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三年级英语教学工作计划  2014-3-1一、学生分析通过一个学期的英语学习,三年级的同学对英语保留了比较浓厚的兴趣,由于第一学期末检测给了孩子们信心,开学以来的观察,主要存在的问题还是在于那几个学困生身上,作业不能按质按量按时完成,上课时注意力不集中。所以,在教学中,本人将始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,并培养学生的英语知识能力和运用能力。 二、教材重点难点  1、培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。2、能比较熟练地运用所学的日常交际用语。三、主要措施   1、规范学生的作业,统一要求。每天都布置听、读和写的作业。2、规范学生的书写。把学生单词抄写中普遍出现的错误进行全班讲解。对于书写潦草的学生,老师做思想工作,同时还告诉家长,请家长和老师一起努力,帮助孩子养成认真书写的习惯。3、考虑到三年级学生好动爱玩的特点,本人将金太阳光盘和多媒体课件相结合,课文对话用金太阳光盘呈现,单词句型用PPT课件操练,培养学生良好的朗读习惯,要求学生读书时将书本平摊在桌面,读到哪一句就用手指指到哪一句,这样有助于提高朗读的效果,避免学生分神。朗读要求学生跟着磁带或光盘读,要模仿上面的语音和语调,读出说话人的思想感情,打下良好的语音语调基础,并尝试课文的表演,帮助学生有兴趣、有效地背诵课文。4、在教学的同时,我还将结合教材中的动物、国籍、校园等话题,对学生进行环境保护和爱国主义的教育。五、教学进度安排表  本学期计划每个星期学习一个unit,完成相关练习, 每两个module进行一次单元测验。用两个星期的时间进行期末总复习。六、教学安排基本按照一个星期讲完一个unit的进度安排,适当可按内容难度进行调整。七、本册教学内容梳理:Module Unit Language focusModule 1: Relationships Unit1: Look at my family tree 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):tree, father, mother, brother, grandmother, grandfather, daughter, sister, aunt, uncle, son, cousin, who’s=who is, she’s =she is; he’s = he is 三会词汇(听、说、读):family, family tree, husband, wife.句型:Who’s he/she?He’s/She’s…Who are …? Unit 2: Who Are They? 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):woman, man, those, girl, boy, baby, right, who, she, her, he, his, what about, beautiful, pretty, short, look at, cute, strong, long, their, tall, old, so , with, look at三会词汇(听、说、读):lady slim句型:They are/The tall man is… The short man is…日常用语:The man/woman on/with /…is…The slim/tall/short woman/man is …Module 2: Animals Unit 4:We like Your farm 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):farm, any, do, pig, have, big, Here they are, don’t=do not,  like, some, cow, duck, goose, geese, chicken, goat, sheep, horse, dog, cat 三会词汇(听、说、读)bull, horn, wow句型:  Do you have a\any…?Yes, … doNo, .. don’t. He/She/ It has…I have a/some…I don’t have a/any…日常用语:Here they are. Unit 5:I have cute pets 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):pet, tail, small, rabbit, fish, his, has, but, mouse, mice.三会词汇(听、说、读)turtle, frog, guinea pig, goldfish.句型:  He/She/ It has…Module3: Nationalities Unit7: I have Many Stamps 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):USA, American, USA, Chinese, British, Canadian, train, stamp, like, only, from 三会词汇(听、说、读):Postcard, Australian, Japanese, French, German句型:I like …复习巩固What are those/these/they?  These/ Those/They are …日常用语:This one’s… Unit 8: Where Are They From? 四会词汇(听、说、读、写):China, we, we’re=we are, PRC, Britain, both, toy三会词汇(听、说、读):Japan, Germany, France. 句型Where are you/is she from?  I’m/She’s from…Is /Are…from …? Yes/No,…Module4: My Room Unit 10: It Is My Bedroom 四会词汇:bedroom, wall, door, window, stool, draw, of course, floor, stool三会词汇: wardrobe, ceiling, ha-ha句型: Where is/are …?It’s in /on/near/…日常用语Yes, of course. Unit 11:Put The Table against The wall 四会词汇:map, lamp, TV, clock, which, them, put, under, floor, by, under, in front of, beside, behind三会词汇: against, corner, shelf, shelves, idea, Good idea! Yeee, spider, yuck, sofa. 句型:Put the …on/in/…There’s …in/on/…Module5: My House Unit 13: Come in ! 四会词汇: come, come in , have a look, watch, living room, sit, kitchen, glass三会词汇:cupboard, cookie (cooky) juice, welcome, You’re welcome,oops, tissue日常用语:Here’s the tissue.Come and sit with me/have a look..Come inLet’s …There it is. Unit 14: This Is My House In England 四会词汇: England, bathroom, computer, fridge, come study, lovely, England, bathroom三会词汇:garden, messy, upstairs, downstairs, gargage. 句型: There’s …There are …Is there …?Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There isn’t...Module6: My School Unit 16: Clean The Classroom 四会词汇: classroom, clean, between, near, give, blackboard, little, exercise, exercise book, flowerbed 三会词汇:board, board rubber, tape recorder, dictionary, chalk句型: Put the… on/beside/under/in/in front of… Unit 17: Visit Our School. 四会词汇: our, school, building, office, toilet, teacher’s room, gate, swimming pool三会词汇:playground, library, opposite, headmaster, clinic, canteen, hungry. 句型:1. It’s between … and …2. 日常用语:Here are the toilets.
