外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 2

外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 2


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1 外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案 Module 2 第二卷 笔试部分(80 分) 五、单项选择。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (  )21. My father is ________ actor, and my mother is ________ hotel manager. A. an; a B. an; an C. a; anD. a; a (  )22. Hello! ________ my sister. A. This is B. You are C. It's a D. He is (  )23. ________ are his brothers. A. It B. This C. That D. These (  )24. Those are my ________. A. grandparent B. grandfather C. grandmother D. grandparents (  )25. ________your brother? A. Are they B. Do they C. Is that D. Does that (  )26. My father's mother is my ________. A. aunt B. sister C. brother D. grandmother (  )27. Tony's ________are all in England. A. mother B. father C. home D. family (  )28. ________ father is a manager in a hotel. A. Betty and Lily's B. Betty's and Lily C. Betty's and Lily's D. Betty and Lily (  )29. —Where are they from? —The children are from America but ________ grandparents are from England and Japan. A. they B. them C. their D. its (  )30. —What's your job? 2 —________. A. I'm a teacher B. I'm twelve C. I'm fine, thank you D. I'm from England 六、完形填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My name is Li Yan. I'm a middle school __31__. I am thirteen years old. I'm __32__ China, so I can speak __33__. I can speak a little English, too. My father is a teacher in a __34__. He can speak Chinese, English __35__ Japanese. He teaches Japanese. He likes __36__. He can swim and play table tennis. My __37__ is a worker. __38__ works in a factory. She __39__ only speak Chinese. She likes music and she can sing and play the __40__. (  )31. A. teacher B. doctor C. student D. worker (  )32. A. from B. for C. of D. at (  )33. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. China (  )34. A. factory B. hotel C. hospital D. university (  )35. A. and B. but C. for D. or (  )36. A. food B. sports C. songs D. colours (  )37. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister (  )38. A. She B. He C. It D. They (  )39. A. is B. can C. likes D. are (  )40. A. tennis B. football C. basketball D. piano 七、阅读理解。(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A My name is Lisa Gibson. I am from the United States. I am 12 years old. And I am a student in No. 2 Middle School in Beijing. Mrs. Wang is our Chinese teacher. My friend is also a student here. Her name is Maria Smith. She is from England. She is 13 years old. Maria and I are new students in No. 2 Middle School. We like our Chinese class. (  )41. Who is the writer of this reading? 3 A. A teacher in China. B. A student from England. C. A student from America. D. Maria Smith. (  )42. What is the writer's family name? A. Lisa. B. Gibson. C. Maria. D. Smith. (  )43. Who is Mrs. Wang? A. The writer's math teacher. B. The writer's English teacher. C. The writer's Chinese teacher. D. The writer's student. (  )44. How old is Maria? A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. D. Fourteen. B My family is not very big. There are only three cats. I'm a white cat. My name is Snow White. My husband (丈夫)is a black cat. His name is Captain Black Cat. We have a pretty (漂 亮的)daughter. Her name is Lily. She is black and white. She's two years old. We live a happy life. Every day we work hard to catch the mice (捉老鼠). We help people live a happy life in this house. (  )45. In the cat's family there are ________cats. A. five B. two C. three D. four (  )46. Mother Cat is ________. A. white B. black C. black and white D. green (  )47. Mother Cat and Father Cat have a ________. A. son B. sister C. teacher D. daughter (  )48. The black cat is Lily's ________. A. mother B. friend C. husband D. father C Hello, my name's Olivia. I'm a student in Nanjing Middle School. I'm 13 years old. Here is a nice photo. Who are in the photo? These are my grandparents. My grandfather's name is Peter Brown. Laura is my grandma. She wears a purple jacket. Purple is her favorite color. They have 4 two sons, Frank and Robert, and a daughter, Mandy. Frank is my father. He is an English teacher in my school. This is my mother, Dora. She is in a red jacket. Robert is my uncle. He has a son, Charles. Charles is not in this photo. He is 9. Who's that woman? She is my aunt, Mandy. Is the girl my sister? No, she isn't. she is my cousin. She's my uncle's daughter. Her name is Rita. She and I are of the same age. Rita is in my school. Philip is my brother. He isn't in this photo, either. He is in Beijing. (  )49. Mandy is Philip's ________. A. sister B. cousin C. mother D. aunt (  )50. Who wears a red jacket? A. Laura. B. Mandy. C. Rita. D. Dora. (  )51. What can we know from the passage? A. Olivia has three cousins. B. Rita is 13 years old. C. Frank is a teacher in Beijing Middle School. D. Peter is Robert and Rita's father. (  )52. The passage mainly talks about Olivia's ________. A. school B. family C. friends D. teachers D Dear Anna, Thank you for the photo of your family. This is my family photo. My grandfather is on the right. My parents are on the left. My father's name is Mike Smith. He is an English teacher. My mother is Linda Smith. She is not a teacher. That boy is my brother. His name is Mark. He is 12. He is in Class 2 Grade 5. That girl is me. I'm 14. I'm in Class 1 Grade 7. Yours, Susan 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 53. What is Mike Smith?(不超过 5 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 54. Who is Mark?(不超过 5 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 5 55. What class is Susan in?(不超过 10 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 八、补全对话。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) A:56. ________ B:Yes, she is. A:57. ________ B:Her name is Millie. A:Uh? 58. ________ B:Um, she is from Canada (加拿大). A:59. ________ B:Yes, she speaks English. A:60. ________ B: No, she can't. 九、单词拼写。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 61. The children have to work on the family f (农场). 62. The w (妇女)behind her is my mother. 63. I am going to the h (医院)to visit my brother. 64. There is an open­air t (剧院)near my home. 65. My c (堂兄)Sam often plays basketball with me after school. 十、书面表达。(15 分) 假如你是陈浩,作为交换生在英国学习,今天是你第一次上课,老师让你做个自 我介绍,请你根据下表中的信息,完成自我介绍。词数 40 左右,开头已给出,不计入 总词数。 姓名 年龄 家乡 爱好 家庭 陈浩 15 中国广州 打篮球和乒乓球 父亲 45 岁,是一名 警察;母亲 40 岁, 是一名护士。 Hello, boys and girls. _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ A. Can she speak Chinese? B. Where is she from? C. Is the girl your new friend? D. What's her name? E. Does she speak English? 6 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. A 解析:actor 是以元音音素开头的单词, 因此应用 an;hotel manager 是以辅音音素开头的词, 因此应用 a。故选 A。 22. A 解析:介绍别人用“This is… ”句型。 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. A 解析:由 father 为单数可知此处是指贝蒂和莉莉她们两个人共有一个 爸爸。在英语中, 表示两者或两者以上共同所有, 在最后一个名词后加 “'s”。故选 A。 29. C 30. A 解析:由句意可知, 问句是在询问对方的职业。A 回答职业;B 回答 年龄;C 回答身体状况;D 回答来自什么地方。故选 A。 六、31. C 解析:由“I am thirteen years old. ”可知李岩是一名学生。故选 C。 32. A 33. A 解析:speak+语言意为“讲……语”。句意:我来自中国, 因此我会 讲汉语。故选 A。 34. D 35. A 36. B 解析:由下一句“他会游泳和打乒乓球。”可知他喜欢运动。故选 B。 37. B 解析:短文第二、三段分别介绍了作者和作者的爸爸, 因此, 这一部 分介绍作者的妈妈。故选 B。 38. A 39. B 40. D 解析:play the + 乐器, 表示“演奏某种乐器”。 七、(A)41~44:CBCC 7 (B)45. C 46. A 47. D 解析:从短文第一段“We have a pretty(漂亮的) daughter. ”可知它们 有一个漂亮的“女儿”。故选 D。 48. D 解析:从短文第一段“My husband(丈夫) is a black cat. ”可知猫妈妈 的丈夫是一只黑色的猫, 也就是说这只黑猫是莉莉的爸爸。故选 D。 (C)49~52:DDBB (D)53. He is an English teacher. 54. He is Susan's brother. 55. She is in Class 1 Grade 7. 八、56~60:CDBEA 九、61. farm 62. woman 63. hospital 64. theatre 65. cousin 十、  Hello, boys and girls. My name is Chen Hao. I am from Guangzhou, China. I am 15 years old. My hobby is playing basketball and playing ping­pong. My father is 45 years old. He is a policeman. My mother is 40 years old. She is a nurse.

资料: 8611


