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 第I卷笔答题区 一、听力测试(五)   21.____________ 22.____________ 23.____________ 24.____________ 25. ____________   三、阅读理解(C)   51.__________________________________________________________________________ 52. __________________________________________________________________________ 53. __________________________________________________________________________ 54. __________________________________________________________________________ 55. __________________________________________________________________________   阅读理解(D)   56. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is set to open on July 1, which will make Tibet _____________ __________________________________________. 57. It is difficult to build the Qinghai-Tibet Railway because ___________________________. 58. If you take the train to Tibet, the cost will be _______________________than take the plane. 59. People like to take train to Tibet because _________________________________________ _________________________________________. 60. In the train you can see          ______                 near the seats.   第Ⅱ卷(55分)   注意事项:   1.第Ⅱ卷共4页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。 2.答题前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。   四、单词拼写(共8小题,计8分)   根据句意和提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。 61. Thank you for i_____________ me to your birthday party. 62. He bought a kilo of ____________ (西红柿)。 63. It is usually very c___________ in the supermarket on Sundays. 64. They go to the concert once a ____________(月). 65. This beautiful picture was taken with my new _____________(照相机). 66. A new ____________(图书馆) is being built in our school. 67. The ____________ (多彩的) flowers make our town more and more beautiful. 68. I don't think it necessary to buy such an ____________(昂贵的) necklace for a child.   五、动词填空 (共10空,计10分)     阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。   Mr Clark 69____________ (bear) in a small town of England. When he finished middle school, he 70 ____________(find) work in the police station and he 71 ____________(work) there for 42 years and he'll retire(退休)this autumn. He tried to work hard in the past 42 years but he wasn't a lucky man and never caught a thief. He was often sorry for it.   Last weekend, when Mrs Clarke 72 ____________ (cook) supper, she found there was no sugar. So she asked her husband 73 ____________ (buy) some in the shop near their house. He came in the shop and found a young man 74 ____________ (steal) some money from a woman's bag. He ran to the thief quickly, but the young man found and 75 ____________ (run) away at onec. Mr Clarke ran after him. The thief ran into a blind alley(死胡同)and Mr Clarke 76 ____________ (catch) him at last.   "Please give me a chance, sir, " said the young man. "I never stole before."   "Who 77 ____________ (give) me a chance?" said Mr Clarke. "I'll soon retire and I 78____________ (catch) a thief for the first time!"                                                六、完成句子(共8小题,计12分)   根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。 79. 你为什么不把雨伞随身带着? ____________________________________________________? 80. 昨晚八点半的时候你在干啥,怎么没人接电话? What __________________________at 8:30 last night?No one _____________________. 81. 他三十岁的时候开始学英语。 ______________________________________________________________________. 82. 你喜欢和什么样的人交朋友? What kind of persons ________________________________________________? 83. 我妹妹基本没能理解你对她所说的话。  My little sister ______________________________________________________to her. 84. 这个商店里所有的浅蓝色的连衣裙都卖完了。 _____________________________________________________________in the shop. 85. 如果你明天有空的话,我们就去海滩打排球吧。 __________________________________ on the beach ____________________________. 86. 我宁愿去滑冰,而不愿意呆在家里玩电脑。 I______________________________rather than _________________________at home.   七、短文填空(共10空,计10分)     阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空,并根据需要,确定所填词数及其形式。 Sports are very 87          in England. In other 88          , lots of English people like the idea of sports. A lot of people 89          sports on TV, but the number who take part 90        sports is quite small. Most English people like to be fat. The 91          popular sport in England is football. Football is played on Saturday afternoon in most towns and the supporters will travel 92          one end of the country to the other to watch their teams play. There are four divisions(分开,分割) of the football league. Of course the best teams are in the first division. But the best supporters are often in the fourth division. You have to 93__________ a good supporter to watch the fourth division football. Many other sports also played in England, such 94____________ golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; basketball; in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so 95          your opponent(对手) can not hit it. They are all sports with balls. There are also sports without balls, for 96            , athletics and horseracing. But they are not so popular as football in England.   八、书面表达(共1小题,计15分)   Write a letter to your headmaster or your English teacher. You are going to leave the junior high school, and you are the first group of the students who use the new textbooks. Would you please tell your teachers what do you think of the textbooks, teachers and the English teaching in your school? And what do you think the ideal(理想的) English learning and teaching should be like? Notes; 1. Say whatever you want to say, but reasonable about English teaching and learning (ideal ones, comments(评论) and your ideas) ; 2. Write your passage as long as possible (no less than 80 words), but it must be reasonable and really what you think; 3. Pay attention to you handwriting, grammar and try to use as many kinds of sentence patterns as you can     英语听力原文   showElementsTop(0);   一、听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每小题1分。   1. A. My brother meets lots of famous people every day.    B. My brother's job is exciting but kind of dangerous.    C. My brother works for a famous magazine. 2. A. It's my favorite season. Children enjoys making snowmen.    B. I like summer best, because I like swimming in the sea.    C. I don't like autumn. Leaves are all falling down 3. A. Look at these animals. They are so cute and they are from Australia.     B. Look at these animals. They are so cute and they are only from China.    C. Look! These animals are so big. They're from Africa. 4. A. Teenagers are supposed to learn how to behave politely.     B. Teenagers are not allowed to enter the Internet bar.     C. Teenagers should exercise every day. 5. A. There was an earthquake last night. Only a few people was hurt.     B. There was a thick snow last night. All the things are in white.    C. There was a heavy storm last night. The car even couldn't move this morning.   二、听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。每小题1分。   6. Could you please show me the way to the nearest post office? 7. How can we help to improve the environment? 8. How long have they work in this company? 9. What are you supposed to do when you meet someone in Japan? 10. My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.   三、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每小题1分。   11. W: How much is this blouse? M: It's on sale, just $15 for each. W: OK. I'll take two. Question: How much should the woman pay for the blouses? 12. M: Did you go to Sydney or Tokyo on vacation?      W: Neither. I went to Paris.      Question:      Where did the woman go on vacation? 13. M: What time does the match begin?      W: It begins at 8 o'clock.      M: Oh, we should be in a hurry. We have only 15 minutes left.      Question: What's the time now? 14. M: What's wrong with you, Linda?      W: I felt very sick and had a headache.      M: Let me see. Oh, don't worry. There's nothing serious. You've got a bad cold. Go back home and stay in bed. Take this medicine. You'll be all right soon.      Question: Where will Linda stay? 15. W: Do you like cheetahs?      M: Cheetahs? They are scary. I don't like them.      W: I like them because they are smart and they are the fastest animals in the world.      Question:      Why does the woman like cheetahs?   四、听一段对话和对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。每小题1.5分。   W: What's the matter, Peter? You don't look very happy. M: I'm not. I'm worried about my English. W: What's the problem? M: I'm not practising enough. W: Why not? M: Well, it's too difficult to meet English people. W: You should go out more. M: Where should I go? W: You should go to the pub, you should join a club. M: But ... English people never speak to me. W: Ah! You should speak first. M: What can I talk about? W: The weather! English people are always interested in the weather. Question:  16. With what subject should Peter start his conversation with English people, as the woman suggests?  17. Why is it hard for Peter to meet English people?  18. Why do English people never speak to Peter?  19. What do you learn about from the dialogue?  20. What can you infer from the advice of the woman?   五、听短文两遍后,根据所听到内容填写下面表格。每小题1.5分   Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. Now, the most important thing is money. You should take about $530 with you. I think that will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive, you'll be met by your new family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. You'll also need to take with you four photos of yourself and, of course, it's very important that you take the school letter. While you're there, if you have any problems, you can call Speech School office. I'll give you the office telephone number now: it's 5804662 and the person to ask for is Mrs Belcher. She's in the office from nine o’clock in the morning until five in the afternoon every day. OK. That's everything. Have a good journey!  

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