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1 2019-2020 学年江阴市第一初级中学第一次模拟卷 初三英语 2020.6.2 一、单项填空 1. --Have you heard of Li Wenliang, doctor in Wuhan Central Hospital? -- Yes, it's said that he was one of first men to remind people of the corona virus. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. / ; the 2. — __________ will the COVID-19 outbreak be over? — No idea, but Mr Zhong Nanshan said,“There’s still the possibility that it could end in June.” A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 3. --The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has of the fat. --It suits my mother, she is on a diet. A. any B. neither C. some D. none 4. –Where was Mr John at that time?- -Em, we found the robot. Something was wrong with it. A. him fixing B. he fixed C. that he fixed D. he fixing 5.--May I speak to Mr. Green? --Sorry, the wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A. go through B. look through C. run through D. put through 6. Many scientists believe human beings will face more serious problems ______they take action to change the way they live. A. but B. though C. unless D. until 7. --This task is really beyond me.-- Well. if you_______ solve it, you won’t get paid. A. needn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 8. The online charity concert One World: Together at Home provided the fans with a chance to take a look at their favourite artists’ living rooms __________ the wonderful show. A. as good as B. as soon as C. as long as D. as well as 9. Though he never held a high __________ in the government, the poet still cared about common people. A. condition B. position C. education D. situation 10.--Do you know in Tokyo?--It will be put off, but the date hasn't been decided yet. A. when will the 32nd Olympic Games take place B. when the 32nd Olympic Games will be held C. when will the 32nd Olympic Games be held D. when the 32nd Olympic Games will be taken place 11.--I hear that we may have to be at school on Saturday this term! --What?! I've never heard of idea before. A. a crazier B. the crazier C. a craziest D. the craziest 12. --It's said that Chris achieved high grades in the exam.-- That's no surprise .He is__________, you know. A. a dark horse B. a green hand C. an early bird D. a wet blanket 13. --May I go to the cinema with Tom tomorrow, mom? --Of course, if your homework _______ by then. A. will be finished B. finish C. will finish D. is finished 14. — I’m afraid Mr Friend can’t see you until 4 o’clock. — Oh, __________, I won’t wait. A. no doubt B. in that case C. after all D. in this way 二、完形填空 Chef Zhang Xuesi lowered the fire on the stove where he was cooking his Cantonese meal. He added all the necessary foods, 15_ the seafood, shrimp. He quickly lowered the fire and turned toward a phone camera 16 hundreds of people watched him online.2 Many people in China have to stay in their homes in the effort to stop the 17 of coronavirus. Millions of them are finding a new interest in cooking. People watching television and online cooking shows are learning 18 to make Chinese and Western foods. They are also pushing up the sale of special cookware on online markets. The Chinese video streaming company Billibilli said it has had more than 580 million views of its 19 videos in the two months since Another online cooking show producer DayDayCook told Reuters its numbers of new users 20 200 percent from January to February. A recipe for bean curd and shrimp received the most watchers. "We have never gained new users with such speed since we launched the 21 in 2012," said founder and leader Norma Chu. Many new home cooks are young people living in cities, say industry leaders. This group is used to 22 in restaurants or getting food delivery. Now these people are cooking at home. Wu Shuang is a 30-year-old who works in Beijing, the capital. She was 23 those trapped at home in February. She says she spent a lot of time online, learning how to make bread and other foods. Chef Zhang explained that many of his online viewers expressed 24 in discussing more than just food. 15. A. including B. forgetting C. having D. remembering 16. A. why B. before C. as D. after 17. A. coming B. spread C. return D. birth 18. A. what B. where C. when D. how 19. A. cooking B. fire C. dancing D. singing 20. A. got B. increased C. reduced D. became 21. A. service B. beginning C. ending D. actions 22. A. playing B. eating C. drinking D. buying 23. A. between B. besides C. opposite D. among 24. A. feeling B. humour C. interest D. anger 三、阅读理解 (A) Many expressions that we use in American English come from novels. Today we will look at some of them from Lewis Carroll’s famous novel Alice in Wonderland in detail. The story is about a young girl falling down a rabbit hole. When she finally lands, she finds herself in a strange world and meets some strange characters. The first character Alice meets is the White Rabbit, who runs past her and says some strange words. Alice chases him, and that is where her adventures begin. As she runs after the rabbit, she falls down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. The expression 25 can mean to enter an unexpected situation. However, usually we use this expression to mean we get interested in something to the point of distraction (分神). It often happens by accident and is about something not that meaningful. Later in the story, Alice meets the March Hare and the Hatter at a crazy tea party. Hares have long been thought to behave excitedly in March, which is their mating (交配) season. Scientifically, this may not be true. But 26 means that someone is totally mad, or crazy. The expression 27 also means to be completely crazy and is more common. But don’t tell the March Hare. He must be green with envy! 25-27. Please choose the best expression for each blank. A. to chase a white rabbit B. to be mad as a March hare C. to be mad as a hatter D. to fall down the rabbit hole3 (B) We interviewed singer Maisie Peters after she gave a private show at Atlantic Records in Manhattan, New York. We had a lot of fun chatting with her – we even got to sing with her! Q: At what age did you start singing and playing the guitar, and do you play other instruments? A: I think I started singing probably when I was 8 in a singing club. When I started playing the guitar, I was 12 or 13 years old. Actually, I played the guitar at first. I played it during my whole elementary school period, but I was so bad. My twin sister at that time played the clarinet. We were both equally awful. So my poor parents had to listen to terrible noises. Then I gave that up. Q: How do you remember the words to your songs? A: I sing them a lot. I guess when you do anything a lot, it’s just easier to remember. You just have to practice all the time. Before I go on stage, I sing all the words under my breath. I still forget words sometimes, which is embarrassing. But you get over it and it’s fine. Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a singer? A: If you’re going to be a singer, put yourself out there as much as you can. It’s pretty easy to do that nowadays with social media and YouTube. And that’s how I got started. And when you’re my age … you feel like you’ve got the best stuff to present. You can start a career on your own nowadays. You don’t need anyone to help you with that. So just put yourself out there. 28. What instrument does Maisie Peters play? . A. Guitar. B. Flute. C. Clarinet. D. Piano. 29. According to Peters, singing songs under her breath . A. can help her remember the words to her songs every time B. helps her feel less embarrassed when she makes mistakes C. helps her prepare herself before going on stage D. successfully makes her get over all difficulties 30. Which of the following is a suggestion from Peters? . A. It is important to find someone to help you start your career. B. You can start your career online on your own. C. Young people should start to work as early as possible. D. It is easy to become famous. (C) I remember my first fire. I was the second volunteer on the scene, so there was a pretty good chance I was going to get in. When I found the captain, he was having a conversation with the homeowner in a hurry. She was surely having one of the worst days of her life. Here it was, the middle of the night, she was standing outside in the pouring rain, under an umbrella, without shoes, while her house was in fire. The other volunteer who had arrived just before me -- let's call him Lex Luther -- came first and was asked to go inside and save the homeowner's dog. Well, I was next. The captain waved me over. He said, "Bezos, I need you to go into the house. I need you to go upstairs, and I need you to get this woman a pair of shoes." So, not exactly what I was hoping for, I went -- up the stairs, down the hall, past the 'real' fire fighters, who were pretty much done putting out the fire at this point, into the master bedroom to get a pair of shoes.4 Now I know what you're thinking, but I'm no hero. A few weeks later, the department received a letter from the homeowner thanking us for the valiant effort displayed in saving her home. The act of kindness she noted above all others: someone had even got her a pair of shoes. So as I look around this room at people who either have achieved, or are on their way to achieving, remarkable levels of success, I would offer this reminder: don't wait. Don't wait until you make your first million to make a difference in somebody's life. If you have something to give, give it now. Not every day is going to offer us a chance to save somebody's life, but every day offers us an opportunity to affect one. So get in the game. Save the shoes. 31.Who was Bezos? . A. a volunteer B. the captain C. a fire fighter D. the homeowner 32.Why does the writer say “but I'm no hero”? Because . A. he didn’t get the shoes successfully B. the captain put out the fire successfully C. the first volunteer was a hero D. he thought the fire fighters did a good job 33.Which of the following sayings is similar to “Save the shoes”? . A. Do as the Romans do B. Do it now C. Do you would be done by D. Do well and have well (D) A jigsaw is a power-driven saw (锯) used to cut sharp curves (急弯曲线) in pieces of wood. A jigsaw is also a puzzle. It is made up of a large number of small, interlocking pieces. Each piece has a small part of a picture on it. A completed puzzle produces a picture or design. Jigsaw puzzles were first created by producing a picture on a flat, rectangular (矩形) piece of wood, then cutting that picture into small pieces with a jigsaw – that’s where the name comes from! Pictures found on jigsaw puzzles mainly include scenes from nature, city life and similar designs. Castles, mountains and water scenes are traditional subjects. However, any kind of picture can be used to make a jigsaw puzzle. Cartoon-styles are popular. There are companies that create puzzles from personal photographs. Completed puzzles can also be glued onto a piece of wood to make a wall hanging. The first jigsaw puzzles were designed as geography teaching tools by John Spilsbury in 1767. His “jigsaw” was a map puzzle. It was a hand-painted map of England on a piece of wood. It was a successful teaching method. He went on to make over thirty other map puzzles. The pieces were not interlocking. With the invention of power tools more than a century later, jigsaw puzzles with fully interlocking pieces came into being. The jigsaw machine could cut sharp curves. Then the name jigsaw puzzles came into being. Jigsaw puzzles became very popular in the United States in the early 1930s, when people had difficulty in finding jobs and making money. Today puzzles of all sizes are a standard item in toy shops and supermarkets. However, they usually come in 300-piece, 500-piece, 750-piece, and 1,000-piece sizes. The largest one even has 24,000 pieces. Some jigsaws are quite tricky. Try doing one with all pieces without pictures on it. A few puzzles are made double-sided, so they can be solved from either side. This increases the difficulty, because the puzzle solver cannot be certain which way up each piece goes. Some jigsaws do not have straight edges (边缘). The edge pieces could be any interlocking piece. Solving these jigsaws requires more effort than doing those straight-edged ones. Others designedly have a piece or two missing. Jigsaws are no longer educational toys but are used for entertainment or a hobby.5 34. What can we learn about jigsaw puzzles? A. Cartoon-style pictures are traditional subjects of jigsaw puzzles. B. People can choose any photo they like to use in a jigsaw puzzle. C. The smallest jigsaw puzzle in the world has three hundred pieces. D. There are many small, interlocking pieces in all the jigsaw puzzles. 35. Which of the following can most probably be made by John Spilsbury? 36. Which of the following jigsaws is the most difficult to solve? A. A double-sided jigsaw with straight edges. B. A one-sided jigsaw with straight edges. C. A double-sided jigsaw with curved edges. D. A one-sided jigsaw with curved edges. 37. What can we infer (推断) from the passage? A. Puzzles are cheap entertainment that can be replayed or passed on to others. B. By 1767, students began to learn geography by putting the puzzles back together. C. Spilsbury continued to build more puzzles with different area maps and sell them. D. Early wooden puzzles had pictures printed to the front and lines for cutting on the back. 四、词汇运用 38.You could see from his face that he was (撒谎). 39.I thought about what she had said and stayed (醒着的)all night. 40. --Ouch,the spilt milk has made a terrible (乱七八糟) on the carpet. 41.The weather is so nice. It is (高度地)possible that I'll go walking outside. 42. Trump made the announcement in a (speak) on television. 43. Fame(成名) is often (simple) a matter of being in the right place at the right time. 44. --May looks sad today. Do you know what has happened? --I hear that she had her purse _____________ (steal) on the bus. 45. Please cheer (you)up by playing this game at the beginning of this activity, guys. 五、动词填空 46. --Have you seen Mr. Black, a tall man? --Yes, he (fix) the washing machine for Granny Li. This way, please. 47. As the story (develop), the truth is discovered little by little. 48. --Are you going to Hong Kong for further study after graduation? --Well. I __________ (not decide). I may make some other choices.6 49. --Tom, what did your teacher suggest to improve your spoken English yesterday? --__________ (read) aloud as often as possible. 50. The purpose of new technology is to make life we have been used to easier, __________ (not make ) it more difficult. 51. On April 4th this year, people all over China (ask)to join in three minutes' silence to pay respect to the victims of the pandemic. 六、阅读填空 Our smart phones are amazing, but our connections can be so slow. The future in science-fiction movies seems so close, yet so far away. 5G technology makes that future look easily achievable. What is 5G? It’s the latest generation of cellular (蜂窝状的) network technology. It is faster and more stable (稳定的) than 4G. This powerful wireless network will change the way we live. Transportation With the introduction of 5G and smart technology, traffic lights, buses and even cars begin to communicate with each other. We will be able to check traffic flow so that traffic jams (拥堵) may soon become a thing of the past. Moreover, it’s reported there is a good possibility of seeing driverless cars on our roads. With the help of 5G, these cars will be able to react to sudden changes in their environment at once, such as a dog running across the road. Medical treatment With 5G networking, all the people can have the chance to use top medical resources. Before treatment, 5G will support video calls with doctors and provide advice for those who can’t visit a hospital at once. After being treated, wearable tech will send information to doctors in no time, allowing hospitals to monitor the patients from their homes. It also allows surgeons to perform operations remotely, using robots. In March, 2019, China completed its first 5G-based human brain surgery between a doctor and a patient located more than 4,000 kilometers away. Five months later, robots guided by Beijing doctors completed a test operation in three different locations at the same time! It seems that 5G will make our life more exciting and convenient wherever we use it. Title: 5G Makes a Great Difference Explanation of 5G It is an __52__ generation wireless system, which is faster and more stable than 4G. Some ways that 5G will change the world Transportation Being able to check traffic flow will announce the 53 of traffic jams. Higher speed and better stability will make it 54 to operate driverless cars smoothly and safely. Medical treatment With 5G networking, the doctors and nurses can come to the patients. Operations can be done by robots guided by doctors 55 else. Conclusion 5G technology makes it easier for people to 56 a more exciting and convenient future.7 七、完成句子 (1’) 57. 新冠肺炎极易传染,人们很难控制它的蔓延。 CONVID-19 is so infectious that people _________________________________ the spread of this disease. 58. 我想知道无锡的第一条地铁已通车多久了。 I wonder how long the first underground in Wuxi . 59. 因为长的很像,小时候她经常被误认成她妹妹。 She her younger sister at an early age because they look alike. 60. 你仔细观察后,才能发现这两张画的区别。 You won't find out the difference between the two pictures them. 61. 目前实践证明,中国的制度比起别国的制度有着很多优势。 Now practice has proved that the system of China __________________________________________others. 62. 欢迎你随时告诉我们你不满意的地方。 You’re welcome to let us know what________________________________________________ at any time. 八、书面表达 (本大题共 15 分) 回顾初中三年,你在学习、生活等方面取得了优异的成绩,这些成绩的背后离不开老师的辛勤教诲, 家长 的次次鼓励,还有……,你很感谢他们。你校英语报“Have you say”栏目正向即将毕业的你们征集感恩主题 的征文。假设你叫刘奇,请以 Say “thanks”to __________为题,并结合具体事例,写一篇英语短文,参加 提示: 1.Introduce the person you want to thank.(appearance, personality…) 2.Explain the reason why you want to thank her/him. 3.Express the way you want to thank her/him. Say “thanks” to______________ Looking back on the past three years, I’d like to say “thanks” to _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________8 一模答案 2020.6 一、单项选择 (本大题共 14 分,每小题 1 分) 1—14 ABDAD CBDBB ACDB 二、完形填空 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 15.-24 ACBDA BABDC 三、阅读理解(本大题共 26 分,每小题 2 分 25---37 DBC ACB ADB BDCA 四、词汇运用 (本大题共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 38. lying 39. awake 40. mess 41. highly 42. speech 43. simply 44.stolen 45. yourselves 五、动词填空 (本大题共 6 分,每小题 1 分) 46. is fixing 47.develops 48. haven’t decided 49. Reading 50.not to make 51. were asked 六、任务型阅读(本大题共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 52. up-to-date 53. end 54. possible 55. somewhere 56. achieve/reach 七、完成句子 (本大题 6 分,每小题 1 分) 57. have great difficulty (in) controlling (0.5+0.5) 58. has been in use/service (0.5+0.5) 59. was often mistaken for (时态 0.5+词组 0.5) 60. until /before you take a close look at (0.5+0.5) 61. has many advantages over that of (0.5+0.5) 62. you are not satisfied with (时态 0.5+词组 0.5) 八、书面表达 (本大题 15 分)(2 篇作文范文,加工第一篇,谢谢) 评分注意点:1.学生用简单明了的英语把三点提示内容写完整; 2.感恩对象可以是老师,家长,同学,朋友等; 3.文章注意结构和层次。9 Possible versions: Say “thanks” to my English teacher! Looking back on the past three years, I’d like to say “thank you” to my English teacher. She is tall and slim. She is humorous and popular among us. she’s kind and patient too. I would like to thank her for her help with my English. When I was in Grade 7,I was not good at English, so I was often silent and said nothing in class. Once I did badly in an English test, and I lost heart. However, she had a patient talk with me and encouraged me to be more active in class. Since then, I have worked hard and made great progress. I feel lucky to be her student. I will work even harder to make myself better . I will let her feel proud of me. Say “thanks” to John! Looking back on the past three years, I’d like to say “thank you” to John. John is my classmate. He’s tall and strong. He is outgoing and humorous. He is also very helpful. So he has many friends in our class. I would like to thank him for his help with my English. When I was in Grade 7,once I lost interest in learning English. It was John who encouraged me never to give up, he also helped me a lot with my English after class. With his help, I have made great progress in my English. I feel lucky to have such a classmate. Whenever he needs me, I will help him as much as possible. 档次 得分 错误情况 第五档 15 分 无错;书写规范、语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意 14-13 分 无大错或只有小错 1-2 处 第四档 12-10 分 大错 1-2 处 第三档 9-7 分 大错 3-4 处 第二档 6-4 分 仅正确写出与内容要求相关的 1-2 个句子 第一档 3-1 分 只写出与内容相关的个别词语 0 分 白卷或通篇文不对题,不知所云

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