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2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词汇读练测精品系列(基础训练)39 一、选词填空(从晨读材料中选用恰当的词并用其正确的形式填空) 1.The poor girl, having been __________ for not finishing homework on time, is in low spirits now. 2.The fans had __________ out the names of the band members when they appeared at the airport. 3.If he hadn’t hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, he would have __________ a goal. 4.If you like it, or have any comments, please write a review to let us know. This will help our product keep improving and __________ every customer. 5.We realize the truth of that old __________: Charity begins at home 6.Skimming is quite different from __________ because it is an effort to get general information rather than detailed facts. 7.A direct air __________ linking Chongqing and San Francisco is expected to open next month 8.The conditions are __________ for the spread of disease. 9.In the absence of clear goals, we become stuck in daily __________ until we become slaves of them. 10.Traveling by subway can sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during the __________ hour. 11.When I was a little kid I __________ down a hill and broke my leg. 12.Some plants are very sensitive to light; they prefer the __________. 13.I stood there, crying and __________ with fear. 14.The MH370 incident has cast a giant __________ shadow over travel to Malaysia for many Chinese. 15.With the sun __________, we felt comfortable walking outside. 16.Not until I __________ at the top of my voice did he turn his head. 17.Daniel has undertaken to keep the __________, so he won’t tell anyone even though asked to. 18.—John has resigned from his post to __________ his fortune in Shanghai. ―How come? He got promoted last month! 19.Unless you fully understand the instructions of the experiment, your life won’t be __________. 20.No matter how big the difficulties ahead are, we’ll never __________ from them. 21.Why not __________ it now that you’ve got such a good chance? 22.The housing price in Suzhou has been rising __________ recently, so new measures are to be taken to control it. 23.Another five volunteers will be __________ to take care of the homeless children this week. 24.Some parents are just too protective.They want to __________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. 25.I attended almost every lecture and __________ when I was at college. 二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空) 1.The food in this restaurant is good and the same is true of the __________(serve). 2.You should be ashamed of your __________(shame) behaviour. 3.All the people present at the meeting felt __________(shock)at the __________(shock)decision announced by the manager.4.A workman must __________(sharp)his tools if he is to do his work well. 5.You can __________(ripe)the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill. 6.We express the hope that a climate beneficial to a negotiated __________(settle)would be created soon, so that there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle. 7.This stupid robber actually __________(rob)a man with plain clothes in his last __________(rob)! 8.Mother was always scolding him for leaving things out of order, but to her __________(satisfy), he put them in order today. 9.Parents are always concerned about our __________(safe)wherever we are. 10.The __________(scare)scene where the accident happened made him __________(scare)to death. 11.We have a wide __________(select) of sweaters that will appeal to all ages, and in particular the teenager market. 12.I never feel __________(satisfy)if I don’t find __________(satisfy)answers. 13.Earth is a __________(rock) planet where there is liquid water, which is necessary for life to exist. 14.It was of course a delight for them to meet again after such a long __________(separate). 15.The woman was so __________(sense) that even the clicking sound of the mouse upset her. 三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次) be satisfied with make sense roll over roll up run into run out of run over run the risk of scare(…)away see to seek after send for send up separate from set about share with show around shut off take a risk at the sacrifice of for the sake of in a row in a sense in ruins in search of in short on sale on the run out of shape side by side 1.It __________ that those introverted people can make up for what they lack in social skills with sincerity. 2. Having been __________ other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not ________ in any other country in the world. 3.__________ the gas and electricity before you go out. 4.Rather than __________ losing everything they would accept his term. 5.Gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied __________ and encouraged each other. 6.However, none of the banks is willing to __________ by further lending money to that company. 7. Having been __________ the office, the foreign visitors visited the teaching building. 8.It is the time to __________ our sleeves and get some things done. 9.Do you know how to __________ going on this work? 10.Most competition cars will only __________ if they hit an obstacle. 11.The box was crushed __________. 12.The pregnant woman is about to give birth to a baby, so we’d better __________a doctor immediately.13.Ten footballer stood __________ on the sport ground. 14.She had many new friends in the school, __________ whom she __________ her feelings. 15.Two days later, the fighting between the two countries left the area __________. 16.In their family, one plays the piano, another plays the violin, and the third is a singer; __________, they are all musicians. 17.The driver failed to negotiate a bend and __________ a tree. 18.That was the original price. I bought it __________. 19.I told myself I would __________ whatever I could get. 20.He has __________ food; his children are hungry. 21.He __________ a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party. 22.The escaped murderer has been __________ for three weeks. 23.I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree to catch its breakfast, which _______ me _______. 24.When you go __________ honey, you must expect to be hurt by bees. 25.To win the trust of the employees, your factory should __________ it that accounts and operations are as transparent as possible. 26.__________ of safety, I’m not in favor of going out for a picnic on such a rainy day. 27.Most people __________ what they do not possess and are thus enslaved(奴役)by the very things they want to acquire. 28.He succeeded in the experiment __________ his health. 29.How was it that you got the news that the rocket was __________ successfully? 30.You are right __________, but you don’t know the whole truth. 四、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改) 1.There is no denying that the accident did him a severely injury. 2.Never risk save the person in water if you are not good at swimming. 3.The government is trying hard to have the people’s living standard risen. 4.We had a very shortly rest and moved on. 5.As all his food and drink had been run out, the murderer had to go out of the mountain cave. 6.Gundy wants Yao to be aggressive and, if necessary, to be rude for his teammates. 7.I hear some summer clothes are for sale. We should go and buy some. 8.In salute for our national flag, every citizen must stand at attention while focusing their eyes on the rising flag. 9.A few years ago, Jack and I had a quarrel over score in a football match. 10.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with people seating on benches, chairs, or boxes. 11.The neighbors reported seeing him leaving house in a black coat. 12.In the sense you are right in refusing to join that club. 13.There is no sense waiting three hours here. 14.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. 15.The bomb could be set out by the slightest touch. 16.I must admit that I haven’t taken my studies serious in the past few months.17.It is not only a problem of wasting time, but also a seriously problem which does harm to their health. 18.Jane told the police man that her gold necklace had been robbed. 19.Theother group went to collect rubbishes in Hongxing Park. 20.What shocked us was that almost everything was in ruin. 21.I have to clean the sofa which was served as a bed for a night or two. 22.Now children don’t play the same games like we played in the past. 23.You can’t turn the rope too fast so that you can skip safe. 24.He set out in search for ideas for starting a company of his own. 25.She will go to the city in the search of her lost student. 26.You have no right to search for him even if he has stolen your watch. 27.Some people hold the view that the new machine is advanced, while others are still skeptical with whether it is of practical use. 28.Seeing the school report , my mother had a satisfying look on her face. 29.Far from satisfying with his progress, Tom devoted himself entirely to writing. 30.You can have the second try if you fail the first time.2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词汇读练测精品系列(基础训练)39 一、选词填空(从晨读材料中选用恰当的词并用其正确的形式填空) 1.The poor girl, having been __________ for not finishing homework on time, is in low spirits now. 【答案】scolded 【句意】这个可怜的女孩,因为没按时完成作业而被责骂,现在情绪低落。 2.The fans had __________ out the names of the band members when they appeared at the airport. 【答案】screamed 【句意】句意:当他们接近机场的时候,歌迷们一直在尖叫着乐队成名的名字。 3.If he hadn’t hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, he would have __________ a goal. 【答案】scored 【句意】如果他在踢球前没有犹豫片刻,他就会射进球。 4.If you like it, or have any comments, please write a review to let us know. This will help our product keep improving and __________ every customer. 【答案】satisfy 【句意】如果你喜欢它,或有任何意见,请写评论让我们知道。这将有助于我们的产品不断改进,满足每 一个客户。 5.We realize the truth of that old __________: Charity begins at home 【答案】saying 【句意】我们认识到那句老话的道理:仁爱始于家庭。 6.Skimming is quite different from __________ because it is an effort to get general information rather than detailed facts. 【答案】scanning 【句意】句意:略读与扫读完全不同,因为它是一种获取一般信息而不是详细事实的努力。 7.A direct air __________ linking Chongqing and San Francisco is expected to open next month 【答案】route 【句意】重庆到旧金山的直达航线预计下个月开航。 8.The conditions are __________ for the spread of disease. 【答案】ripe 【句意】这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。 9.In the absence of clear goals, we become stuck in daily __________ until we become slaves of them. 【答案】routines 【句意】如果缺乏明确的目标,我们就会被困在日常生活中,直到成为它们的奴隶。 10.Traveling by subway can sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during the __________ hour. 【答案】rush【句意】乘地铁旅行有时可能相当冒险,尤其是在交通高峰期。 11.When I was a little kid I __________ down a hill and broke my leg. 【答案】rolled 【句意】我小时候从一座山坡上滚了下来,把腿摔断了。 12.Some plants are very sensitive to light; they prefer the __________. 【答案】shade 【句意】有些植物对光很敏感;它们更喜欢阴凉。 13.I stood there, crying and __________ with fear. 【答案】shaking 【句意】我站在那儿哭,害怕得瑟瑟发抖。 14.The MH370 incident has cast a giant __________ shadow over travel to Malaysia for many Chinese. 【答案】shadow 【句意】对许多中国人来说 MH370 事件给去马来西亚的旅游蒙上了巨大阴影。 15.With the sun __________, we felt comfortable walking outside. 【答案】shining 【句意】阳光普照,我们感觉在外面散步非常舒服。 16.Not until I __________ at the top of my voice did he turn his head. 【答案】shouted 【句意】直到我高声喊叫,他才转过头来。 17.Daniel has undertaken to keep the __________, so he won’t tell anyone even though asked to. 【答案】secret 【句意】丹尼尔答应保守这个秘密,所以即使问他也不会告诉任何人。 18.—John has resigned from his post to __________ his fortune in Shanghai. ―How come? He got promoted last month! 【答案】seek 【句意】“约翰在上海为了寻找发迹的机会辞去了工作。”“怎么回事?他上个月才被提拔的呀。” 19.Unless you fully understand the instructions of the experiment, your life won’t be __________. 【答案】secured 【句意】除非你完全理解实验的指导,否则你的生命将无法得到保障。 20.No matter how big the difficulties ahead are, we’ll never __________ from them. 【答案】shrink 【句意】前面的困难再大,我们也决不后退。 21.Why not __________ it now that you’ve got such a good chance? 【答案】seize 【句意】既然你有这样一个机会为什么你不抓住它呢? 22.The housing price in Suzhou has been rising __________ recently, so new measures are to be taken to control it.【答案】sharply 【句意】最近苏州的房价急剧上涨,所以要采取新的措施来控制它。 23.Another five volunteers will be __________ to take care of the homeless children this week. 【答案】selected 【句意】这一周将有五名志愿者被选出去照顾那些无家可归的孩子。 24.Some parents are just too protective.They want to __________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. 【答案】shelter 【句意】有些父母太过保护孩子了。他们想保护他们的孩子免受各种危险,无论是真实的还是想象的。 25.I attended almost every lecture and __________ when I was at college. 【答案】seminar 【句意】我上大学时,几乎每一个讲座和研讨会都去参加。 二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空) 1.The food in this restaurant is good and the same is true of the __________(serve). 【答案】service 【句意】这家餐馆的饭菜很好,服务也很周到。 2.You should be ashamed of your __________(shame) behaviour. 【答案】shameful 【句意】你应该对你可耻的行为感到羞愧。 3.All the people present at the meeting felt __________(shock)at the __________(shock)decision announced by the manager. 【答案】shocked; shocking 【句意】出席会议的所有人都对经理宣布的令人震惊的决定感到震惊。 4.A workman must __________(sharp)his tools if he is to do his work well. 【答案】sharpen 【句意】工欲善其事,必先利其器。 5.You can __________(ripe)the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill. 【答案】ripen 【句意】把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。 6.We express the hope that a climate beneficial to a negotiated __________(settle)would be created soon, so that there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle. 【答案】settlement 【句意】我们希望很快就创造出有利于谈判解决的氛围,以便不再需要武装斗争。 7.This stupid robber actually __________(rob)a man with plain clothes in his last __________(rob)! 【答案】robbed, robbery【句意】那个傻乎乎的强盗在最近一次抢劫时,居然抢的是便衣警察! 8.Mother was always scolding him for leaving things out of order, but to her __________(satisfy), he put them in order today. 【答案】satisfaction 【句意】妈妈总是斥责他乱放东西,但是,令她满意的是,他今天放的东西井然有序。 9.Parents are always concerned about our __________(safe)wherever we are. 【答案】safety 【句意】无论我们身在何处,父母总是关心我们的安全。 10.The __________(scare)scene where the accident happened made him __________(scare)to death. 【答案】scary, scared 【句意】事故发生的令人害怕的场景使他吓得要死。 11.We have a wide __________(select) of sweaters that will appeal to all ages, and in particular the teenager market. 【答案】selection 【句意】我们有各种各样的毛衣可供选择,适合各种年龄的人,尤其是青少年市场。 12.I never feel __________(satisfy)if I don’t find __________(satisfy)answers. 【答案】satisfied, satisfying 【句意】假如我不能找到满意的答案,我绝不感到满足。 13.Earth is a __________(rock) planet where there is liquid water, which is necessary for life to exist. 【答案】rocky 【句意】地球是一个岩石行星,那里有液态水,这是生命存在所必须的。 14.It was of course a delight for them to meet again after such a long __________(separate). 【答案】separation 【句意】久别重逢,自是高兴。 15.The woman was so __________(sense) that even the clicking sound of the mouse upset her. 【答案】sensitive 【句意】这位女士如此敏感,以至于点击鼠标的声音都会使她心烦。 三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次) be satisfied with make sense roll over roll up run into run out of run over run the risk of scare(…)away see to seek after send for send up separate from set about share with show around shut off take a risk at the sacrifice of for the sake of in a row in a sense in ruinsin search of in short on sale on the run out of shape side by side 1.It __________ that those introverted people can make up for what they lack in social skills with sincerity. 【答案】makes sense 【句意】内向的人可以用真诚弥补他们在社交技能上的不足,这是有道理的。 2. Having been __________ other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not ________ in any other country in the world. 【答案】separated from 【句意】澳大利亚与其他大陆分离了数百万年,有许多世界其他国家找不到的动植物。 3.__________ the gas and electricity before you go out. 【答案】Shut off 【句意】出门前将煤气和电关掉。 4.Rather than __________ losing everything they would accept his term. 【答案】run the risk of 【句意】他们宁可接受他的条件,也不愿冒失去一切的风险。 5.Gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied __________ and encouraged each other. 【答案】side by side 【句意】老、中、青济济一堂,共同学习,相互激励。 6.However, none of the banks is willing to __________ by further lending money to that company. 【答案】take a risk 【句意】然而,没有一个银行肯冒险再借钱给那家公司。 7. Having been __________ the office, the foreign visitors visited the teaching building. 【答案】shown around 【句意】参观了办公室之后,外国游客参观了教学楼。 8.It is the time to __________ our sleeves and get some things done. 【答案】roll up 【句意】这是我们卷起袖子大干一场的时候了。 9.Do you know how to __________ going on this work? 【答案】set about 【句意】你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗? 10.Most competition cars will only __________ if they hit an obstacle. 【答案】roll over 【句意】大多数赛车只有在撞上障碍物时才会翻车。 11.The box was crushed __________. 【答案】out of shape【句意】这箱子被压得不成型了。 12.The pregnant woman is about to give birth to a baby, so we’d better __________a doctor immediately. 【答案】send for 【句意】怀孕的妇女马上要生小孩子,因此我们最好立刻去请医生。 13.Ten footballer stood __________ on the sport ground. 【答案】in a row 【句意】运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。 14.She had many new friends in the school, __________ whom she __________ her feelings. 【答案】with, shared 【句意】她在学校里有许多可以分享自己感受的新朋友。 15.Two days later, the fighting between the two countries left the area __________. 【答案】in ruins 【句意】两天后,两国的战争让这个区域成为废墟。 16.In their family, one plays the piano, another plays the violin, and the third is a singer; __________, they are all musicians. 【答案】in short 【句意】他们家一个弹钢琴的,一个拉小提琴的,一个唱歌的,总之都是搞音乐的。 17.The driver failed to negotiate a bend and __________ a tree. 【答案】ran into 【句意】司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。 18.That was the original price. I bought it __________. 【答案】on sale 【句意】那是原来的价格。我是减价时买的。 19.I told myself I would __________ whatever I could get. 【答案】be satisfied with 【句意】我告诉自己,不管得到什么我都会心满意足的。 20.He has __________ food; his children are hungry. 【答案】run out of 【句意】他家揭不开锅了,孩子们都饿着肚子。 21.He __________ a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party. 【答案】ran over 【句意】当他参加完聚会开车回家时,撞倒了一个 6 岁的小孩。 22.The escaped murderer has been __________ for three weeks. 【答案】on the run 【句意】在逃的杀人犯已流窜了三个星期。 23.I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree to catch its breakfast, which _______ me _______.【答案】scared, away 【句意】我抬头一看,发现一条蛇正缠绕在树上,去抓它的早餐,这把我吓跑了。 24.When you go __________ honey, you must expect to be hurt by bees. 【答案】in search of 【句意】当你去寻找蜂蜜时,你一定会被蜜蜂蛰到。 25.To win the trust of the employees, your factory should __________ it that accounts and operations are as transparent as possible. 【答案】see to 【句意】为了赢得员工的信任,你的工厂应该确保账目和操作尽可能透明。 26.__________ of safety, I’m not in favor of going out for a picnic on such a rainy day. 【答案】For the sake 【句意】为了安全起见,在这样的下雨天,我不支持外出野餐。 27.Most people __________ what they do not possess and are thus enslaved(奴役)by the very things they want to acquire. 【答案】seek after 【句意】大多数的人追逐他们没有的东西,于是便被他们想获得的东西所奴役。 28.He succeeded in the experiment __________ his health. 【答案】at the sacrifice of 【句意】他以自己的健康为代价取得了实验的成功。 29.How was it that you got the news that the rocket was __________ successfully? 【答案】sent up 【句意】你是怎么得到火箭发射成功的消息的? 30.You are right __________, but you don’t know the whole truth. 【答案】in a sense 【句意】就某些层面而言,你是对的。但你并不了解全盘的真相。 四、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改) 1.There is no denying that the accident did him a severely injury. 【答案】severely 改成 severe 【解析】injury 为名词,应该用形容词修饰,故要将 severely 改成 severe。句意:不可否认,那次事故使他 受了重伤。 2.Never risk save the person in water if you are not good at swimming. 【答案】save 改成 saving 【解析】risk doing sth. “冒险做某事”,为固定用法。故 save 改成 saving。句意:如果你不擅长游泳,千 万不要冒险在水里救人。 3.The government is trying hard to have the people’s living standard risen.【答案】risen 改成 raised 【解析】谓语动词是 have 故后面的动词应该用非谓语动词,因为含有被动故用过去分词,所以要用及物 动词 raise。句意:政府正尽力提高人们的生活标准。故 risen 改成 raised。 4.We had a very shortly rest and moved on. 【答案】shortly 改成 short 【解析】shortly 是副词“立即,不久”,此处修饰名词 rest,用形容词,指短暂的休息,故 shortly 改成 short。 5.As all his food and drink had been run out, the murderer had to go out of the mountain cave. 【答案】删除 been 或在 run out 后面加 of 【解析】run out 是不及物动词,而 run out of 是及物动词。句意:由于所有的食物和饮料都用完了,凶手 只好走出山洞。 6.Gundy wants Yao to be aggressive and, if necessary, to be rude for his teammates. 【答案】for 改成 to 【解析】be rude to 对……粗鲁/无礼。句意:甘迪希望姚明要更具进攻性,如果需要的话,他可以对他的 队员们粗鲁一些。 7.I hear some summer clothes are for sale. We should go and buy some. 【答案】for 改成 on 【解析】for sale 待售,出售的;on sale(有货)售卖,上市,廉价出售。句意:我听说有些夏装打折。我们 应该去买一些。 8.In salute for our national flag, every citizen must stand at attention while focusing their eyes on the rising flag. 【答案】for 改成 to 【解析】in salute to 向……致敬。句意:在向国旗致敬时,每个公民必须立正,他们的眼睛要关注上升的 国旗。 9.A few years ago, Jack and I had a quarrel over score in a football match. 【答案】score 前加 a 【解析】score 是可数名词,在 score 前加 a,一个进球。句意:几年前,我和杰克在一场足球比赛中为一 个进球而争吵。 10.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with people seating on benches, chairs, or boxes. 【答案】seating 改成 seated 或 sitting 【解析】seat 作为动词用时是及物动词,后面跟人。本题后面是一个 with 的复合结构,宾语是 audience, audience 与 seat 之间是一种逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用过去分词。句意:销售通常发生在户外, 人们坐在长凳上,椅子上和箱子上。 11.The neighbors reported seeing him leaving house in a black coat. 【答案】leaving 改成 leave 【解析】see sb. doing…,意为看见某人在做某事(看见某人在做某事);see sb. do….为看见某人做了某事(表示看见的过程)。句意:邻居们报告说看见他穿着一件黑色的大衣离开家了。 12.In the sense you are right in refusing to join that club. 【答案】the 改成 a 【解析】in a sense 在某个意义上。句意:从某种意义上说,你拒绝加入那个俱乐部是对的。 13.There is no sense waiting three hours here. 【答案】waiting 前面加 in 【解析】固定句式:There is no sense in doing sth.在做某事上毫无意义。句意:在这儿等三个小时是没有 意义的。 14.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. 【答案】删除 been, seriously 改成 serious 【解析】考查形容词。分析句子可知,show 与主语 study 为主谓关系,故用主动语态,故删除 been,修 饰名词 problem 用形容词,故把 seriously 改成 serious。句意:大量的研究表明,全球变暖已经 成为一个很严重的问题。 15.The bomb could be set out by the slightest touch. 【答案】out 改成 off 【解析】set off (使)开始/引起/爆,点燃。句意:这枚炸弹只要轻轻一碰就能引爆。 16.I must admit that I haven’t taken my studies serious in the past few months. 【答案】serious 改成 seriously 【解析】句意:我必须承认,在过去的几个月里我没有认真对待学习。“take sth. seriously”为固定用法, 意为“认真对待某事”其中 seriously 修饰动词 take,故 serious 改成 seriously。 17.It is not only a problem of wasting time, but also a seriously problem which does harm to their health. 【答案】 【解析】修饰名词 problem 应用形容词 serious,表示“严重的”。故 seriously 改成 serious。句意:这不仅 是一个浪费时间的问题,而且是一个严重危害他们健康的问题。 18.Jane told the police man that her gold necklace had been robbed. 【答案】robbed 后面加 of 【解析】rob sb. of sth.其中 sth.做 of 的宾语,而 steal sth. from sb.。句意:简告诉警察她的金项链被抢了。 19.Theother group went to collect rubbishes in Hongxing Park. 【答案】rubbishes 改成 rubbish 【解析】句意:另一组去红星公园收垃圾。rubbish 是不可数名词, 所以 rubbishes 改成 rubbish。 20.What shocked us was that almost everything was in ruin. 【答案】ruin 改成 ruins 【解析】in ruins 废墟。让我们所震惊的是所有的一切都处于废墟当中。故将 That 改成 What。 21.I have to clean the sofa which was served as a bed for a night or two. 【答案】删掉 was【解析】serve 在表示“可用作,可当……使”时是不及物动词,无被动形式。故。句意:我得把那张当 床睡了一两个晚上的沙发擦干净。 22.Now children don’t play the same games like we played in the past. 【答案】like 改成 as 【解析】as 引导定语从句,用于 the same…as…结构中,所以把 like 改成 as。句意:现在孩子们玩的游戏 和我们以前玩的不一样。 23.You can’t turn the rope too fast so that you can skip safe. 【答案】safe 改成 safely 【解析】此处 skip 是动词,由副词修饰,故把 safe 改成 safely。句意:为了安全跳跃,你不能把绳子转得 太快。 24.He set out in search for ideas for starting a company of his own. 【答案】for 改成 of 【解析】in search of 寻找,故把句中 for 改成 of。句意:他开始寻求思路创办自己的公司。 25.She will go to the city in the search of her lost student. 【答案】删除第二个 the 【解析】in search of…“搜寻……”为固定搭配。故删除第二个 the。句意:她将到城里去寻找失踪的学 生。. 26.You have no right to search for him even if he has stolen your watch. 【答案】删除 for 【解析】句意:即使他偷了你的手表,你也无权搜查他。结合句意可知,search 作“搜身,搜查”解时, 为及物动词,其后不需要接介词。故删除 for。 27.Some people hold the view that the new machine is advanced, while others are still skeptical with whether it is of practical use. 【答案】with 改成 about 【解析】be skeptical about sth 对……疑惑。句意:有些人认为这台新机器先进,而另一些人则怀疑它是否 实用。 28.Seeing the school report , my mother had a satisfying look on her face. 【答案】satisfying 改成 satisfied 【解析】现在分词形容事物所具有的特征,而过去分词形容人的心理感受,所以 satisfying 改成 satisfied。 句意:看到成绩报告单,我母亲脸上露出了满意的表情。 29.Far from satisfying with his progress, Tom devoted himself entirely to writing. 【答案】satisfying 改成 satisfied 【解析】be satisfied with“对…感到满意”;satisfying“令人满意的”。此处是形容词短语作状语,故把 satisfying 改成 satisfied。句意:汤姆对自己的进步一点也不满意,他把全部精力都投入到写作 中去了。30.You can have the second try if you fail the first time. 【答案】second 前面的 the 改成 a 【解析】a second time 表示“又一次,再次”,the second time 表示第二次(顺序)。故把 second 前面的 the 改成 a。句意:如果你第一次失败了,你可以再试一次。

资料: 1.9万


