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初一英语下学期考前模拟(答题时间:80分钟)一、选择题1. Would you like to share the room     me?A. and B. on C. with D. of2. A      room is a room where you eat meals.A. bath B. dining C. sitting D. bed3. Please don’t talk so loud      others are working.A. while B. what C. that D. like4. September the 10 th is       Day.A. Teacher B. Teachers’ C. Teacher’s D. Teachers5. I got some presents       my birthday.A. in B. at C. with D. on6. Our friend Linda is always so polite     others.A. to B. at C. for D. with7. The bridge is built      the Yellow River.A. above B. under C. over D. on8. Their neighbours are       .A. helping B. friends C. helpfully D. friendly9. My bedroom is very beautiful and       .A. quietly B. quiet C. quite D. quitely10. It rains       in summer here.A. a lot B. many C. big D. heavy11. There is a blackboard      the classroom.A. over B. in front of C. behind D. in the front of12. She sits between       .A. you and him B. he and you C. you and me D. him and you13. Jim will arrive  the eighth of May.A. at B. in C. on D. /14. The bookshop is  the ground floor.A. in B. / C. at D. on15. Linda is standing    me.A. above B. beside C. inside D. in16. There are more than eight  students in our school.A. thousands of B.thousands  C.thousand  D. thousand of17. One of them often    TV in the evening.A. watch B. sees C. watches D. see18.      your mother    you in China?A. Is; with B. Does; about  C. Does; with  D. Is; about19. They live on the second floor, and we live on the first floor. We live     them.A. below  B. over  C. above D. under20. People in the west usually    in the morning.    A. have shower B. have a shower C. has a shower D. have the shower21. They are reading     lesson on Page      .A. twentieth, Twenty  B. the twentieth, TwentiethC. the twentieth, Twenty D. twenty, Twentieth22. “Excuse me. May I speak to Jill, please?”“                 ”A. Yes, I am Jill.  B. Do you know him?C. I’m speaking.  D. This is Jill speaking.23. We’ll arrive   Beijing   the afternoon of May 3.A. at, in B. in, on C. in, in D. at, at24. “    is your phone number?” “It’s 58886531.”A. How much B. How C. What D. How many25. Where        my clothes?A. are B. am C. is D. be26. “We’ll go on a trip tomorrow.” “That sounds    .”A. well B. badly C. bad D. good27. They are from Australia. They   English.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak28. He stayed there     for three months.A. at lest B. fewer than C. at least D. more than29. She is afraid   the tiger.A. of see B. to see C. to seeing D. see30. I must use a ladder to get   my room.A. on B. into C. in D. with 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. What time        you       (get) up on Sundays?2. My mother often            (cook) at four. Now she                (cook) in the kitchen.3. Don’t         (run) so fast.4. When         they        (go) home yesterday?5. Andy often     (help)his mother with the farm work.6. He asked the policeman   (help), because he got lost.7. England is quite different from      (Chinese).8. Millie came           (one) in this exam.9. I can’t wait           (see) my friends.10. It is           (real) an interesting story. 三、句型转换1. You can put your bag on the desk.(改祈使句)2. There are over 10 girls in the classroom.(改同义句)3. What do you want?(改同义句)4. What food do you like best? (改同义句)5. Jim came from England. (对划线提问)6. It’s April 18th today.(对划线提问)7. Neil comes from England. (对划线提问)8. Jim stands in front of me. (改同义句)9. Do it like this. (改否定)10. There is an old woman over there.(改复数形式) 四、改错1. Linda would like playing computer games.2. He lives next the restaurant.3. My sister likes the bigest cake.4. The capital of English is London.5. He favourite sport is basketball.6. There is a window on the wall.7. Li Lei sits in my left.8. A light is on her head.9. Five thousands people will come to the party.10. We are learning fifth lesson.11. He can’t wait opening the box.12. “Do you free tomorrow?” “Yes, I am.”13. They’ll go to the Great Wall in Tuesday. 五、翻译1. 西蒙在一楼有一个计算机房。2. “你有自己的房间吗?”“不,我和我妹妹两人一间房。”3. 那幅画在空调和橱柜的中间。4. 请把包放在书架上。5. 他住在莫斯科中心的那幢大楼的第十二层楼。6. 我和家人住在木制的房子里。7. 当我妈妈做饭时,我们经常坐在厨房里。8. 请叫他给我回电话。9. 在西蒙梦想的家园里,三楼没有其他的房间了。  【试题答案】一、1—5 CBABD  6—10 ACDBA  11—15 DACDB  16—20 CCAAB21—25 CDBCA  26—30 DDCBB二、1. do get  2.cooks  ,is cooking  3.run  4.did go  5.helps   6. to help7.China  8.first  9.to see  10.really三、1. Put your bag on the desk.  2. There are more than 10 girls in the classroom.  3. What would you like ?  4. What is your favourite food?  5. Where did Jim come from?  6. What is the date today?  7. Where does Neil come from?  8. I stand behind Jim.  9. Don’t do it like this.  10. There are some old women over there.四、1. playing—to play  2. next—next to  3. bigest—biggest  4. English—England5. He—His  6. on—in  7. in—on  8. on—above  9. thousands—thousand10. fifth—the fifth  11. opening—to open  12. Do—Are  13. in—on五、1. Simon has a computer room on the ground floor.2. Do you have your own room? No, I share a room with my sister.3. The picture is between the air conditioner and the wardrobe.4. Please put the bag on the bookshelf.5. He lives on the twelfth floor of the building in the center of Moscow.6. I live in a wooden house with my family.7. We often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.8. Please ask him to call me back.9. There are no other rooms on the second floor in Simon’s dream home.  

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