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短文改错:1、短文改错题Dear Bob,Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher, 1.________ Miss Fang. I’d like to your pen friend, and get to 2._________ know more about your country.First, let me tell you something more about myself. 3.________My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the 4 .________capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School. We 5._________ study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, 6._________English and physics.1 use to play ping-pong a lot 7._________ in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. 8._________ Do you play any ball games? What your favourite 9 _________ sport? I look forward to hear from you soon. 10._________ YoursLi Hua  第1题 learn了解,知道。因为后面说从老师处知道,是过去发生的行为,故需用过去时,改为learned.考查时态的使用。  第2题 I’d like to(我想要做某事),要接动词不定式,需要增加动词be或become.考察固定词组中不定式的用法。  第3题more为多余的单词。因为是头一次交友,以前并不了解,无所谓“更多”。  第4题 考查定语从句中关系代词与关系副词的用法,此处where该改用which,因为它在定语从句中作主语,而where只能在从句中作状语。  第5题 对。  第6题subject该用复数subjects.此题考查可数名词数的运用。  第7题use该改为used.该题考查used to的用法。used加动词不定式是“过去常常”的意思。如:  1.We used to work same office.(过去我们是在一个办公室里工作。)  2.They get on pretty well.Better than theyused to(他们相处得不错。比过去好多了。)也可以把"used to当个固定词组记住,意思是:“过去经常”。而use的现在时没有这一用法。  第8题interesting为“有趣的,使人感兴趣的”。文中的意思是“(我)对(足球)感兴趣”,要用interested.  第9题 句中缺谓语动词,应该加上is,或把What改为What’s.这是对疑问句的考查。  第10题 look forward to中的 to是介词,不是不定式符号,不接动词原形,但可接动词-ing形式。故须把hear改为hearing.该题考查的是非谓语动词的用法。2、短文改错题Today I visited the Smiths — my first time visit 1.________to a American family. They live in a small 2 _________town. It was very kind for them to meet me 3.__________ at the railway station and drove me to their home 4.__________ The Smiths did his best to make me feel 5.__________ at home. They offered me coffee and other 6.__________ drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing 7.__________ together. They eager to know everything about 8.__________ China and asked me lots of question. In fact, 9 .__________ they are planning to visit China in next year. 10.__________  第1题time是多余的,汉语说第一次访问,英语说my first visit便可。这一题是考查英汉语不同的表达习惯。如果一定要用time则可说my first time ro visit an American family 这时visit成了动词,visit之后就不能用to了。涉及到第二行出现了两个错误。不合题目要求。  第2题 考查冠词用法,不定冠词a与辅音开头的词连用,后面若是元音开头的单词,就要用an,把a改成an便可。  第3题 考查介词的搭配be kind of sb to do sth.把文中的for改为of.  第4题 连接词and连接的是两个并列的动作:meet与drive.需把drove改为drive.  第5题 考查代词的数。The Smiths用的复数,(指一家人或夫妇俩),后面的代词不能用is而应用their.  第6题 对。  第7题 考查动词时态的使用。整篇文章记叙过去发生的事,用的过去时;visited,was,did,offered,asked等,故have也应改为had.  第8题 考查形容词作谓语需加系动词的用法。eager是形容词,不能单独作谓语,在前边应添加be的过去式were.  第9题 考查名词复数的使用,lost of question不对,应说 lots of questions.  第10题 介词的使用不当。汉语常说在下一周,下一月,下一年,英语既不用on也不用in.只用 next week, next month,next year。便可。去掉in.与next的这种用法相似的还有this, last与one,它们与表示时间的名词连用时,不能再加介词。 五、情景对话  1. Your brother says he is going to turn on the radio, but you don’t want it to be turned on, so you say:  A. As you like.  B. Please don’t if you don’t mind.  C. Please not.   D. Not!  答案:B2. -How did you like the trip lo Qingdao?  -_______.   -Oh, that’s too bad.  A. I felt seasick most of the lime  B. I enjoyed it very much  C. Nothing could be better  D. I wish you could be with me  答案:A3. -Mike, I have passed the exam.  A. What a pity  B. Congratulations  C. Thank you   D. That’s all right.  答案:B4. -_______, Uncle?  -I just want a cup of tea.  A. How about a cup of tea  B. What can I fetch you to eat  C. May I take your order   D. What do you want to eat  答案:C5. Someone gives you a present. You say:  A. Thanks very much. It’s very kind of you.  B. This looks all right. What is it?  C. Thanks but I don’t like presents.   D. Oh, wonderful, you’re a good person.  答案:A 六、完型填空:  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。  The nervous-looking young man hesitated (犹豫) for a few minutes outside the jewelry shop before gathering up the  1  to enter. He was greeted by a young assistant who   2  to help him. James felt a rush of   3  to his face as he explained he would bring in his girlfriend to choose an engagement.(订婚) ring out that day. The assistant  4  and told him that the best way would be to make up two plates of rings which would suit both the young man’s   5  and the young lady’s  6  Clearly they were used to things of this kind. He wasn’t   7  to buying jewelry and was a little worried about spending too much money. Getting married was an expensive   8  but it would be a once-in-a-lifetime thing after all. After some    9    as to a suitable price-range and the shapes and materials which his girlfriend might like, the shop assistant showed him some rings and offered to put them   10  . James   11   with her choice and left the shop,  12  to return at five o’clock. When, half an hour later than   13  , he finally did return to the shop with his girl- friend, Laura. The assistant   14   as if she had never seen him before.  15   asked to show them some engagement rings she first brought out some..  16  .rings, giving the two young people the chance to   17    them before showing them the two plates of rings she had   18  .A choice was soon made and the young man and the young lady went away  19   .  James would certainly come back here when it was time to buy the   20   rings.  1. A. strength  B. energy  C. courage  D. wealth  2. A. tried  B. offered   C. managed  D. pretended  3. A. heart  B. smile   C. wind  D. blood  4. A. wrote  B. turned   C. listened   D. heard  5. A. clothes  B. ideas   C. job  D. pocket  6. A. tastes  B. beauty  C. dress   D. family  7. A. ready  B. going   C. used  D. determined  8. A. charge  B. thought  C. idea   D. business  9. A. discussion  B. quarrel  C. decision   D. hesitation  10. A. forward  B. aside  C. down  D. out  11. A. pleased  B. satisfied  C. fitS  D. agreed  12. A. informing  B. promising  C. knowing  D. declaring  13. A. usual  B. before  C. planned  D. permitted  14. A. smiled  B. acted  C. sat  D. welcomed  15. A. Though  B. Still  C. After  D. When  16. A. real  B. lovely   C. cheap  D. small  17. A. check  B. see  C. weigh  D. compare  18. A. prepared  B. hid   C. sold  D. wrapped  19. A. foolishly  B. quickly  C. happily  D. curiously  20. A. engagement  B. usual  C. cheaper  D. wedding(keys:1-5 CBDCD  6-10 ACDAB  11-15 DBCBD  16-20 CBACD)Reading comprehension:   Monica Lewinsky, whose affair with President Clinton was at the center of a scandal(丑闻) that led to his impeachment(弹劾) by the U.S. House of Representatives last year,was slightly injured when her sports car overturned on a Southern California highway, police said.The former White House tem(实习生) overturned a blue Ford Explorer shortly after 1 p. m. on Highway 101 south of California, about 65 miles north of Los Angeles, a dispatcher(调度员) for the California Highway Patrol said.  “She reached across to remove something from her purse and realized she was too close to a motor home(旅宿汽车) in front of her. She turned suddenly to the left to avoid an accident with the motor home and lost control of the car,” the dispatcher said.  “She began to slide sideways to the left”~ and crossed the center divider. The car overturned on to its left side,”the dispatcher said.  “Lewinsky, 26, was taken to the Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, California, where she was treated for slight cuts to her left arm,” the dispatcher said.Her car was damaged.  She left with family members after being treated,a hospital spokeswoman said.Road conditions at the time of the accident were clear, the California Highway Patrol dispatcher said, adding that Lewinsky was traveling at an “unknown rate of speed.”  Lewinsky was alone and no other cars, the officials added.  The Ford explorer was taken away after the accident, the dispatcher said, describing the car as “undriveable”.  A newspaper would report the accident but it was unclear if the police would investigate in further because no other vehicles or people were involved, the dispatcher said.1. When the accident happened, Lewinsky was driving.  A. a red car             B. on a highway south of California  C. at 65 miles per hour    D. overturned a motor home      (key: B)2. The accident was caused by  A. heavy traffic on the freeway  B. a high speed at which Lewinsky was driving that was hard to describe  C. some other cars which forced her to turn sharply  D. None of the above.     (key: D)3. All of the following statements are based on facts in the article or already known EXCEPT        .  A. Lewinsky’s traffic accident became a piece of news mainly because of the scandal with the president  B. when the accident happened, at least one other person was on the spot  C. Lewinsky was sent to the hospital by her family members  D. the police might not further examine the case. (key C)  

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