英语选修七Unit 2 Robots语言点总结

英语选修七Unit 2 Robots语言点总结


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Unit 2 Robots Word usage 1.       experiment vi. 1) make an experiment                 2) test or trial done carefully Some people learn by experiment and others learn by experience. He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis. Have they ever experimented on a large number of patients? 2.       absent adj. 1) not present               2) take no notice of sth Three members of the class were absent this morning. Snow is absent in his country. He had an absent look on his face. 3. embarrass v. cause sb to feel self-conscious; awkward or shamed       Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question. A large family embarrassed him. Wearing the heavy coat embarrassed his movements. 4. elegant  adj. having the qualities of grace and beauty Her writing was elegant. His elegant piece of reasoning impressed me deeply. 1.       accompany v. 1) go with               2) attend               3) occur or do at the same time as He wished her to accompany him. Lightning usually accompanies thunder. He accompanied his speech with gestures. The pianist accompanied her singing. 2.       strike  v. 1) hit sb/sth         2) impress sb deeply; move sb         3) occur to He was struck by lightning. She struck him with a stick. The snake struck the man's hand. That play struck me as silly. It struck me that there was no one at home. 3.       sight  n. 1) ability to see             2) range within which sb can see             3) things worth seeing on sth I'll have my sight tested tomorrow. Victory is in sight. The girl dreaded the sight of snakes. 4.       envy n. 1) feeling of discontent caused by sb else’s good fortune          2) the thing that causes sb to feel envy          3) feel envy of sb or at sth She said it out of envy. His talent is the envy of his colleagues. I envy you your good luck. 9. risk  v. 1) expose sb/oneself to danger          2) possibility to meeting danger or suffering harm He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. By criticizing her boss, she risked losing her position. I don't think they will risk holding an election 10. stick v. 1) stick sth in/into/through sth          2) put or fix sth in a position or place Grandpa still walks without a stick. I bought the child some sticks of candy. He stuck the pen behind his ear. 11. include v. 1) have sb/sth as part of whole             2) have sb/sth in /among sth The price includes both house and furniture. I include him among my friends. 12. explore  v. 1) travel into or through a place to learn about it              2) examine sth thoroughly to text or find out sth They explored this desert region in 1923. The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links. As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. 13.         award  v. 1) make an official decision to give sth to sb as a prize              2) things or amount awarded. Phil was awarded the top prize. The judge awarded him $1000 as damages. The novel earned him a literary award. 14.         injure v. 1) hurt sb, harm             2) injured, wounded I hope I didn't injure her feelings. His back was injured.       All 14 injured were later discharged from hospital. 15.         influence n 1) power to produce and effect             v. 2) have an effect or influence on sb/sth The influence of climate on crops are self-evident. Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. Useful phrases 1. persuade sb to do sth: persuade sb into doing sth   persuade sb out of sth   persuade sb that- clause She persuaded me into buying it. The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project I persuaded him out of smoking. 2. allow sb to do sth: allow doing sth   She allowed us to smoke. The windfall allowed me to buy a house.       We don’t allow smoking here. 3. reach for: stretch out one’s hand in order to touch      He reached for his gun.      I reached across the table for the jam. 4. turn around: turn round    When the teacher turned around, they began to whisper. 5. there stood… 用此结构的动词有stand, seem to be, happen to be, be likelyto , live, used to be, lie, ect      There happened to be no nobody in the room.      There used to be a cinema here.   There appeared to be a war between her hear and her hand.   There is sure to be a restaurant there. 6. after all 1) in spite of everything          2) it must be remembered It turned out he went by train after all.      After all, you were up until three last night. 7. fall off: decrease in quantity or quality Enrollment has fallen off this year.       Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably. 8. in time: not late; sooner or later, eventually   You’ll learn how to do it in time.   They caught the bus in time. 9. give up : 1) persuade sb to do sth           2) lose heart, lose hope He gave up his seat to an old man The girl gave up halfway. wish I could give up drinking. 10. set off 1) begin a journey, race etc           2) set sth off   cause  a bomb, mine etc to explore They set off in search of the lost child.       Do be careful with those fireworks; don’t set them off.

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