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2020 届黑龙江省大兴安岭漠河县第一中学高二下英语第二次月考试题 第 I 卷 (选择题,共 70 分) I.阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A Leisure time classes for kids can help bored children learn how to make something new. These classes include building classes and craft classes that are full of fun. Home Depot Home Depot’s Kids Workshops happen on the first Saturday of every month. Past projects have included model race cars, mail organizers, picture frames, and planters. Classes are free. You’ll have to sign up for the workshops to make sure your child has a spot and that there are enough building materials to go around. These sometimes fill up quickly, so early action is necessary. Pottery Barn Kids Pottery Barn Kids hosts free classes for kids almost every weekend at stores along with free weekly story time for kids of all ages. These classes often include a special craft, texts from popular children’s books, and sometimes giveaways. Michaels Michaels craft stores host free classes for kids several times a month and sometimes even have weeklong events before big holidays. The classes at Michaels include all kinds of craft projects that usually center around a holiday or season. Most classes are great for dropping off the kids while shopping. Lego Stores Each month, Lego stores have free events for kids, aged 6-14, to come in and build a mini model. After they’ve built the mini model, they get to take it home for free. There is a limit of four children per household who can attend, and children must stay for the entire event to take home the Lego kit used for the model. Kits may not be picked up at a later time. 1. To make their kids get a better experience at Home Depot, parents should__________. A. Avoid classes taught before holidays. B. Choose suitable projects each weekend. C. Pay for the building materials of the workshops. D. Sign up for the class as soon as they can. 2. Where may be the best choice for kids to learn to make Halloween decorations? _______ A. Home Depot B. Michaels C. Pottery Barn Kids D. Lego Stores. 3. Lego Stores allow kids to _______. A. Complete after-class tasks at home. B. Keep the kits used for the model. C. decide how long each class will last. D. return the model within the required time. BI was five years old when my little brother, Mark, was born. On the photos, I appeared so thrilled that he had finally arrived. I held and bathed him, smiling from cheek to cheek. I do not remember that feeling now. Being the first child in the family, I was the one my parents tested their new parenting techniques on. I was their guinea pig. Mark was always the happy one, the joker, the one who won because of my battles with my parents. After too many fights, I declared war on Mark. We were now enemies. All I remember is being jealous of and angry with my innocent little brother. Thus, I made his life a misery. I teased, tricked, embarrassed, and fought with him, often leaving him in floods of tears. Our little sister was born when I was 11 and instantly she and Mark could not be separated. They pushed me aside. Was this because I was becoming a monster, or did I grow into an uglier green-eyed monster because they loved each other so much? Thankfully, Mark quickly grew tall and strong, and our conflict looked more like a cold war than bloodshed. It all ended suddenly when I went to study abroad. The hatred(仇恨) disappeared and love climbed in. Despite all the abuse Mark suffered he has implied that he has forgiven me, or even that there is nothing to forgive, although I have never brought up the subject in too much detail. I would like to; however, it would be a selfish move to look for more forgiveness. But I prefer to remember the hurt. During all those wasted years, I should have been the loving sister defending instead of attacking. 4. The underlined word “thrilled” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _______. A. Excited. B. Worried. C. Terrified. D. Disappointed. 5. Why did the writer consider her brother as her enemy? _______ A. She did so out of jealousy. B. She'd like to be a monster. C. She didn't like her brother. D. She used to be ill-treated. 6. What can we infer about the writer from the passage? _______ A. Her parents’ preference for boys to girls made her hate her brother. B. Separation helped her and her brother build up an affectionate relationship. C. Her parents used her as an experimental subject for their parenting techniques. D. Her conflict with her brother ended when she went to study abroad. 7. What does the writer really want to tell us in the passage? _______ A. She was looking for more forgiveness. B. She was never forgiven by her brother. C. She suffered much abuse from her brother. D. She felt regretful for what she had done. C Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot? It happens. You park and go shopping. When you get back, you have no idea where your car is. It can be discouraging. You don't need to install (安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car. That's too expensive. You would need to pay a monthly subscription fee just to use it. But is there a way to track your vehicle without spending a fortune? Yes, now there is! A California-based start-up company was able to make this a reality. They created a tiny device (装置)that works with your smartphone, and it could be exactly what you're looking for! It's called TrackR Bravo. It's changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone, connect the app to your device and you're ready to go! Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep an eye on. The entire process of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less. You can attach it to your keys, wallet and anything else you don't want to lose. Then use the TrackR app to find where your missing item are in seconds. Forget expensive GPS systems or tracking services. Nobody wants to pay expensive monthly subscription fees. We understand how stressful these things can be, and this is the reason why the company created TrackR. This device is your VIP when you need to take care of important things. If you forget where you park your car, take out your smartphone and open the TrackR app. Tap on the “lost item” sign on the screen and the app will tell you the exact location. This device is by no means expensive. TrackR only costs $29, a small price to pay for peace of mind. The device is small enough that you can attach it to your pets. Put it on their collar, and you will never lose track of them! Attach it to your key or wallet, and never waste a minute rummaging the whole house for it. Since you've been informed about this brilliant invention, now attach it to everything that's important to you. 8. Why does the author mention the lost car in the first Paragraph? _______ A .To explain how terrible the situation is B .To stress the importance of being cautious. C. To provide one common example about theft. D. To lead to the topic concerning finding lost items. 9. What's the feature of the TrackR app? _______ A .The process of setting up the app is complex B .The cost of setting up the app is rather high. C. The app helps locate the lost items in a short time. D. The app is available in any electronic equipment. 10. The TrackR was created because. _______ A. life is full of all kinds of pressure B. GPS systems can not provide specific location C. people want to keep their important items safe D. tracking services cause financial burden 11. Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word "rummaging" in Paragraph 5? _______ A. Moving B .Destroying C .Cleaning D. Searching D Facing increasing pressure to raise students’ scores on standardized tests, schools are urging kids to work harder by offering them obvious encouragements. Happy Meals are at the low end of the scale. With the help of businesses, schools are also giving away cars, iPods, seats to basketball games and— in a growing number of cases—cold, hard cash. The appeal of such programs is obvious, but the consequences of tying grades to goods are still uncertain. It’s been a common tradition in middle-class families to reward top grades with cash as a way to teach that success in school leads to success in life. But for many disadvantaged minority children, the long-term benefits of getting an education are not so clear, according to experts. No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education in the long run. But there are plenty of concerns that this kind of practice could have negative effects on kids. Virginia Shiller, a clinical psychologist, says that it’s worth experimenting with cash encouragements but that tying them to success on a test is not a worthwhile goal. “I’d rather see rewards based on effort and responsibility—things that will lead to success in life,” she says. Even if rewards don’t lead to individual achievement on a test, they could have a meaningful effect in the school. Charles McVean, a businessman and philanthropist ( 慈 善 家 ), started a tutoring program, which pays higher-achieving students $10 an hour to tutor struggling classmates and divides them into teams. During the course of the year, students bond (团结)and compete. The team posting the highest math scores wins the top cash prize of $100. McVean calls the combination of peer tutoring, competition, and cash encouragements a recipe for “nothing less than magic”. For its part, the Seminole County Public Schools system in Florida plans to continue its report card encouragement program through the rest of the school year. The local McDonald’s restaurants help the poor district by paying the $1,600 cost of printing the report card. Regina Klaers, the district spokeswoman, says most parents don’t seem bothered by the Happy Meals rewards. “There are many ways we try to urge students to do well, and sometimes it’s through the stomach, and sometimes it’s the probability of students winning a car,” she says, “One size doesn’t fit all.” 12. According to the text, it is a common practice for schools to________. A. offer free meals to students with high scores B. tie students’ grades to material rewards C. cooperate with business to improve teaching D. educate students to form a business sense 13. According to the text, the long-term results of giving students cash as rewards in education are_____. A. negative B. optimistic C. disappointing D. uncertain 14. The tutoring program run by Charles McVean_______. A. has a meaningful effect in inspiring students’ enthusiasm on study B. hires some excellent teachers to teach the struggling students C. is a program combining tutoring, competition and future job offers D. rewards the student with the highest scores with cash prize of $100 15. We can learn that in Seminole County_____. A. people are searching for a good-for-all method to urge students to do well B. many parents are not satisfied with the Happy Meals rewards C. the local McDonald’s restaurants provide the rewards for poor students D. there are various ways to inspire students to study hard 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。 Punctuation (标点) Is for Clarity When you talk, you do not depend upon words alone to tell your listener what you mean. ___16___ You shrug a shoulder, raise an eyebrow, clasp hands, bend forward or backward, stamp your foot, nod or shake your head. These body languages may vary from culture to culture but they do help the speakers to convey meanings. ___17___ You yell or whisper; speak calmly or angrily; lower or raise your voice at the end of a statement or a question. Meaning in talk is also affected by pauses and silence, which are often as significant as words themselves. ___18___Similarly, when we write, we cannot expect words alone to make clear to our reader what we have in mind. The pauses, stresses and gestures which occur in speech must be represented in writing by various marks of punctuation if meaning is to be fully clear. ___19___ Punctuation came into existence only for the purpose of making clear the meaning of writing words. Every mark of punctuation is a sort of road sign provided to help the reader along his way.___20___ It is harmful or ineffective if it interrupts the flow of thought from your mind to that of your readers. A. Facial and body gestures can and do add much to the words themselves. B. The needs of the eye are quite different from those of the ear. C. Each of us has probably seen a skilled actor convey ideas and moods without using any words at all. D. Additionally, the tones and stress of your voice can and do influence the meanings of words you speak. E. The practice of punctuation, however, has been changing in the last two centuries. F. Punctuation is effective if it helps the reader to understand G. Punctuation began to become standard in the middle of the 19th century II.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和 D)中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One day I was walking to the mailbox with my dad, when I saw something drop from a tree. I couldn't 21 what it was, so I kept my eyes on the spot as we came near. It was a baby bird, which had fallen from its nest. It had long, awkward wings and feet, and 22 that fought to stay open. It was 23 ,so I sat next to it watching while my dad got the mail. I 24 its nest and mother, 25 what had happened to it. My dad said we had to 26 it; there was nothing we could do. He said if the bird mother smelled any traces (踪迹) of 27 ,she wouldn't go near the 28 again. As we began to walk away, a woman 29 . "Did it fall out of a nest?"she asked. "Yeah.”I answered. "It 30 a lot. Not much we can do," she said. "Try not to think about it when you go to sleep tonight." I walked 31 the mailbox the next day. The baby bird lay 32 in the grass. I realize that trying not to think about it is the 33 of many people towards things which 34 to provide them with perfect excuses 35 not bothering. The woman wasn't being 36 ;she was actually quite nice. But when everyone says "there's 37 I can do—just try not to think about it"? where will we finally 38 ?When billions of people 39 try not to think about it and go to bed at night, there might be millions of fallen birds lying dead and 40 in the grass the next morning. 21. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak 22. A. arms B. eyes C. feathers D. claws 23. A. bored B. stupid C. lovely D. clever 24. A. looked for B. stared at C. pointed to D. turned back 25. A. suggesting B. wondering C. deciding D. finding 26. A. help B. catch C. leave D. kill 27. A. children B. animals C. humans D. insects28. A. tree B. baby C. grass D. person 29. A. returned B. approached C. interrupted D. left 30. A. changes B. cries C. suffers D. happens 31. A. from B. beyond C. into D. past 32. A. asleep B. alive C. still D. dead 33. A. consideration B. feeling C. attitude D. understanding 34. A. seems B. proves C. refuses D. fails 35. A. from B. for C. about D. of 36. A. kind B. cruel C. silly D. friendly 37. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 38. A. start out B. end up C. settle down D. come from 39. A. possibly B. particularly C. simply D. luckily 40. A. remembered B. buried C. eaten D. forgotten 第 II 卷(非选择题,共 80 分) III.语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空, 并将答案填写在答卷相应位置上。 Beijing was once a city of bikes, 41 cars were reserved for official business. However, decades of economic 42 (grow) led to a large number of cars in the city. Owning one became not just a marker of reaching the middle class but also a requirement for marriage. As the economy developed, autos pushed bikes off the roads, 43 (create) heavy pollution and miserable traffic. 44 (fortunate), now Beijing may be returning to its roots. Thanks to about 20 technology companies, brightly colored shared bikes 45 (flood) into Beijing in the last two years. Many local residents welcome the shared bikes 46 the flexibility and freedom they offer. They ride the bikes and then drop 47 off anywhere they like, locking the back wheel, with no need to find a fixed place. Analyses in China say it is three factors that contribute to shared bikes 48 (increase) rapidly: a lot of cash looking for a home, a good idea and government support. As the city’s population grew, traffic jams got 49 (bad). Shared bikes could solve the “last mile” problem in 50 environmentally friendly way. IV.英语知识运用(每题 2 分,共 30 分) 根据选修 6 unit1—unit5 单元所学知识补全句子 51. He does physical exercise every day (strength) his body. 52. Once, I took part in a national hostess speaking contest _______________ our school and won first place. (短语:代表) 53. The governor gave the order that the flood (control) before dark. 54. It is said that he general manager last week. (短语:被任命为) 55. All of them remain my children their long absence. (短语:不管;不顾;尽管) 56. It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do benefits our work most. 57. I have been consistently opposed to (feed) a baby regularly. 58.We will reach the top of the hill at last we try our best to climb the hill. (只 要)59. It was a good concert -- I enjoyed the last song . (短语:尤其;特别) 60. If I (be) you, I would not refuse the good chance. 61. Jim was once an orphan, who by Mrs. Green 20 years ago. Thanks to her , Jim could receive a good education. (adopt) 62. He was (ban) from driving for three years. 63. With business going on well, the man at first big houses, cars, and later he took of stocks of different companies. (possess) 64. Yesterday four robbers (shoot) dead on the spot because they resisted the police stubbornly. 65. He left home and he couldn’t hide his . (anxious) V.短文改错 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修 改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 The approach of the college entrance examination announce the end of my stressful high school life. Actually, I’m planning for a relaxed and meaningful summer vacation. The first thing to come to my mind is to get a driving license, what I think is a must for most high school student in China. Apart from a completely relaxation, I also plan to take an English course to improve my speaking English. In addition to, I want to take active part in different social activities to better myself. I believe the vacation will be fascinating before I finish the exam. I can’t wait to enjoy them! VI.书面表达(25 分) 假如你是李华,你校英国交换生 Tom 在邮件中说他被 Oxford University 录取了, 邀请你本周六晚参加庆祝派对,但你那天要参加汉语诗词(poetry)比赛,不能参 加派对。请用英语给他回复邮件。 内容包括: 1. 祝贺他被录取 2. 说明不能参加的理由 3. 祝愿派对成功 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯2020 届黑龙江省大兴安岭漠河县第一中学高二下英语第二次月考试题答案 阅读理解 1-3 D B B 4-7 A A B D 8-11 D C D D 12-15 B D A D 16—20 A D C B F 完形填空 21-40 CBCAB CCBBD DDCAB BABCD 语法填空 41. where 42 growth 43. creating 44. Fortunately 45. have flooded 46. for 47. them 48. increasing 49. worse 50. an 英语知识运用 51. to strengthen 52.on behalf of 53.(should) be controlled 54.was appointed as/to be 55. in spite of/regardless of 56.that 57.feeding 58. as long as/so long as 59. in particular 60.were 61.was adopted; adoption 62.banned 63.possessed; possession 64.were shot 65. anxiously; anxiety 短文改错 第一行:announce-announces 第二行:relaxed-relaxing 第三行:what-which 第四行:student-students;completely-complete 第五行:speaking-spoken;去掉 to;take 后加 an 第七行:before-after;them-is 书面表达 Dear Tom, Congratulations on your being admitted to Oxford University! I’ m grateful and honored to be invited to your celebration party to be held this Saturday evening. However, much to my regret, I have to decline your kind invitation. As you know, a Chinese Poetry Competition is being held in our school and I have successfully entered the final round competition, which happens to be scheduled on this Saturday and will not end until late into the evening. It’s a great pity that I can’t make it to your party. But I’ve prepared a gift for you and hopefully you will like it. May your party be a great success and enjoy yourself that day! Yours, Li Hua

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