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2021 年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[12-01] 作文素材阅读理解语法词汇拓展积累[12 始] (含词汇讲解、长难句解析、翻译技巧、背景知识、写作积累:均由阿满编写) 原文 The threat to world trade 对世界贸易的威胁 The rules-based system is in grave danger 基于规则的体系岌岌可危 DONALD TRUMP is hardly the first American president to slap unilateral tariffs on imports. Every inhabitant of the Oval Office since Jimmy Carter has imposed some kind of protectionist curbs on trade, often on steel. Nor will Mr Trump’s vow to put 25% tariffs on steel and 10% on aluminium by themselves wreck the economy: they account for 2% of last year’s $2.4trn of goods imports, or 0.2% of GDP. If this were the extent of Mr Trump’s protectionism, it would simply be an act of senseless self-harm. In fact, it is a potential disaster—both for America and for the world economy. 特朗普不是第一个单方面加征进口关税的美国总统。自卡特以来,椭圆办公室 的每一任主人都实施过一些贸易保护主义措施,通常是针对钢铁行业。特朗普誓言 对钢铁征收 25%的关税,对铝征收 10%的关税,这本身也不会对经济造成什么损害: 钢铁和铝仅占去年 2.4 万亿美元进口商品总额的 2%,占 GDP 的 0.2%。如果特朗普的保护主义到此为止,那只会是一种毫无意义的自残行为。但实际上,这对美国和世 界经济都可能是一场灾难。 词汇讲解 .rave danger 文中释义:岌岌可危 这里的 grave 同义于 severe, extreme, serious .slap unilateral tariffs on imports 文中释义:单方面加征进口关税的美国总统 这里用 slap 表示“征税”,同义表达还有 levy, impose, assess, charge 我从各主流外刊中整理了一些示例,共大家参考 o The European Union had threatened to levy tariffs worth $350million on products including fruit and clothing as early as June 18. (The NewYork Times) o He does not believe the EU will impose tariffs on Nissan. (The Guardian) o Hong Kong has no tariffs on imports, for instance, whereas China assesses tariffs as high as 25 percent for some garments. (The New YorkTimes)o The Americans could put pressure on Turkey to charge low tariffs, and could slightly reduce financing costs by providing guarantees. (The Economist) .vow to 文中释义:誓言(要做某事) 它在这里包含“威胁”的含义 (to make a threat to undertake) o vowing revenge on their persecutors. 发誓要对他们的迫害者复仇 .wreck the economy 文中释义:破坏经济 wreck 相关同义词拓展 break, destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil 这些动词都可以表示“破坏”或者 “损坏”。 o break 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形 或无形的破坏。 o destroy 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再 修复的意味。 o ruin 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性, 也可用于引申意义。 o wreck 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可 指计划、健康受到损害。o damage 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后 果。 o spoil 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的 毁灭。 长难句解析 Nor will Mr Trump’s vow / to put 25% tariffs on steel / and 10% on aluminium / by themselves / wreck the economy: // they account for 2% of last year’s $2.4trn of goods imports, / or 0.2% of GDP. •提取主干:Nor will Mr Trump’s vow wreck the economy. (主谓宾结 构) 句首的 Nor 与整段首句中的 hardly 相联系,句意上即表示“也不是”;否定词 置于句首引起倒装。 •其他成分: ① 不定式短语 to put 25% tariffs on steel 作定语修饰全句主语 vow。 and 10% on aluminium 也起同样作用,但对重复提及的部分做了省略,还原后 应为 and to put 10% onaluminium。 ② 反身代词短语 by themselves 作方式状语,在含义上相当于 alone。 因为 vow 中包括两项(即①中由并列连词 and 连接的两部分),所以使用了 themselves 而不是 itself。 ③ 冒号后 they account for 的部分是完整句子,对前一句作解释说明。注:长难句解析栏目仅供参考,具体是怎么样的,还需要同学自主分析 写作积累 •The rules-based system is in grave danger 基于规则的体系岌岌可危 •DONALD TRUMP is hardly the first American president to slap unilateral tariffs on imports. 特朗普不是第一个单方面加征进口关税的美国总统。 •Every inhabitant of the Oval Office since Jimmy Carter has imposed some kind of protectionist curbs on trade, often on steel. 自卡 特以来,椭圆办公室的每一任主人都实施过一些贸易保护主义措施,通常是 针对钢铁行业。 搜索同系列其他序号资源方法: 2021 年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[XX-XX] 將 XX 改为你想要的序号然后在学科网内搜索即可 如: 2021 年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[11-11] 2021 年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[06-01] --- 未完待续---

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