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英语试题 时间:120 分 分值:150 分 选择题部分 第一部分  听力(共两节,满分 30 分)  第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。 1. What time is it now? A.10:10. B.10:05. C.9:05. 2.Where is the man’s biology textbook? A. Next to the TV. B. Under his bed. C. On the cupboard. 3.What does the man think is the best way to get to know a place? A. Seeing travel films about it. B. Going there in person. C. Reading descriptions of it. 4. Why does the woman make an early appointment? A. The tests must be done in the morning. B. She mustn’t eat before the tests. C. She doesn’t want to take time off work. 5. What do we know about the woman? A. She will call the man at noon. B. She has a meeting this evening. C. She plans to play badminton this afternoon. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和 7 题。 6.Where are the speakers probably? A. At home. B. In a theatre. C. In a store. 7.What kind of films does the woman want now? A. The ones that have sorrowful stories. B. The ones that make her pleased. C. The ones that can get her attention. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8.Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In a cinema. C. In a restaurant. 9.What do we know about the woman? A. She is trying to keep healthy now. B. She doesn’t like eating chocolate. C. She pays for the food. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10.What did the government ask all adults to do? A. Learn special skills. B. Help out in the war. C. Work on Christmas Day. 11.What did the woman do during World War Ⅱ? A. She nursed the injured. B. She trained nurses. C. She worked in the government. 12.Why were the Manchester City Rest Centers short of staff? A. People got wounded in the war. B. People went home after days of hard work. C. People were away for Christmas holidays. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13.What is the woman’s purpose in talking to the man? A. To ask him to help arrange an interview. B. To interview him about his job. C. To beg him to do the school project. 14.What does the man do? A. A professor. B. An accountant. C.A driver. 15.What is the man going to do? A. Have an interview with the woman. B. Share his opinions about diving. C. Make a telephone call. 16.How does the woman feel about the project at last? A. Confident. B. Worried. C. Annoyed. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17.What is the speaker doing? A. Reporting a match live. B. Cheering for his team. C. Coaching a football team. 18.Why is the match starting late? A. The weather is terrible. B. The traffic is heavy. C. One player is badly injured. 19.What happened after the match was on for 2 minutes? A. The fans shouted happily for the goal. B. Hank took the ball from Parker. C. Rossi fell on the ground. 20.Who has kicked a goal? A. Rossi. B. Hank. C. Parker. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 A Recently whenever I turned on my computer or my mobile phone, news about the great effect of Hurricane Harvey on thousands of people caught my eyes. We saw many unfortunate events. However, there were also the bright news that showed the goodness of mankind. As a journalist, I wrote many human interesting stories during my career. That's why the story about the guys in the bakery caught my eyes. When the staff at a Mexican bakery chain in Houston were trapped inside the building for two days, they didn't sit there feeling sorry for themselves. They used their time wisely after flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. While they were waiting for the eventual rescue that came on Monday morning, four decided to make as much bread as possible for their community. The flood water rose in the street outside. They took advantage of their emergency power supply to bake bread. They used more than 4,200 pounds of flour to create hundreds of loaves and sheets of sweet bread. Although the water kept rising, they continued baking to help more people. By the time the owner managed to get to them, they had made much bread for emergency centers across the city for people affected by the floods. The store manager, Brian Alvarado, told The Independent,“Whenever a disaster occurs, nobody should just feel forlorn . Instead,we should take positive action to save ourselves and help others. Our acts of kindness will make a big difference.” 21. What did the bakery store workers do after flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey? A. They volunteered to make bread for their community. B. They managed to live by selling more bread in the store. C. They felt sorry that they couldn't escape from the store. D. They ate nothing but to wait for their community to rescue them. 22. Which of the following best explains “forlorn” underlined in the last paragraph? A. Fortunate. B. Hopeful. C. Shallow. D. Desperate. 23. What can we infer from the text? A. Alvarado organized his workers to bake much bread. B. Hurricane Harvey caused a power failure in Houston. C. The staff in the bakery sent enough flour to emergency centers. D. The author preferred to write stories about people facing disasters. 24. What can be the best title for the text? A. A Popular Mexican Bakery Chain in Houston B. Wait for the Eventual Rescue in a Big Disaster C. All Kinds of Disasters Caused by Hurricane Harvey in Houston D. Bake Bread to Make a Difference in Face of Hurricane Harvey B Have you ever been faced with trying to stay positive when others around you are negative? A negative person can bring you down and throw your positive plans out of the window. Whether you deal with a family member, friend or colleague who is negative, there are things you can do to remain positive in the face of negativity? Whatever you do, don’t argue with a negative person. Arguing only adds fuel to the fire. I have noticed when my children are angry , it is best to avoid trying to ask them to analyze and adjust their attitude. As soon as I take the approach of being in opposition to them, the situation gets worse before it gets better. Sometimes the best thing to do is remain silent and let negativity pass. You know how difficult it can be to give love and positive attention to negative people. Unfortunately, that is often exactly what they need. A negative person is usually afraid he is unlovable. How do you show love when someone is negative? You must listen to what he is trying to tell you. Acknowledge the feelings he has by saying something like, “You sound very angry right now.” How might you help a negative person? Offer a hug even if you get rejected. A negative person often has difficulty accepting love from others. If you have negative people on your life who are affecting your mental and physical health, you need to decide whether or not you want these people in your life. Some people are so negative that you have no other choice but to separate them from your life. However, some people, such as your children, are difficult to remove from your life, in this case, consulting specialists. 25. What’s the main idea of Para.3? A. Negative people need care. B. Negative people make us happy.. C. Negative people can be hurt easily. D. Negative people are hard to get along with. 26. What does the author suggest doing? A. Focusing on positive things. B. Trying to change negative thoughts. C. Controlling our own negative thoughts. D. Staying away from some negative people. 27. In which section of a magazine can we most probably read the text? A. Health B. Relationships C. Education. D. Science. C Many personal development coaches seem to agree that magic starts to happen the minute we step outside of our comfort zones. The second you decide that you're willing to go beyond what is safe ,you will have planted a seed that, if watered daily, will blossom(开花)into something that you would have never expected to come to fruition. For me, what we should always keep in mind is that growth and comfort don’t exist together at the same time. We are the only ones who can be responsible for how far we will go. However, to reach any personal goal, we must shake things up a bit. Stepping outside of our comfort zone is probably the most important step to experiencing real change. Five years ago, I decided to move overseas. Throughout high school, I wanted to live in a Latin American country and become fluent in Spanish, Obviously the chances of this happening while living in the states were slim to none. So halfway through my undergraduate, I switched over to the online version of my degree and bought a one-way ticket to Argentina, where I finished the last two years of my degree. Recognizing what I wanted years ago and taking the necessary steps to make it a reality was the most important thing I did for myself. The discomfort that came along with the initial culture shock, using my second language on a daily basis and learning to live life differently from the way we do things in the U. S. has turned out to be an extremely enriching experience. The comfort zone can be misleading in the sense that it tricks us into believing that we have an amount of time when, in reality, we all know that years can fly by without us having finished much of what we really wanted to do. Growth requires discomfort. If you stick with what is comfortable, you're giving up hope of surprising yourself, of having the best experiences human life has to offer. So why wait? 28.According to some personal development coaches, . A. magic is more likely to happen outside comfort zones B. nobody can predict what the future has in store for us C. a seed will grow into a fruit only in unsafe place D. comfort zones can guarantee safety 29. The author may agree that . A. growth can't come along with comfort B. all of us can decide how far we will go C. all changes will bring you some benefits D. growth is rooted in comfort 30. What does the author mainly want to show us through her story? A. She came across many challenges abroad. B. It is never too old to learn a foreign language. C. Argentina is an ideal country to gain a degree in. D. Getting exposed to discomfort made her closer to her dream. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Does failure really exist? If you believe you have failed, then you have. If you believe you don’t have the ability to succeed, then you don’t . 31 The moment you decide to give up or stop working toward your goals, failure is born. 32 Most people give themselves an out without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on reaching their goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their energy dies down. Don’t do that! 33 Never quit, never admit failure , and never lose heart. Don’t believe in a clear finish line for goals. It’s a good idea to set a general timeline, but remember that something will be beyond your control. 34 If you lock yourself into a given timeline, you might make yourself feel like a failure! Instead, get a general idea of when you’d like your goal to be completed. Then take it one day at a time and focus on making progress instead of reaching the finish line in as little time as possible. Be sure that you don’t see difficulties as failures. Difficulties mean only one thing: it’s not time for your goal to be completed yet. That’s it! It doesn’t mean you failed; it doesn’t mean you’re weak; it doesn’t mean you’ll never achieve your goals. 35 You’ve got to keep moving forward and find a way over, around, or through the difficulties. A. Never give up on yourself. B. Failure only exists in your own mind! C. That’s exactly how failure makes us feel. D. It simply means you have not done enough yet E. You can never say exactly when your goal will be reached. F. Instead, make up your mind to make your goal happen, no matter what! G..Work hard towards your goal, and you will be likely to get good results. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 As somebody who’s spent a great deal of time being unemployed, or an aimless student, I’ve felt like I’m doing nothing with my life. I’ve seen people like me who just accept their 36 , saying that “Oh it’s too hard, I’m not going to do it.” After all, people want to see immediate 37 , which aren’t going to happen. But the good news is, six months is enough to turn your life around for the 38 . So why not make 39 out of it? A few years ago, I went to see my 40 in college, and by my calculation, I thought I had a couple of courses left to 41 before I graduated. No. It 42 that I had nine courses left. I felt completely 43 . I just wanted to give up on getting my 44 . But then a friend of mine said, “Well, you can either 45 about your courses or you can get them done.” I took more courses than ever, and 46 six months I finished my 47 courses, and got my BA. After graduation, I 48 the experience to get an ideal job right away. Six months of volunteering got me the 49 letter to change that. I had to work for 50 for a little bit, and then do a low-paying job in my field before I could 51 up, but I did it. This isn’t just about working experience, 52 . For example, say you wanted to lose some weight. Think about if you kept exercising more and cutting out junk, how much you’d 53 in six months. The bottom line is this: It won’t be 54 . It won’t be easy. Six months isn’t that long, but it’s long enough to make some unbelievable 55 in a positive and meaningful way. 36. A. education B. location C. situation D. suggestion 37. A. influences B. results C. purposes D. aims 38. A. better B. worse C. richer D. sadder 39. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something 40. A. farmer B. teacher C. colleague D. operator 41. A. require B. create C. take D. overcome 42. A. burst out B. figured out C. broke out D. turned out 43. A. depressed B. relaxed C. embarrassed D. excited 44. A. degree B. scholarship C. book D. license 45. A. care B. learn C. complain D. quarrel 46. A. for B. beyond C. since D. within 47. A. final B. easy C. common D. special 48. A. lost B. possessed C. lacked D. kept 49. A. application B. reference C. business D. official 50. A. short B. free C. money D. fun 51. A. set B. make C. put D. move 52. A. though B. therefore C. either D. otherwise 53. A. receive B. control C. progress D. increase 54. A. regular B. overnight C. frequent D. worthwhile 55. A. decisions B. remarks C. plans D. changes 非选择题部分 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The game of Go (围棋) is an important board game with origins in China from more than 4,000 years ago. In China, Go 56 (recognize) as “hand conversations” as well, through 57 players communicate with each other. 58 other words, they “talk” through the placing of pieces on the board. The metaphor (比喻) first 59 (use) by Zhi Daolin, a Buddhist master of the Jin Dynasty, reflects the nature of the game. While scholars of his time often lost 60 (they) in philosophical (哲学的) debates on life and universe, he preferred to play Go which he believed was full of hows and whys of life. Master Go players often feel as if they were playing a real-life game: sometimes one can move forward, while at other times, one must slow down: sometimes one can 61 (direct) face the challenger, at other times one must take an indirect approach. Appropriate placement of each tiny Go piece is similar to 62 one might solve a difficult problem of life. The purpose of 63 (play) Go is not just to win but also, more importantly, to seek 64 (wise) through the process. The players unite with each other on the board. Instead of fighting as 65 (enemy), they cooperate to play a good game. One thoughtless move could ruin the enjoyment. 第四部分:写作(共两节;满分 40 分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分 15 分) 假设你叫李华,你的朋友 John 沉迷于微信(WeChat)而不能自拔,写信向你寻求帮助,请 你给他回一封电子邮件。 内容包括:1.表示理解和关心; 2.沉迷微信的影响; 3.提出具体建议。 要求: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.格式与词尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear John, _______________________________________________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________ Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Carl lost his job. He tried to find another one but it wasn’t easy. As a result, the poor fellow couldn’t pay his bills and he couldn’t even find anybody to lend him any. Carl spent most of his days at home. Sometimes he looked out of the window and watched his neighbor’s house. An old professor lived there alone. Strangely, he hardly talked to his neighbors. Carl could see into the professor’s house because he never drew the curtain. The rooms were full of antique (古董) furniture and vases. Carl thought, “If I got an antique vase, I could sell it for a lot of money.” Every day Carl saw the professor. He left at 10 o’clock in the morning and came back home at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. He had a dog. Carl often went to the fence and played with it or gave it a piece of meat. One day Carl thought, “I will go into the professor’s house and steal a vase. I will break the window and climb in. The dog is not a problem.” There was an old gun in the cellar(地下室). It had been his great grandfather’s favorite thing a long time before. Carl didn’t want to use the gun but he thought, “Anything could happen.” He wanted to hide the gun under his coat but it was too long so he had to cut the end off with a saw(锯). The next morning he watched the professor leaving home at 10 o’clock. Carl climbed over the fence. The dog ran to him and Carl gave it a big bone. He threw a piece of stone through the window, which broke. It wasn’t high. He could climb into the house easily. He looked around inside. There were paintings on the walls, small figures and vases on the shelves and the floor. Carl didn’t know much about arts. He couldn’t choose. He reached his hands towards a big vase when he heard a noise. The front door opened and someone entered the house. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: It was the professor. He had forgotten to take an important document with him. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Paragraph 2: The professor was scared. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. 英语月考答案 听力: 1-5 CCBBA 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 AABCC 阅读理解: 21-24ADBD 25-27ADB 28-30AAD 31-35BAFED 完形填空: 36-40CBADB 41-45CDAAC 46-50DACBB 51-55DACBD 语法填空: 56. is recognized 57.which 58. In 59. used 60. themselves 61. directly 62. how 63. playing 64. wisdom 65. enemies 应用文: Dear John, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from WeChat addiction. I understand how you feel and really want to help you get rid of it. Teenagers who are crazy about Wechat are unable to focus on study. Therefore, it is a must for you to take action and I would like to offer you some advice. First,I suggest that you should start some other hobbies, such as reading, listening to music . Besides, you had better make more friends through face-to-face communication. I sincerely hope that these ideas can help you with the problem. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 续写写作: 听力材料 W: What time does the bus leave? M: At ten past ten. Oh, It’s about five past. W: Five past ten? M: No, no, relax. Five past nine. (Text 2) M: Have you seen my biology textbook? I left it next to the TV last night. W: No. Go and look under your bed. M: Oh, who put it on the cupboard? W: I don’t know. (Text 3) M: You can look at pictures and read the interesting descriptions of places, but nothing can really replace going to a place yourself. W: Yes, but sometimes things like travel films do satisfy you if it’s a place you’re never likely to go. M: That’s right. (Text 4) M: Why are you going out so early? W: The doctor wants to do some tests and I mustn’t eat for twelve hours before that. She said the best way is to go without breakfast and go there early. Then I can eat and not miss too much time at work. M: Well, I see. (Text 5) M: How about playing badminton this evening? W: I may have a meeting today and if I do it’ll run late this afternoon, but I’m not sure yet. I should know by lunch time whether I’ll be able to get away early, then I can phone you. M: OK, I’ll wait for your call. (Text 6) M: Wow, there’re so many kinds of DVDs on the shelf. What do you feel like seeing? W: Oh, I don’t know. Something light. After the day I just had, I don’t want to use my brain at all. M: A comedy? W: That would work. Let’s see what they have. M: Cool, the new Jack Black film. W: It’s not boring or sorrowful, is it? I want something that makes me laugh and happy, not sleep or depressed. M: I know what you mean. This one’s safe. It’s a comedy. W: OK, let’s get it and enjoy it at home. I can’t wait to relax. (Text 7) M: Ticket prices have certainly gone up. W: Yes, but I really need a break. M: Would you like something to eat while we watch the movie? W: Sure. What do they have? M: It looks like the standard popcorn and soda. But there’s also ice cream, hot dogs, coffee and so on. W: I’m crazy for chocolate, but I should try to have something healthy. I want to avoid getting sick this year. Do they have any cakes? M: No, but they do have cookies. W: Please get me some cookies and a coffee. What are you getting? M: I’m getting the large popcorn and a cola. W: Here is some money. M: It’s on me. (Text 8) M: Good evening! For today’s programme, we have invited Sophie, a lady who worked as a nurse during World War II. W: Good evening! At the beginning of World War II, the government called on all its citizens 18 years old and over to help out. I started training as a nurse in November, 1940. It was two months of being taught basic skills in the School of Nursing. M: What happened to you during the sudden attack? You know, when Nazi Germany dropped bombs on Britain? W: Manchester was bombed on the 22nd and 23rd of December, 1940. On December 24 I received and order requesting my immediate return from leave for duties of nursing the wounded. Many volunteers in the Manchester Social Services have taken a week’s leave for the Christmas holidays, so the Manchester City Rest Centers were short of staff. Christmas Day was therefore my first day of nursing. (Text 9) W: Hey Dad! I’ve just been given this project at school. Do you think you can help me out? M: sure. What’s this project about? W: Well, I should interview someone that I admire about their jobs. M: Well, I am an expert when it comes to my job. Accounting is a respectable job and one that I am always happy to talk about. W: Dad, I know how much you love your job. It isn’t that I don’t admire you. But what I was hoping actually, was that you could speak to Mr. Chang, your diving friend, and see if he would agree to an interview. Diving for a living sounds cool! M: I see. That’s a great idea! You know how I really dislike talking about myself again and again for too long, Let me give David Chang a call right now and find out. W: Thanks, Dad! I know this will be a wonderful project! (Text 10) W: And here I am at the city stadium and the sun is shining. And eventually the players are coming onto the play field. As I was saying earlier there were such terrible traffic jams in the city today that the match is starting late. Most of the football fans have been waiting patiently in their seats since two o’clock but now as the players come out they’re cheering happily. And the whistle goes. Rossi has the ball and is running steadily down the field but, oh, no, the game has hardly started ---- only two minutes have gone ---- and he’s fallen heavily on the ground. Luckily he was not injured, but Hank has the ball instead. Now Parker is running quickly towards the goal to take the ball from Hank. He is playing well. It’s often Parker who shoots that important goal. And he has, he’s scored! And the crowd is shouting really loudly so it’s difficult to make myself heard. That was a wonderful goal by him.

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