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VII.完形填空   When it was my sixth year at high school, I got a summer job in an expensive department store to provide money for my first trip abroad. It was near my home, so it seemed perfect. The first place I    1    was in the silk  2   . I didn’t get my training, so I was   3   of cutting the materials. There were some regular   4   who came with servants and drivers. Some had been    5    for years. Most of them were pleasant, but a few were really   6   . Often when such people appeared, the   7   shop assistants ran away and hid. They only came out from the store room   8   the customers had gone.   I’ll   9   remember the first day of the sales. I had set my alarm clock (闹钟) early so as not to be   10    . I quickly dressed and left the    11    . Outside, It was raining hard and the   12   was moving slowly and carefully. When I got to work, people were already standing in lines outside the doors. Some had been   13   all night and the weather hadn’t improved their temper (心情). They might be very dangerous and I could see why our   14   had planned the sale like an operation of the army. The day before, he told me to work at one of the tables in the middle of the shop floor.   At five to nine we were all ready, waiting   15   ,as the seconds ticked (滴嗒) by. Suddenly, the doors   16   and there was the sound of hundreds of pairs of feet    17   through the entrance hall. At the very  18   moment, just as the first customers were coining near, I dropped my scissors ( 剪刀). I was trying to find them under the   19   when the rush of the crowd struck. I was stuck down there for at least twenty minutes, with a sea of   20   around me. I was completely helpless. 1. A. studied   B. worked  C. lived  D. stood   [解析]与上文相呼应,此处应选worked。   答案:B 2. A. department  B. clothes  C. dress  D. class   [解析]所谓department store, 是指分成各个部门(department) 的商店,或称“百货商场”。   答案:A  3.A.surprised  B. delighted  C. pleased   D. frightened   [解析]由于没有受过培训,因而也就担心、害怕。   答案:D  4. A.assistants  B. friends  C. customers  D. owners   答案:C  5.A.training  B. coming  C. learning  D . trying   [解析]指过去多少年一直在光顾。   答案:B  6.A.useful  B. pleasant  C. hopeful  D. unkind   [解析]与上面的pleasant 相对照。   答案:D 7.A. experienced  B. new  C. rich  D. old   [解析]应选有经验的,因为这样的店员了解这些顾客的情况。   答案:A 8.A.before  B. after  C. until  D. while   [解析]这样不好应付的顾客走了以后。   答案:B 9.A. never  B . seldom  C. always  D. hardly   [解析]将会永远记得,终生难忘。这段文章也主要是讲这件事。   答案:C  10. A.late  B. clear  C. sorry  D. weak   答案:A  11. A. store  B. kitchen  C. flat  D. school   [解析]flat楼房的单元,这里指住所。   答案:C  12. A. lorry  B. walk  C. traffic  D. street   [解析]统指马路上的车辆。   答案:C 13.A.shopping  B. selling  C. buying   D. waiting   [解析]有的已经等了一夜,与上面的“等待”相照应。   答案:D 14. A. boss  B. officer  C. official  D. guard   答案:A 15.A.fortunately  B. heavily  C. anxiously  D. personally   [解析]指忐忑不安的心情。   答案:C 16.A.closed  B. knocked  C. broke  D. opened   [解析]打开,其他不符合题意。   答案:D 17.A. pressing  B. rolling  C. driving  D. running   [解析]因为前面是脚步声,因此只可选running。   答案:D 18.A.happy  B. important  C. calm  D. direct   答案:B 19. A. table  B. chair  C. desk  D. floor   答案:A 20.A. heads  B. legs  C. lines  D. shoulders   [解析]因为他弯腰拾剪子时由于人多而无法站起来,所以他看到的应是人们的腿部。   答案:B

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