外研版必修4 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World导学

外研版必修4 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World导学


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Module 6  Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 【本模块要求】1)词汇能力 必学词汇attack, adapt, calm, claim, claw, creature, dinosaur, disappear, dive, evolve, extinct,footprint, hairy, horn, monster, skeptical, seal, sighting, spirit 复习词汇appear, climate, repeat, tail, temperature, survive 短语be related to, due to, die out, throw light on, come straight to the point 2)听说能力学会使用推测的说法 3)阅读能力阅读课文和课后 Cultural corner 文章,掌握系列单词,掌握语言点。 4)语法能力情态动词用法(二) 词汇拓展:1. attack(vt.)袭击,攻击2. claim(vt.)声称3. dive (vi.)潜水4. calm (adj.)平静的5. skeptical (adj.)怀疑的,不相信的 6. cover (vt.)占地(多大面积)7. adapt (v.)使适应8. disappear (vi.)不见,消失9. extinct (adj.)绝种的,消亡了的10. evolve (vi.)进化,演变11. generous (adj.)有雅量的,大方的,心地高尚的12. frightening (adj.)吓人的 frighten(v.)令人害怕的 fright (n.)害怕 frightened (adj.)害 怕的13. exist (vi.)存在 existence (n.)14. positive (adj.)正面的 negative (adj.)负面的15. indicate (vt.)象征,暗示 indication (n.)16. identity (n.)生分,特征 identify (v.)认出,鉴定17. fortune (n.)运气,财富 fortunate (adj.)幸运的 fortunately (adv.) unfortunately(adv.)不幸地 18. die out 灭绝19. throw light on 阐明某事20. come straight to 开门见山21. adapt to 适应22. due to 由于23. be back in the news 再次成为新闻24. go for 喜欢   【词汇】1 attack n/v 进攻, 攻击, 疾病发作, 开始处理(某事) attack   是常用词,可以表示任何意义上的“袭击”或“进攻”。 The enemy attacked on the left flank. 敌人向左翼进攻。 The disease attacked his bones. 病患已侵袭了他的骨骼。She attacked the difficulties at once. 她立即开始处理难题。 a heart attack 心脏病发作 翻译句子:他因用枪攻击警察而被捕.He was arrested for attacking the police with a gun. 2 exist vi. 存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在The Roman Empire existed for several centuries. 罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。 So poor they can hardly exist. 他们穷得几乎无法过活。One cannot exist without air. 人没有空气就不能生存。 exist as 作为...而存在, 以...形态存在existence  n. 存在, 实在相关单词学习 extinct adj. 已绝种的;已灭绝的Some of the species of birds are extinct. 有几种鸟类已经绝种了。3 sharp adj. 锐利的,尖的,思维敏捷的,突然的;adv.准时地,突然地 a sharp knife 锋利的小刀a needle with a sharp point 针头尖利的针The famous writer is still sharp in thought though he has attained the age of ninety-two.这位著名作家虽已九十二岁高龄,但仍然思维敏捷。 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转Recently there has been a sharp decline in interest in gardening throughout the town.最近全镇对园艺的兴趣已急剧下降。 at seven o'clock sharp 七点整to turn sharp to the left 猛然向左转 sharp as a needle adj. 非常机灵的 sharp-eyed adj. 目光敏锐的sharpen v.  削尖, 磨快4 claim v/n(根据权利)要求,认领,索赔 / 声言;主张 claim to do sth. 声称/主张做某事It is claimed that…有人主张claim sth. from sb. for sth.因为某事向某人所要赔偿金 claim back 要回lay claim to 认领make a claim for sth.提出赔偿要求 Does anyone claim this umbrella?He claimed to be the owner of the land.He claimed that he had done the work without help.If the land really belongs to you, why don’t you lay claim to it? He put in a claim for the holiday due to him.claim for damages 要求赔偿损失5 calm adj. (天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的 v.(使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息The sea was calm after the storm. 经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。 After the storm it became calm again.暴风雨过后,天气又恢复平静无风。He was calm when I told him the bad news. 当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静。 It was difficult to calm down the football fans. 要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。 辨析 still ,quiet, silent, calmstill  的意思是没有运动或骚扰,常表示静止; quiet 的意思是没有噪音、混乱;silent 指没有声音,并意味着一种深深的宁静; calm  意思是“平静”或“冷静”。6 cover 的动词意思: 1)(常与 with 连用)盖;覆盖She covered the table with a cloth. 她用一块布把桌子罩起来。 2)占(时间或空间)The town covers 5 square miles. 小镇占地 5 平方英里。 3)行过(路程);通过I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 我想在天黑之前走完 100 英里。 4)报导;对…进行新闻采访to cover a fire for a newspaper 为报纸采访失火的新闻 5) 负担支付These expenses are covered by the state. 这些费用都由国家负担。 6) 包括;包含;论及The review covered everything we learned last term. 这次复习包括上学期我们所学的 全部课程。7 fierce adj. 凶猛的, 猛烈的, 热烈的 a fierce dog 凶猛的狗The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands. 那位著名的拳击师赤手空拳打死了一头凶猛的恶狼。a fierce storm 狂风暴雨In the fierce fighting the lightly wounded refused to leave the front line. 在这场激烈的战斗中轻伤员们都不肯下火线。fiercely adv. 猛烈地, 厉害地fierceness n.强烈8 generous adj.慷慨的, 大方的, 有雅量的,丰盛的He is very generous and he often buys things for other people. 他很大方,经常为别人买东西。The young heiress was so generous that she gave all her money away in a couple of years.年轻的女继承人过于大方以致不到几年的功夫就把钱都送掉了。 a generous meal 丰盛的一餐generously adv.宽大地 generosity n. 慷慨, 宽大9 indicate vt. 指出, 显示, 象征A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow. 一个路标给我们指出应走的路。I indicated that his help was not welcome. 我表示他的帮助不受欢迎。 In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。EX.The bell the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion.A. indicating, interrupting B. indicated, interruptingC. indicating, interrupted D. indicated, interrupted indication n. 指出, 指示, 迹象, 暗示10 due to prep.(介词)=because of. 因为accidents due to driving at high speed 由于高速开车而引起的交通事故 Her illness was due to bad food. 她的病是坏了的食物造成的。 11. adapt v. 使适应,改编adapt oneself to 是自己适应 adapt to 适应be adapted to…为。。。。。。改编be adapted from…根据。。。。。。改编 adaptor   改编者adaptable 能适应的,可改编的 adaptation 改编The film is adapted from a novel. The novel is adapted for a film.When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.The young adapt to changes easily.12. identify  v.认出,鉴定 identify A with B 视 A 与 B 相等identify oneself with sb./sth. 支持,认同 identification  n. 认出,鉴定identity  n. 身份 identity card 身份证identical   a. 同一的,完全一致的be identical with 和。。。。。。一致 He was able to identify his attacker.I can identify with your problems as I’ve had them myself.He refused to identify himself with the right wing of the Party.13. die out 灭绝,消失die away 声音或感情慢慢变弱,渐渐消失 die down 风,噪音减弱,平息die off 先后死去 die of/from 死于die for 为。。。。。。而死Tigers have almost died out in India.Many old customs are gradually dying out. The music died away as we closed the door.The animals are dying off because of the destruction of the forests. The storm has died down.14. throw light on 阐明某事 bring sth. to light 揭露 come to light 显露 make light of 轻视by the light of nature 本能的 in the light of 借助These facts threw new light on the matter. He makes light of his illness.He will probably change his mind in the light of the latest information.More information has been brought to light since scientists have been able to use new technology to help study things from the past.15. come straight to the point 开门见山 come to /get to/ reach the point 说明重点 get the point 抓住重点miss the point 抓不住重点get away from the point 离题 get/be off the point on the point of doing sth.正要做某事to the point 中肯的There’s no point in doing sth.做某事每意义Let’s come straight to the point and get down to our business. I was on the point of leaving when you telephoned.She missed the point of the joke. There’s little point in protesting.【阅读】1 The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in news after several recent sightings. 在最近几次露面后, 中国东北吉林省长白山的“天池里的怪物”又成了新闻。1)back in the news 意思是:再次成为新闻; 2)sighting 此处宜翻译成:目击,看到。2 The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying, said the monster, which seemed to be black in colour, was ten meters from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting. 据当地旅游办公室主任孟凡迎介绍,最近有人看见怪物就在离湖边 十米的地方,怪物的颜色似乎是黑色的。1) seem 的意思是:似乎,好像。其后面的 to be 可以省略,又如: She seemed to be sad. 她似乎很悲伤。seem 后面常接的结构还有:to do (do 多为静态动词);to be doing 和 to have done. 如:He seems to like you. 他似乎很喜欢你。He seems to be sleeping. 他似乎正在睡觉。He seemed to have arrived already. 他似乎早就到了。 以上三个句子都可以转化为 It seems/seemed that …从句,如: It seems that he likes you.It seems that he is sleeping.It seemed that he had arrived already. 2) in 表示:在某一方面,如:three meters in length 三米长3 A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family. 又 一次报道来自李小和,当时他和家人正在湖边游玩。a third report 翻译为(前面报导两次后)又一次,再一次,但因为并非在排序,所以不 使用 the third report。又如:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得重新做一次。4 He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 他声称自己看见过圆形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过。1)to have seen 表示 see 的动作发生在 claims 之前,此处是不定式的完成时态,又如:I am glad to have seen your mother. See 的动作发生在 am glad 之前。 He is said to have studied abroad. Study 的动作发生在 is said 之前。2)see sb. doing sth. 强调看到某人正在做某事,是一个短暂的过程;而 see sb. do sth. 多指看到事情的全部,或经常看到。5 They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. 他们还认为,在世界其它地方的湖泊中可能也有类似的怪物。there might be 是一种推测的说法,但语气非常不肯定。might 此处并非是 may 的过去 式,它所表示的可能性比 may 要小一些。He might come tonight, but he is not sure. (可能性不大) He may come tonight.(他可能来,可能性比上一句有所增加)He must come tonight. (他一定会来,这个句子很多人会直接说: He is sure to come tonight.)6 They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。unlikely 是 likely 的反义词,表示:不象……, 不可能……。常见的结构是:It is likely/ unlikely that… 其中,it 是形式主语,that 从句是主语从句。又如:It is unlikely that he knows the truth. (= He is unlikely to know the truth.)It is likely that he came here yesterday. (= He is likely to have come yesterday.) probable, possible 等词也可以用在 It is possible/probable/likely that …的结构中,但 不能用在 be + adj.+ to do 的结构里面。7 For a creature that doesn’t actually exist, that’s quite something. 对于一种实际上 并不存在的动物,这倒是相当不简单的事。That’s quite something. 意思是:不一般,了不起。 It is quite something that a person can speak 5 languages.一个人能讲五种语言,真是了不起。8 However, across the border in Wales, the red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity. 但是,在威尔士,出现在威尔士国旗上那条红色的龙,确实正面的象征,它代表 着力量和民族感。indicating 是现在分词做定语的用法= which indicates …。9 Some experts believe it is due to the animals the myths grew out of. 有些专家认 为那是由于产生神话的动物所引起的。due to = because of 由于,因为(见单词解释)   情态动词+have+过去分词用法小结(1)“may(might)+have+过去分词”表示对过去发生行为的推测,把握性较小。一般只 用于肯定或否定句中(疑问句中用 can/could)其意为“想必”、“也许”、“可能已经”等意 思,其否定形式含有“可能不会”之意。如:You might both have been caught and killed. 你们俩很有可能被抓住杀掉。The children have arrived there by now. 孩子们现在可能已经到达那儿了。He might have not settled the problem. 他可能尚未解决这个问题。注意:这一句型用 may 和 might 含义基本相同,常可换用,只是 might 所表示的可能性 比 may 更加微弱,语气更加委婉。(2)“must  +  have+过去分词”表示对过去或者已发生行为的肯定推测,只用于肯定句中, 意思是“一定”、“准是”。如:The students are playing on the playground now. They must have finished their homework. 学生们现在在操场上玩,他们准是完成了作业。The street is wet; it must have rained. 街道是湿的,一定下雨了。 注意:若要表示否定,则用“can’t/couldn’t+  have+过去分词”,意思是“不可能”。如: The money can’t have been lost there.钱不可能是在那儿丢的。The light is still on: he couldn’t have gone to sleep. 还亮着灯,他不可能睡了。 (3)“can/could  +  have+过去分词”表示对过去发生行为的怀疑或不肯定,只用于否定句和疑问句中。如:There is no light in the room. Can he have gone out? 屋里没亮,他可能出去了吧?They can’t have finished the work that soon. 他们不可能这么快就做完了。(4)“should   +   have+过去分词”表示过去“该做而实际上没有做的事”,意思是“本应 该”,其否定形式表示“不应该发生却发生了的行为”,意思是“本不应该”。如:You should have handed in your composition last week. 你本应该上周交作文的。You shouldn’t have gone to see film last night. You are to take an examination in E nglish this afternoon.昨晚你本不该去看电影的,今天下午还要参加英语考试呢。 注意:1、“should   +   have+过去分词”还能表示“可能、揣测、推断”,常译成“可能已经、该已”如:Tom has done the work for three hours, so he should have finished it already. Tom 已经工作了 3 个小时,他该已做完了。 2、该结构还可表示“对过去的事感到意外而产生怀疑”,常译成“竟会、竟然”。如: There is no reason why she should have refused. 她竟然拒绝了,简直毫无道理。It is surprising that he should have been so stupid. 他竟然蠢到如此地步,真令人吃惊。(5)“ought to + have+过去分词”与“should + have+过去分词”同义,只是语气较强, 常含有“责备”、“不赞成”的口气。如:We ought to have given you more help. 我们本应该给你更多的帮助。She ought to have stopped her work half way. 她不应该把工作做了一半就停下来。(6)“needn’t  +   have+过去分词”表示过去“本不必做而实际上已经做了的事”。如: We needn’t have waited him.我们本不必等他的。You needn’t have told him about it. 你没必要告诉他那件事。   情态动词练习1 ---- I wonder why Mr. Lin didn’t come to work.---- He have been ill.A. needn’t B. should C. might D. can2 ----There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.---- It be a comfortable journey.A. can’t be B. shouldn’t beC. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been3. Let's take a walk, ? A. will we B. don't we C. do we D. shall we4. He was a good swimmer so he swim to the river bank when the boat sank.A. could B. might C. should D. was able to5. I went to the doctor's yesterday, I had to wait for half an hour before he _ see me.A. can B. may C. might D. could6. ---- this book be yours?---- No, it not be mine. It _ be his.A. Can, must, may B. May, might, mustC. Can, can, must D. Must, can, may7. ---- We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday.---- He _ it.A. mustn't attend B. can't have attendedC. would have not attended D. needed have attended8. They _ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason.A. can have missed B. may have missedC. can have lost D. may have lost9. Since the ground is white, it last night.A. had snowed B. must have snowedC. must be snowing D. must have been snowing10. You must be fifty, ?A. mustn't you B. needn't you C. aren't you D. mayn't you11. You must have seen him off yesterday, _?A. haven't you B. didn't you C. mustn't you D. needn't you 12. ---- That must be a mistake.---- No, it be.A. can't B. isn't able to C. can D. was able to13. ---- Is there a flight to Paris this evening?---- There _ be. Please phone the airport and find it out.A. must B. would C. might D. can14. How so?A. dare you to say B. dare you say C. do you dare say D. dare to say15. You are their teacher. You care of them.A. should to take B. might to take C. ought to take D. need to take16. She is studying medical science now but she a lawyer.A. used to be B. would be C. were D. had been17. If you were in an English-speaking country, you, too, English every day.A. will be used to speak B. will be used to speakingC. must be used to speak D. would be used to speaking18. ---- Are you coming to Jaff’s party?----I’m not sure. I go to the concert instead.A. must B. would C. should D. might19. As a girl, she get up at six every day.A. would B. will C. might D. should20. Don't you remember that we to the cinema tonight?A. would go B. go C. are going D. will be gone21. ---- Shall I tell John about it?---- No, you . I've told him already.A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't22. ----Would you mind if I open the window?---- .A. I don't like it B. Yes, please C. No, please D. No. I'm sorry23. ----Would you tell me something about the affair?---- .A. Yes. please  B. All right C. Not at all D. I do 24. ---- _?----It's very nice of you. But I'm sorry I have to go to a meeting.A. Do you have lunch out in a restaurantB. Shall I have you with me at my birthdayC. Did you go to see the filmD. Have you enjoyed yourself at the party、 25. You return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not26. ----Would you like to go out for a walk?----Yes, __.A. I'd like to B. I'd like C. I'll like to D. I would27.   _ you succeed !A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will28. Did he need then?A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left29. Do you think if he dares in public.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken30. He eating American food since he came here.A. used to B. has been used C. has been used to  D. was used to31. A computer think for itself; it be told what to do.A. may not, must B. mustn't, might C. shouldn't, could D. can't, must32. ---- you mind my opening the window?----Not at all.A. Shall B. Should C. Will D. Would33.1 didn't hear the phone. I asleep.A. must be B. must have beenC. should have been D. could have been34. You me about it earlier, but you didn't.A. should have told B. would have toldC. must have told D. should tell35. The teacher told the students that they keep silent in class all the time.A. ought to not B. ought not to C. ought not to have D. can't36. ----May I go now?----No, you __.A. mustn't B. needn't C. mightn't D. won't37. You do the exercise if you don't want to.A. may not B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't38. You pay more attention to your spelling next time.A. would B. should C. will D. shall39. The girl out alone at night.A. dare not go B. dare not to goC. dares not go D. does not dare go40. There be a lot of small houses on both sides of the street.A. used to B. get used to C. would D. did use to KEY:1~5 CDDDD 6~10 CBBBC 11~15 BACBC 16~20 ADDAC21~25 ACBBC 26~30 ABBCC 31~35 DDBAB 36~40 ADBAA  一.试题第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where’s the man’s son?A.America. B.Canada. C.We don’t know. 2.How much does a pillow cost?A.Two pounds. B.Two pounds fifty.C.One pound twenty-five.3.What does the woman want?A.She wants to tell the man that her nephew is graduating. B.She wants to buy a watch for her nephew’s birthday.C.She wants to buy a watch for her nephew’s graduation. 4.Who works hardest?A.Jack. B.The woman. C.The man. 5.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Time. B.Walkman. C.Weather. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。 6.What are the speakers going to do? A.They are going to the city.B.They will have a party at home. C.They will go on a camping trip. 7.Which season is it now?A.Summer. B.Spring. C.Autumn. 8.What is the man going to bring with him?A.A sleeping bay. B.Some warm clothes. C.Both A and B. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。9.Which of the following statements about York Hotel is Not true? A.It has parking.B.It’s first-class hotel.C.It’s far from the center of town.10.How nuch does a double room cost a night?A.$200. B.$300. C.$250.11.How long will the woman and her husband stay in the hotel? A.For a month. B.For a week. C.For a weekend. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a cinema. C.On the phone. 13.When does the dining room close?A.At 9:30. B.At 10:30. C.At 10:00.14.What’s the number of the man’s room?A.378. B.386. C.121.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What did the boy’s parents buy for his birthday?A.A raincoat. B.A leather jacket. C.A tie. 16.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A.Friends. B.Classmates. C.Sister and brother. 17.How much does the boy need if he returns the raincoat?A.$15. B.$50. C.$45. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18.What’s the main topic of this passage?A.A castle. B.A princess. C.A governor. 19.When was the castle built?A.1119. B.1976. C.1552.20.Which of the following statements about the castle now is Not true? A.It is a museum now.B.It is a conference center now. C.It is a theater now.  Ⅰ词汇请根据汉语提示将句子中所缺的单词补充完整。1 It is also believed that it will bring good f in the coming year. 2 The arrow the way to the park.3 You need to have p_ attitudes to the problems you are faced with. 4 He has a very good r_  as a doctor.5 The famous boxer killed a f wolf with his bare hands. 6 The man was very ill, but he  (活下来).7 The crocodile is a strange-looking (动物).8 Scientists are a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. (宣布) 9 They're being very  about their holiday plans. (神秘的)10 The table had a shiny __, but underneath it was dull and rough. (表面) Ⅱ 单项填空1、This is the first of this rare bird in this area.A. sight B. view C. sighting D. scene2、The soldiers, who along the side of the lake, watched the creature   for about two meters.A. was walking, swimming B. were walking, swimmingC. was walking, swim D. were walking, swim3、He had decided to give it up, but on second thoughts he decided to try  third time.A. the, a  B. /, / C. a, the D. /, a 4、There _ heated arguments over the book since it was published.A. has been B. have been C. have D. were 5、_ is unlikely that I will have any free time next week.A. That B. It C. There D. This6、---- I wonder why Mr. Lin didn’t come to work.---- He have been ill.A. needn’t B. should C. might D. can7、----There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.---- It be a comfortable journey.A. can’t be B. shouldn’t beC. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been 8、---- Is there a flight to Paris this evening?---- There be. Please phone the airport and find it out.A. must B. would C. might D. can 9、The fire was somebody had dropped a lighted cigarette.A. due to that B. due to becauseC. due to D. due to the fact that10、As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white house came into _.A. light B. sight C. eyes D. effect 11、She was the only _member of the family in the earthquake.A. survived B. survivingC. being survived D. having survived12、_ by many people at the meeting, the proposal was turned down at last.A. Attacking B. AttackedC. To be attacked D. Having attacked 13、Because of the destruction of forest, many species are .A. dying away B. dying back C. dying out D. dying down 14、It’s eight o’clock now and she is  _ to come. We’ll have to begin the meeting without her.A. unlike B. impossible C. unlikely D. likely15、I think that this film is a film; it is also a good material for education.A. more than B. not less than C. at least D. far from   1. You use the office phone for private calls during working time. It’ s notpermitted.A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. won’t2. It was snowing heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing3. During the Olympic Games, journalists from all over the world came to  the event.A. watch B. cover C. interview D. enjoy4. It is hoped that these discoveries can the origins of the universe.A. come to light B. throw light onC. come to life D. bring to light 5. They all the details of the plan time and again to make sure that theproject would go smoothly.A. got through B. went through C. got over D. dipped into6. It is too late to treat his disease. You me about his illness earlier.A. must tell B. should tellC. may have told D. should have told7. Ships, boats, and even airplanes are all said _ in the Bermuda Triangle and the cause some scientists explain is chemical.A. to disappear B. to be disappearedC. to have disappeared D. to have been disappeared8. If no one the lost bag, the person who found it can give it to the Lost and Found Department.A. claims B. demands C. requires D. deserves9. Studies have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies in these countries are in danger of _.A. dying down B. dying away C. dying back D. dying out10. Mary actually saw lung cancer kill her father, who had smoked since he was a teenager.A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. fiercely11. He tried hard to keep in face of the policemen, but the sweat on his forehead gave him away.A. silent B. still C. calm D. quiet12. –Must he come to sign this paper himself?--Yes, he __.A. need B. must C. may D. will13.   only five minutes to go before the teacher collected our exam papers, I felt uneasy as I had not checked the answers.A. With B. Until C. Because D. For14. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room to the palace outside St. Petersberg where she spent her summers.A. to move B. moving C. move D. moved Keys: 1-5 BABBB   6-10 DCADC  11-14 CBAD    单项填空:第一组1. Officials say that few patients with the virus owing to the effective prevention.A. infected B. are infected C. have infected D. be infected2. As the years passed, many occasions –birthdays, awards, graduations --  _ with Dad’s flowers.A. are marked B. were marked C. have marked D. had marked3. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog”. But there is wisdom in this: “ Love me, love my book.”A. some B. much C. more D. most4. Alan is a careful driver, but he drives of my friends.A. more carefully B. the most carefullyC. less carefully D. the least carefully5. In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you take care of your luggage.A. can B. may C. must D. will6. The teacher _ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him, I suppose.A. should B. can C. would D. must7. –What do you think we can do for our aged parents?--You do anything except to be with them and be yourself.A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t8. –My cat’s really fat.--You_ have given her so much food.A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t9. –She looks very happy. She have passed the exam.--I guess so. It’s not difficult after all.A. should B. could C. must D. might10. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly left in the house.A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 第二组1. Don’t panic. The cloud of dust you saw _ by the road construction.A. should be caused B. could have causedC. might have been caused D. must have caused 2. Don’t be so anxious about that. Helen a note.A. may leave B. might have leftC. should leave D. can have left3. –I come all the way to say “Thank you” and we it without you.--Think nothing of it.A. should have done B . mustn’t have doneC. couldn’t have done D. needn’t have done4. –Jenny, I have washed your clothes for you.--Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself.A. needn’t do B. needn’t have doneC. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done5. Oh, I have a stomachache. I so much ice cream just now.A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eatenC. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat6. Look! She is crying. She _ have quarreled with her husband.A. might B. should C. can D. will7. We enjoyed ourselves at yesterday’s party. You come, but why didn’t you?A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have8. –I’m thinking of losing weight these days.--Oh, you be out of your mind. You’re 50 kilograms at the most!A. will B. should C. must D. may9.(2010 辽宁)There are over 58,000rocky objects in_ __space,about 900 of which could fall down onto earth.A. the;the B.不填;the C.the;不填 D.a;the 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。He has been called the “missing link.” Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world-Mount Everest.He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The 1 of the Snowman has been around for 2  . Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mound Everest. The native people said they 3 this creature and called it the “Yeti,”and they said that they had 4  caught Yetis on two occasions  5  none has ever been produced an evidence(证据).Over the years, the story of the Yetis has    6    . In 1951, Eric Shipton tookphotographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not 7 the tracks of a monkey or bear and 8 that the Abominable Snowman might really  9  . Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only thingspeople have ever found were    10    footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than   11  animal tracks, which had been made   12    as the melted(融化)and refroze in the snow. 13 , in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was 14 and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But,  15  . no evidence has ever   16  been produced.These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman 17 . But if they ever  18  catching one, they may face a real  19  : Would they put it in a  20  or give it a room in a hotel?1. A. event B. story C. adventure D. description2. A. centuries B. too long C. some time          D. many years3. A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about4. A. even B. hardly C. certainly D. probably5. A. as B. though C. when D. until6. A. developed B. changed C. occurred D. continued7. A. entirely B. naturally C. clearly D. simply8. A. found B. declared C. felt D. doubled9. A. exist B. escape C. disappear D. return10. A. clearer B. more C. possible D. rare11. A. huge B. recent C. ordinary D. frightening12. A. strange B. large C. deep D. rough13. A. In the end B. Therefore C. After all D. However14. A. imagined B. real C. special D. familiar15. A. so B. besides C. again D. instead16. A. rightly B. actually C. normally D. particularly17. A. lightly B. jokingly C. seriously D. properly18. A. succeed in B. insist on C. depend on         D. join in19. A. decision B. situation C. subject D. problem20. A. zoo B. mountain C. museum D. laboratory 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AMillions of years ago there were many types of dinosaurs on earth. Most dinosaurs were plant eaters. The Apatosaurus, for example, had a long thin neck so that it could eat leaves from trees. Other dinosaurs were meat eaters. The Tyrannosaurus Rex killed smaller dinosaurs for food.Dinosaurs were real animals that once lived on the earth, but they died out about 65 million years ago. The disappearance of the dinosaurs is in some way a great mystery (谜).① Some scientists think that the climate changed suddenly.Fossils (化石) of trees tell us that the temperature dropped a lot and that the level of the sea dropped as well. ② This means that it got suddenly much colder. Perhaps the dinosaurs were too slow to change with the climate.A new idea is that a meteor (流星) crashed into the earth. Scientists discovered a place in Mexico where they think the meteor crashed. They think that there was a lot of dust from the meteor. The dust landed on the plants. Also the dust blocked (阻挡) the sun's light for as long as five years. Many animals, including dinosaurs, were plant-eaters, and perhaps the dust killed them. This means there was nothing left for meat-eating dinosaurs to eat, and so they died out. But, as many animals from that time didn’t die, we are not 100% sure what really happened.根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. What is the subject discussed in the text?A. Dinosaurs, the real animals living millions of years ago.B. The two types of dinosaurs.C. The probable reasons for dinosaurs disappearance.D. A meteor crashed into the earth.2. What are the two possible explanations to the dinosaurs disappearance?A. Temperature dropping and sea level dropping.B. Climate changing and meteor's crashing.C. The dropping of temperature and sea level.D. Climate changing and the dust blocking the sun.3. What is the direct cause of the disappearance of meat-eating dinosaurs?A. A meteor's crashing.B. The dust blocking the sun.C. The plant-eating dinosaurs    death.D. It is still unknown.BThe elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It is also, perhaps, the gentlest (温顺的), but not always!Elephants are like us in some ways. They live for a long time ― fifty or sixty years. They can remember things very well. They never forget great sadness or great happiness. If a female(雌性的)elephant dies, her daughters and her grand daughters are sad for many months. They stay with the dead body. Then theycarry a bit of it away with them. They never forget a dead friend.Elephants are like us, but they are also different. They live in families of females. There will be a few young males ― a few “baby boys”. But the females will soon send them away. An elephant family keeps only its daughters, mothers andits great grandmothers.The females stay together for fifty, sixty...a hundred years. The older animals look after the younger ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.①And what happens to male(雄性的)elephants? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must leave the family. The females just send them away. A male elephant does not often have a friend. He lives apart away from the family,② and often away from other male elephants. Sometimes the females call a male elephant. He can visit them then, and stay for a time. But soon his “wife” and sisters send him away again. The females have a very happy family life. What do the male elephants think about it? We don't know.4. In the elephant family, there are     _.A. females and, sometimes, a few young malesB. parents who live togetherC. only bulls with their male friendsD. parents and all their babies living happily5. An adult male elephant often      .A. lives together with his “wife” B. lives by himselfC. has many female friends D. has many male friends6. What would be the best title for the passage?A. The Elephant B. The Four-legged AnimalC. The Female Elephant  D. The Elephant’s Family CAnimals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply  because  they  were  in  the  way.  Thousands  of  kinds  of  animals  have disappeared from the world forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today.About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.①Why should people care? Because we need animals. And because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful and interesting.② They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems.For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks (老鹰), the farmersstores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice. With no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied(繁殖)quickly. Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raisemoney  to  let  people  know  about  the  problem.  And  they  try  to  get  the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger.Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animals or plants on the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.7. Animals are important to us mainly because .A. they give us a source of foodB. they are beautiful and lovelyC. they keep the balance of natureD. they give us a lot of pleasure8. What has happened to the animals on the earth?A. Hundreds of kinds of animals have disappeared forever.B. Many kinds of animals have died out.C. About 170 kinds of animals have disappeared forever.D. All kinds of animals are in danger.9. Which of the following is NOT true?A. People care much about animals because they need them.B. Once a certain kind of animals is gone forever, there will never be any more.C. Killing all rats and mice may cause some problems.D. People must not kill any animals.10. What can we infer from the fact that quite a few countries have passed laws protecting animals in danger?A. Every person will know the importance of protecting wild animals.B. Animals in danger will not be killed any more.C. The number of some animals in danger will increase.D. Animals in danger will be kept away from people.   听力原文:(Text 1)M:I haven’t heard from my son since last month.W:Don’t worry, Tom. Letters from the United States can be slow sometimes. (Text 2)M:Are these pillows on sale, too?W:No, these are selling at the regular price, two pounds fifty. M:All of these?W:Of course not, just one. (Text 3)M:May I help you?W:Yes, my nephew is graduating from college next week and I’d like to give him a nice watch as a present.(Text 4)W:You work harder than I do. M:But Jack works harder than me. (Text 5)W:I bought a walkman last week.M:Really? I bought one, too. I bought it last Tuesday. (Text 6)W:Hey, Martin, would you like to get away from the city and come to lake Benjamin with me and my family next week?M:I’d love to. Do I need anything? W:Well,the first thing is a sleeping bag.M:I don’t get it. What do I need a sleeping bag for? W:For sleeping in, of course. You can share our tent. M:Do you mean this is a camping trip?W:That’s right.M:What else will I need?W:You might need an extra set of warm clothes. M:Why do I need those? It’s the middle of summer. W:Just in case it rains or suddenly turns cold.M:Good thinking. (Text 7)M:What can I do for you, madam?W:My husband and I are going to Paris next month. We don’t usually do this but we’d like to stay in a first class hotel for a change.M:Why don’t you try the York Hotel? W:How much is it?M:A double room is $200 a night. W:Where is it?M:It’s near the center of town.W:Does it have parking?M:Yes. Here. Take a look at their brochure. W:This looks perfect. OK, I’d like to reserve a double room from Septembertwenty-third to the thirtieth under the name of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Evans. (Text 8)M:I really overslept. Oh, boy. Eleven o’clock. I need something to eat. I’m starving.W:Front desk. Can I help you?M:Yeah. This is room 378. Is your dining room still open? W:I’m sorry, sir. The dining room closes at 10:30.M:Oh, no. Well, do you know where I can get some dinner?W:Just call Room Service at extension 121. You can order a light meal from them. They’ll send it up to your room.M:Oh, thanks. I’ll give them a call. (Text 9)M:I’m really mad at Mom and Dad. W:Why? What did they do?M:I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this stupid raincoat.W:Oh, come on! It’s a beautiful raincoat.M:I don’t care! I wanted leather. I tried on Ben’s, and I looked great in it. W:You know leather is expensive. Maybe they didn’t have enough money. M:But all my friends have leather jackets.W:All right, how nuch is a leather jacket?M:If I return this raincoat. I only need another $15. W:OK, I’ll lend you the $15. But you have to pay me back. M:Great! Way to go! Sister!(Text 10)A baron built Leeds Castle in 1119, and his family lived there for about 160 years. It then became a royal palace and the home of six queens of England, including the Spanish princess, Eleanor of Castile. From 1552 the castle was the home of a governor of Jroland, and it remained a private home until 1976. Today the castle is a museum and conference center.听力答案:1-5ABCAB 6-10CACCA 11-15BCBAA 16-20 CAAAC 必会基础题: Ⅰ词汇1 fortune 2 indicates 3 positive 4 reputation 5 fierce6 survived 7creature / animal 8 claiming 9 mysterious 10 surface Ⅱ 单项填空1 C sighting 的意思是:目击,发现2 B who 代替soldiers, 因此位于使用复数,watch sb. doing sth. 指看到某事正在在进展 中,与前面的who were walking along the side of the lake 相呼应。3 D second thought(s) 意思是:转念一想, 不使用冠词。 a third time 的意思是:再一次,又一次。4 B since it was published 的时间状语决定需要使用现在完成时,arguments 决定使用 复数形式。5 B it 为形式主语,真正的主语是that 从句,此句要求学生掌握 It is likely that… 的结 构。6 C might表推测,他可能病了。needn't 不能表示推测;can用在否定和疑问句中表示推 测;should have done 多表示:本应该做,而没有做的事。7 D couldn’t have been 是对过去的推测,表示:肯定不舒服。8 C 考察推测语气,must 语气太强,might 表示“有可能有”,但并不肯定。9 D due to 后边应该接名词或名词性短语,due to the fact that 中,the fact 为名词, that 从句为同位语从句。10 B come into sight 的意思是:进入视野(可以看见)。 11 B surviving 的意思是:存活的,活下来的。12 B 本句使用过去分词attacked by…结构做状语,表示 (Because) it was attacked by many people at the meeting…。13 C die out灭绝; die down 渐弱,消退; die away 减弱,淡化14 C 她不可能来了。impossible 不用于be impossible to do 的结构中,unlike 的意思 是:不象。15 A more than 的意思是:不仅仅是…… 提高拓展题:Keys: 1-5 BABBB   6-10 DCADC  11-14 CBAD1. B 由 It’s not permitted.可知应表示禁止,mustn’t3. B watch 观看 cover 采访 interview 会见 enjoy 欣赏 句意:在奥运会期间,世界各地的 记者来报道赛事。4. B 句意:希望这些发现能帮助弄清宇宙的起源。11. C silent 沉默的 still 不动的 calm 冷静的 quiet 安静的 连接高考: 单项选择:第一组:Keys: 1-5 BBCDC 6-10 DACCA第二组:Keys: 1-5 CBCBC 6-8 ADC 9. 解析:B 句意:太空中有 58,000 多颗星体,其中有 900 颗左右可能坠落到地球上。第一空 in space“在太空”,固定用法,类似用法还有 in nature,in society 等;第二空表示 地球,独一无二的事物前须加定冠词 the,如 the moon,the sun 等,所以选 B。完形填空本文是一篇以介绍一种“半人半兽”的生物Yeti为主要内容的说明文。主要介绍了其特 征、居住地以及关于它的传说故事。1、2、10、11、12、14、20题偏重于考查对文章内 容的理解;3、6、8、9、18、19题考查词汇(包括词组、动词、名词)的辨析;4、7、 13、15、16、17题要求根据文章内容判断适当的副词(短语);第5题考查连词。1. B 后文叙述的是关于Yeti的传说故事,故选story。2. D  从1920年开始被发现,至今应有“许多年了”。3. C  当地人称这种生物为Yeti,肯定是“知道”它以及关于它的事。4. A   “抓住”比“知道”更进一步,用even表示强调程度的加深。5. B  “曾经抓到”与“没有证据”之间为转折关系,即“虽然……但是……”。6. D  第二段讲述了关于Yeti的一个传说故事,后文中将有新的介绍。故可知“故事”在“继 续”。7. D   Shipton相信这些“脚印”不简简单单为“猴子”或“熊”的脚印,故选simply。8. C  felt与believed是并列的谓语动词,意为“感觉到”。9. A  Shipton感觉这种动物可能真的存在。10. B 人们发现的仅仅是“更多”的脚印。11. C 许我人相信这些脚印只不过是那些普通动物(比如猴子或熊)留下的。12. B  “普通的脚印”看起来不“普通”,是因为其在雪里融化而变“大”了。13. D  前文介绍了一些人脚印的判断,而后文是一位俄国科学家的新发现。故判断出两部 分之间应用 however转折。14. B real意为“真的,存在的”。15. C   前面提到过,当地人的发现和传说没有证据可依,这一次“又”是如此。16. B  没有证据被实际记载。17. C  take … seriously意为“把……当回事(严肃认真对待)”。18. A succeed in doing意为“成功地做成某事”。19. D face a problem意为“面临问题”。20.  A   前文提到这种生物“半人半兽”,那么如果人们真的抓住一个,将面临的问题是:把 它放到动物园(当它是动物?)还是在旅馆里给它一个房间(当它是人?)阅读理解A本文提出恐龙灭绝的两种观点:一是气候变化,二是陨石撞击地球引起的灰尘挡住阳 光导致植物死亡。1. C. 文章第二、三两段分别提出恐龙灭绝的两种观点。2. B. 导致恐龙灭绝可能的两种观点:一是气候变化,二是陨石。3. D. 根据文章作者的口气(perhaps, are not 100% sure)判断恐龙的死因还没有一个 准确的说法。难句注释①The disappearance of the dinosaurs is in some way a great mystery. 恐龙的消失在某种程度上说还是个谜。②Fossils of trees tell us that the temperature dropped a lot and that the level of the sea dropped as well. 树木的化石告诉我们气温大大地降低了, 海平面也降低了。B本文主要讲述了陆地上最大的动物——大象与人类的相同、不同之处以及大象家族的 组成情况。4. A. 根据文章可知,大象家族主要是由母象和幼象组成。5. B. 从上下文得知,成年公象单独生活。6. D. 本文主要介绍了一些大象家族的组成情况。 难句注释①set a good example 树立一个好的榜样。②He lives apart away from the family. 他不和家人生活在一起。C本文主要讲述了动物在生态平衡中的重要性,教育人们不要滥杀动物。 7. C. 每一种动物在生态平衡中都有自己适当的位置。8. B. 从第二段中可看出thousands of动物已经灭绝。 9. C. 选项D太绝对。10. C. 从最后一段中可看出, 一些国家由于通过了一些法律,濒危动物的数量会增加得 比较慢。难句注释①About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger. 仅美国就有大约170种动物濒临灭绝。②Animals are more than just beautiful and interesting. 动物不仅只是漂亮有趣。

资料: 10.8万


