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2020 届浙江省湄池中学高三下英语练习试题二 一、阅读理解: 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 To enter the highlands of Chiapas, in southern Mexico, is to enter a world of exciting native culture, breathtaking natural beauty and horrible poverty. It is also to enter the field of Coca-cola. No gathering to celebrate a birth, a marriage and so o is considered complete without Coke for the guests. A bottle of Coke, believed to feed the good spirits and help the sick, is today as central a feature of many public and private rituals(仪式) as candles and sacrificial chickens. But the connection between Coca-Cola and local tradition in Los Altos has contributed to the rise of a health emergency that activists accuse authorities of not taking seriously enough. Other health problems related to excessive sugar consumption, such as tooth decay(蛀牙), are also common. Type 2 diabetes is now firmly established as the biggest killer in the region, according to a study. Jaime Page, an expert who carried out the study, said, "The consumption of soft drinks here is really terrible, and even with diabetics themselves it can seem impossible for them to stop. I think it might be a lost battle. The seal of celestial(比处指教会) approval not only helped create a belief that Coca-cola had the power to heal but also fuelled its march to becoming a symbol of social status and good hospitality. In those areas a Coke in a glass bottle is often hardly more expensive than bottled water. As in most of Mexico, clean drinking water is not generally available even to those who can count on running water in their homes, which means many turn to soft drinks for basic hydration(水分). 1. What is the most important in a ceremony of Los Altos? A. Breathtaking natural beauty B. Sacrificial chickens C. Coca-cola D. Candles 2. What do some activists think of the connection? A. They encourage further development. B. They praise this connection. C. They pay no attention to it. D. They are against it. 3. Many religious staff believed that _________. A. Coca-cola showed you were good hosts B. soft drinks could feed the spirits C. Coca-cola made people get sick D. soft drinks had magic power 4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Soft drinks are hard to get. B. Soft drinks are clean at least. C. Soft drinks are cheaper than bottled water D. Soft drinks are easier to be stored at home 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Have you ever been hurt from your back by -or betrayed by someone you thought you could trust? Unfortunately, we can’t stop people from taking such actions against us. 1_________. Wondering if your BFF is reliable or not? Here are four signs someone isn’t really your friend. They use you more than they enjoy your company Maybe they approached you first with good conversations and that’s how your friendship started. But eventually the mask falls off. And if you want to find out if they are a true friend, just ask them for a tavor too ---and if they lend you a hand,then keep them around. 2.__________ There is an imbalance in communication Unless they are introverts( 内 向 的 人 ) are you always the one making contact? 3.__________? If they constantly cancel plans with you or stop communicating with you all together, it might be assigned to start investing in other more worthwhile friendships. You deserve support, attention and respect, too. 4._____________ This one can be tricky to detect, especially if they seem like the passive-aggressive type. Do they say congratulations with a smile but secretly want to beat you? Are they known to be a naturally jealous person? One other thing to note is if they copy you. They bring you more drama than support 5.____________. It is also about providing a safe space where both Parties can confide in one another. If they talk about your other friends and their friends behind their backs, you can probably guess that they will talk the same about you, too. Is that someone worth keeping around? A. Do they frequently ignore you B. Otherwise, you know what to do C. They are secretly competing with you D. Do they say they do everything for you E. But we can decide who we keep in our lives F. A solid friendship is about having fun with someone G. You should remember a friend in need is a true friend二、完形填空 Poor families in the Turkish city of Istanbul have been visited by a mysterious benefactor(赞助人) paying off their debts at grocery stores and leaving envelopes of cash on their doorsteps over the past year. Last week, many 1________ people in Tuzla, a shipbuilding district in Istanbul, were 2________ to find out their debts at 3_________ grocery stores had been paid by an unknown male benefactor who claimed to be doing the selfless deeds"only to 4_________ God's blessing". After the crash of the Turkish lira, food prices 5_________, as did the prices of utilities like electricity, and the unemployment rate. The rising 6__________ of living has been hard to keep up with some people, but this 7________ benefactor is doing his best to 8________ the poorest people in Istanbul. “Someone came and 9 ________ me to show him the notebook where I 10_________ customers 'debts,” the owner of a Tuzla grocery store said. "There were four people with large amounts 11_________ and I told him where they 12________. And he came back 13_________ after talking to them and paid all the 14__________. I also learned he gave extra 15__________ to those families. I asked him his 16__________ and he told me, ‘Just call me Robin Hood.’ He said he was doing this ‘only to earn God's blessing’.” The generous man is 17_________ to have been behind several similar donations earlier in 2019. In March,he allegedly slipped 18_________ containing 1,000 liras under the doors of needy 19_________in several working class neighborhoods across Istanbul. Then in June he reportedly paid off 25, 000 liras in grocery store debts as a festival 20_________. I. A. common B. poor C. dirty D. stable 2. A. happy B shy C. worried D. embarrassed 3. A. modern B. foreign C. rich D. local 4. A. give B decorate C. earn D. mend 5. A. balanced B rocketed C changed D disappeared 6. A. cost B population C. space D imagination 7. A wealthy B handsome C kind D. confident 8. A. affect B. violate C. teach D help 9. A. frightened B. cheated C. forced D. asked 10. A. record B draw C. need D. forget 11. A. exciting B. boring C outstanding D challenging 12. A escaped B. lived C worked D. hid13. A. firstly B, also C. forever D. again 14. A. debts B goods C. wages D. foods 15. A. time B energy C. cash D. smile 16. A. location B. job C. age D name 17. A. believed B. said C threatened D honored 18. A. bags B. boxes C envelopes D. cases 19. A. farmers B families C villagers D. owners 20.A. joke B present C story D. routine 三、语法填空 Syria's almost nine-year conflict (冲突) is far from over but that is not stopping a new wave of western tourists 1_____________visiting. Visiting places associated with 2___________(die)and tragedy is generally referred to as dark tourism. Holidaying in countries still technically at war, however, is a relatively new phenomenon, fuelled by social media influencers to visit 3____________(forbid)destinations or tick off(打卡,此 处指游览)all 4_____________(country) in the world Attempts 5___________(open) Syria again for tourism have been met with fierce criticism from some Syrians, however. The tourism companies 6____________(do) this now to show the world that Syria is safe and fine 7____________the war is over. " These tips whitewash(粉饰) the regime(政权) and let the world forget 8_____________atrocities(暴行) committed against Syrians. It's really depressing and 9______________(pain) to see tourists coming to your country from overseas when your house is 10_______________(official) taken away by the regime and you can never go back home.” 四、书面表达 《时代》周刊宣布 2019 年度人物为 16 岁的瑞典环保少女格塔・桑伯格( Greta Thunberg)。该周刊称 她“为我们敲响了警钟,提醒我们人类与我们唯一的家园之间的掠夺性关系,为这个支离破碎的世界发 出了超越背景和国界的声音”。 假如你是李华,得知格蕾塔被评为 2019 年度人物。请你根据以下内容,给她写一封祝贺信。 内容包括: 1.表达你的愉悦心情; 2.向她表示祝贺; 3.请她介绍环保的经验。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Greta, ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua2020 届浙江省湄池中学高三下英语练习试题答案二 一、CDAB EBACF 二、完形:BADCB ACDDA CBDAC DACBB 三、语法填空:1. from 2. death 3. forbidden 4. countries 5. be open 6. Are doing 7. and 8. the 9. painful 10. officially 四、书面表达 Dear Greta, I am Li Hua. I hear that you have won the title Person of the Year given by Time, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations. You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As a teenager of the same age, I am proud of you! Your efforts on the environmental protection left me a deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the title. Could you share with me what you do to make our planet greener? Your experience will be of great help to me. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours Li Hua

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