人教版必修4英语练习:Unit 1 Exercise 4 Writing含解析

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天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ Unit 1 Exercise 4 ‎ ‎(建议用时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 Bessie Coleman was born in Atlanta,Texas in 1892.Her family was __1__and Bessie had to walk more than six kilometers to go to school.In Texas then,black people were treated __2__.They lived separately from white people,__3__Bessie was proud of her race.‎ Bessie had to pick cotton and wash clothes to help earn money__4__her family.She was able to save __5__money and went to college in the state of Oklahoma.She had to leave college one year later because she did not have enough money to __6__her studies.But during that year,she __7__about flying.She read about the first flight of the Wright Brothers and the first American female pilot,Harriet Quimby.Bessie often thought about what it would feel like to__8__like a bird.‎ When she was twentythree,Bessie Coleman moved to Chicago,Illinois.There,she worked at several __9__at the same time to make a living.But she wanted to do something more__10__.She decided she was going to learn how to fly airplanes.She soon__11__that this was almost impossible.What flight school would__12__a black woman?She found that there were__13__in the United States.Bessie learned that she would have a better __14__in Europe.‎ She began to__15__French at a language school in Chicago.She also__16__a higher paying job supervising(管理)a public eating place so she could save money.‎ Soon after the end of World War I,Bessie Coleman __17__France.In France,she __18__a famous flying school,and she completed seven months of flight __19__there.‎ Bessie__20__her international permit to fly in 1921 from the Federation Aeronautique International in France.She became the first black woman ever to get an international pilot’s license.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文是对世界上第一位黑人国际女飞行员Bessie Coleman的简介。‎ ‎1.A.big        B.different C.stranger D.poor 解析:逻辑推理题。根据“Bessie had to walk more than six kilometers to go to school.” 以及后文说她必须帮助家里赚钱的语境可以推知她家很穷。‎ 答案:D ‎2.A.commonly B. unfairly C.equally D.interestingly 解析:逻辑推理题。根据“They lived separately from white people”可以推断出黑人在当时的得克萨斯州并没有得到公平的对待。‎ 答案:B 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎3.A.then B.as ‎ C.but D.so 解析:逻辑推理题。虽然身为黑人,不能被公平对待,但Bessie还是喜欢她的种族。‎ 答案:C ‎4.A.to B.in C.without D.for 解析:词语辨析题。因为家里穷,Bessie不得不帮助家里挣钱,故选D。‎ 答案:D ‎5.A.a little B.all C.no D.too much 解析:逻辑推理题。根据后文“她一年后就退学”的语境可知她节省下来的钱不多。‎ 答案:A ‎6.A.spread B.change C.improve D.complete 解析:逻辑推理题。根据“she did not have enough money”的语境可知Bessie没有完成她的大学学业。‎ 答案:D ‎7.A.told B.wrote C.heard D.learned 解析:逻辑推理题。根据下文“She read about the first flight of the Wright Brothers and the first American female pilot,Harriet Quimby.”可知Bessie在上大学的那一年里通过学习对飞行有了一些了解。‎ 答案:D ‎8.A.look B.sing C.fly D.live 解析:词语辨析题。Bessie常想,像鸟儿一样飞翔会是什么样的呢?‎ 答案:C ‎9.A.choice B.jobs C.places D.ways 解析:逻辑推理题。根据“to make a living”的语境可知,Bessie为了谋生同时做了几份工作。‎ 答案:B ‎10.A.important B.necessary C.famous D.difficult 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 解析:逻辑推理题。根据后文Bessie学开飞机的语境可知她想做一些更重要的事情。‎ 答案:A ‎11.A.predicted B.joked C.realized D.doubted 解析:词语辨析题。Bessie想学习开飞机,但她立即意识到对于一个黑人女性来说,这几乎是一件不可能的事情。‎ 答案:C ‎12.A.attracted B.accept C.forgive D.offer 解析:词语辨析题。本句句意:有哪个飞行学校会接受一个黑人女性?‎ 答案:B ‎13.A.several B.some C.many D.none 解析:背景常识题。在美国也从来没有过黑人女飞行员。‎ 答案:D ‎14.A.background B.mood C.chance D.family 解析:词语辨析题。虽然在美国似乎没什么希望,但Bessie了解到在欧洲会有更好的机会。‎ 答案:C ‎15.A.study B.teach C.introduce D.support 解析:词语辨析题。为了去欧洲学习飞行,Bessie开始学习法语。‎ 答案:A ‎16.A.created B.considered C.refused D.took 解析:词语辨析题。根据后文“so she could save money”的语境可知,Bessie还得到了一份收入较高的工作。‎ 答案:D ‎17.A.looked forward to B.left for C.got away from D.turned to 解析:词语辨析题。Bessie想去欧洲学习飞行,故第一次世界大战后,她就出发去了法国。‎ 答案:B 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎18.A.attended B.built C.charged D.showed 解析:固定搭配题。在法国,她去了一所非常有名的飞行学校学习。attend school意为“上学”。‎ 答案:A ‎19.A.watching B.training C.designing D.building 解析:词语辨析题。根据她是去学习开飞机的语境可知这里应该选B,表示飞行训练。‎ 答案:B ‎20.A.kept B.displayed C.earned D.gave 解析:词语辨析题。Bessie通过自己的努力,成为了历史上第一个获得国际飞行员执照的黑人女性。‎ 答案:C Ⅱ.短文改错 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)画掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ My favourite sport is football.I was a member of our school football team.We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together.Play football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.We must keep in minds that we play for the team instead ourselves.Also sport teaches us the important of obedience.Each player must obey the captain, which is the leader of the team.And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.‎ 答案:‎ My favourite sport is football.I a member of our school football team.We practise for three times every week and often watch football on TV together. football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also us a sense of fair play and team spirit.We must keep in that we play for the team instead ourselves.Also sport teaches us the of 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎ obedience.Each player must obey the captain, is the leader of the team.And must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎

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