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 五年级英语下册期末试题一、单选题1. 选出不同类的一项。           A. worker                                    B. brother                                    C. scientist2.选出不同类的单词(   )           A. cook                                       B. uncle                                       C. farmer3.选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )           A. six                                          B. eleven                                          C. lion4.选出不同类型的单词(   )           A. cute                                  B. strong                                  C.   Lovely                                  D. mix5.选出不同类的词                 A. school                            B. museum                            C. gatekeeper                            D. hospital6.选出下面词中不属于同类的一项(   )          A. sang                                        B. long                                        C. danced7.playground                     A.                                        B. 8.Danny, _________up, please.           A. stand                                           B. sit                                           C. see9.Why ___ you ____ me?           A. do; called                                  B. did; call                                  C. did; called10.I'm         to buy a gift         my mother.           A. going; to                                   B. going; for                                   C. go; to11.一What's the weather like today? —It's        .              A. sunny                                       B. rainy                                       C. windy12.     you Mike?           A. Am                                            B. Is                                            C. Are13.你想表达“我的书在书桌后面。”时,你可以说:           A. My book is on the desk.B. My book is under the desk.C. My book is behind the desk.14.Mike ________ music very much.           A. likes                                         B. like                                         C. looks15.Thank ____ for helping me with my work.           A. /                                            B. you                                            C. your16.Are you ______angry?           A. feels                                        B. feel                                        C. feeling二、单词拼写(词汇运用)17.Are there any h________ in the park? 18.We will write lots of e________ to each other.19. 看图写词组。   (1) ________   (2) ________   (3) ________   (4) ________   (5) ________    (6) ________   20.They are really________(酷).   21.Use the sidewalk.  ________三、选词填空(词汇运用)22.My sister ________ (has, is) a rabbit.   23.Where ________ your friends going? (is/am/are )They ________ going to the zoo.四、连词成句24.I    to    want    be    doctor    a    the    in    future(连词成句)   25.should, wear warm clothes, you, cold, if, feel, you (.)(you为首句,连词成句)________26.beautiful    what    house     a (!) (连词成句)   27.is   my   green   T-shirt   where   (?)   (连词成句)28.a, T-shirt, need, I, also, (.)________五、句型转换29.It's my toy car.(改为复数句子)________ ________my toy ________.30.We have 6 lessons in a day. ( 对划线部分提问 )   31.She always comes before six thirty. (改为一般疑问句)   32.They will go on a trip next month. (变为否定句)They ________ ________ ________on a trip next month.六、阅读理解33.阅读判断。    My name's John.Today is my birthday.I'm nine.I like animals(动物).I like pandas.They are funny.I like eating, too.I like fish and eggs.I have a birthday cake and many gifts.Let's eat the birthday cake,OK?(1)John is ten today.   (2)John likes animals.   (3)John likes cats.   (4)John likes bread and eggs.   (5)John have a birthday cake.   34.阅读短文.判断下列句子正误。     Hello! My name is Peter. I'm a boy. I'm twelve years old. I'm tall, but I'm not strong. I want to play sports every day. Then I will become strong. My grandfather is 68 years old. He lives in the countryside. He goes for a walk every morning. Sometimes he goes fishing in the morning. My father is a policeman. He gets up early and goes to work by car. My mother works in a hospital. She goes to work by bus. She likes going shopping at the weekend.(1)Peter is tall and he is not strong.   (2)Peter's grandfather lives in the city.   (3)Peter's father is a doctor.   (4)Peter's mother goes to work by car.   (5)Peter's mother likes going shopping at the weekend.    参考答案一、单选题1. B   2. B   3. C   4. D   5. C   6. B   7. B   8. A   9. B  10. B   11. B   12. C   13. C   14. A   15. B   16. C  二、单词拼写(词汇运用)17. hills   18. emails  19. (1)get up(2)have breakfast(3)go to school(4)have lunch(5)School is over,(6)go home  20. cool   21. Use the sidewalk.  三、选词填空(词汇运用)22. has   23. are;are  四、连词成句24. I want to be a doctor in the future.  25. You should wear warm clothes if you feel cold.  26. What a beautiful house!  27. Where is my green T-shirt?  28. I also need a T-shirt.  五、句型转换29. They;are;cars  30. How many lessons do you have?  31. Does she always come before six thirty?  32. will;not;go  六、阅读理解33. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确  34. (1)正确(2)错误(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确   

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