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‎13-14牛津七下Unit6同步练习Ⅰ Ⅰ. 根据所给的图片,用合适的单词填空,完成下面的微博。每空一词。‎ ‎1. Andy: Last summer, I went to Mongolia on holiday. On the grass there, I enjoyed going     a lot. I felt great when I was on the back of the horse. ‎ ‎2. Wendy: This morning, I didn’t go      as usual, because the air was so bad. I hope we will have fresh air without haze (雾霾). ‎ ‎3. Judy: My brother likes water sports. Every winter, he and some of his friends go      in the lake. They are not afraid of the cold weather. ‎ ‎4. Mike: We are      near a hill. It is so quiet here. And we can hear birds singing now. ‎ ‎5. John: It is great to ride a bike around the lake on a sunny day.      is a good sport, isn’t it? ‎ Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。‎ ‎ Andy: Daddy, where are we now? How (1) f     are we from the top of the hill?‎ Daddy: We are getting to the top soon. The hill isn’t (2) t     high. ‎ ‎ Andy: But I am very (3) h     now, because I didn’t have breakfast this morning. And walking for such a long time makes me very (4) t    . Hiking on a hot day like this is bad!‎ Daddy: Do you think so? I think it’s good to (5) s     complaining and think about what to do. Now, we have two choices (选择). One is to (6) h    up, so we can have a rest on the top. And the other choice is we can also stop here, (7) u     that tree. ‎ Andy: I’d like to have a rest now. Look, the bag is too (8) h     because it is full of food and ‎ drinks. I hate to (9) c     it all the way. Why not eat some food now?‎ Daddy: Sounds like a good (10) i    . Let’s enjoy our picnic here.‎ Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的句子填空,完成对话。(有两个多余选项)‎ ‎ Andy: Look at the photo, Wendy. What a good time I had!‎ Wendy: Wow, I didn’t know you could skate so well. (1)    ‎ ‎ Andy: I learnt it two years ago, with my father. ‎ Wendy: (2)    ‎ ‎ Andy: The speed (速度). It makes me feel cool. (3)    ‎ Wendy: I’d like to have a try. But I am afraid. ‎ ‎ Andy: (4)    ‎ Wendy: Swimming. (5)    ‎ ‎ Andy: I like swimming, too. It is the best sport in summer.‎ A. Because water makes me feel cool in summer. ‎ B. When did you learn it? ‎ C. What do you like about skating? ‎ D. What outdoor activity do you like best? ‎ E. Why do you like swimming? ‎ F. Maybe you can try to skate. ‎ G. You are really a great skater.‎ 参考答案:‎ Ⅰ. 1. riding 2. jogging 3. swimming 4. camping 5. Cycling Ⅱ. 1. far 2. that 3. hungry 4. tired 5. stop 6. hurry 7. under 8. heavy 9. carry 10. idea ‎ Ⅲ. 1-5 BCFDA

资料: 29.3万


