Unit 1 同步语法练习(仁爱版七上)

Unit 1 同步语法练习(仁爱版七上)


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Unit 1 一、单项选择 (     )-----What ______ his name? -----His name ______ Tom. A. are; is        B. is; are        C.is; is        D. is; am (    )2. She has two big______. A.  ears            B. ear             C. a ear        D.  an ear (    )3. My sister is only one______old. A.  years          B.  year            C.  a year      D.  yeares (    )4. You have______English book ,and I have______Chinese book. A. an; an        B. a; an          Can; a        D. a; a (    )5. — What's his telephone number? A. It's 82676929                    B. He is 82686928 C. They are Bh9809               D. He is six (    )6. —______is Mary? —  She______fine. A. What; is                           B. How; are C. How; is                            D. Where; is (    )7. —______they friends? —  No, they______. A. Is; aren't                       B.Are; aren't C. Are; are not                     D. is; are (    )8. —______is Michael Jordan from? —  He______from the USA. A. How; is                         B.What; are C. How old; is                      D. Where; is (    )9. — What's that? — It's a______. A. egg             B. cake           C. cakes      D. eggs (    )10.— Is this an______? — No, it's a pencil-box. A. pencil-box        B. eraser   C. book         D. pen (     ) 11. Li Qiang and 1 _______in No. 1 High School. A. am          B. is           C. are          D. do (    ) 12. — Are_______teachers? —  Yes,_______. A. they;they are                    B. you; I am C. he; he is                       D. she; they are (    )13. -_______? — That's Mary. A. Who's that                   B. What's that C. How old is she                D. Where is she (         ) 14. —What are these? — _______cakes. A. They're     B. It's            C. They           D. Those are (         ) 15. — _______is Li Ming in? —  He is in Class Five, Grade One. A. What's class       B. How       C. What class         D. Where 二、填空 Zhao Xiaonan is from Hebei.  1  is 12 years old. Now she is in Beijing No. 3 High School.  2  is in Class Five, Grade Seven.   3  phone number is 82676383. Tom is  4   friend.  5  is from the USA.  6  is 13 years old.   7   phone number is 62545151.   8   are in the same class.  9   love(热爱) Beijing. 1._________    2.__________    3.___________    4.__________ 5._________    6.__________    7.___________    8.__________ 9._________ 三、补全对话 A:Good morning! B:Good morning! A: My name is Mary.   1  ? B: My name is Li Lei. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. A:   2    ? B: I'm from China. A:    3   ? B: I'm 13 years old. A:___4___? B: I'm in Class Eight, Grade Seven. A:___5  ? B: It's a pen. A:     6   ? B : No, my pen is over there (那边 ) . 1.___________    2.____________3.____________ 4.___________    5.___________    6.___________

资料: 29.3万


