2021届巴蜀中学新高考英语二轮复习作文素材范文积累 (含翻译、重点词汇注解)
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2021 届巴蜀中学新高考英语二轮复习 作文素材范文积累 [001] (含翻译、重点写作词汇短语注解) 师生间的关系 Relationships between Students and Instructors Boundaries exist in virtually all human relationships, and student-teacher relationships are no exception to this rule. This reality gives rise to the following question: What kind of boundaries can be deemed appropriate in an academic setting? My opinion is that, in general, a relatively formal distance should be kept between professors and their students. 几乎所有的人类关系中都存在着界限,师生关系也不例外。鉴于此,下面 的问题就出现了,在学术的氛围中什么样的界线是合适的?我的观点是:一般 而言师生之间应该保持种比较正式的距离。 One reason to maintain a formal distance between students and teachers is to underscore the instructors role as an authority figure. This is important so that the professors can enforce discipline, have instructions followed, and command respect from students. If students were misbehaving, it would be difficult to enforce order if they did not regard the professor as an authority. Similarly, if students felt that they were "buddies "with the teacher, they may feel that it is acceptable to submit assignments late, or that doing so would be forgiven. The image of the professor as an authority figure could be distorted if the relationship between instructor and students becomes too close or intimate. 师生之间保持一种正式的距离目的是为了强调老师作为权威人物的角 色。这一点很重要,这样教师可以强化纪律,保障教学,也可以得到学生的尊重。 如果学生犯了错误,又不把老师看做权威,老师的命令就很难实施。同样,如果 学生认为他们是老师的伙伴、密友,他们可能就会觉得晚交作业是可以接受 的,或者这样做会得到原谅。如果师生关系过于密切或者过于亲密,老师作为 权威人物的形象就会被歪曲。 • command: deserve and get (something such as sympathy or respect)值得, 应得, 博得(同情、尊敬等):He commanded considerable personal loyalty.他赢得了相当多的 人的忠诚。 Another reason why teachers should maintain a formal distance with their students is to avoid real and perceived bias. Although we tend to regard teachers as highly objective, they are only human like the rest of us. While some forms of evaluation, such as multiple-choice tests, rely solely on objective measures, many other methods of evaluation — including essays, assignments and presentations — are evaluated subjectively. If the teacher develops close relationships with the students, it may be difficult to completely eliminate bias including favoritism, as a result of closer relationships with some students than others. Even the impression of bias may cause some students to feel that they have been treated unfairly. 老师和学生保持一种正式的距离的另外一个原因就是避免事实上的或 者感觉上的偏见。尽管我们倾向于认为老师是客观公正的,没有个人偏见,但 是他们和我们一样都是人。虽然一些考试形式如多项选择题完全是客观评 价,但还有一些测评方式只能是主观的判断如写论文、做作业或是做演讲。 如果老师和学生的关系很紧密,评分做到完全没有偏见是很困难的。可能和 老师关系紧密的学生相对于关系一般的同学会更受到老师的偏袒,甚至会使 些学生感到他们受到了不公平的对待。 Although it is important to maintain a formal distance between students and teachers, this should not preclude professors from getting to know their students on an academic level, as well as with regard to their basic personalities and interests. If students regard the professor as friendly and approachable, they are more likely to participate in class discussions or speak to the professor if they are having difficulties with the course. In addition, other factors, such as class size and teaching style, may play a role in determining the suitable distance between students and teachers. However, professors should use their own discretion when deciding where to draw the line between themselves and students 尽管师生之间保持一定的距离很重要,但保持距离不能妨碍老师了解自 己的学生。老师不但要知道学生的专业水平也要了解学生的基本个性和兴 趣。如果学生觉得老师友善、平易近人,他们可能就会更多地参与课堂讨论, 学习中出现的问题也会找老师交流。另外,还有一些因素在决定师生之间保 持合适的距离方面也会起到一定的作用,比如课堂大小和教学风格等等。但 是教师应该判断在什么时候、什么地方和学生划条界限。 In sum, maintaining a formal distance between teachers and students can ensure an atmosphere of authority in the classroom and avoid both real and perceived bias. For instructors unsure of how to set appropriate boundaries in the classroom. their best bet would be to err on the side of caution. 总之,在师生之间保持一定的距离既可以保证课堂的权威性又能避免事 实上和感觉上的偏见。对于不确定在课堂上该如何划出合适的界线的老师, 他们最好的办法将是宁可失之过慎。 • err on the side of:display more rather than less of (a specified quality) in one's actions(在行为上)更多地表现 出(某种品质):It is better to err on the side of caution. 多 一些谨慎总是好的。

资料: 1.3万


