人教PEP四上Unit 4 Part B 第二课时练习题

人教PEP四上Unit 4 Part B 第二课时练习题


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Unit 4 Part B 第二课时 一、 听录音,写单词。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、听录音,选出你听到的句子。 1. A. The keys are on the fridge. B. The keys are on the sofa. C. The keys are on the table. 2. A. Where is the black bag? B. Where are the black glasses? C. Where are the black bags? 3. A. The bed is near the window. B. The bed is near the desk. C. The bed is near the door. 4. A. Look at the room. It has a blue bed. B. Look at the room. It has a blue desk. C. Look at the bedroom. It has a blue bed. 5. A. Are they near the phone? B. They are near the phone. C. Are they near the pens? 三、听录音,根据图片判断听到的句子是( T )否( F )正确。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、圈出与图片一致的单词。 1. table desk bed 2. knife keys knee 3. fan door floor 4. pencil pen pencil box 5. phone candy eggs 五、判断句子与图片是(Y)否(N)一致。。 ( )1. The keys are on the floor. ( )2. The glasses are on the table. ( )3. The phone is on the wall. ( )4. The football is near the desk. ( )5. The bag is under the chair.六、情景对话。 ( )1.你想描述电话在桌子上,可以说: ___________ A. The phone is on the table. B. The phone is under the table. ( )2.你想描述泰迪熊在床上,可以说: ___________ A. The teddy bear is in the bedroom. B. The teddy bear is on the bed. ( )3.你想询问钥匙是否在椅子上,可以说: ___________ A. Are the keys on the chair? B. The keys are on the chair. ( )4.你想知道猫是否在沙发下,可以说: ___________ A. The cat is under the sofa. B. Is the cat under the sofa? ( )5. 妈妈问你鸡蛋是否在冰箱里,你打开冰箱,发现冰箱里没有鸡蛋, 你可以回答: ___________ A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. 答案 一、 1. fridge 2. bed 3. study 4. table 5. sofa 6. phone二、 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 三、 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 四、1.desk 2.keys 3.door 4.pencil box 5.phone 五、1.Y 2.Y 3.N 4.N 5.N 六、1. A 2. B 3.A 4.B 5.B 听力材料 一、 听录音,写单词。 1. fridge 2. bed 3. study 4. table 5. sofa 6. phone 二、听录音,选出你听到的句子。 1. The keys are on the sofa. 2. Where are the black glasses? 3. The bed is near the window. 4. Look at the bedroom. It has a blue bed. 5. Are they near the phone? 三、听录音,根据图片判断听到的句子是( T )否( F )正确。 1. This is a living room. 2. There is a dog in the room. 3. The pictures are on the wall. 4. The light is near the bed. 5. The green shoes are on the floor.

资料: 3.6万


