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2020-2021 学年高二英语上学期期中测试卷 01(译林牛津版) 第 I 卷(选择题) 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Darrell Blatchley,a marine biologist and environmentalist based in the Philippine city of Davao, received a call from the Philippine,Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources(渔业与水产资源局) early Friday morning reporting a death of a young whale. When the necropsy(尸检) was performed,Blatchley told NPR,he was not prepared for the amount of plastic they found in the whale’s stomach. “It was full of plastic nothing but nonstop plastic,” he said. “It was filled to the point that its stomach was as hard as a baseball. That means that this animal has been suffering not for days or weeks but for months or even a year or more,” Blatchley added. Blatchley is the founder and owner of the D’Bone Collector Museum,a natural history museum in Davao. In the coming days,the museum will display all the items found in the whale’s system. Blatchley and his team work with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and other organizations to assist in rescue and recovery of marine animals. “Within the last 10 years,we have recovered 61 whales and dolphins just within the Davao Gulf,” he said. “Of them,57 have died due to man whether they took plastic or fishing nets or other waste,or gotten caught in pollution—and four were pregnant.” Blatchley said he hoped that the latest incident would launch the issue of plastic pollution in the Philippines and across the globe. “If we keep going this way,it will be more uncommon to see an animal die of natural causes than it is to see an animal die of plastic,” he said. 1.What can be inferred from the second paragraph? A.The whale was starved to death. B.Blatchley was shocked at what he found. C.The dead whale must have swallowed a baseball. D.Blatchley didn’t make preparations for the necropsy. 2.What will be shown in the D’Bone Collector Museum?A.Waste collected from the ocean. B.The whole system of the whale. C.Things found in the whale’s body. D.Many different tools of whaling. 3.What is the best title for the text? A.A Whale Found Dead of Plastic B.Stand Up for Protecting Whales C.Plastic Threatening Our Existence D.Natural Death or Merciless Murder 【文章大意】这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了在菲律宾一只鲸鱼被发现因吞食了大量的塑料而 死亡,这引发了人们对塑料污染的担忧。 1.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中 When the necropsy(尸检) was performed,Blatchley told NPR,he was not prepared for the amount of plastic they found in the whale’s stomach.“It was full of plastic nothing but nonstop plastic,” he said. 在进行尸检时,他对鲸鱼胃中发现的塑料数量感到措手 不及。“里面全是塑料,除了不停的塑料什么都没有,”他说。可知,Blatchley 在鲸鱼的胃里 发现了大量的塑料,他对此毫无准备,这是他意想不到的,因此 Blatchley 对他的发现感到震 惊。故选 B 项 2.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中 In the coming days,the museum will display all the items found in the whale’s system. 在接下来的几天里,博物馆将展示在鲸鱼体内发现的所有物品。可知,在鲸 鱼体内发现的东西将在这座自然博物馆中展出。故选 C 项 3.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段 Darrell Blatchley,a marine biologist and environmentalist based in the Philippine city of Davao,received a call from the Philippine,Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources(渔业与水产资源局) early Friday morning reporting a death of a young whale. 菲律宾 达沃市的海洋生物学家和环保人士Darrell Blatchley周五早上接到菲律宾渔业和水产资源局的 电话,报告说一只幼鲸死亡。第二段中 he was not prepared for the amount of plastic they found in the whale’s stomach.“It was full of plastic nothing but nonstop plastic,” he said. 他对鲸鱼胃中 发现的塑料数量感到措手不及。“里面全是塑料,除了不停的塑料什么都没有,”他说。以及 最后一段中 If we keep going this way,it will be more uncommon to see an animal die of natural causes than it is to see an animal die of plastic,” he said. 他说:“如果我们继续这样做,动物死于自然原因将比死于塑料制品更加罕见。”可知,本文主要讲述了一只鲸鱼因吞食大量的塑料而 死亡,这引发了人们对塑料污染的担忧,因此本文的最佳标题是选项 A“一只被发现死于吞食 塑料的鲸鱼”。故选 A 项。 B "Hope has proved a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far," said Dr. Snyder, a psychologist. In research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first term was a more accurate predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point averages in high school. "Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work to attain them," Dr. Snyder said. "When you compare students with equal learning ability and past school achievements, what sets them apart is hope." In seeking a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder went beyond the usual belief that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right. "This idea is not concrete enough; it fails to clarify two key components of hope," Dr. Snyder said. "Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be." Despite the wisdom in the old saying "where there's a will there's a way," Dr. Snyder has found that the two are not necessarily connected. In a study of people from 18 to 70 years old, Dr. Snyder discovered: only about 40% of people are hopeful in the technical sense of believing they typically have the energy and means to accomplish their goals; about 20% of the people believed in their ability to find the means to attain their goals, but said they had little will to do so; another 20% have the opposite pattern, saying they had the energy to motivate themselves but little confidence that they would find the means; the rest had little hope at all, reporting that they typically had neither the will nor the way. "It's not enough just to have the wish for something," said Dr. Snyder. "You need the means, too. On the other hand, all the skills to solve a problem won't help without the willpower to do it." 4.What does Dr. Snyder think can best predict a freshman's academic performance? A.His S.A.T. scores. B.His high school grades. C.His level of hope. D.His family background. 5.The underlined word "concrete" in the third paragraph probably means ________.A.clear B.pure C.universal D.popular 6.What did Dr. Synder say about the old saying "where there's will there's a way"? A.It is quite realistic. B.It is not inspiring to students. C.It is totally wrong. D.It is not always true in reality. 7.What can be the most suitable title for the passage? A.No pains, no gains. B.Hope emerges as key to success. C.Will gets it going. D.Where there's a will there's a way. 【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章论述成功的关键是“希望”。 4.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中 Dr. Snyder found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first term was a more accurate predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point averages in high school.可知,Dr. Snyder 认为他的希望程度能 最好地预测新生的学习成绩。故选 C。 5.A 词义猜测题。根据第三段中 In seeking a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder went beyond the usual belief that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right.(在寻求一种科 学评估希望的方法时,Dr. Snyder 超越了通常的信念,即希望只是一种感觉,一切都会好起 来。)再根据下句中的 it fails to clarify two key components of hope(它没有阐明希望的两个关 键组成部分),由此推知“这个想法不够具体”,划线词意思是“清楚的,明显的”。故选 A。 6.D 推理判断题。根据第五段 Despite the wisdom in the old saying "where there's a will there's a way," Dr. Snyder has found that the two are not necessarily connected.可知,对于“有志者事竟成”这句老 话,Dr. Synder 认为在现实中并不总是这样,两者之间无必然的联系。故选 D。 7.B 主旨大意题。根据第一段"Hope has proved a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far,"和下文对希望作用的分析可知,文章主要讲述成功的关键是“希望”。所以 B 项为 最佳主题。 C The other day, my sister and I were sitting in the restaurant, trying to have a conversation, but her children, four-year-old Willow and seven-year-old Luca, would not stop fighting. The arguments-over a fork, or who had more water in a glass-never stopped. Then my sister reached into her handbag, produced two shiny iPads, and handed one to each child. Suddenly, the two were quite. They sat playing games and watching videos, and we continued with our conversation. After our meal, as my sister stuffed the iPads back into her bag, she said, “I don’t want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if they keep them occupied for an hour so we can eat in peace, I often just hand them over. I am afraid that it’s bad for them. I do worry that it makes them think it’s OK to use electronics at the dinner table in the future.” Dr. Gary Small, director of the Longevity Center at the University of California, Los Angeles says that the brain is highly sensitive to stimuli(刺激物),like iPads and smartphone screen, and if people spend too much time on one technology, and less time interacting(互动)with people like parents at the dinner table, that could prevent the development of certain communication skills. “Conversations with each other are the way children learn to have conversations with themselves, and learn how to be alone,” said Sherry Turkle, a professor of science, technology and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She fears that children who do not learn real interactions, which often have imperfections, will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy(亲密)without risk. However, they need to be able to gather themselves and know who they are. So someday they can form a relationship with another person without a panic of being alone. “If you don’t teach your children to be alone, they will only know how to be lonely,” she said. 8.What did Willow and Luca fight about? A.Little things. B.iPads. C.Delicious food. D.Interesting things. 9.How did the author’s sister feel about offering children iPads? A.She was critical of it. B.She was uncertain about it. C.She felt it was worth a try. D.She felt surprised at its effect. 10.According to Dr. Small, what should parents do? A.Provide their children with various technologies. B.Teach their children communication skills. C.Limit their children’s screen time. D.Talk to their children at the dinner table. 11.What is Sherry Turkle worried?A.Children are afraid of taking risks. B.Children try to escape from the real world. C.Children can’t deal with companion-less situations. D.Children can’t live without electronic devices. 【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。用 iPad 让孩子们安静下来似乎很有效,但是这样做究竟 对吗?本文就这个议题进行讨论,指出孩子们不应该沉溺于电子设备,而应该在现实交往中学会与人 交谈,学会与自己交谈,学会独处。 8.A 细节理解题。根据第一段 The arguments-over a fork, or who had more water in a glass-never stopped(争论——为了一把叉子,或者是谁的杯子里的水多——从未停止过)可以看出, Willow 和 Luca 为一些小事争吵,故选 A。 9.B 推理判断题。根据第三段 she said, “I don’t want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if they keep them occupied for an hour so we can eat in peace, I often just hand them over. I am afraid that it’s bad for them. I do worry that it makes them think it’s OK to use electronics at the dinner table in the future.”(她说,“我不想在餐桌上给他们 ipad,但如果他们让他们忙上一个小时,这 样我们就能安静地吃饭,我通常会把它们交给他们。我担心这对他们有害。我确实担心这会 让他们认为在未来的餐桌上使用电子产品是可以的。”)可知,她对此的态度是矛盾的,她并 不确定自己的做法是不是正确,故选 B。 10.C 推理判断题。 根据倒数第二段 if people spend too much time on one technology, and less time interacting(互动)with people like parents at the dinner table, that could prevent the development of certain communication skills (如果人们花太多时间在一种科技产品上,而与父母等人在餐桌 上互动的时间更少,就会阻碍某些沟通技能的发展)可知,Dr. Gary Small 认为,长时间使用 电子设备有碍于孩子们一些沟通技能的发展,因此家长应该限制孩子使用这些设备的时间, 故选 C。 11.C 推理判断题。 根据最后一段She fears that children who do not learn real interactions, which often have imperfections, will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy(亲密)without risk(她担心,那些孩子没有学会真实的互动,这往往是个缺陷, 他们终会认识到一个完美、闪亮的屏幕带给他们的,是一种没有风险的虚假的亲密感。)可知, Sherry Turkle 认为孩子们习惯了电子设备的陪伴,沉浸在虚拟的世界里,会错误地认为随时 随地有人陪伴, 而真正的人际交往并不如此,她从而担心这些孩子们由于没有在真实的交往中学会独处,他们也就无法应付没有同伴的情况,故选 C。 D When I was 10 years old, I asked a neighborhood kid who was older than me, “Which city is further west: Reno. Nev., or Los Angeles?” The correct answer is Reno. Nevada. But he was convinced it was the other way around. He was so convinced that Los Angeles was west of Reno that he was willing to bet me two dollars. So I went into the house to get my Rand McNally Map. The kid looked at the map and said. “The map is drawn funny.” It wasn’t. Was his argument that the map didn’t preserve east, west, north and south? What kind of map would that be? I showed him if you trace down the 120-degree west line of longitude (经 度)---which runs almost directly through Reno, Nev. --- you end up in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere west of Los Angeles. He replied that lines of longitude don’t cross the ocean. What? I told him that the lines of longitude were there to show how far west or east some location was, regardless of whether it was on land or on sea. There was one problem, however. He was bigger than me. I drew a number of conclusions from this story. There is such a thing as truth, but we often tend to ignore it. Also, it’s not just thinking something that makes it true. Truth not relative. It’s not subjective. It may be hidden. People may wish to ignore it. But there is such a thing as truth and pursuit (追求) of truth: trying to figure out what has really happened, trying to figure out how things really are. Almost 15 years ago, I came across a story about an innocent man, a man who had been sentenced to death in the Huntsville, Texas, electric chair. And through hard work and luck, I was able to make the movie The Thin Blue Line and to help get him out of prison. What kept me going was the belief that there had to be answers to the questions. “Did he do it?” “Was he guilty or innocent?” “If he didn’t do it, who did?” and that I could find an answer to these questions through investigating (调查). It’s not that we find truth with big “T”. We investigate and sometimes we find things out and sometimes don’t. There’s no way to know in advance. It’s just that we have to go ahead as though there are answers to questions. We must go ahead as though, in principle, we can find things out-even if we can’t. The alternative is unacceptable. I will never know whether the neighborhood kid really didn’t understand the logic of my argument about Reno. Nev. Or whether he understood it completely and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to pay up. I’ll never know. All I know is I never got my two dollars. 12.Why does the author tell the story of the neighborhood boy? A.To recall his good old days. B.To show his good sense of direction. C.To introduce the topic of finding truth. D.To stress the importance of geography. 13.Why did the boy say “The map is drawn funny.” in Paragraph 2? A.Because he had fun reading maps. B.Because he refused to admit his mistake. C.Because the map was drawn in a different way. D.Because there were some mistakes in the map. 14.What encouraged the author to make the movie The Thin blue Line? A.His devotion to films. B.His willingness to help. C.His belief in finding answers. D.His mercy for the innocent man. 15.What can we learn from the passage? A.Great minds think alike. B.It’s never too late to learn. C.Truth never fears investigation. D.Honesty is the best policy. 【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者小时候和邻家男孩的故事,让作者意识到 认识到真理是存在的,但我们常常倾向于忽视它。以及后来作者因为对寻找答案的信念,促使他拍 了 The Thin blue Line 这部电影,作者想要告诉我们事实真相从来不怕调查。 12.C 推理判断题。根据第七段第一句 There is such a thing as truth, but we often tend to ignore it.(真 理是存在的,但我们常常倾向于忽视它。)以及结合上文作者讲述的故事可知作者讲述了邻家 男孩的故事,是为了引出寻找真理的话题。故选 C。 13.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中 It wasn’t. Was his argument that the map didn’t preserve east, west, north and south? What kind of map would that be?(它没画错。他的论点是地图不存在东、西、 北、南吗?那会是什么样的地图呢?)以及倒数第二段中 Or whether he understood it completely and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to pay up.(或者他完全理解了,只是不想承认罢了。 或者他理解了,只是不想承认。或者他理解了,只是不想付钱。)可知男孩在第 2 段中说"地 图画错了",是因为他拒绝承认自己的错误。故选 B。 14.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段第一句 What kept me going was the belief that there had to be answers to the questions.(使我坚持下去的是一种信念,即问题必须有答案。)可知作者对寻找 答案的信念促使作者拍了 The Thin blue Line 这部电影。故选 C。 15.C 推理判断题。根据倒数第四段中 I could find an answer to these questions through investigating. (通过调查,我可以找到这些问题的答案。)以及文章主要内容为作者从小时候的故事得到启 发,认识到真理是存在的,但我们常常倾向于忽视它。以及文章讲述了作者通过调查来寻求 事实真相的故事,文章主要想要告诉我们事实从来不怕调查。故选 C。 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项;选项中有两项为多余选项。 Our world is more connected than ever before thanks to technology. 16. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly important that we all learn how to deal with this painful feeling. You should be determined to actively end your loneliness. We often end up passively waiting for someone else to make us feel less lonely. You may feel that your loneliness indicates that nobody is willing to connect with you. And there is nothing you can do about it. But that is far from the truth. 17. You should find reasons why you are lonely. We all feel lonely for different reasons. Some of us have no one to interact with on a consistent basis and that’s why we feel lonely. You may feel that the people in your life don’t share your thoughts and ideas. 18. you need to identify it. And you know exactly how to handle your loneliness. 19. People who are lonely tend to fall into destructive mental habits. They try to avoid the pain of not being understood and being disconnected by not giving people an opportunity to understand and connect with them. So the solution is to share your thoughts and feelings with others and to do so openly and fearlessly. You should find people who share your interests. 20. everybody is interested in something. And just as there are many interests, there are many people who share those interests. Find what interests you and connect with others on that basis. A.Whatever the reason is, B.When you feel really lonely, C.If you want to make friends with them, D.Whether it’s coin collecting or video games, E. You should be open about your thoughts, ideas and desires. F. Ending loneliness is something that you can and should pursue actively. G. However, more and more of us find ourselves having to stand loneliness. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了在现在社会中如何处理孤独感的方法。 16.G 根据下一句 Indeed, it is becoming increasingly important that we all learn how to deal with this painful feeling. 事实上,学会如何处理这种痛苦的感觉变得越来越重要。可知,这里“痛苦的 感觉”指代是选项 G 中的 loneliness“孤独感”,故选 G 项。 17.F 根据本段第一句 You should be determined to actively end your loneliness. 你应该下定决心主动 去结束你的孤独。可知,此处应选与主动结束孤独有关的选项,故选 F 项。 18.A 根据本段第一句 You should find reasons why you are lonely. 你应该找到你孤独的原因。可知, 此处应该选与找原因有关的选项,故选 A 项。 19.E 根据本段最后一句 So the solution is to share your thoughts and feelings with others and to do so openly and fearlessly. 所以解决的办法就是和别人分享你的想法和感受,而且要公开地、无所 畏惧地分享。可知,此处作为本段主旨句应该选与保持对自己的想法、主意和愿望开放的心 态,故选 E 项。 20.D 根据本段第一句 You should find people who share your interests. 你应该找到和你有共同兴趣的 人。D 选项中 coin collecting or video games 也是兴趣,故选 D 项。 第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。 It was many years ago. I was a college 21 with a degree but no job. My substitute teaching work had dried up and I was getting 22 .I had a family to feed and little money left. 23 ,my oldest brother had been able to get me a 24 at the local lumber mill where he worked. While I was 25 ,my first day there was quite a blow to my ego(自尊).The job 26 barely above minimum wage. The work was hard and back breaking. It was full of 27 ,lifting,and carrying heavy wood for eight hours a day. Splinters(木屑)were soon my best pals and every day I went home 28 and exhausted. When winter arrived my gloves tore and my fingers split and 29 in the cold air. I found myself using more band aids(创可贴)and duct tape than I ever 30 I would just to keep my hands working. The turn over rate at the mill became so 31 that at the end of two years only four other people had 32 there longer than I had. Every morning I would 33 myself out of bed and go to work knowing it was going to he another 34 day. I tried my best to keep my 35 up but many times during those years I found myself saying,“Why me,God? Why am I having to 36 this? Why has my life not turned out the 37 I dreamed it would?” I never got an 38 . It is only now many years later that I have a hint of 39 I had to go through those tough times. I think that it is the “Why Me?” times of our lives in which we 40 the most. 21.A.editor B.graduate C.professor D.student 22.A.delighted B.satisfied C.desperate D.modest 23.A.Hopefully B.Fortunately C.Sadly D.Frankly 24.A.job B.rise C.choice D.title 25.A.busy B.worried C.calm D.grateful 26.A.paid B.cost C.reduced D.wasted 27.A.stopping B.jumping C.bending D.wandering 28.A.aching B.trembling C.cheering D.choking 29.A.burnt B.broke C.shook D.bled 30.A.heard B.promised C.saw D.thought 31.A.low B.high C.fixed D.steady 32.A.relaxed B.waited C.prepared D.worked 33.A.push B.release C.press D.pull 34.A.difficult B.helpful C.interesting D.meaningful 35.A.hand B.voice C.spirits D.tunes 36.A.give up B.go through C.prepare for D.carry out 37.A.challenge B.way C.1evel D.structure38.A.answer B.aim C.order D.opportunity 39.A.how B.where C.why D.when 40.A.complain B.lose C.grow D.expect 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。作者在失业的情况下,被哥哥介绍到自己工作的地方,每天八 小时搬运沉重的木材,最开始回到家全身又疼又累,冬季的时候手套破了,手指被冷风吹得开裂流 血。就这样作者坚持了两年,两年后只有四个人比他工作的时间长。作者饱经磨难,每天问自己“为 什么是我?我为什么要经历这些”而在多年后,作者才逐渐明白正是这些“为什么是我”的时光里,人 才成长得最快。 21.B 考查名词词义辨析。A. editor 编辑;B. graduate 毕业生;C. professor 教授;D. student 学生。 根据下文 degree“学位”可知作者是拿到学位的毕业生,故选 B。 22.C 考查形容词词义辨析。A. delighted 高兴的;B. satisfied 满意的;C. desperate 绝望的;D. modest 谦虚的。由上文 My substitute teaching work had dried up 可知作者的代课教学工作结束了,又 找不到工作,因此很绝望。故选 C。 23.B 考查副词词义辨析。A. Hopefully 有希望地;B. Fortunately 幸运地;C. Sadly 悲伤地;D. Frankly 坦白地。根据下文 my oldest brother had been able to get me a ___24___ at the local lumber mill where he worked 可知作者在没有工作的情况下,他的哥哥在自己工作的地方为他找了份工作, 故选 B。 24.A 考查名词词义辨析。A. job 工作;B. rise 上升;C. choice 选择;D. title 标题。根据下文 at the local lumber mill where he worked 作者的哥哥在自己工作的地方为他找了份“工作”,故选 A。 25.D 考查形容词词义辨析。A. busy 忙碌;B. worried 担心的;C. calm 冷静的;D. grateful 感激的。 作者有了工作,因此非常“感激”,故选 D。 26.A 考查动词词义辨析。A. paid 支付;B. cost 花费;C. reduced 减少;D. wasted 浪费。句意:这 份工作仅比最低工资付的钱多一些。表示支付工资,故选 A。 27.C 考查动词词义辨析。A. stopping 停止;B. jumping 跳跃;C. bending 弯腰;D. wandering 闲逛。 根据下文 lifting、carrying heavy wood 可知作者需要一天八个小时不停地弯腰、抬举和搬运沉 重的木头。故选 C。 28.A 考查动词词义辨析。A. aching 疼痛;B. trembling 颤抖;C. cheering 使高兴;D. choking 阻塞。 因为每天搬运沉重的木材,所以作者每天全身“疼痛”而疲惫地回到家。故选 A。 29.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. burnt 烧伤;B. broke 打破;C. shook 摇动;D. bled 流血。句意:当冬天的时候,我的手套磨破了,我的手指在冷空气里会皲裂和流血。故选 D。 30.D 考查动词词义辨析。 A. heard 听说;B. promised 保证;C. saw 看见;D. thought 思考;认为。 句意:我发现自己用的创可贴和胶带比我认为的要多,只是为了让我的手继续工作。故选 D。 31.B 考查形容词词义辨析。A. low 低的;B. high 高的;C. fixed 修理;D. steady 稳定的。根据下 文 at the end of two years only four other people had ___32___ there longer than I had.两年后只有 四个人在这里工作的时间比我长,可知行业的周转率非常“高”,故选 B。 32.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. relaxed 放松;B. waited 等待;C. prepared 准备;D. worked 工作。此 处指只有四个人工作的时间比我长,故选 D。 33.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. push 推;B. release 释放;C. press 按;压;D. pull 拉。作者的工作非 常辛苦,因此每天都是将自己从床上“拉起来”,故选 D。 34.A 考查形容词词义辨析。A. difficult 困难的;B. helpful 有帮助的;C. interesting 有趣的;D. meaningful 有意义的。作者知道又是另一个困难的一天。故选 A。 35.C 考查名词词义辨析。A. hand 手;B. voice 声音;C. spirits 精神;D. tune 调子。固定短语 keep one’s spirits up“振作精神”,作者工作很辛苦因此每天都尽最大努力振作精神,故选 C。 36.B 考查动词短语辨析。A. give up 放弃;B. go through 经历;C. prepare for 准备;D. carry out 执 行。作者的工作很辛苦,因此作者问自己“为什么是我,上帝?为什么我必须经历这些?”表 示“经历;经受”故选 B。 37.B 考查名词词义辨析。A. challenge 挑战;B. way 方式;C. 1evel 水平;D. structure 结构。句意: 为什么我的生活没有像我梦想的那样呢?此处 way 表示“我梦想生活成为的那种方式、方向”, 故选 B。 38.A 考查名词词义辨析。A. answer 回答;B. aim 目标;C. order 命令;D. opportunity 机会。作者 询问上帝,但是从没有得到回答。故选 A。 39.C 考查连接词辨析。A. how 表方式;如何;B. where 表地点;在哪里;C. why 表原因;为什么; D. when 表时间;何时。本句为名词性从句,表示“我必须经历那些艰难时光”的原因,故选 C。 40.C 考查动词词义辨析。A. complain 抱怨;B. lose 丢失;C. grow 生长;D. expect 期待。句意: 我认为正是在我们生活中那些“为什么是我?”的时光中,我们成长得最多。故选 C。 第 II 卷(非选择题) 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China has named 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country specialist football schools 41.(lead) youth football development, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE). It's required that at least one football class 42.(offer) each week in these schools so that they can encourage their students to 43.(active) participate in football training and matches. China aims to have 50,000 schools specializing in youth football by the end of 2025, said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE, 44. (add) that to realize this goal, the ministry will take various measures that include building school football fields, training football coaches and providing extra funding and policy support. 45. those measures in schools, 47 football training camps have also been built in 46. effort to promote the sport among young people. And outstanding or 47. (gift) players will also have the chance to join inter-school teams for regional 48. (compete) and even national summer camps. In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of 49. have obtained coaching certificates. Moreover, the country 50. (step) up its efforts in promoting football in schools since it set up a seven-department joint task force, including the education, sport and finance authorities as well as the Chinese Football Association. 【文章大意】这是一篇新闻稿。中国已命名全国 24,126 所中小学为特色足球学校,来促进青少年 足球的发展,打造中国特色足球青训体系。 41.to lead 考查非谓语动词。句中主谓宾结构完整,所填词为非谓语动词,此处表示目的,用动词 不定式,故填 to lead。 42.be offered 考查虚拟语气和被动态。句中 it 为形式主语,that 引导的从句为主语从句,require 表 示“要求”,主语从句是“被要求”的内容,主语从句要用“should+动词原形”结构,should 常常可 以省略。在主语从句中的主语是 one football class 与谓语动词 offer 是动宾关系,是动作的接受 者,要用被动语态,此处为 should be offered,做语法填空时,省略 should。故填 be offered。 43.actively 考查副词。句中所填词修饰动词短语 participate in,要用副词,要填 active 的副词形式, 故填 actively。 44.adding 考查非谓语动词。句中逗号前无论主句还是宾语从句中主谓(宾)结构都完整,所填词 为非谓语动词,非谓语动词的逻辑主语为 Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE,是非谓语动 词动作的执行者,且非谓语动词动作与前面主句动词 said 同时发生,所以要用现在分词,故填 adding。45.Besides 考查介词。所填词后跟名词 measures,所填词应为介词,句中逗号后内容是对逗号前内 容的补充,两部分属同类,用介词besides“除……之外(还)”,句子首字母大写,故填Besides。 46.an 考查冠词。in an effort to do“努力做某事”是固定短语,effort 前要用不定冠词 an,故填 an。 47.gifted 考查形容词。所填词修饰名词 players,可以用形容词,语意为有天赋的运动员,gifted 是 形容词,意为“有天赋的”,符合题意,故填 gifted。 48. competitions 考查名词复数。competition 在句中意为“比赛、竞赛”,是可数名词,and 后为 camps,是名词复数,and连接的部分要对称平行,所以and前的名词也要用复数,故填competitions。 49.whom 考查非限制性定语从句。逗号后为非限制性定语从句,先行词是 teachers,指人,非限制 性定语从句中介词 of 后要用关系代词 whom,故填 whom。 50.has set 考查时态。句中 since 引导时间状语从句,表示从过去开始延续到现在的段时间,主句 要用现在完成时,主句主语是 the country,单数名词,故填 has set。 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处 语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 My favorite Japanese story “Natsume’s Book of Friends” opens exact in China at Thursday. The story of “Natsume’s Book of Friends” seems describe the daily life of Natsume and his cat teacher, but their relationship is filled with warmth and touched moments. The film received a lot of attentions before its release, as to the story has built a fan base in China over a decade. The promo song is sung by popular Chinese star Wang Yuan, belonged to the popular teen group TFBoys. The Chinese title of a song is translated as “As long as there is people you want to see, you are not alone.”, that conveys the theme of “loneliness and companionship, reunion and farewell.” 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了日本故事《夏目友人账》及其中文宣传曲。 第一处:exact→exactly 考查副词。句意:我最喜欢的日本故事《夏目友人账》在星期四那天刚好在中国上映。修饰动词 opens 用副词,故 exact 改成 exactly。 第二处:at→on 考查介词。句意参考上题解析,表示“在星期几”用介词 on,故 at 改成 on。 第三处:describe 前加 to 考查 seem to 的用法。句意:《夏目友人账》似乎描述了夏目漱石和他的 猫老师的日常生活。seem to do 表示“似乎、好像”,故 describe 前加 to。 第四处:touched→touching 考查形容词。句意:他们之间的关系充满了温暖和令人感动的时刻。修 饰 moments 用 ing 结尾的形容词,表示“令人……的”,故 touched 改成 touching。 第五处:attentions→attention 考查名词。句意:这部电影在上映之前就受到了很多关注,因为十多 年来,这个故事在中国已经建立了粉丝基础。attention 是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故 attentions 改成 attention。 第六处:去掉 to 考查 as 与 as to 的区别。句意参考上题解析,as 表示“因为”,as to 表示“至于”, 故去掉 to。 第七处:belonged→belonging 考查非谓语动词。句意:宣传曲是由中国属于当红少年组合 TFBoys 的王源演唱的。Wang Yuan 与 belong 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词表示主动,故 belonged 改成 belonging。 第八处:a→the 考查冠词。句意:这首歌的中文名被翻译成“只要你有想见的人,你就不孤单”,表 达了孤独与陪伴、团聚与告别的主题。此处特指上文提到的宣传曲,故 a 改成 the。 第九处:is→are 考查主谓一致。句意参考上题解析,根据 people 判断此处用 are,故 is 改成 are。 第十处:that→which 考查非限定性定语从句。句意参考第八处解析,此处指代先行词 Chinese title of the song,关系词在从句中作主语,that 不能引导非限定性定语从句,故 that 改成 which。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假如你是李华,获悉你校英语学习社团准备创办一份中学生英文校刊以促进大家的英语学习。 请你用英语给社团负责人 Mr Smith 写一封信,一来表达你得知此事的喜悦心情,二来提出你喜欢的 栏目(column)并简要说明理由。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr Smith, ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【参考范围】 Dear Mr Smith, I am very excited to learn that our English learning club is going to start an English magazine.It is indeed a wonderful idea and I’m sure it will make a success. I think it should be best if the school magazine would have 3 columns,such as School News,Teachers’ Advice and Students’ Voice. From the News Column we can learn about what is going on in our school.In Teachers’ Advice,our teachers can give us advice on how to learn English more efficiently. Students’ Voice will offer us a space to freely express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies. I believe this magazine will surely benefit us,and I am looking forward to reading it. Yours sincerely, Li Hua
