制造。根据语境可知,此处是指播放(played)的经典摇滚乐。故选 A。 28. 考查副词辨析及固定搭配。句意:当我和朋友们一起出去的时候,快乐时我笑得前仰后合。A. down 向 下;B. in 在......里面;C. out 在......外面;D. off 离开。 “laugh one’s head off”为固定用法,意为“笑 的前仰后合”。 根据语境可知,这个小面包车有我们的快乐和悲伤,故本题选 D。 29. 考查名词辨析。句意:我为一个心爱的人的去世而哭。A. birth 出生;B. death 死亡;C. appearance 出现; D. absence 缺席。根据由此可推断出上文描述的快乐,此处指为心爱的人的去世(death)而悲伤。故选 B。 30. 考查名词辨析。句意:我知道它只是一辆车。A. phenomenon 现象;B. reminder 提示;C. friend 朋友; D. vehicle 车辆。前面说“That van is linked to so many great memories” 那辆面包车与许多美好的回忆联系在 一起。此处再发感慨,但事实上它只是一辆车(vehicle)。故选 D。 31. 考查副词辨析。句意:我知道它只是一辆交通工具。然而,当我第一次看到我的孩子们独自驾车离开时, 我意识到他们和车一起长大的。A. besides 此外;B. therefore 因此;C. however 然而,但是;D. otherwise 否 则。分析可知,前后两句是转折关系。故选 C。 32. 考查形容词辨析。句意:有几天它也把我逼疯了。冬天寒冷的早晨,滑动门会冻的关闭。A. anxious 焦 急的;B. crazy 疯狂的;C. courageous 勇敢的;D. energetic 精力充沛的。根据后面的 Anyone who wanted to sit in the back seats had to climb in ___14___the front.可知想到后面的座位时要爬进去,所以让人有点让人发疯 (crazy),故选 B。33. 考查动词辨析。句意:冬天寒冷的早晨,滑动门会结冰而关闭。A. close 关闭;B. knock 敲击;C. freeze 冻结;D. keep 保持。根据时间状语“On cold winter mornings” 冬天寒冷的早晨,可知,滑动门会结冰 (freeze),故选 C。 34. 考查介词辨析。句意:在寒冷的冬天早晨,滑动门会冻得关闭。想坐后座的人都得从前面爬进去。A. through(从内部)通过,穿过;B. across(在表面)从......一边到另一边,穿过 C. beyond 超过;D. to 到。根据 语境可知,人是从前面穿过(through)车座位到后面,故选 A。 35. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管如此,我们还是尽可能长时间地保留着我们的面包车。A. got ahead of 领先;B. caught hold of 抓住;C. kept up with 跟上;D. held on to 保留,坚持,紧抓不放。根据语境可知, 虽然有不好的地方,还是尽可能保留(held on to)面包车。故选 D。 36. 考查名词辨析。句意:即使修理费一年比一年多,我们也忠实地承担着保证车安全行驶所需要的一切维 修费用。A. rent 租金;B. tax 税金;C. gas 煤气费;D. repair 修理费。根据后一句“保证汽车安全行驶”是需 要维修费用,可知,此处是指修理(repair)费。故选 D。 37. 考查动词辨析。句意:即使每年的维修费都在增加,而我们也忠实地修理任何保证它安全上路的东西。 A. cleaned 清理;B. found 发现;C. fixed 固定,修理;D. turned 转向。根据“whatever was needed to keep it on the road safely.” 修理(fixed)任何需要修理的东西来保证它安全上路。故选 C。 38. 考查形容词辨析。句意:是时候找一个更新、更小、更经济的替代品了。A. economical 经济的;B. energetic 精力充沛的;C. effective 有效的;D. electrical 用电的,电的。根据“a newer, smaller,”可知,此处是指找一个 更新,更小更经济的(economical)替代品了,故选 A。 39. 考查语境。句意:说再见从来都不容易。A. no 否定的回答; B. goodbye 再见;C. so 这样;D. nothing 没什么。根据上文“是时候找到一个更新的,更小的,更经济的替代品了。”可知,是对以前的车说再见了 (goodbye),故选 B。 40. 考查形容词辨析。句意:当我们结束了我们生活中的小货车时,我的心有点悲伤。A. passionate 热情的; B. sympathetic 同情的;C. sad 悲伤的;D. messy 混乱的。根据上文的内容可知,面包车和我们的快乐联系 在一起,它和孩子一起长大,现在要换车了,所人心里有点悲伤(sad)。故选 C。 (5)2020 届湖北省武汉高三四月调研测试 The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my 41 wasn’t canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my 42 . Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local 43 center. When I got there, I discovered I wasn’t 44 . Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines 45 to their veins(静脉), and machines quietly pumping away to 46 their life--saving gifts. Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I realized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a 47 to the life of someone I would never 48 . To be honest, I’d never really thought about why I donate. I just did it. 49 a few months ago, during one of my 50 donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby - both patients needed what I would give in order to live. I’ve viewed my visits to the blood center 51 ever since. My wife Karen is a 52 , too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow(骨髓)list for fifteen years, ever since she 53 to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia(白血病). That little girl died before Karen’s bone marrow could help her, but Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential 54 for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor. “Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was to 55 against time. I wish I could say that this race was 56 . Unluckily, it wasn’t. The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions - including whether or not she’d 57 on the donor list. “Of course,” Karen answered. We still keep making appointments. I don’t know whose life my donation may 58 . Most likely it will be a 59 , but on some day the person needing blood could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to 60 our time to donate. I like the sense of giving. 41. A. appointment B. class C. training D. flight 42. A. secret B. balance C. shape D. word 43. A. service B. research C. blood D. care 44. A. alone B. welcome C. late D. lucky 45. A. exposed B. attached C. applied D. added 46. A. check B. produce C. collect D. clean 47. A. meaning B. decision C. difference D. choice 48. A. meet B. forget C. miss D. recognize 49. A. And B. But C. So D. Because 50. A. regular B. unexpected C. special D. pleasant 51. A. wisely B. differently C. hesitantly D. carefully52. A. receiver B. doctor C. patient D. donor 53. A. built up B. signed up C. gave up D. took up 54. A. risk B. customer C. match D. partner 55. A. race B. struggle C. test D. write 56. A. fixed B. finished C. won D. shifted 57. A. rank B. sign C. appear D. remain 58. A. move B. affect C. create D. purchase 59. A. stranger B. child C. hero D. friend 60. A. waste B. lose C. kill D. take 【答案】 41. A42. D43. C44. A45. B 46. C47. C48. A49. B50. A 51. B52. D53. B54. C55. A 56. C57. D58. B59. A60. D 文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。记叙了作者通过志愿参加献血的活动告诉我们:你献出的每一份小 小爱心,都可能有大影响。 41. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校很早就放学了,但令我吃惊的是,我的预约并没有取消。A. appointment 预约;B. class 课程;C. training 训练;D. flight 航班。第一段最后一句中 Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation 可知,不管有没有下雪,作者都会按时完成预定的捐血。因此可知作者那一天有 预约捐血,故选 A。 42. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我看来,我是冒着生命危险来遵守我的诺言。A. secret 秘密;B. balance 平衡;C. shape 形状;D. word 话语。在作者看来自己是在冒着生命危险信守诺言(keep my word)。短语 keep one's word 意为“信守某人的诺言”。故选 D。 43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管下不下雪,我都会准时到当地的献血中心进行我预定的捐赠。A. service 服务;B. research 研究;C. blood 血液;D. care 关心。根据后文 I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby 可知可知作者是要捐献血液。故选 C。 44. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我到达那里时,我发现我并不孤单。A. alone 孤单的,独自的;B. welcome 受欢迎的;C. late 迟的;D. lucky 幸运的。结合下文 Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs 可知,不止作者一个捐赠者,作者并不孤单。故选 A。 45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:又有四名“英雄型”躺在捐赠椅上,血管上扎着细绳,机器静静地抽动着,收集着他们的救命礼物。A. exposed 暴露;B. attached 附上,连接;C. applied 申请;D. added 添加。结合文意, 另外四个“英雄型”已经躺在捐赠椅上了,血管上连接(attach)着抽血管。故选 B。 46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:又有四名“英雄型”躺在捐赠椅上,血管上扎着细绳,机器静静地抽动着,收 集着他们的救命礼物。A. check 检查;B. produce 生产;C. collect 收集;D. clean 清理。机器静静地抽着血, 收集(collect)他们救命的礼物。故选 C。 47. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我躺在捐赠椅上,准备改变一个我永远不会遇到的人的生活。A. meaning 意 义;B. decision 决定;C. difference 差异;D. choice 选择。根据后文 to the life of someone 可知作者躺在捐赠 椅上,准备改变(make a difference)从未……的人的生活。短语 make a difference 意为“有影响,有关系”。 故选 C。 48. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我躺在捐赠椅上,准备改变一个我永远不会遇到的人的生活。A. meet 遇到; B. forget 忘记;C. miss 错过;D. recognize 辨认。作者只是去献血,因此并不认识接受自己血液的人,也不 会遇到他们。故选 A。 49. 考查连词辨析。句意:但是几个月前,在我的一次定期献血中,我了解到我的血液是专门为一位癌症患 者和一位新生儿准备的——这两位患者都需要我的血液来维持生命。A. And 并且;B. But 但是;C. So 因此; D. Because 因为。结合句意可知上下文为转折关系,故选 B。 50. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是几个月前,在我的一次定期献血中,我了解到我的血液是专门为一位 癌症患者和一位新生儿准备的——这两位患者都需要我的血液来维持生命。A. regular 定期地;B. unexpected 意外地;C. special 特别的;D. pleasant 愉快的。根据第一段最后一句中 Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation 可知作者会定期捐血。故选 A。 51. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,我对去血站的看法就不同了。A. wisely 明智地;B. differently 不 同地;C. hesitantly 犹豫地;D. carefully 仔细地。在得知自己的血液在维持两个人的生命时,作者对去献血 中心的看法就不同了(differently)。故选 B。 52. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的妻子 Karen 也是一个捐献者。A. receiver 接受者;B. doctor 医生;C. patient 病人;D. donor 捐赠者。根据后文 The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor.可知作者的妻子也是捐献者。故选 D。 53. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:更重要的是,自从她报名为一个患白血病的幼儿园小朋友提供骨髓以来,她 已经在骨髓名单上 15 年了。A. built up 建立;B. signed up 报名;C. gave up 放弃;D. took up 开始从事。根 据后文 to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia 可知妻子报名为一个患白血病的幼儿园小朋友 提供骨髓。故选 B。 54. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的检测结果还在档案中,结果证明她是别人的潜在匹配对象。A. risk 风险;B. customer 顾客;C. match 匹配;D. partner 伙伴。结合后文 for someone else 可知结果证明她是别人的潜在 匹配(match)对象。故选 C。 55. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是与时间赛跑。A. race 比赛;B. struggle 挣扎;C. test 测试;D. write 写。 根据后文 That little girl died before Karen's bone marrow could help her 可知,那个小女孩还没等 Karen 的骨 髓帮助她就去世了,因此可知骨髓捐献与他人的生命有关,十分紧急,是与时间赛跑。故选 A。 56. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望我可以说这场比赛赢了。A. fixed 修理;B. finished 结束;C. won 赢 得;D. shifted 转移。根据前文 It was a race 可知,作者希望自己能说这场比赛赢(won)了。故选 C。 57. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:打电话的人后来感谢 Karen 的参与,并问了她几个问题,包括她是否还在捐 款人名单上。A. rank 排名;B. sign 签字;C. appear 出现;D. remain 停留,保持。根据后文 on the donor list.可知打电话的人后来感谢了 Karen 的参与,并问了她几个问题,包括她是否会继续留在(remain)捐赠 者的名单上。故选 D。 58. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道我的捐赠会影响谁的生命。A. move 移动;B. affect 影响;C. create 创造;D. purchase 购买。根据上文 I don’t know whose life my donation may 可知作者不知道自己的捐赠会影 响谁的生命。故选 B。 59. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:很可能是陌生人,但总有一天需要血液的人可能是你或我,也可能是你爱的 人。A. stranger 陌生人;B. child 孩子;C. hero 英雄;D. friend 朋友。作者捐血帮助的人很可能不认识,因 此是陌生人(stranger)。故选 A。 60. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:花点时间来捐赠是值得的。A. waste 浪费;B. lose 失去;C. kill 杀死;D. take 花费。根据后文 our time to donate 可知此处为短语 take time to do sth.表示“花时间做某事”。故选 D。 (6)2020 届四川省成都市高三第二次诊断性检测 I live in a landscape surrounded by shopping malls. So it’s quite 21 to feel connected to the land. I wanted 22 for my children: soil, Mother Earth and ecology. I’m a classic suburban mom. But I grew up 23 summers at my grandparents’ farm. I used to pick wild blackberries, 24 fishes, and run between the tows of tall corn plants. I knew what wild garlic looked like. I 25 picked flowers from the honeysuckle and sucked the nectar (花蜜) out. I’ve 26 my kids to do the same. “It’s so sweet, Mom,” they told me. 27 instead of teaching my kids about the landscape, I decided to teach them a love of the 28 they live in. I was determined to 29 PBL-place-based learning. So we went to the 30 parking lot near the dead mall and 31 dandelion (蒲公览) greens, which make delicious spring salad. We dug with sticks in the wheel ruts (车辙印) along the road 32 going home. My ten-year old found a special rock which 33 him to start a rock collection. In the fall. I 34 my kids to stands of chestnut trees and 35 them how to get the eatable nuts from the branches. I 36 I had taught them some big lessons about the earth, the 37 of which they should have appreciation for. It has been revolutionary to be outside. We have 38 simply walking, observing, feeling the dirt under our feet, and 39 bringing home something we 40 with our own hands. 21. A. challenging B. wonderful C. relaxing D. disappointing 22. A. admiration B. gratitude C. connection D. amusement 23. A. learning B. spending C. expecting D. witnessing 24. A. eat B. keep C. cook D. catch 25. A. voluntarily B. instantly C. delicately D. carelessly 26. A. forbidden B. taught C. ordered D. required 27. A. However B. In addition C. As a result D. Similarly 28. A. house B. life C. land D. age 29. A. investigate B. discover C. test D. practice 30. A. abandoned B. scary C. new D. collapsed 31. A. touched B. smelt C. viewed D. sought 32. A. after B. while C. upon D. since 33. A. inspired B. urged C. forced D. needed 34. A. pulled B. rushed C. took D. raised 35. A. informed B. watched C. asked D. showed 36. A. agreed B. doubted C. felt D. decided 37. A. scenery B. beauty C. future D. custom 38. A. imagined B. considered C. enjoyed D. insisted 39. A. calmly B. safely C. suddenly D. happily 40. A. harvested B. planted C. made D. shared 【答案】 21. A22. C23. B24. D25. C 26. B27. A28. C29. D30. A 31. D32. B33. A34. C35. D 36. C37. B38. C39. D40. A 文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者小时候在祖父母的农场上度过的经历。在作者看 来,亲近自然和感知自然对孩子的成长是有好处的,因此她带着自己的孩子挖蒲公英和摘取坚果,使他们体验大自然的美好。 21. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此想与这个土地联系得紧密一些是非常具有挑战性的。A. challenging 具 有挑战性的;B. wonderful 精彩的;C. relaxing 令人放松的;D. disappointing 令人失望的。作者生活在被购 物中心包围的地方,因此想要感知土地是很难的。故选 A。 22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想让我的孩子们与土壤,地球母亲和生态环境建立联系。A. admiration 钦 佩;B. gratitude 感谢;C. connection 连接,联系;D. amusement 娱乐。由前一句可知,文章的主题就是建立 人与大自然的联系并且 connected 在前文出现了。故选 C。 23. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我从小在祖父母的农场度过夏天。A. learning 学习;B. spending 度过; C. expecting 期待;D. witnessing 目击。下文提到作者采摘野生黑莓并在高大的玉米植物的丝束之间奔跑而 且知道野蒜的样子,因此可以推知,作者在长大的过程中是在祖父母的农场上度过夏天的,选择 spending 合乎语境。故选 B。 24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我曾经采摘野生黑莓,抓鱼,并在高大的玉米植物的丝束之间奔跑。A. eat 吃;B. keep 保持;C. cook 做饭;D. catch 抓住。作者小时候经常去祖父母的农场,她做着各种各样的活动: 采摘野生黑莓,在玉米地里玩耍。因此 catch fishes“抓鱼”是合乎语境的。故选 D。 25. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我从金银花中精心挑选了花朵,然后将花蜜吸了出来。A. voluntarily 自愿地; B. instantly 立刻;C. delicately 精心地,谨慎地;D. carelessly 粗心地。作者要吸吮花蜜,因此她需要精心挑 选花朵,这体现了她对大自然的热爱。故选 C。 26. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我教过我的孩子做同样的事情。A. forbidden 禁止;B. taught 教导;C. ordered 下令;D. required 需要。由下一段的 teach 可知,作者教自己的孩子去做同样的事情,去品尝金银花的花蜜, 孩子们告诉妈妈花蜜很甜。故选 B。 27. 考查副词(短语)词义辨析。句意:然而我决定教他们热爱他们所居住的这片土地而不是周围的景色。 A. However 然而,不过;B. In addition 此外;C. As a result 结果……;D. Similarly 相似地。虽然作者一家生 活在被购物中心包围的地方,不过作者并没有去让孩子们去关注购物中心包围下的景色,而是要热爱脚下 的这片土地。故选 A。 28. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而我决定教他们热爱他们所居住的这片土地而不是周围的景色。A. house 房屋;B. life 生活;C. land 土地;D. age 年龄。由作者小时的经历可知,她希望孩子们感知和接触大自然。 因此,她希望孩子们能够爱上一家人生活的这片土地。land 这个词在文章的第二句中出现了。故选 C。 29. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决心在我们生活的地方教孩子们去学习。A. investigate 调查;B. discover 发现;C. test 测试;D. practice 实践,实行。她带着孩子们去购物中心附近的停车场挖蒲公英,这是在实施 她的想法:希望孩子们能够爱上一家人生活的这片土地。故选 D。30. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此我们去了面临倒闭的购物中心附近的废弃停车场,寻找可以做蔬菜沙 拉的蒲公英。A. abandoned 被遗弃的,被抛弃的;B. scary 害怕的;C. new 新的;D. collapsed 倒塌的。dead mall 指的是由于经营不善、消费增长乏力以及电商冲击等因素的影响下,导致购物中心面临倒闭关门的窘 境。因此可知,它附近的停车场应该是没有什么人停车的,即废弃的。故选 A。 31. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此我们去了面临倒闭的购物中心附近的废弃停车场,寻找可以做蔬菜沙拉 的蒲公英。A. touched 触摸;B. smelt 闻到;C. viewed 观看;D. sought 寻找。由下文的“我们沿着公路用木 棒挖蒲公英”可知,作者和孩子们在寻找蒲公英。故选 D。 32. 考查连接词词义辨析。句意:我们用棍子在回家的路上挖着车辙里的蒲公英。A. after 在……之后;B. while 当……的时候;C. upon 在……之上;D. since 自从……以来。由文章最后一句的“bringing home something” 可知,作者和孩子们是在回家的路上挖蒲公英,选择 while 合乎语境。故选 B。 33. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我十岁的孩子发现了一块特别的石块,这激发了他的灵感,开始了自己的石 块收集。A. inspired 激发;B. urged 督促;C. forced 强迫;D. needed 需要。一块特别的石头,使他激发了收 藏石块的想法,选择 inspired 符合语境。故选 A。 34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我带孩子们去看板栗树,并向他们展示了如何从树枝上获取可食用的坚果。 A. pulled 拉;B. rushed 奔跑;C. took 拿走,带着;D. raised 提升。秋天来到坚果成熟了,因此作者带着孩 子们去摘果实以感知大自然。故选 C。 35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我带孩子们去看板栗树,并向他们展示了如何从树枝上获取可食用的坚果。 A. informed 通知;B. watched 观看;C. asked 问;D. showed 展示。作者为了让孩子们亲近和爱上大自然, 她带着孩子们去摘果实,孩子们还小,它要展示给孩子们看。故选 D。 36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我已经教给了孩子们关于土地的一些知识,他们应该欣赏它的美丽。 A. agreed 同意;B. doubted 怀疑;C. felt 感觉;D. decided 决定。作者带着孩子们挖过蒲公英和摘取坚果等, 因此作者感觉她教给了孩子们关于大自然的土地的一些知识。故选 C。 37. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我已经教给了孩子们关于土地的一些知识,他们应该欣赏它的美丽。 A. scenery 风景;B. beauty 美丽,美好;C. future 未来;D. custom 习俗。作者带孩子们亲近他们生活的这片 土地,孩子们在这个过程中有了自己的感知,有了自己的兴趣爱好(比如收集石头),因此他们一起从事的 活动会让他们感受到土地的美好。故选 B。 38. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。 A. imagined 想像;B. considered 考虑;C. enjoyed 喜欢;D. insisted 坚持。由上文的 appreciation(感激,欣赏) 可知,作者和孩子们在户外活动中是快乐的,选择 enjoyed 合乎语境。故选 C。 39. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。A. calmly 从容地;B. safely 安全地;C. suddenly 突然;D. happily 愉快地。在亲自动手后,带着东西回家的 心情是愉快的。故选 D。 40. 考查动词词义辨析。我们喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。A. harvested 收获;B. planted 种植;C. made 制作;D. shared 分享。作者和孩子们亲自动手得到了自己想要的东西,体 验到了快乐,这是他们的“收获”。故选 A。 (7)2020 届吉林省长春市普通高中高三质量监测 There are certain things you never imagine yourself saying. "I just got a worm(虫子)in my eye!” is one of them. And yet I did say it--I screamed it, 21 . The family was all here and we were in the garden, when I saw a worm nearby. I asked my six-year-old grandson to come over and 22 the worm. He 23 the worm, studied it quickly and then threw it into the 24 . The worm quickly fell back to earth, 25 on my face against my left eyelid (眼皮). That’s when the screaming started and the jumping up and down. You know how they say when you meet a small creature, that the small creature is just as 26 of you as you are of it? They lie. The worm showed no fear. I, 27 , am still having nightmares(噩梦)about the 28 , which was several days ago. The most important thing in all this is that my grandson said he was sorry to me. I'd just been reading a book that makes a 29 between adults doing the 30 and hard work of teaching manners to children and greater levels of civility(礼节)in society. Table manners, language manners and even manners in dress all 31 levels of self-control. Having self- control limits what we say and how we 32 , making many of us appear a good deal 33 than we really are. Good manners also contribute to the 34 to make mealtime pleasant, even with small children. All of my grandchildren, 35 the ones that can't yet talk, ask to be 36 before leaving the table. It is a sign of respect for others at the table and a sign of respect for the meal 37 . It's also more pleasant than pushing one's chair back and running for the back yard. Those tall enough, and even those not tall enough, also take their 38 to the kitchen. So when a little boy has the courage to 39 to a grandma who is screaming and jumping up and down, at least we know that our years of teaching young people manners are 40 -one worm at a time. 21. A. eventually B. frequently C. actually D. eagerly 22. A. damage B. remove C. ignore D. persuade23. A. went through B. took off C. set down D. picked up 24. A. garden B. hole C. air D. soil 25. A. landing B. climbing C. sitting D. lying 26. A. fond B. scared C. sure D. proud 27. A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. moreover 28. A. experiment B. experience C. fun D. story 29. A. development B. progress C. preparation D. connection 30. A. quick B. slow C. boring D. dull 31. A. show B. witness C. expect D. decrease 32. A. eat B. laugh C. dress D. behave 33. A. better B. worse C. richer D. poorer 34. A. responsibility B. activity C. possibility D. curiosity 35. A. except B. besides C. rather D. than 36. A. punished B. praised C. excused D. encouraged 37. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. itself 38. A. chairs B. dishes C. books D. tables 39. A. devote B. appeal C. apologize D. point 40. A. growing up B. staying up C. putting off D. paying off 【答案】 21. C22. B23. D24. C25. A26. B27. A28. B29. D30. B 31. A32. D33. A34. C35. A36. C37. D38. B39. C40. D 文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述餐桌礼仪的重要性。而餐桌礼仪、语言礼仪甚至着装礼仪都表 现出一定程度的自我控制。自我控制限制了我们的言论和行为,使我们中的许多人看起来比实际上要好得 多。 21. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我确实说过,实际上是我尖叫。A. eventually 最后;B. frequently 频繁地; C. actually 事实上;D. eagerly 热切地,渴望地。第 1 空前的 yet I did say it 中使用了强调谓语动词,意思是“确 实,一定”,也就是“实际上”是我在尖叫。故选 C。 22. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我让我六岁的孙子过来把虫子弄走。A. damage 损害;B. remove 移动, 迁移;C. ignore 忽视;D. persuade 劝说。根据第 4 空前的 then threw it into 可知,此处指把虫子“弄走”。故 选 B。23. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他捡起虫子,快速地研究它,然后把它扔到空中。A. went through 经历;B. took off 脱下,飞机起飞;C. set down 记下;D. picked up 捡起,接收,偶尔学到。根据第 3 空后的 studied it quickly and then threw it into 可知,此处指“捡起”虫子。故选 D。 24. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他捡起虫子,快速地研究它,然后把它扔到空中。A. garden 花园;B. hole 洞,空;C. air 空气;D. soil 土壤。根据第 5 空前的 The worm quickly fell back to earth 可知,把虫子扔到“空 中”。故选 C。 25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:蠕虫很快地往下落,却落在我的左眼睑上。A. landing 登陆;B. climbing 爬; C. sitting 坐;D. lying 躺,卧。根据第 5 空后的 on my face against my left eyelid (眼皮).可知,虫子“落在” 左眼睑上。故选 A。 26. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你知道他们是怎么说的吗?当你遇到一个小生物的时候,那个小生物和你 一样害怕你。A. fond 喜欢的;B. scared 害怕的;C. sure 确信的;D. proud 自豪的。根据第 6 空后面的 of you as you are of it? They lie. The worm showed no fear.可知,此处指虫子也“害怕”你。故选 B。 27. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,几天前的那次经历仍然让我做噩梦。A. however 然而;B. therefore 因 此;C. otherwise 否则,要不然的话;D. moreover 另外,此外。根据第 7 空后的 still having nightmares 可知, 那次虫子的经历现在仍然是噩梦,与上文构成转折关系,意思是“然而”。故选 A。 28. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,几天前的那次经历仍然让我做噩梦。A. experiment 实验;B. experience 经历,经验;C. fun 乐趣;D. story 故事。根据第 28 空前后的 still having nightmares (噩梦)about 和 which was several days ago.可知,此处指那次虫子的“经历”。故选 B。 29. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我刚刚读了一本书,书中把那些缓慢而又辛苦地教孩子们礼貌的成年人和社 会上更有礼貌的人联系了起来。A. development 发展;B. progress 进步;C. preparation 准备;D. connection 连接。根据第 29 空后的 between adults doing the ___30___ and hard work of teaching manners to children and greater levels of civility (礼节)in society.可知,此处指书把有礼貌的人“联系在一起”。故选 D。 30. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我刚刚读了一本书,书中把那些缓慢而又辛苦地教孩子们礼貌的成年人和 社会上更有礼貌的人联系了起来。A. quick 迅速的;B. slow 慢的;C. boring 令人厌烦的;D. dull 迟钝的。 根据第 10 空后的 hard work of teaching manners 可知,此处指“缓慢”而又辛苦教孩子的成年人。故选 B。 31. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:餐桌礼仪、语言礼仪甚至着装礼仪都表现出一定程度的自我控制。A. show 展示;B. witness 目睹;C. expect 期盼,预测;D. decrease 减少,降低。根据第 11 空后的 levels of selFcontrol 可知,“展示”出自我控制。故选 A。 32. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:自我控制限制了我们的言论和行为,使我们中的许多人看起来比实际上要好 得多。A. eat 吃;B. laugh 大笑;C. dress(给……)穿衣;D. behave 表现,举止。根据第 12 空前的 Having self control limits what we say and how we 可知,此处指言谈举止。故选 D。 33. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:自我控制限制了我们的言论和行为,使我们中的许多人看起来比实际上要 好得多。A. better 更好;B. worse 更糟;C. richer 更富有;D. poorer 更穷。根据第 13 空前后的 Having self control limit 和 than we really are.可知,自我控制比实际“更好”。故选 A。 34. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:良好的举止也有助于使用餐时间愉快,即使是和小孩子在一起。A. responsibility 责任;B. activity 活动;C. possibility 可能性;D. curiosity 好奇心。根据第 14 空后的 to make mealtime pleasant, even with small children.此处指有助于用餐愉快的“可能性”。故选 C。 35. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:我所有的孙子孙女,除了那些还不会说话的,都为离席而请求原谅。A. except 除……之外;B. besides 除……之外,还有;C. rather 而不是;D. than 比。根据第 15 空后的 the ones that can't yet talk 和第 6 空前的 before leaving the table.可知,此处指“除了”那些不会说话的。故选 A。 36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我所有的孙子孙女,除了那些还不会说话的,都为离席而请求原谅。A. punished 惩罚;B. praised 称赞;C. excused 原谅;D. encouraged 鼓励。根据第 17 空前的 It is a sign of respect for others at the table and a sign of respect 可知,此处指要求孙子孙女在离开饭桌前感恩。故选 C。 37. 考查反身代词。句意:这是餐桌上对他人的尊重,也是对用餐本身的尊重。A. myself 我自己;B. yourself 你自己;C. himself 他自己;D. itself 它自己。根据第 17 空前的 It is a sign of respect for others at the table and a sign of respect fbr the meal 可知,这是对用餐“本身”的尊重。故选 D。 38. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些足够高的,甚至那些不够高的,也会把他们的盘子送到厨房。A. chairs 椅子;B. dishes 餐具,菜肴;C. books 书;D. tables 桌子。根据第 18 空后的 to the kitchen.可知,要把“盘子” 送到厨房。故选 B。 39. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,当一个小男孩有勇气向一个尖叫着、跳上跳下的奶奶道歉时,至少我 们知道,我们多年来对年轻人的礼仪教育正在得到回报——一次只做一件事。A. devote 致力于;B. appeal 呼吁,对……有吸引力;C. apologize 道歉;D. point 指向。此处指小孩向奶奶“道歉”。故选 C。 40. 考查词组。句意:因此,当一个小男孩有勇气向一个尖叫着、跳上跳下的奶奶道歉时,至少我们知道, 我们多年来对年轻人的礼仪教育正在得到回报——一次只做一件事。A. growing up 成长;B. staying up 熬夜, 挺得住;C. putting off 推迟;D. paying off 得到回报。根据上文 So when a little boy has the courage to ___19___ to a grandma who is screaming and jumping up and down 可知,这事对孩子餐桌礼仪教育的“回报”。故选 D。 (8)2020 届山西省临汾市高考考前适应性训练考试 I spent one Sunday afternoon helping my friend put together the ice hockey net he' d just bought for his kids. It 21 me of my childhood when my friends and I played our games with do - it - yourself 22 , which helped us to be 23 and taught us leadership and teamwork. Each goal of our game was 24 by two boots spaced as equally apart as we could manage. The trouble was that they often went 25 when the puck (冰球)hit them hard enough. The 26 had to chase a boot that had moved, and reset it quickly, or risk someone taking 27 and scoring a goal. And we also had to 28 our eyes peeled for the occasional 29 goalkeeper who might move the boots closer together. This situation led to 30 over what might or might not have been a goal, but we improved our debating skills and learned to 31 to kids who wanted to dominate (控制)everyone else. 32 , the number of competitors would 33 out as moms called them home for supper. We had to trade the players and reset the team to keep the teams 34 .We joined our new team no questions asked, just taking the position on the ice the captain 35 us to. With fewer players on the ice, there was more 36 to freewheel. We learned to 37 the adjustments well, turning enemies into friends and learning to work as a(n) 38 team. This was another valuable lesson . Sometimes we are asked to 39 specific and measurable goals. But I raise a stick to 40 goals, to playing under a starry sky with boots as goalposts. Here's to goals that are boundless. 21. A. convinced B. freed C. reminded D. informed 22. A. sticks B. nets C. skates D. pucks 23. A. creative B. ambitious C. pleasant D. practical 24. A. checked B. assessed C. settled D. marked 25. A. shaking B. wandering C. sliding D. skipping 26. A. children B. competitors C. goalkeeper D. captain 27. A. courage B. action C. responsibility D. advantage 28. A. keep B. fix C. open D. make 29. A. unfriendly B. dishonest C. awkward D. selfish 30. A. agreements B. arguments C. complaints D. puzzlement 31. A. give up B. stand up C. live up D. look up 32. A. Unavoidably B. Coincidentally C. Surprisingly D. Unexpectedly 33. A. clear B. drop C. thin D. run 34. A. even B. just C. moving D. continuing 35. A. forced B. invited C. pushed D. pointed 36. A. space B. energy C. strength D. time37. A. judge B. manage C. evaluate D. change 38. A. easier B. better C. new D. strong 39. A. treasure B. confirm C. achieve D. identify 40. A. short - term B. firm C. everlasting D. imprecise 【答案】 21. C22. B23. A24. D25. C 26. C27. D28. A29. B30. B 31. B32. A33. C34. A35. D 36. A37. B38. C39. D40. D 文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述了作者对自己儿时与同伴一起 DIY 冰球游戏的回 忆。 21. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我想起了我的童年,我和我的朋友们一起 DIY 冰球网的游戏,这帮助 我们变得有创造力,教会了我们领导力和团队合作。 A. convinced 说服;使信服;B. freed 使免除;解放; C. reminded 提醒;使想起;D. informed 告知;检举。根据 when my friends and I played our games with do - it - yourself 可知,这让作者想起了作者的童年。remind sb. of sth,“使某人想起某事”。故选 C 项。 22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这让我想起了我的童年,我和我的朋友们一起 DIY 冰球网的游戏,这帮助 我们变得有创造力,教会了我们领导力和团队合作。A. sticks 枝条;球棒;B. nets 网;C. skates 旱冰鞋;D. pucks 冰球比赛用球。根据后文“when the puck hit them hard enough”可知,作者和朋友童年时期打冰球,因此这里 应是自己制作球网。故选 B 项。 23. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这让我想起了我的童年,我和我的朋友们一起 DIY 冰球网的游戏,这帮 助我们变得有创造力,教会了我们领导力和团队合作。A. creative 有创造力的;B. ambitious 雄心勃勃的; C. pleasant 令人愉快的;D. practical 实际的;实用的。根据前文“do-it-yourself”可知,他们在制作冰球网时 需要自己动手,这培养了他们要有创造力。故选 A 项。 24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们比赛的每一个球门都用两只靴子做了标记,每双靴子的间距都是我们所 能达到的最大距离。A. checked 检查;核对;B. assessed 计算; 估算;C. settled 定居;解决;D. marked 在……上作记号。be marked by sth,“用……做标记”,在句中指每一个进球都用靴子做了标记。故选 D 项。 25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:问题是,当冰球狠狠地打在它们身上时,它们经常会滑动。A. shaking 摇晃; B. wandering 漫步;走开;心不在焉;C. sliding 使滑动; 滑动;D. skipping 蹦跳;跳绳。根据句意和语境可 知,句中主语“they”应是前文的“boots”,结合“when the puck hit them hard enough”句意可知,当冰球击中球 网时,靴子就滑动了。故选 C 项。 26. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:守门员必须追赶移动的皮靴,并迅速将其复位,否则就会冒着被对手占便宜 而得分的风险。A. children 孩子们;B. competitors 竞争者;C. goalkeeper 守门员;D. captain (体育运动队) 队长;船长。根据常识判断,冰球比赛有球门设置,应有守门员看着。对应后文“goalkeeper who might move the boots closer together”提及应是 goalkeeper。故选 C 项。 27. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:守门员必须追赶移动的皮靴,并迅速将其复位,否则就会冒着被对手占便宜 而得分的风险。A. courage 勇气;B. action 行动;行为;C. responsibility 责任;D. advantage 有利条件;优势。 take advantage,固定结构,意为“利用”,句中应指如果不重新设置移动的靴子的话,就会有对手趁机利用空 隙而进球得分。故选 D 项。 28. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们还必须密切关注偶尔出现的不诚实的守门员,他可能会把球靴挪得更近 一些。A. keep 保持;保存;B. fix 修理;处理;C. open 打开;D. make 使让。根据后文“goalkeeper who might move the boots closer together(守门员会把球鞋挪得更近一些)”可知,为了防止这种事情发生,需要睁大眼睛 盯着。keep one’s eyes peeled,意为“警惕;谨慎小心”,符合句意。故选 A 项。 29. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们还必须密切关注偶尔出现的不诚实的守门员,他可能会把球靴挪得更 近一些。A. unfriendly 不友好的;B. dishonest 不诚实的;C. awkward 令人尴尬的;D. selfish 自私的。分析 可知,所填空应是形容词作定语修饰之后的名词 goalkeeper,且 goalkeeper 的定语从句“who might move the boots closer together(会把靴子挪得更近)”是指其不诚实的行为。故选 B 项。 30. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种情况导致了关于“什么可能是进球得分,什么不可能是进球得分”的争论, 但是我们提高了我们的辩论技巧,学会了对抗那些想要支配别人的孩子。A. agreements 协议;共识;B. arguments 争辩;争吵;C. complaints 抱怨;投诉;D. puzzlement 迷茫。根据后文“what might or might not have been a goal”可知,应是引发对“是否看作为进球”的争论。故选 B 项。 31. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:这种情况导致了关于“什么可能是进球得分,什么不可能是进球得分”的争论, 但是我们提高了我们的辩论技巧,学会了对抗那些想要支配别人的孩子。A. give up 放弃;B. stand up(主 张、证据等)经得起检验;抵抗;勇敢面对;C. live up 不负重望;满足;D. look up 查阅;(久别后)拜访。 根据其后宾语为“kids”,可知,stand up to sb.,意为“勇敢面对某人;抵抗”,在句中可表达“学会了对抗那些 想要支配别人的孩子”。故选 B 项。 32. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当妈妈们叫他们回家吃晚饭时,参赛者的人数不可避免地会减少。A. Unavoidably 不可避免地;不得已地;B. Coincidentally 巧合地;一致地;C. Surprisingly 惊人地;出人意外 地;D. Unexpectedly 出乎意料地,意外地。根据后文“as moms called them home for supper(妈妈们叫他们回 家吃晚饭)”会导致参赛人数的减少,这是不可避免的。故选 A 项。 33. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当妈妈们叫他们回家吃晚饭时,参赛者的人数不可避免地会减少。A. clear 清理;B. drop 下降;C. thin 使变稀疏; 变稀疏;D. run 跑;赛跑。根据后文“as moms called them home for supper(妈妈们叫他们回家吃晚饭)”提及的原因会使参赛人数减少,且所选动词应与之后的 out 搭配使用,thin out,意为“减少”。故选 C 项。 34. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们不得不调换球员,重新调整球队以保持两队的平衡。A. even 保持不 变的;均等的;B. just 正义的;C. moving(模型或机器部件)活动的; 可移动的;D. continuing 连续的;继 续的。根据前文“___32___, the number of competitors would ___33__ out as moms called them home for supper.” 可知,参赛人数会减少,因此需要调动人数保持比赛队伍的人数均等。故选 A 项。 35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们毫无疑问地加入了新队伍,只是站在队长指给我们的冰上位置上。A. forced 强迫;迫使;B. invited 邀请;C. pushed 推;挤过;D. pointed(用手指)指向。分析可知,“the captain ___15___ us to”应是之前名词 the position 的定语从句,结合句意可知,队长给我们指向要站的的位置,point sb. to,“指 给某人看”,符合句意。故选 D 项。 36. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:冰场上的比赛者少了,就有了更多的自由空间。A. space 空间;B. energy 精 力;能量;C. strength 力气;优势;D. time 时间;次数。根据前文“With fewer players on the ice”可知,比赛 参与者越来越少,因此冰球在冰面上的活动空间越来越多。故选 A 项。 37. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们学会了处理好调整,化敌为友,学会了作为一个新的团队来工作。A. judge 评判;裁决;B. manage 管理;成功应付;设法做成某事;C. evaluate 评估;D. change 改变。根据后文“turning enemies into friends and learning to work as a(n) ___38 __ team”可知他们需要设法成功调整自己,才能化敌 为友,学会在团队中合作。故选 B 项。 38. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们学会了处理好调整,化敌为友,学会了作为一个新的团队来工作。 A. easier 更容易;更简单;B. better 更好的;C. new 新的;D. strong 强壮的。根据前文““turning enemies into friends and learning to work as a(n) ___38 __ team”可知他们需要设法成功调整自己,才能化敌为队友,成 立一个新的队伍。故选 C 项。 39. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些时候,需要我们去对具体位置的和可衡量的球门进行识别确认。A. treasure 珍惜;B. confirm 证实;确认;C. achieve 实现;达成;D. identify 识别;确认。根据后文宾语“specific and measurable goals”,意为“具体位置的和可衡量的球门”,可知,这里需要对这种球门进行评判和识别。故选 D 项。 40. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我对不明确的球门举着冰球棒,在繁星满天的天空下,用靴子当球门柱。 A. short – term 短期的;B. firm 坚定的;C. everlasting 永久的;D. imprecise 不精确的;不严密的。根据前文 “Sometimes we are asked to ___39___ specific and measurable goals”提及需要确认,因此可知,空后的 goals 应是不精确。故选 D 项。 (9)2020 届陕西甘肃高三年级 3 月联合考试Even if they had to stop today, it would have been quite an accomplishment. But Brad Ryan and his 89-year-old grandmother Joy Ryan, who have 21 29 national parks so far, have no intention of 22 . The first one they saw was the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 2015.Since then, he and Joy Ryan have seen many 23 . “I remembered a(n) 24 conversation with my Grandma Joy when we’re 25 my 2009 Appalachian Trail hike from Georgia to Maine and she expressed 26 that she had never seen the mountains and 27 the great outdoors throughout her life, so I 28 her to join me on my weekend 29 from campus to the Smokies,” Brad said. At the time, Brad was a fourth-year veterinary student at the College of Veterinary Medicine, but needed a 30 to deal with academic stress, especially after news of a second-year vet student’s insanity (精神错乱) was made 31 . There have been a lot of 32 along the way. A highlight for Brad was “watching my grandmother 33 her inner child as she 34 down a sand dune (沙丘) at a park at age 87.” Another highlight was being 35 in an hour-long traffic jam in Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley, and watching the 36 over the Grand Canyon at dawn. “She still 37 to take a speed boat to Boca Chita Key and climbed the spiral staircase (旋梯) of a 65-foot lighthouse on the island,” Brad 38 . “At her age, she’s very 39 that at every moment, she’s probably seeing something for the first and last time. That has dramatically 40 the way I live my life as well,” he continued. 21. A. founded B. recorded C. visited D. protected 22. A. delaying B. stopping C. wondering D. experiencing 23. A. attractions B. achievements C. failures D. risks 24. A. punctual B. ambiguous C. tense D. previous 25. A. imaging B. discussing C. missing D. abandoning 26. A. prejudice B. suffering C. regret D. expectation 27. A. explored B. painted C. heard D. preferred 28. A. served B. invited C. commanded D. forced 29. A. escape B. attempt C. crash D. search 30. A. test B. party C. break D. show 31. A. possible B. public C. similar D. skeptical 32. A. benefits B. promises C. mistakes D. laughs 33. A. burst into B. turn down C. dig out D. bring up34. A. fell B. cut C. rolled D. looked 35. A. trapped B. absorbed C. lost D. conducted 36. A. play B. sunrise C. sunset D. match 37. A. managed B. promised C. refused D. failed 38. A. regretted B. added C. demanded D. argued 39. A. ashamed B. aware C. confident D. thankful 40. A. chose B. needed C. observed D. changed 【答案】 21. C22. B23. A24. D25. B 26. C27. A28. B29. A30. C 31. B32. D33. C34. C35. A 36. B37. A38. B39. B40. D 文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章讲述了 Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个国家 公园,但是他们没有打算停下来,祖母在游玩中一直都很用心专注。祖母对待生活的态度影响到了 Brad Ryan。 21. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个国家公园。但是, 他们无意停下来。 A. founded 成立; B. recorded 记录;C. visited 参观;D. protected 保护。由空前的上下 文可知,“today”之前 Brad Ryan 和他的祖母“参观”了很多国家公园,选择 visit 合乎语境。故选 C。 22. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个国家公园。但是, 他们无意停下来。 A. delaying 拖延;B. stopping 停止;C. wondering 想知道;D. experiencing 经历。由上文 的“Even if they had to stop today”并结合空格所在句子可知,他们没有停下来的想法,stop 是同词复现。故选 B。 23. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,他和 Joy Ryan 参观了许多景点。A. attractions 景点;B. achievements 成就;C. failures 失败;D. risks 风险。国家公园是旅游景点,选择 attractions 合乎语境。故选 A。 24. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们谈论 2009 年我从乔治亚州到缅因州的阿巴拉契亚徒步旅行时,我 想起以前与我的祖母的对话。A. punctual 准时的;B. ambiguous 含混不清的;C. tense 紧张的;D. previous 以前的。现在 Brad 和祖母已经参观游览了很多国家公园,由 remembered 一词可知,此处是表示 Brad 在回 忆过去他和祖母的对话,即对话是发生在以前的。故选 D。 25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们谈论 2009 年我从乔治亚州到缅因州的阿巴拉契亚徒步旅行时,我想 起以前与我的祖母的对话。A. imaging 想像;B. discussing 谈论;C. missing 错过,想念;D. abandoning 放 弃。根据 conversation with my Grandma 可知,在对话中,他们谈论了 Brad 的徒步旅行计划,选择 discussing 合乎语境。故选 B。 26. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她对自己一生从未见过山峰和探索过户外活动感到遗憾。A. prejudice 偏见;B. suffering 痛苦;C. regret 遗憾,后悔;D. expectation 期望。空后提到祖母从未看见过山,因此此处是在表 达她的遗憾,选择 regret 合乎语境。故选 C。 27. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她对自己一生从未见过山峰并探索过户外活动感到遗憾。A. explored 探索; B. painted 描绘;C. heard 听见;D. preferred 更喜欢。“explore the great outdoors(探索户外的景色)”与“see the mountains(看见山峰)”是并列关系,它们在 never 之后,表示“祖母未曾到过外面游览参观”,这是在解释 regret 这个词的内容。故选 A。 28. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“在周末我离开校园到大烟山去旅行,因此我邀请她和我一起去”,Brad 说。 A. served 服务;B. invited 邀请;C. commanded 指挥;D. forced 强迫。祖母表达了未曾到过外面游览参 观的遗憾,因此 Brad Ryan“邀请”她加入自己的周末旅行计划中。故选 B。 29. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在周末我离开校园到大烟山去旅行,因此我邀请她和我一起去”,Brad 说。 A. escape 逃脱;B. attempt 尝试;C. crash 撞车, 碰撞;D. search 搜索。由下一题的分析可知,Brad Ryan 在周末要逃避学习来休息一下,escape from:逃离,逃脱,这个短语很合乎语境,表示作者的学习压力之大。 故选 A。 30. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当时 Brad 是兽医学院的四年级兽医学生,但他需要休息一下以应对学习压 力,尤其是在二年级兽医学生精神错乱的消息被公开之后。A. test 测试;B. party 派对;C. break 间歇,休 息;D. show 显示。由空后的“处理学业压力”可知,Brad Ryan 休要休息一下。故选 C。 31. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时 Brad 是兽医学院的四年级兽医学生,但他需要休息一下以应对学习 压力,尤其是在二年级兽医学生精神错乱的消息被公开之后。A. possible 可能的;B. public 公开的;C. similar 类似的;D. skeptical 怀疑的。听说有一名兽医 学生精神错乱的消息公开之后更会促使 Brad 在周末需要放 松一下。make sth public:公布(某事)。故选 B。 32. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一路上有很多笑声。 A. benefits 好处;B. promises 诺言;C. mistakes 错误; D. laughs 笑,笑声。由后文 Brad 讲述的祖母的游玩经历可知,旅行过程是愉快的,充满笑声。故选 D。 33. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:令 Brad 感到激动的一件事是看着祖母在 87 岁时在公园里滑下沙丘时表现出 的孩子一般的样子。A. burst into 突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况;B. turn down 拒绝;C. dig out 挖出, 找出;D. bring up 培养。dig out one’s inner child 挖掘自己内心的童心。该句子表示祖母像孩子一样尽情地玩 乐。故选 C。 34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:令 Brad 感到激动的一件事是看着祖母在 87 岁时在公园里滑下沙丘时表现出 的孩子一般的样子。A. fell 跌倒;B. cut 切;C. rolled 滚动;D. looked 看。此处表示祖母像小孩儿一样 滑下山丘。roll down a sand dune:滑下沙丘,选择 rolled 合乎语境。故选 C。 35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一件激动人心的事情是他们被困在黄石国家公园长达一个小时的交通拥堵中时,他们在黎明时分观看大峡谷上空的日出。 A. trapped 围困;B. absorbed 吸收;C. lost 丢失;D. conducted 施行。由空格后面的“traffic jam”可知,他们因为交通拥堵“受困”在公园中。故选 A。 36. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一件激动人心的事情是他们被困在黄石国家公园长达一个小时的交通拥堵 中时,他们在黎明时分观看大峡谷上空的日出。A. play 玩;B. sunrise 日出;C. sunset 日落;D. match 比赛。 由“at dawn”可知,此时是太阳升起的时候,选择 sunrise 合乎语境。故选 B。 37. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她仍然设法乘快艇去了 Boca Chita Key,并爬上了岛上 65 英尺高的灯塔的螺 旋梯”,Brad 补充说。A. managed 管理,设法;B. promised 答应;C. refused 拒绝;D. failed 失败。虽然祖 母年事已高,但她仍然“设法”乘船,这与前面的 child 相呼应,以体现祖母对户外游览的喜爱。manage to do sth:设法做成某事。故选 A。 38. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她仍然设法乘快艇去了 Boca Chita Key,并爬上了岛上 65 英尺高的灯塔的螺 旋梯,”Brad 补充说。A. regretted 遗憾;B. added 添加,补充说,继续说;C. demanded 要求;D. argued 争 论。此处是 Brad 在讲述祖母的又一次经历。故选 B。 39. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在她这样的年龄,她每时每刻都很清楚,她可能是第一次或最后一次看到 某些东西了。A. ashamed 羞愧的;B. aware 意识到的;C. confident 有信心的;D. thankful 感激的。因为祖 母年纪很大了,有一些东西她可能是第一次看到并且是最后一次看了,这一点她能清楚地意识到,因此在 游玩中她一直都尽力去尝试。选择 aware 合乎语境。故选 B。 40. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也极大地改变了我的生活方式。”他继续说。A. chose 选择;B. needed 需 要;C. observed 观测;D. changed 改变。祖母对待生活的态度影响和改变了作者,改变了作者的生活方式。 选择 change 合乎语境。故选 D。 (10)2020 届四川省绵阳市高三 4 月线上学习评估 The first time I went hunting wild geese with my father, I couldn't catch them no matter how hard I tried. Every time I tried to approach them, 21 the wild geese started flying away before I could get close. It 22 me a lot and I turned to my father for help. Hearing my trouble, my father 23 at a wild goose standing at the highest point and said, “That wild goose is a sentry (哨兵),which we call the wild goose 24 . It will give an alarm to the other wild geese as long as it finds something 25 . “That's 26 it is so hard for you to catch them. Listen, boy! Go and 27 the slave on purpose now, and then hide there motionless." Not quite understanding why, I 28 to have a try.I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave. As 29 , it gave an alarm to its companions 30 . The wild geese resting there fled in all 31 , but they flew back soon when they found nothing happened. I followed my father's instructions to repeat this 32 for a few times. 33 , a few wild geese thinking they were fooled started 34 the slave. Repeatedly, almost all the wild geese thought the slave gave false 35 and began to attack the slave. The poor slave was pecked (啄) all over with cuts and scratches. "You can approach the geese now," 36 my father. So I got close to the wild geese again. The slave saw me, but it took no 37 this time. Maybe it was just 38 caring. 39 , I raised my gun and got a good harvest. The tragedy often occurs in this 40 : the loyal are misunderstood while the misunderstood cannot stick out. 21. A. somehow B. anyway C. somewhat D. anyhow 22. A. surprised B. touched C. annoyed D. entertained 23. A. aimed B. laughed C. stared D. pointed 24. A. father B. soldier C. slave D. leader 25. A. unlucky B. unusual C. informal D. incorrect 26. A. when B. how C. why D. where 27. A. start B. beg C. kill D. watch 28. A. refused B. offered C. pretended D. decided 29. A. suggested B. expected C. reported D. whispered 30. A. suddenly B. immediately C. carefully D. angrily 31. A. directions B. forms C. methods D. shapes 32. A. trick B. word C. plan D. idea 33. A. Actually B. Finally C. Obviously D. Especially 34. A. blaming B. teasing C. hating D. attacking 35. A. meaning B. shouting C. warning D. feeling 36. A. answered B. explained C. repeated D. reminded 37. A. courage B. notes C. action D. pictures38. A. busy with B. tired of C. angry at D. used to 39. A. Hopeless B. Careless C. Heartless D. Speechless 40. A. way B. order C. time D. situation 【答案】 21. A22. C23. D24. C25. B 26. C27. A28. D29. B30. B 31. A32. A33. B34. D35. C 36. D37. C38. B39. D40. A 文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了第一次和父亲猎大雁时,父亲教我一个策略——利用雁奴 的忠诚致使其他大雁以为它在报假警报而不再信任它,最终我成功猎到很多只大雁,这也让我认识到悲剧 往往是这样发生的:忠诚的人被误解,而被误解的人也不再坚持。 21. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:每次我试图接近它们时,不知怎的,我还没来得及靠近,大雁就开始飞走了。 A. somehow 不知何故;B. anyway 无论如何;C. somewhat 稍微;D. anyhow 不管怎样。空前一句说无论我 多么努力,都猎不到大雁,因此不知什么原因,我还没来得及靠近,它们就飞走了,故 A 项正确。 22. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我很恼火,我只好向父亲求助。A. surprised 使惊讶;B. touched 使感动; C. annoyed 惹恼;D. entertained 款待。空前一句说我还没来得及靠近,大雁就开始飞走了,这自然是让我大 为恼火,故 C 项正确。 23. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:听到我遇到的麻烦,父亲指着站在最高点的一只大雁说:“那只大雁是哨兵, 我们称它为雁奴”。A. aimed at 瞄准;B. laughed at 嘲笑;C. stared at 紧盯;D. pointed at 指向。根据空后的 “standing at the highest point”可知,这只大雁是站在最高点的,因此父亲是指着它对我说的,故 D 项正确。 24. 考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. father 父亲;B. soldier 士兵;C. slave 奴隶;D. leader 领导人。根据 下文中的“the slave”可知此处指“雁奴”,故 C 项正确。 25. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:只要发现不正常的情况,它就会给其他的大雁发出警报。A. unlucky 不走 运的;B. unusual 不同寻常的;C. informal 非正式的;D. incorrect 不正确的。根据空前的“It will give an alarm to the other wild geese”可知,只要发现不正常的情况,它就会给其他的大雁发出警报,故 B 项正确。 26. 考查表语从句。句意:这就是你很难猎到它们的原因。分析句子结构可知此处为表语从句,从句中不缺 主宾表,缺少原因状语,that’s why...表示“这就是……的原因”,故 C 项正确。 27. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在去故意让那个雁奴发出警报,然后一动不动地躲在那里。A. start 开始; B. beg 乞求;C. kill 杀死;D. watch 看。根据下文中的“I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave.”可知,我从地上捡起一块石头扔向雁奴,这说明父亲让我故意去诱使那个雁奴发出警报,然后 躲起来以观察大雁有什么反应,故 A 项正确。 28. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管不太明白为什么,但我还是决定试试。A. refused 拒绝;B. offered 主动提出;C. pretended 假装;D. decided 决定。根据空后的“I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave.”可知,我从地上捡起一块石头扔向雁奴,这说明我决定按照父亲说的试一下,故 D 项正确。 29. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不出所料,它立即向同伴发出警报。A. suggested 表明;B. expected 预料; C. reported 报告;D. whispered 低声说。根据上文中的“That's ____6____it is so hard for you to catch them. Listen, boy! Go and ___7___ the slave on purpose now, and then hide there motionless.”可知,父亲说我猎不到大 雁是因为雁奴在放哨,所以让我故意去诱使那个雁奴发出警报,因此此处是说不出所料,它果然立即向同 伴发出警报,故 B 项正确。 30. 考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. suddenly 突然;B. immediately 立即;C. carefully 小心地;D. angrily 生气地。根据上文中的“That wild goose is a sentry”可知,雁奴是哨兵,负责为同伴放哨,一有动静,它自然 是立即向同伴发出警报,故 B 项正确。 31. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:停在那里的大雁四散逃窜,但当发现什么事也没有后它们很快就飞回来了。 A. directions 方向;B. forms 形式;C. methods 方法;D. shapes 形状。根据常识可知,接到警报的大雁应该 是从四面八方飞起来,in all directions 表示“四面八方”,故 A 项正确。 32. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我按照父亲的指示重复了几次这个把戏。A. trick 把戏、诡计;B. word 诺言; C. plan 计划;D. idea 想法。根据上文中的“Go and ___7___ the slave on purpose now”可知,父亲让我故意去 诱使那个雁奴发出警报,因此这是诱使雁奴发出假警报的把戏,故 A 项正确。 33. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,几只以为被愚弄的大雁开始攻击雁奴。A. Actually 实际上;B. Finally 最终;C. Obviously 明显地;D. Especially 尤其。空前一句说我按照父亲的指示重复了几次这个把戏,此处 是说我重复几次这个把戏带来的“最终”结果,故 B 项正确。 34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. blaming 责备;B. teasing 取笑;C. hating 给……戴帽子;D. attacking 攻击。根据空后的“began to attack the slave”可知,几只以为被愚弄的大雁开始攻击雁奴,故 D 项正确。 35. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:几乎所有的大雁都以为雁奴发出了假警报,它们都开始攻击雁奴。A. meaning 意思;B. shouting 呼喊;C. warning 预警、警报;D. feeling 感觉。根据上文中的“It will give an alarm to the other wild geese”可知,几乎所有的大雁都以为雁奴发出了假警报,故 C 项正确。 36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“现在你可以靠近大雁了”,父亲提醒我说。A. answered 回答;B. explained 解释;C. repeated 重复;D. reminded 提醒。根据上文内容及空前的“"You can approach the geese now,"”可知, 反复使用这个把戏后,我们得到了想要的结果——大雁都以为雁奴在发假警报并开始攻击它,然后父亲提 醒我现在可以靠近大雁了,故 D 项正确。 37. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:雁奴看见了我,但这一次它没有采取任何行动。A. courage 勇气;B. notes 笔 记;C. action 行动;D. pictures 图画。根据上文内容可知,之前每次一发现有什么不对的情况,雁奴都会发出警告,空前的转折连词“but”表明这次它没有采取行动(发出警报),故 C 项正确。 38. 考查短语辨析。句意:也许它只是厌倦了关心(为了同伴的安全而保持警惕)。A. be busy with 忙于; B. be tired of 厌烦;C. be angry at 为……生气;D. be used to 习惯于。空前一句说这一次雁奴没有采取任何行 动,此处解释原因——也许它厌倦了关心(为了同伴的安全而保持警惕),故 B 项正确。 39. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我惊愕得说不出话来,举起枪,收获颇丰。A. Hopeless 绝望的;B. Careless 粗心的;C. Heartless 狠心的;D. Speechless 说不出话的。根据上文可知,根据上文的讲述可知,之前每次 一发现有什么不对的情况,雁奴都会发出警告,但这一次它没有采取任何行动,这种强烈的反差让我惊愕 得说不出话来,故 D 项正确。 40. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:悲剧往往是这样发生的:忠诚的人被误解,而被误解的人也不再坚持。A. way 方式、方法;B. order 顺序;C. time 次数、时间;D. situation 情况。根据空后的“the loyal are misunderstood while the misunderstood cannot stick out.”可知,此处指“以这种方式、这样”,故 A 项正确。

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