外研版必修4 Module 1 Life in the Future导学资料

外研版必修4 Module 1 Life in the Future导学资料


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Module One Life in the Future 1)词汇能力-- 物质名词:aluminum, concrete, glass, mud, plastic, rubber, steel, stone, wood 等。-- alternative, crime, prediction, risky, resource, rely, solar, urban, load, arrest, criminal, fire, limit, outdoors, online, catalogue, command, recreation, charge, power, switch, surgery, clinic, disability, attach, , optimistic, definitely, eventually, predict, shape-- for sure, run out, rely on, get rid of, free of charge, use up, look out, for a start, on the way out2)听说能力 口述未来生活3)阅读能力 阅读文章,掌握其中语言点。 4)语法能力-- 将来进行时 (will be doing)-- 表示将来的各种方式。 5)写作能力以 My ideal house for the future.为题,写一篇作文。 重点词汇拓展:  (n.) 罪,罪行 (n.) 罪犯,犯人  (n.) 预测 (vt.) 预言,预料  (adj.) 危险的,冒险的 (n. & v. )  (vi.) 依赖,依靠 _ (adj.) 可信赖的,可依靠的  (n.) 失去能力,伤残 (v.) 使伤残 (adj.) 残废的 for sure 肯定地run out 用完,不多了 rely on 依靠get rid of 除掉,处理掉 free of charge 免费use up 用完look out 小心,当心 for a start 首先on the way out 即将被淘汰,即将过时at birth 在出生时 place an order 定购 care for 关心,喜欢carry out 实行be attached to 附属于,固定在prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事keys: 1. crime, criminal  2. prediction, predict  3. risky, risk   4. rely, reliable 5. disability, disable, disabled 1. alternative  adj. 替换的;供选择的  n.可供选择的事物have no alternative but…除。。。。。。外别无选择 as an alternative 作为一种变通的办法the alternative of going or staying 去留之间的抉择 alternative energy 替代性能源alternative ways 可供选择的方法 alternatively adv.两者挑一地 辨析:alternative/choice/preferencealternative    “取舍,抉择”,一般指从两个中选择一个,只限于办法,打算等,而不能指具 体的事物。choice“选择”,常用词,强调自由地选择,不论选择方式及选择对象的多少。 preference“选择,偏爱”,强调按照自己的喜好进行选择。I had no money, so I had no alternative but to stay at home.I offered the alternative suggestions of spending the holiday in the mountains or by the sea.The way was blocked, so we had to go by an alternative road. We took the alternative of walking.The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport.2. load(1)n.装载物(量); 工作量;(精神等方面的)负担,负荷He climbed the hill with a heavy load on his back every day.他每天背负重物爬山。 The teachers’ work load in our school is about 10 hours a day. 我们学校老师的工作量每天约十个小时。The sick child is a heavy load for his father to bear. 那个生病的小男孩让他的父亲心力交瘁。(2) vt.装;装载; 给(火器)装填弹药 常用短语:load …with…用……将……装满They loaded the truck with bananas. (=They loaded bananas onto the truck.) 他们用卡车运香蕉。The table was loaded with dishes. 桌子上摆满了菜。loaded adj.装了货的;满载的 --- be loaded with worries 为烦恼所累 unload v.卸货, 退子弹3. arrest(1)vt.逮捕,扣留;停止,阻止;吸引(注意等)The police arrested the criminal for selling drugs. 警察因为贩卖毒品而逮捕了那个罪 犯。The treatment arrested the growth of the disease. 治疗阻止了疾病的发展。The bright lights arrested the baby’s attention.鲜艳的颜色吸引了婴儿的注意力。 (2) n. 逮捕under arrest 逮捕;拘留He is under arrest and awaiting trial.他已被逮捕正等候审判。 arresting adj.引人注目的;醒目的arrest sb. for sth.因某事而逮捕某人。 get arrested 被捕arrest one’s attention 引起某人的注意 辨析:arrest/catch/capturearrest 指因犯法而被执法机关“逮捕,拘留”。catch  是常用词,指“通过追捕或突然行动而捉住在活动或躲藏中的人或物”. capture 指“通过武力或计谋战胜抵抗或困难而捕获某人或物。”4. limit(1) n.界限;限制a limit to/on 对于……的限制 set a limit on/to 限制……There is a limit to what I can do for you. 我能为你做的事是有限度的。 The task is too difficult for me. I know my limits. 这项任务对我来说太困难了,我知道我能力有限。This is the third time in a week that you have been late. ----it really is the limit. 这是你一周之内的第三次迟到了--- 实在令人无法忍受。No smoking will be allowed within a future city’s limits. 在未来市区内将不准吸烟。 After his father’s death, John spent money without limits. 在他父亲死后约翰挥霍无 度。(2) vt.限制;限定The country made a decision to limit imports of foreign cars. 那个国家做出决定限制进口外国车辆。 There are not many eggs. We must limit ourselves to two eggs each.鸡蛋不多。我们每人只能限定吃两个。 limited adj.有限的;不充分的; limitless adj. 无限制的;无限的; limitation n.限定;限制5. command(1) n. 命令;控制,控制权;运用能力 under one’s command 在某人控制之下 in command 指挥;控制in command of 指挥;控制……at one’s command 随心所欲的;可供某人使用的Do it immediately when I give the command. 我一下命令就马上行动。 Who is the officer in command here? 这儿谁负责?He is in command of the troop. 这个部队由他指挥。Paul has a good command of English. 保尔英语掌握的很好。He has a large amount of money at his command 他有很多钱可以自由支配。 (2) v 命令;指挥;能自由运用常见用法:command + 名词;command + sb. + to do; command +that + 主语+(should)+ do The teacher commanded silence. 老师要求大家安静。The police commanded the criminal to stop. 警察命令那个罪犯停下。 His father commanded that he (should) stay at home to study. 他的父亲命令他呆在家里学习。The company commands considerable human resources.公司拥用可观的人力资源。 注意:command 后的 that 从句要用虚拟语气,即:主语+ should + 动词原形,should 可省。commander n. 指挥官;司令官commanding adj.挥挥的;在指挥位置的;有威严的6. switch(1)n.开关; 转换; 改变There is something wrong with the light switch. 电灯开关坏了。The switch to a free market economy will not be easy. 向自由市场经济的转变不容 易。(2)v. to change or exchange 转变,改变,开关电器 Let’s switch our seats (over). 让我们交换一下座位吧。The wind has switched round from north to east. 风向从北转向东了。 Wait until the lights have switched to green.等到(交通)灯变绿。 switch on 开(电灯等)When I switched on the light, I found the room had been robbed. 当我打开电灯时发现房间被洗劫过了。switch off 关(电灯等)Switch off when you have finished using the computer. 用完电脑时把机关上。 switch over 交换位置,完全转变,换(电视、收音机等的)台She switched over from laughing at him to supporting him. 她从嘲笑转向支持他。 I’m tired of this programme; switch (it) over to the other channel.switchboard n.电话总机;交换台 switchman n. 扳道工7. attach vt.系;贴;连接;认为;赋予(重要性);归结于; 属于 常用搭配:attach sth. to sth.He attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 他在信封上贴上邮票然后寄出去。The boat was attached to the tree with a rope. 那只船被用绳子拴在树上。 She attaches great importance to regular exercise. 她认为定时锻炼很重要。 The school is attached to Beijing Normal University. 这所学校附属于北师大。 be attached to 喜爱;依恋He is deeply attached to the old computer.他非常爱惜那台旧电脑。I am strongly attached to my grandmother. 我深深地依恋我的祖母。 attachment n. 安装;附属;附属品;眷恋8. predict vt. 预言;预报He predicted that I would be a very rich man in the future. 他预言我将来会成为一个很富有的人。Is it possible to predict when one will die? 有可能预言人的死期吗?Most economists(经济学家) predicted an increase in the country’s economy. 大多数经济学家预言这个国家的经济会增长。predictable adj. 可预言的;可预测的 predictably adv. 可预言地;果如预料地 prediction n. 预言;预报9. shape(1) n.;形状;资态;情况Supermarkets have plastic bags of different sizes and shapes. 超市有各种尺寸和形 状的塑料袋。A hill in Suzhou looks like a lion in shape. 苏州的一座小山看起来像狮子。The patient was in good shape then. 病人那时身体状况很好。 a god in the shape of a swan. 化身为天鹅的神 (2)vt.使成形;;影响The bird shaped its nest from mud and sticks. = The bird shaped the mud and sticks into a nest.那只鸟用用湿泥和树枝筑巢。The building is shaped like a huge bird nest. 那座建筑形状像是一个巨大的鸟巢。 People’s political beliefs are often shaped by what they read in the newspapers. 人们的政治信仰通常是通过他们在报纸上所读的东西形成的。take shape (思想等)成形;具体化An idea slowly took shape in his mind. 一个想法慢慢在他脑海里形成了。 shapeless adj. 没有形状的;难看的shapelessly adv. 难看地shapely adj.(尤指女人的体形)好看的;姿态曼妙的 辨析:shape/form/figureshape 指“外形,形状”In shape, it looks like a horse. form 指“形式”Help in the form of money will be very welcome. figure 指“外形,轮廓,体型”I saw a tall figure in black.10. for a start 首先It won’t wok: for a start, it would take too long, and secondly it would cost too much.它不会有效果的;首先,它将花费很长时间,其次,它的代价太高。Tom should not be sent to carry out the task, for a start he hasn’t had enough experience.汤姆不应当被派去执行这项任务,首先他没有足够的经验。 11 in progress 进行:正在进行;在运行中:artistic works that are in progress.  进行中的艺术品 12. rely vi.依靠,依赖,信赖rely on/upon 依赖,信任rely on one’s own effort 依靠某人自己的努力rely on/upon sb./sth. to do 相信某人(某物)去做。。。 rely on it that…指望。。。。。。rely upon it 一定,确定reliable  adj. 可信赖的,可靠的,确实的 reliability n.可靠性,可信性As babies, we rely entirely on others for food.These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. You may not rely on the weather report.You may rely on it that he will come to meet you. You may rely on him to come on time.13.fire n. 火,炉火,火灾 v。点燃,烧制,解雇,激发,射击,开火 catch fire 着火be on fire 在燃烧set fire to=set…on fire 放火烧 play with fire 玩火under fire 受到攻击fire the gun at 朝。。。。。。射击fire questions at sb.对某人发出一连串的问题 Fires were breaking out everywhere.The man fired his gun at the deer and shot it.According to the Law of Labour, bosses can’t fire workers at will any longer. The room was full of journalists, all firing questions at them.The grass was on fire for a short time.14. charge  n.费用,价钱; v。装满,控诉,收费 free of charge=for free 免费in charge of 主管,负责,照顾in the charge of=in one’s charge 由某人负责 take charge of 掌管,负责,看管the charge for sth. 某物的费用 at one’s own charge 自费charge sb. with sth.因某事控告某人charge sb. money for sth.向某人索取。。。。。。的费用 辨析:charge/cost/expensecharge 指某种服务或行政上的“收费,征费”。cost 指为某种目的的“支出性的,投资性的,成本性的”费用。 expense 指的是各种可能的“开支,消费”,常用复数形式。 How much did he charge you for repairing the bike?He took charge of the farm after his father’s death. He was charged with murder.I’m leaving the school in your charge.【阅读】1. No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. 没有人确切地知道,而且预测是一件冒险的事。for sure 肯定地 No one knows for sure what will happen in the future.没有人确切地知道明天会发生什么.We will win, that’s for sure. 我们会赢,这是一定的。 表示“确信,肯定,有把握”be sure+从句/of +doing sth./to do 表示“弄清楚,查明”make sure of /about doing sth. or   make sure that +从句 be/feel sure of oneself 有自信to be sure 当然,肯定 辨析:sure/certainIt is certain that…句型中,用 certain 不用 sure. be sure to do sth. 句型中,用 sure 不用 certain.在口语中,sure 可作为副词,相当于 of course, certainlyHe will be here for sure within an hour. Tom is sure what he should do now.Make sure that you turn off the lights when you leave the room. He is sure to call you up.We are sure of his innocence.be sure of/about 或 be sure that 主语是人,表示主语有把握,确信。 be sure to do 主语可以是人或物,表示说话人的推测“一定,必然会”。 He is sure of his success.= He is sure that he will succeed.He is sure to succeed.2. In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth’s natural resources run out.在未来,爱护环境将会非常重要, 因为地球的自然资源面临枯竭。(1)care 在此处用作不可数名词, 其作名词时的意义和用法如下:--- 照料,注意,烦恼, 忧虑 常用短语:take care 小心;保重;take care of 照料;照顾;注意; Take care not to drop the glass. 注意不要把杯子掉在地上。Who’s taking care of the baby while you are all away? 你们都外出时谁来照料婴儿? He handled the box with care, because he was afraid to break the vase in it. 他小心地搬运箱子,怕打碎里面的花瓶。Care killed a cat. (谚语)忧虑伤身。The new teacher was worried by all the cares of the class. 那位新老师因班级的各种琐事而烦恼。(2)run out(某物)用完;耗尽  ----为不及物动词短语,无被动语态。 Have you finished? Time is running out.做完了吗? 快没有时间了。 Our petrol has run out. 我们的汽油已用完了。辨析:run out/ run out ofrun out 是不及物动词短语,其后不可接宾语,不可用于被动语态;run out of 为及物动 词,其后可接宾语,有被动语态,相当于 use up。Earth’s natural resources are running out. 地球的自然资源将要用光了。We are running out of earth’s natural resources.我们快要把地球的自然资源用尽了。 Their water ran out soon. 他们的水很快用光了。Their water was soon run out of.他们的水很快(被)用光了。3. We will also have to rely on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. 我们也不得不依赖其他能源,如太阳能和风能。rely on/upon 信任;依赖 常见用法:rely on sth./sb. (for sth.)依赖;依靠;相信rely on (sb.) doing.指望,依靠;相信(某人)会…… rely on sb. to do sth. 指望,依靠;相信某人会…… rely on it that…相信(某事会……)You may not rely on the weather report. 天气预报不足为信。Don’t rely on the bank lending you the money. 别指望银行会借钱给你。You can rely on me to help you. (=You can rely on me for help) 你可以依靠我的帮 助。You may rely on it that he will do a good job of it.放心好了,他会做好这件事的。 They rely on the river for their water. 他们用水依赖那条河。4. To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems.为解决垃圾问题,城市将把废物装进巨大的宇宙飞船,然后把它们送往太阳, 以避免出现 垃圾填埋问题和环境问题。get rid of 除掉;处理掉;摆脱掉These flies are so annoying. Let’s get rid of them.这些苍蝇真烦人。消灭它们。 I haven’t got rid of my nasty cold yet.我的重感冒还没好。5. In the future all shopping will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. 在未来,所有的购物都将在网上进行,而且(商品)目录将通过语音指令订购。place orders (with sb. for sth.)  =  make orders 订购Our school has placed a large order for Founder Computer. 我们学校已订购了大批方正电脑。I placed an order for a newspaper to be delivered daily. 我订了一份报纸,他们每天给我送。 6. All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and otherswill be provided free of charge by the city. 所有的娱乐形式,如电影,保龄球,垒球,音乐会及其他等等都将由城市免费提供。 free of charge = at no cost 免费Your order will be delivered free of charge within a ten-mile limit. 你订购的产品在十英里范围内免费送货。All the brochures are given away free of charge. 所有的小册子都是免费赠送的。 for free 免费You can visit the garden for free after 6 p.m..下午六点以后,你可以免费参观这个公 园。charge 做动词的用法是: 充(电、能量、弹药等),冲锋,指控,收费(charge sb. some money for sth.)She charges ten dollars for a haircut. 她理一次发要价十美元。7. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.随着每个城市拥有自己的远程门诊部,医生将能在数千里以外实施手术,远程手术 将变的非常普通。(1) carry out 执行;实施;完成(计划,实验等);履行(义务,职责等)A survey is now being carried out nationwide. 一项调查正在全国范围内展开。 This plan sounds good. But it’s very hard to carry out in practice. 这项计划听起来很好。但实际执行起来很困难。By the end of last month, our factory had carried out its production plan for this year.到上月底,我们厂已完成了今年的生产计划。As a monitor, you should carry out your duty and help teachers to have discipline in the class.作为班长,你应当履行你的职责,帮老师维持课堂纪律。 carry on 继续We can carry on our discussion after lunch.我们可以在午饭后继续讨论。Even after the bell for class ran, they carried on talking, which made the teacher very angry.甚至在上课铃响后他们仍继续讲话,这使得老师很生气。 carry away 拿走;冲走;使失去理智;迷住Marry was so carried away when arguing with her husband that she hit him. 玛丽在和她的丈夫争吵时丧失了理智,以至于打了他。I got carried away by the beauty of the music. 我被这美丽的音乐迷住了。 (2). with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic 为 with 引导的复合结构,用作伴随状语。其构成为:with/without + 宾语+ 宾补(现在分词,过去分词,形容 词,副词,介词短语, 不定式等)He lay still on the floor, with his dog sleeping beside him. 他静静地躺在地板上,他的狗睡在旁边。He went out, without a word spoken.他出去了,一句话也不说。 Don’t speak with your mouth full.满嘴食物时不要说话。What a lonely world it would be with you away. 没有你在身边,这个世界将会多么寂寞啊。He was standing there with his hands in his pockets. 他站在那儿,两手插在布袋里。9. Not all predictions come true.并不是所有的预言都能成为现实。 not 与 all, every, both 连用时,表示部分否定,而非全部否定。Not all students are good in English. 并不是所有的学生英语都好。 Not all the people present at the meeting supported his plan. (=All the people present at the meeting didn’t support his plan. ) 并不是所有出席会议的人都支持他的计划。注意:无论 not 位于句首还是句中,都表示部分否定。 表示全部否定,需用 none, neither。   将来进行时1. 将来进行时的句型结构 will/shall + be + 现在分词shall 用于第一人称 I 和 we,will 可用于各人称。而在美式英语中所有人称都用 will。 2. 将来进行时的用法(1). 表示在将来某一时间段内正在进行的动作。常与 at 7 o’clock tonight, next year, bythis time tomorrow 等时间状语连用。有时没有明确的时间状语。 I will be studying in America next year. 我明年将在美国学习。By this time tomorrow, I will be lying on the beach. 明天这个时间,我会正躺在沙滩 上。We shall be working in a big modern office building. 我们将在一个很大的现代化办公楼里工作。(2) 表已经决定或安排好要发生的动作或事情。We shall be meeting in Carrifour at 6 o’clock this afternoon. 我们定于今天下午六点在家乐福见面。Tom will be seeing his friend off at the airport tomorrow. 汤姆明天将于机场为他的朋友送行。(3) 预测将来会发生的事情,表将来的某种可能性。If we keep working hard like this, we will be making a miracle. 如果我们继续这样努力工作的话,我们会创造奇迹的。(4) 将来进行时除表示未来以外,还可表示亲切或委婉的语气。 I shall be thinking of you. 我会想你的。Will you be staying here long? 你会在长时间呆这儿吗? 辨析:现在进行时/将来进行时 两者都可以用来表将来的动作。但现在进行时通常用于表示不远的将来的动作,而且有确 定的时间,而将来进行时则可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不用,既可以表示不远的 将来的动作,也可以表示较远的将来的动作。We are meeting him tomorrow/ We will be meeting him tomorrow.我们明天将会见 到他。We will be meeting him next year. 我们明年将会见到他。(注意此句不可用进行时, 因为明年是较远的将来时间)形式各异的将来时用法 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。例如:tomorrow , tomorrow morning / afternoon …,   the day after tomorrow , next year , next month … , from now on (从 现在开始),in an hour (一小时后),in two days / weeks …等。一般将来时的表示方法 有多种形式。例如:will / shall +动词原形;be going to+动词原形;be+v. ing;be to (be about to)+动词原形结构;一般现在时等。1. be going to+动词原形结构的用法 (1)这种结构表示主体现在的意图,即打算在最近或将来要做某事,主语通常指人。在被动结构中,主语也可指物,但动作的执行者仍然是人。例如:What are you going to do next Sunday? 下星期天你打算干什么? (2)表示说话人根据已有的迹象认为很可能即将发生某事。这时主语既可指人也可指物,此结构往往表示客观事态的发展,而不是表示主观的意图。例如:Look at these black clouds —It’s going to rain. 看这些乌云。天快要下雨了。 2. will / shall+动词原形结构的用法这种结构是表示将来的动作或状态。常伴有表示将来的时间状语。shall 用于第一人 称,will 用于第二、三人称,但在现代英语中 will 可以通用于各种人称。在问句中 shall 常用于第一人称表示建议或征求对方意见。例如:I shall/will write you a letter next month. 我下个月给你写信。 Shall we go to the park? 我们去公园好吗? 3. be+动词不定式结构的用法这种结构着重指按计划或安排将要发生某事。常表示“职责、意图、约定、可能性”等。 You are to be back by 11 o’clock. 你必须 11 点回来。We are to meet at the zoo. 我们约定在动物园见面。The football match is not to be played today . 今天不能举行足球比赛了。 4. be about+动词不定式结构的用法,   这种结构表示“最近或马上要发生的动作”。The meeting is about to begin . 会议马上开始。 Summer harvest is about to start . 夏收即将开始。5. be+v. ing 结构的用法 这种结构表示按计划即将发生的动作,用进行时形式表示将来的时间,但多用于短暂性动作。例如:go , come , leave , start , arrive , move , return , fly (乘飞机), run out, stay 等,并常伴有表示将来时间的状语以区别于进行时的动作。例如:Where are you going / stay this Saturday? 这个星期六你准备去哪儿?The Greens are moving to another city the day after tomorrow. 格林一家后天要搬迁到另一个城市。Mr . Li is flying to Shanghai tomorrow morning. 李先生明天早晨乘飞机去上海。 6. 用一般现在时表示将来的时间的用法这种用法除了动词 be 外,一般表示根据规定或时间表上预计要发生的动作或事态。此 外,在条件、时间或让步状语从句中,若主句为将来时,从句通常用一般现在时表示将来 的时间。I’m free this afternoon . 我今天下午有空。School starts on September 1. 学校 9 月 1 日开学。 What time does the train go ? 火车什么时间开?将来进行时:1. –Will Father go to the concert with us tomorrow morning?--No, he then.A. will have a meeting B. is going to have a meetingC. will be having a meeting D. be about to have a meeting2. At this time tomorrow over the Pacific Ocean.A. we’re going to fly B. we’re to flyC. we’ll fly D. we’ll be flying3. You can call me at 8:00 this evening, for I TV at that time.A. will be watch B. will be watchingC. will watching D. will watch4. What do you think the Smiths when we arrive?A. are doing B. will do C. have been doing D. will be doing 5. –I will come to attend your lecture at 10 tomorrow.--I’m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I my guests in my office.A. is being met B. will meet C. will be meeting D. will have met6. By the time you arrive home, I_ _, so please don’t make any noise when you come in.A. shall have been sleeping B. shall have sleptC. shall sleep D. shall be sleeping7. This time next week, I’ll be on vacation. Probably I on a beautiful beach.A. am lying B. have lain C. will be lying D. will have lain8. At this time next year, I hope I in this university.A. will have studied B. will be studying C. am studying D. have studied9. I bet Jack when we get home.A. is still sleeping B. is to be sleepingC. will still be sleeping D. will have been sleeping10. I hope the roses next time I see them.A. will be coming out B. will come outC. are coming out D. come out Keys: 1-5 CDBDC 6-10 DCBCA    一.试题第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When will the singing performance begin?A.6:30. B.6:45. C.7:20.2.What’s the woman’s trouble?A.Kate has been out of home for two weeks. B.Her cat is ill.C.Her cat was lost.3.What does the woman think of Bob?A.She doesn’t think Bob is the best football player. B.She agrees with the man.C.She thinks someone else is even better than Bob. 4.Who is (are) new to the class?A.The boy. B.The girl. C.Both the boy and the girl. 5.Where is Mr. Black now?A.In the pub. B.In a hotel. C.In a restaurant. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。6.What did the man ask the woman to do? A.To see who is using the telephone.B.To pass a message to his father. C.To meet him at the station.7.What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A.Neighbors.B.Husband and wife. C.Boyfriend and girlfriend.8.Why did the man want to phone his father?A.He just wanted to tell his father that he had arrived. B.He wanted his father to drive him home.C.He wanted to told his father that he wouldn’t go home because of the heavy rain.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。 9.What has happened to the girl? A.She didn’t pass the term examination. B.She had a terrible dream.C.She failed in getting into the college. 10.What is she going to do now?A.To go home and go over all the courses. B.To take another examination.C.To visit Mr. Jackson.11.What didn’t she feel when she failed in the examination probably? A.Exciting. B.Sorrow. C.Under pressure.听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。 12.What does the woman want to do?A.She wants to have a dinner with the man. B.She wants to see off the man.C.She wants to say goodbye to the man. 13.How will the man do if he meets a storm? A.He will put on a raincoat.B.He will hide in the room and send signal to the port. C.He will do nothing but wait until storm is over.14.How will the man go to the north?A.By train. B.By ship. C.By plane. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What does the woman want to buy?A.A pair of shoes. B.A pair of socks. C.A pair of gloves. 16.What size does the woman take?A.6.15. B.6.25. C.6.17.How much does the woman spend?A.19.50. B.19.15. C.90.50.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18.What does the speaker often catch? A.Old boots and rubbish.B.Some fishes. C.Nothing 19.What does the speaker enjoy in fact?A.Catching fish. B.Fishing. C.Doing nothing. 20.Who is more lucky according to the speaker?A.Some fishermen, because they can catch something though they’re boots and rubbish.B.The speaker, because although he can catch nothing, he gets happiness. C.Some fishermen, because the speaker can catch nothing even a boot.   Ⅰ词汇1. They had no a in the matter.2. These building are made of c and steel.3. Wood and stone are the only raw m on the island.4. Don’t forget to l_ _ your camera with a film.5. Who can p_ _ what will happen in 100 years.6. The children played (户外)until it started to rain.7. I regard reading as a form of _(娱乐).8. His father (命令)that he (should) stay at home to study.9. In some developing countries more and more people are moving to __(城 市的) areas.10. He was (逮捕) on a charge of murder. Ⅱ 单项填空1. The meeting _ tomorrow afternoon is about rid of pollution.A. held, to get B. to be held, gettingC. to held, to get D. being held, getting2. ----It’s a good idea. But who’s going to the plan?---- I think Tom and Grey will.A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through3. Food supplies were towards the end of the trip. That’s what they were really worried about.A. putting out B. coming out C. making out D. running out4. ---- I don’t know the number __.---- I’ll look in the telephone book.A. certainly B. for sure C. in certain D. of sure5. Why not an order a TV set of this type?A. to place, on B. placing, on C. place, for D. place, at 6.   _ you can understand the passage will usually have to _ uponthe context to help you.A. If, depend B. Whether, lean C. If, stand D. Whether, rely7. Come to the English corner in Xinhua Park, and you can get some books __.A. freely B. with free C. charge of free D. free of charge8. For _, I’d like to say he is too young and seemingly not fit for the work.A. a start B. beginning C. the first D. a step9. No one can be sure in a million years.A. what the city of future will look like B. what will the city of future look likeC. the city of future will look like what D. what look will the city of future like10. In four years, I hope I in a law firm as a lawyer after I from this college.A. am working, will graduate B. have worked, have graduateC. will be working, graduate D. would work, will graduate11. She had other people to take besides me.A. cares B. care for C. a care in D. care of12. At this time tomorrow over the Atlantic.A. we’re going to fly B. we’ll be flyingC. we’ll fly D. we’re to fly13. I think it is necessary for my son to have his own cell phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _ home for dinner.A. come B. comes C. has come D. will come14. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane .A. take off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took of15. With all his food and drink , the murderer had to go out of the mountain cave.A. running out B. run out C. running out of D. using up  1. If he wants to get to Beijing by tonight he has to alternative but by air.A. go B. to go C. going D. gone2. Now we often hear some women complain that men aren’t _.A. to rely on B. to be relied on C. relied D. to be relied3. Children should not be encouraged to the electronic dictionaries as it will make them lazier.A. insist on B. rely on C. keep on D. work on4. He is because of stealing money.A. in arrest B. under arrest C. at arrest D. for arrest 5. On such a freezing day the engine easily.A. isn’t firing B. isn’t fired C. doesn’t fire D. hasn’t fired6. The general commanded that the regiment unless he the command.A. don’t attack, give B. didn’t attack, will gaveC. should not attack, would give D. not attack, gave7. Although David is the eldest child in the family, he always lets his sister _ charge of the house.A. take B. hold C. get D. make8. I will _ a document to the letter. Please sign it and mail it back to me as soon possible.A. send B. attach C. fix D. follow9. There is a vase on the table like a flower.A. shaping B. shaped C. being shaped D. have shaped10. Many of the students are that they will pass the college entrance examination.A. surely B. sure C. able D. certainly11. It is _ that he will come on time.A. certainly B. surely C. certain D. sure12. The bird flu hits some places in our country now, and we should try our best to  it.A. keep out B. do away C. get rid of D. keep away13. –Will you lend me some paper?--Sorry, mine .A. were used up B. ran out C. has been run out   D. has given out14. –I wish Bill would drive us to the station.--He has _ to take us all.A. a too small car B. too small a carC. very small a car D. such small a car15. People’s political beliefs are often by what they read in newspapers.A. made B. produced C. shaped D. took16. –Henry, the light is when you leave the lab.--All right.A. be sure, turned on B. make sure, turned offC. sure, turning off D. make sure, turning off17. –I have just had my watch repaired.--How much did they _ for that?A. cost B. charge C. spend D. consider 18. These products are very cheap because the industry the price of rawmaterials remaining low.A. takes on B. stands on C. keeps on D. relies on19. –Is it true Jack _?--Exactly. He damaged a very expensive machine.A. got fired B. got a fire C . get fired D. fired20. There is no to what you can do if you try.A. number B. wonder C. limit D. matter21. It is difficult to _ what the long-term effects of the accident will be.A. ensure B . predict C. look forward to D. understand22.   the clock five o’clock, please.A. Switch, on B. Switch, to C. To switch, on D. To switch, to23. Are you prepared to risk without an armed guard?A. travel B. travelling C. to travel D. travelled24. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting this Saturday, because he  something important.A. will be doing B. will do C. had done D. does25. -- that middle school Beijng Normal University?--As far as I know, it is.A. Does, belong to B. Is, belonged toC. Does, attach to D. Is, attached to26. Earth Day is celebration of life and our planet. It is a reminder that we need to  the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.A. care about B. think of C. refer to D. watch out27.   production up by 5%, the factory has had another excellent year.A. As B. For C. With D. Through28. These wild flowers are so special that I would do I can do to save them.A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever29. –The design had to be given up at last.--I know. Even experienced designers make mistakes.A. can B. ought to C. must D. need    单项填空:1. Few people have ever deep into the forest, for it is extremely dangerous to do so.A. risked to go B. tried going C. managed to go D. risked going2. Although the city has a large population, it was little affected by the accident because it relies on underground water _ its mail water resource.A. to B. on C. as D. in3. The man working in the supermarket with my parents by the police for murder.A. was arrested B. were arrested C. arrest D. arrested4. The couple tried every effort to the judges, who tried the case, of their innocence, resulting in the contrary.A. prove B. charge C. convince D. confirm5. Your failure in the final exam is due to the fact that you didn’t enough importance to your English.A. attend B. attack C. attach D. obtain6. All the money he had had been , so he had to make his living by begging.A. used up B. run out C. stayed up D. given out7. He gas a mile from home; therefore he had to wait for someone to take his car to gas station.A. ran out B. ran out of C. ran into D. ran over8. The doctor _ him of the pain by taking out the tooth.A. reminded B. robbed C. rid D. changed9. It matters little who does it it is done, for you see, we are short of hands now.A. as soon as B. as far as C. as early as D. as long as10. When moving to a new city, one often find it not easy what to take and what to _.A. leave behind B. pass away C. bring in D. get across11. What do you think we can to make our picnic more interesting?A. bring up B. bring in C. bring down D. bring with12. He lost his job three months ago; __, he was seriously injured in an accident last week.A. in the first place B. to make matters worse C. on the contrary D. in other words13. Peter as well as the other children who no parents good care of in the village.A. have, is being taken B. has, have been takenC. have, has taken D. has, is taken14.   _ 500g of honey, a single bee would have to make about 10 million trips from the hive to the flower and back again.A. Producing B. To produceC. Being produced D. Having produced15. The selfless village doctor treated whoever came to his family without any  _.A. cost B. payment C. charge D. debt16. It was a nice meal, _a little expensive.A.though B.whether C.as D.since17.   regular exercise is very important,it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.A.If B.As C.Although D.Unless18. Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or it is convenient to you.A.whenever B.however C.whichever D.wherever19.   _all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post. A.Since  B.While C.If D.As20.   volleyball is her main focus,she’s also great at basketball. A.Since  B.Once C.Unless D.While21. It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ,we’d better take it to the garage immediately.A.Otherwise B.If not C.But for that D.If so22. No matter how _,it is not necessarily lifeless.A.a desert may be dry B.dry a desert may beC.may a desert be dry D.dry may a desert be23. To show our respect,we usually have to take our gloves off_ we are to shake hands with.A.whichever B.whenever C.whoever D.wherever24. Frank insisted that he was not asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up.A. whether B.although C.for D.so 完型填空:The mother rushes her three-year-old son to the hospital’s emergency room. “My baby has a very high fever,” she explains. “He is shaking all over.”The doctor examines the boy right away. He 1 a sample of blood from the boy’ s arm, and rushes it over to the laboratory. The lab worker places it in a large machine with a built-in computer.In less than a minute the machine tests the blood and 2 out the results. The doctor reads the 3 . They tell him what is wrong with the child. He gives the child an injection. Half an hour later the boy is playing and smiling.To the police officers in the car, it looks like a typical case of a car 4 a red light. They 5 their flashing lights, and 6 to catch the car. But the other 7 begins going even faster, “This might mean 8 ,” says one of the officers. “ 9 the license on the computer. See what you get.” Green letters start to 10 on the small screen.“Stolen car. Used in armed robbery. 11 .”The police car pulls 12 . It forces the other car to 13 . The two officers come out with drawn pistols. They 14 the driver, and bring him to the police station for 15 .Carla and three of her friends decide to go to a New York Jets football game on Sunday afternoon. But no one has any 16 . All the banks are closed.Carla, though, has a special bank 17 . She goes to the closed bank office.Placing her card in  18  on the outside of the bank, she types in various numbers on the keyboard below.The keyboard sends a message to the bank’s computer. The computer automatically takes the money from her account. It pushes out the 19 through another opening in the wall.Computers are changing the way we live. In fact, no matter what you do, or where you do it, you can be sure that there is a 20 in your life!1. A. pulls B. pushes C. draws D. drags2. A. takes B. brings C. gives D. prints3. A. pictures B. books C. results D. papers4. A. running B. giving C. leaving D. crossing5. A. take off B. put off C. take up D. turn on6. A. turn up B. pick up C. speed up D. break up7. A. doctor B. driver C. policeman D. officer8. A. sorrow B. trouble C. accident D. anger9. A. Give B. Put C. Take D. Check10. A. work B. take C. leave D. appear11. A. Safe B. Funny C. Dangerous D. Interesting 12. A. behind B. ahead C. beside D. through13. A. slow down B. stop C. start D. follow14. A. beat B. heat C. arrest D. strike15. A. questioning B. fun C. warming D. reply16. A. thing B. football C. money D. ticket17. A. paper B. card C. letter D. note18. A. a box B. a bank C. an office D. an opening19. A. bills B. card C. paper D. computer20. A. policeman B. car C. computer D. bill 阅读理解:Passage AOur children and grandchildren may not have a chance to visit many of the most famous places around the world. War, weather, age, traffic and pollution damage these famous places. Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford. ①In the early 1970s, world governments decided that if they joined together, they would be able to preserve our history. If every country paid some money, they said, it would be possible to look after important historic places. Also, if they discovered that a monument needed urgent help, they would have money for repairs. For these reasons, countries around the world united to form the World Heritage Organization in 1972. Today, the organization helps to maintain (维护) and restore the most important places from our history.However, one of the biggest problems for historic places is vandalism. People sometimes enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings. At some sites, such as Stonehenge② in England, governments have built high fences to protect the site from vandals.There are many different ideas about how to solve the problem of vandalism. Some experts say that if guards patrolled (巡逻) the sites, vandals would not be able to get in. Some experts say that if they fixed more television cameras, they would not need so many guards. More experts say that the best solution is education. If people learned to respect history, they would not destroy or damage it. They would also want to spend money looking after old places. For this reason, the World Heritage Organization helps to spread information about the value of historic sites.根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. Why  did  countries  all  over  the  world  unite  to  form  the  World  Heritage Organization?A. It would be able to keep our history. B. It would be possible to take care of important historic places.C. They would have money to do some repairs if a monument needed help.D. All of the above.2. Which of the following shows us the action of vandalism?A. People enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings.B. Governments build high fences to protect the site from vandals.C. Guards patrolled the sites and they fixed more television cameras.D. They also spend money looking after old places.3. What's the best way to solve the biggest problem of vandalism?A. Every country spends more money looking after these places often.B. To form the World Heritage Organization.C. Too many guards are needed to prevent vandals getting in.D. To make people know information about the value of historic sites.Passage BDo you love holidays but hate the increase of weight that follows? You are not alone.Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.Do not miss meals. Before you leave home for a feast (宴会), have a small, low- fat snack ( 小吃).This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.Choose lean meat (瘦肉). Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.If you have a sweet tooth, try mints(薄荷)and fruits. They don’t have fat content (含量) as cream and chocolate.Don't let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off extra calories (卡路里).根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may .A. bring weight problems B. bring you much trouble in your lifeC. make you worried about your foodsD. make you hate delicious foods2. In  order  to  really  enjoy  your  holidays  without  putting  on  weight,  you’d better_ .A. drink much water and have vegetables onlyB. not eat much food in high fatC. not accept invitations to feastsD. turn away from delicious foods3. According to the passage, is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.A. vegetables B. waterC. calories of energy  D. physical exercise Passage CThis year 2,300 teenagers (young people aged from 13-19) from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form impressions of the real American teenagers. American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and have a new understanding of the rest of the world.Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George's family. In return, George's son, Mike, spent a year in Fred's home in America.Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months study, the language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected — much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.Family life, too, was different. The family's word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize (批评) American schools.” he says. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we donothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.” 根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. The whole exchange program is mainly to .A. help teenagers in other countries know the real AmericaB. send students in America to travel in GermanyC. let students learn something about other countriesD. have teenagers learn new languages2. What did Fred and Mike agree on?A. American food tasted better than German food.B. German schools were harder than American schools.C. Americans and Germans were both friendly.D. There were more cars on the streets in America.3. What is particular in American schools?A. There is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings.B. There are a lot of after-school activities.C. Students usually take 14 subjects in all.D. Students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car.4. What did Mike think after experiencing the American school life?A. A better education should include something good from both America and Germany.B. German schools trained students to be better citizens.C. American schools were not as good as German schools.D. The easy life in the American school was more helpful to students. 写作练习:某英文报“读者来信”专栏正在就高一学生家长是否应该为孩子购置电脑这一话题开展 讨论。有赞同的,也有反对的。请你向该报编辑写一封信发表你的观点。 信的开头已写好,你只需接着写。注意: 1.下面的提示可能会帮助你构思:  2.你不必根据上面的提示逐条进行写作,可自由发挥。3.词数:80 Dear editor,I'm a student of Senior One. I think my parents should buy me a computer now.     VI. 翻译句子:1.他用光了所有的钱,然后回家了。(run out)2.现在我们在许多领域依靠计算机的帮助。(rely on) 3.他下定决心改掉坏毛病。(get rid of) 4.和其他男孩一样,他也喜欢踢足球。(in common)5.---这里谁负责呀?   ---布莱克先生。但他现在正在开会。(in charge)6.无论此问题多难,我们都要把他解出来。(no matter)7.汤姆昨晚开着灯睡着了。(with)8.明天的这个时候我们正飞行在大西洋上空。 9.城市里的公园应该免费向公众开放。(free of charge) 10.我既不了解这件事,也不关心。(care) 11.在这件事上,他们没有选择的余地。(alternative) 12.别忘了给你的相机装胶卷。(load)13.孩子们在户外玩耍直到天下起雨来。(outdoors)14.一滴水一粒米我们都不应当浪费。(waste) 15.他因谋杀罪被捕。(arrest) 16.没有人确切知道比尔出了什么事。(for sure)17.她知道消息就放声大哭起来。(at)   英语听力原文:(Text 1)W:When will the singing performance start?M:It was supposed to start at half past six, but it will be delayed for 15 minutes.(Text 2)M:You look upset. What’s wrong? W:My cat. She’s missed for two weeks. (Text 3)M:I think Bob is the best football player in our school. W:I can’t agree with you more.(Text 4)W:Is the boy in white our new classmate?M:No, the girl in red is. And he is the girl’s brother. (Text 5)M:Good evening. This is Mr. Black at the Apple restaurant. Is Mr. William in? W:No, he is out to the pub. Can I take a message?M:Thank you. I’ll call him later. (Text 6)W:Hello!M:Hello, Mary. This is Jack. Look, could you do me a favour? I’ve tried to phone my father many times. But I can’t get through. The line is busy all the time. Could you possibly go next door and give him a message?W:OK, what do you want to tell your father?M:Could you just say I’ve arrived in the West station and let him pick me up right away . The rain is too heavy!W:Sure, I’ll go at once. M:Thank you , Mary.W:That’s all right. Bye.M:See you later. (Text 7)M:Hi, Betty. Haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you getting along with your study?W:Hi, Jim, well, I have left school for about three months. I failed in the most important examination.M:Don’t you mean you didn’t enter the college? W:It was a terrible dream in my life.M:Oh , I’m sorry to hear that . What are you going to do then?W:No idea. My friends want me to review the courses for another year and take the next examination. But I feel under pressure.M:Anyway, you should think about it seriously. It’s concerning your future. W:Yes, it is.M:Why don’t you turn to Mr. Jackson? I think he can give you some useful advice.W:Yeah! I have nearly forgotten him. Can you go with me? M:No problem! Let’s go!(Text 8)W:Can we have a dinner before you leave for the north? M:Thanks. But we have more things to do before leaving. W:What if you run into a storm in the sea?M:We’ll wait till the storm is over.W:Have you ever been in a storm before? M:Yes, we ran into a storm last fall. (Text 9)W:Is this the right counter for gloves?M:Yes, madam. What sort of gloves do you want? W:Well, let me see some of each.M:Certainly, madam. What size do you take?W:Six and a quarter, I think. But you’d better measure my hand to make sure. M:I think a six is your size. How do you like these? They’re very reliable.W:How much are they? M:19.50, madam.W:Very well. I’ll take them. (Text 10)Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead ofcatching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything not even old boots. After having spent whole morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You must give up fishing!” My friends say. “It’s a waste of time.” But they don’t realize an important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. 英语听力答案:1-5BCBBC 6-10 BABCC 11-15AACBC 16-20CACCB 必会基础题: Ⅰ词汇1 alternative   2 concrete 3 materials 4 load 5 predict6 outdoors 7 recreation 8 commanded  9 urban 10 arrested Ⅱ 单项填空1 B 第一个空实际上考察:the meeting which is to be held tomorrow afternoon.第二 个空about是“关于”的意思。2 B carry out 是“执行、做”的意思;set aside 是“留出……”的意思。3 D run out 为“用光、耗尽”的意思。be running out 表示“快要用光”的含义。 4 B for sure 肯定地。5 C place an order with sb. for sth. 和某人签订订单订购……6 D 引导主语从句使用whether 引导而不是if,rely on/upon = depend on/upon 取决 于。7 D 免费的8 A 9 A10 C 对于将来的推测, 可以使用will  be  working  =  will  work, 时间状语从句用 graduate 来代替 will graduate。11 D12 B 根据at this time tomorrow判断,具体将来时间正在做某事,使用将来进行时。 13 D 此处if引导的是宾语从句而不是状语从句。14 B 飞机马上就要起飞了。15 A with 所引导的复合结构,use up 应该使用被动语态 提高拓展题: 单项填空:1-5 BBBBC 6-10 DABBB  11-15 CCDBC 16-20 BBDAC 21-25 BBBAD 26-29 ACAA1. B 固定短语 have no alternative but to do sth.6. D command that 从句用 should 虚拟13. D give out=run out 表示“耗尽”是不及物动词,无被动语态。15. C 句意:人们的政治信仰常常是在他们所读的报纸的影响下形成的。 Shape 使成型17. B 固定搭配:charge money for sth.索要。。。。。。的费用19. A get fired 被解雇23. B risk doing sth.冒险做某事 高考连接题: 单项填空:1-5 DCACC 6-10 ABCDA  11-15 DBABC16. A 句意:尽管有点贵,但还是不错的一餐。本题考查连词。A:尽管,虽然;B:是 否;C:因为,尽管,但作“尽管”讲时,常用倒装结构;D:既然,自从。由语境中两个关 键词 nice 和 expensive 可得知,这里表示转折。故选 A。17. C 句意:尽管定时锻炼很重要,但临睡前锻炼绝不是个好主意。本题考查状语从句的 用法。although 虽然……但是;if 如果;as 由于,因为;unless 如果不。依句意可知 C 项正确。18. A 句意:请现在或在你方便的时候打电话告诉我的秘书下午安排一个会议。本题考查 状语从句。根据题中的 this afternoon 以及 or 可知设空处应该和时间有关,故答案为 A 项。19. B 句意:尽管他们都是(实力)很强的候选人,但只有一人将入选这个职位。本题考 查连词。since 既然;while 尽管;if 如果;as 当……时候。根据句意应选择 B 项。20. D 句意:尽管她把重点都放在排球上,可她也擅长篮球。本题考查连词。根据句意应选择 D 项。这里 while 引导让步状语从句。 21. D 句意:汽车的发动机听上去好像出了问题。如果这样的话,我们最好马上把车开到修理厂。if so 假如这样的话,符合题意,所以选 D。otherwise 否则;if not 如果 不……;but for that 要不是那个的话,均不符合题意。22. B 句意:无论沙漠可能会多么干燥,那里也未必没有生命。本题考查让步状语从句。 “no matter how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语”构成让步状语从句。四个选项中只有 B 项符 合要求。23. C 句意:为了表示我们的敬意,无论我们与谁握手,通常都要摘掉手套。本题考查状 语从句的用法。设空处后 we are to shake hands with 后缺宾语,故排除 B、D 两项; shake hands with 的宾语应为“人”,故排除 A 项;whoever=no matter who,意为:无 论谁。24.B 句意:尽管我费了好大周折才把Frank弄醒,他却坚持说自己没有睡着。考查状语从 句。用though/although引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。A:是否;C引导原因状 语从句,D引导并列句,表示“因此”,都不符合句意。完型填空1—5 CDCAD 6—10 CBBDD 11—15 CBBCA 16—20 CBDAC1. C 医生从男孩的胳膊抽取血样。draw:抽出(液体,气体)2. D 不一会儿机器检测了血样并且打印出了结果。print out ;打印出….3. C 医生看过了结果。4. A 这就好比一个汽车闯红灯的典型案件。run a red light:闯红灯。 5. D 警察们打开警灯.并且加速追赶那两汽车。speed up;加速6. C7. B 但是另一辆车的司机开始行驶得更快了。8. B9.   D   一位警官说:“这可能意味着麻烦,在电脑上核实一下驾照,看看会得到什么?10. D 绿色的字母在小小的屏幕上出现。11.  C  屏幕上显示:“被盗的车,用与武装抢劫,危险。12. B13. B 警车驶入前方迫使那辆车停下来。14. C15. A 他们逮捕了司机,并带到警察局进行盘问。arrest:逮捕; question(动词):讯 问,盘问。16.  C  下一句说“银行都关门了”所以这里应当是“他们都没有钱。”17. B 从下文可以看出:“Carla有一个特殊的银行卡。”18. D opening指“开口”。把卡插入银行外的一个开口。19. A 从另一个出口吐出钞票,bill:钞票。20. C 你的生活中肯定会有一台电脑。电脑是全文的主题。 阅读理解  Passage A 本文阐述了世界文化遗产所面临的危机,以及人类对这些问题所采取的补救措施。着 重讲述了人类及世界文化遗产组织对故意破坏文化遗产的行为所采取的防范措施。1. D. 由第二段可知。2. A. vandalism 由下文可知是故意破坏艺术的行为。 3. D. 由最后一段可知。① Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford. 照看这些地方的费用通常不是一个国家能负担得起的。② Stonehenge 英国南部索尔兹伯里附近的一组史前巨石柱群,可上溯到公元前2000- 1800年。Passage B 人们喜欢假日美食,但又怕发胖。本文提出了一些既能享受美食又不会增重的建议。1. A. 从文章第一、二两段可以得知假日会带来体重增加的问题。2. B. 不要吃高脂肪食品。3. D. 文章最后一段提到了锻炼是不能缺少的。take a break意为“停歇”。Passage C 本文主要介绍了国与国之间的青少年互派交流活动,并讲述了来自美国和德国的两个学生到对方国度的学习和生活情况,反映了两国之间在学校、家庭生活上的差异。 1. C. 本题考查交流项目的目的,其他三个选项比较片面。2. B. 注意是双方都同意。agree on 意为“在……取得一致”。3. B. 从文章最后一段Mike认为在美国“Here we take part in many outside activities.”可知。4. A. 其他三项比较片面,而且最后一段Mike认为“There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”。Ⅴ 写作练习  Dear editor, Possible version 1: I'm a student of Senior One . I think my parents should buy me a computer now.As we know, computers have been of great use and will be used more and more in our daily life. Besides, computers are also helpful in our English learning. There are piles of learning software we can us I don't see anything wrong for us to spend some time playing games. After all, we need something to enjoy ourselves.One more word, with computers we can get more information and get more knowledge. Don't you agree?A reader  Dear editor, Possible version 2: I'm a student of Senior One . I don't think my parents should buy me a computer now.  Those who have computers in my class are spending too much time on computer games. In my opinion there are many other ways to enjoy myself than playing computer games. If we don't put our hearts into our work, we might fail in the entrance examinations. Besides, if you get a computer and don't make full use of it, it's just a waste of money. So I insist they not buy me a computer now. Don't you agree?  VI. 翻译句子: A reader 1.He has run out of all his money before he returns home. 2.Nowadays we rely on computer’s help in many fields.3.He made up his mind to get rid of his bad habits.4.In common with other boys, he also likes playing football.5.–Who is in charge here?  --Mr. Black. But he is having a meeting now. 6.We must work it out, no matter how difficult the problem is.7.Tom fell asleep with lights on yesterday evening.8.At this time tomorrow, we will be flying over the Atlantic.9.The parks in the city should be open to the public free of charge. 10.I don’t know about it, nor do I care.11.They have no alternative in the matter. 12.Don’t forget to load your camera with a film.13.The children played outdoors until it started to rain. 14.We mustn’t waste a drop of water or a grain of rice. 15.He was arrested on a charge of murder.16.No one knows for sure what happened to Bill. 17.She burst out crying at the news.

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