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外研版八年级英语上册单元测试题全套(含答案) Module 1 检测卷 一、根据首字母提示写单词(5 分) 1.Can you t_________ these sentences into English. 2.It’s a good idea to learn the dialogue in g_______. 3.Best w______ to you for Teacher’s Day. 4.Be sure to take a deep b_____ before you talk in front of the class. 5.Can you give me some a_______? 二、 用所给词的正确形式填空(5 分) 1. Why not _____ (join) play games and us. 2. How about _____ (wait) him for a short while. 3. He wishes us ____ (learn) English well. 4. I enjoy _____ (watch) TV and _____(play) football. 三、补全对话(15 分) A: Hello! Language learning doctor. B: Hello! __1__ First is the vocabulary. I often forget the words quickly. What should I do? A: I advice you to remember 7 or 8 words a day. And you can make words cards, place them in your bedroom. Say the words and change them every day. B: Good idea! I will try it. Then how about speaking? I am afraid of speaking to others. A: First don’t be shy. __2___ B: What then should I say? A: I think there are a lot to say. For example, “It is a fine day, isn’t it?” or “Hello! How are you?” B: That sounds easy! __3__ A: Certainly. You can talk about the film with your friends and guess the meaning of new words. ___4__ B: I think now I am more confident. __5__ Thank you very much. A: It is my pleasure. Wish you success. 1 ______ 2 ______ 3_______ 4______ 5_______A. What can I do for you? B. It is a great way to learn English. C. Before you start your conversation, take a deep breath and smile. D. My last question is that whether it is necessary to see English films? E.I will take your advice. F.I want to ask for advice about English learning. G. Can you answer my questions? 四、短语填空(10 分) All the time, enjoy oneself, each other, write down, in class, help…with, send…to, get bad marks, look up, learn…from 1. My best friend Daming is good at Maths. He always ____ me ____ my study. 2. I hope you can ____ _____ on the field trip, Ann. 3. His dog follows him everywhere _________. 4. You’d better answer the teacher’s questions loudly __________. 5.--What is Lily doing over there? --He ________ some new words. 6.Jack _______ a letter ____ his mother yesterday. 7.Lngling ______ English _____ her sister Meimei now. 8.I’m afraid I ______ in the coming exam. 9.Please _______ your answer in your notebook. 10.Say “Hello” to _______ every morning. 五、单词拼写(10 分) 1.Chinese is one of the most important (语言)in the world. 2.I want to know how to (提高)my oral English. 3.The farmers celebrate the harvest (一起)in Autumn. 4.How about (看)TV at home. 5. “help (自己)to some fish”,the woman said to us. 6.I’m sorry I made many (错误)in the exam. 7.---Would you like some orange ? --- (仅仅)a little.8.My teacher is very kind. She always come into the classroom with a (微笑). 9.I’m sorry I didn’t (记住)to close the door when I left the room. 10.There are a lot of .(报纸)Which one do you want ? 六、完型填空(15 分) Mr. Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them soon. He__1__ that Inez was deaf. She “talk” with other by using __2___ language. Mr. Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teach __3__ students so that they could also “talk” with Inez. First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to __4__. Other letters, such as hand was the same ___5___ the shape of the letter. The __6__ thing they learned was finger—spelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. They __7__ with two—letter words such as “at” and “on”. Then they spelled __8__ words. Finally, Mr. Klein showed that __9__one sign for the word “fine”, a person spreads out (张开) the fingers on one hand, __10__ the thumb (拇指) to the chest (前胸). Signing is not just __11__ with the hands. Expressions on the face are also __12__. The students learned to sign a question mark by using expressions __13__ the face. When Inez first entered the classroom, she looked __14__. But the students signed,” Good morning, Inez.” She gave the class a big smile and signed back,”What a wonderful __15__!” 1. A. hoped B. said C. guessed D. thought 2. A. sign B. finger C. oral D. hand 3. A. his B. my C .her D. our 4. A. spell B. check C. remember D. write 5. A. to B. as C. like D. with 6. A. first B. only C. last D. next 7. A. met B. started C. agreed D. helped 8. A. never B. easier C. longer D. nicer 9 A. never B. perhaps C. still D. just 10. A. joins B. fixes C. touches D. ties 11. A. made B. done C. given D. chosen 12. A. important B. different C. difficult D. strange 13. A. at B. in C. to D. on 14. A. serious B. surprised C. frightened D. nervous 15. A. welcome B. congratulation C. progress D. success 七、阅读理解(10 分) We each have a memory. That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sound, remember it and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every days l it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more exercise. 1.Why can some people easily learn many things by heart? ________________________________________________________________ 2.When does everybody learn his mother language? _______________________________________________________ 3. What must he do before a child can speak? ___________________________________________________ 4. In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because_________________________________________. 5.Your memory will become better and better when ________________________. 八、综合填空(10 分) Try, as, remember, though, by, language, learn, quickly, through, talk What is the best way to learn a language? We should (1)____ that we all learn our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second (2)____ in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. It listens to what people say and (3)____ to imitate(模仿) what is hears. When it wants something, it has to ask for it. It is using the language, (4)____ in it and thinking it all the time. If people had a second language all the time they would learn it (5)_____. We learn our own language (6)____ learning people speak it, not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In school,(7)_____ you learn to read and write as well (8)____ to hear and speak, it is best (9)____ all the new words (10)____ the ear. You can read them, spell them and write them later. 九、书面表达(20 分) 假设你在美国的朋友 Tony 想要学习汉语,请你写一封信给他,提一些关于如何学习汉语 的建议。80 词左右。Module 1 检测卷 参考答案 一、根据首字母提示写单词 1. translate 2.groups 3.wishes 4.breath 5.advice 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1.join 2.waiting 3.to learn 4.watching; playing 三、补全对话 1.F 2. C 3. D 4.B 5. E 四、短语填空 1.helps with 2.enjoy yourself 3.all the time 4.in class 5.is looking for 6.sent to 7. is learning from 8. will get bad marks 9.write down 10.each other 五、单词拼写 1.languages 2.improve 3.together 4.watching 5.yourselves 6.mistakes 7.Just 8.smile 9.remember 10.newspapers 六、完型填空 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A 七、阅读理解 1.Because they have a good memory. 2.When he is a small child. 3.He hears the sounds and remembers them. 4.they have so little time for it. 5.you have more and more exercises. 八 、 综 合 填 空 1.remember 2.language 3.tries 4.talking 5.quickly 6.by 7.though 8.as 9.to learn 10.through. Module 2 检测卷 一、听力(听力)(共 20 小题;共 20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与其相对应的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) Ⅱ. 听五段短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 6. Jeff thinks there should be more . A. subways B. cars C. buses 7. Hector went to work today. A. by bike B. by car C. by boat 8. is having a birthday party this Sunday. A. Ted B. Tony C. Lisa 9. Miss White is more than Mr. Smith. A. serious B. popular C. athletic 10. Maria has hair. A. short curly B. short straight C. long curly Ⅲ. 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 题。 11. What does the boy think of English? A. Difficult. B. Easy. C. Boring. 12. What did the boy's English teacher say in the report card? A. The boy was good at English. B. The boy was lazy. C. The boy could do better. 听第二段对话,回答第 13-15 题。 13. Where has Jack been? A. To Beijing. B. To his hometown.C. To the woman's hometown. 14. What is the population of Jack's hometown? A. 20,000. B. 200,000. C. 2,000,000. 15. What does the woman want to do? A. To return to her own hometown. B. To go to the man's hometown. C. To go hiking with the man. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) 16. Ted is going to have this evening. A. a guitar lesson B. a piano lesson C. an acting lesson 17. Ted is going to play basketball with his friends on . A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday 18. Ted is going to his birthday party on Thursday afternoon. A. sister's B. cousin's C. uncle's 19. Ted is going fishing with his . A. cousin B. mom C. dad 20. Ted invites Sonia to on Friday afternoon. A. go shopping B. go swimming C. go fishing 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 21. --- What's the p of London? --- About seven and a half million. 22. If I had a m dollars, I would give it to medical research. 23. Her sister likes fruits, e bananas. 24. Tony's mother is an English teacher in a u . 25. We went to the m yesterday. There are lots of trees there. 26. The boat can take us to the only i in the middle of the lake. 27. This is the n gate of the park. 28. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the s of China. How I want to go on a trip there! 29. He opened his mouth w when he heard the amazing thing. 30. Bristol is in the w of England.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 31. I like fruit, (尤其) apples. 32. We have a growing (人口) and therefore we need more food. 33. He stood there in surprise with his mouth open (充分地). 34. I visited Qinghua (大学) during this summer vacation. 35. Tibet is in the (西方) of China and it is really beautiful. 36. There are many (山) in Shandong Province. 37. Some people like living in the (乡下). 38. Qingtuan is a traditional Qingming snack for people living (南方) of the Yangtze River. 39. Beijing is in the (北方) of China. 40. There are about five (百万) people in our city. 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 5 小题;共 15 分) 41. 你家对面的餐馆因什么而出名? What's the restaurant across from your house ? 42. 北京是一座比长春更古老的城市。 Beijing is an than Changchun. 43. 我认为超人更好,他比蜘蛛侠更强壮。 I think Superman is . He's Spiderman. 44. --- 大卫游得比高山快吗? --- 不, 不是的。他游得比高山慢。 --- David than Gao Shan? --- No, he . He than Gao Shan. 45. 我比班上大多数同学都安静。 I am than of the students in my class. 五、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 20 分) My name is Sally. I'm a student. I'm 46 the UK. It's a clean and beautiful 47 . London is the 48 of it. And it's famous 49 Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. London is 50 than any other city in England. It's the biggest city in England. Tower Bridge is a long bridge 51 it's 260 metres. It's never very hot in summer, or very cold in winter. There are some lakes and low mountains in the north 52 England, and there are 53 small villages on the west coast of England. Many people all over the world come here 54 holidays. You can 55 other famous places. Welcome to London. 46.A. on B. in C. from D. to 47.A. hometown B. home C. city D. country 48.A. capital B. lake C. state(州) D. province(省) 49.A. at B. for C. on D. about 50.A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 51.A. but B. and C. so D. because 52.A. about B. at C. of D. on 53.A. lots of B. lot of C. a lot D. a lots of 54.A. for B. to C. from D. of 55.A. give B. take C. like D. enjoy 六、阅读理解(共 16 小题;共 32 分) A Bangkok, the capital of Thailand(泰国), is also the biggest city in Thailand. Bangkok is a good place to shop for jewelry(珠宝) and clothes. They are beautiful but not expensive(贵的). The people in Bangkok are very friendly. If you eat in a restaurant, the waiters will always smile at you. The food is very delicious, but it is a little hot (辛辣的). You can also enjoy Chinese food there because lots of Chinese people live in Bangkok. In Bangkok, you can also find American food. The weather in Bangkok changes(变化) a lot from June to September. July is the rain season in Bangkok. If you come in this month, you must take an umbrella with you. If you come from October to February of the next year, you will feel very cool there. Bangkok is a very interesting place to visit. 56. The capital of Thailand is . A. Canberra B. Washington D.C. C. Bangkok D. Ottawa 57. Bangkok is a good place for people to buy . A. clothes B. fruits C. cars D. TVs 58. In Bangkok, you can eat . A. Chinese food B. English food C. American food D. A and C 59. People should take umbrellas in .A. June B. July C. August D. September 60. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. The jewelry in Bangkok is expensive. B. Waiters in restaurants of Bangkok are friendly. C. There are not many Chinese people in Bangkok. D. It is often rainy in October. B Canada and the United States are neighbours. They are on the same land. They share the same long boundary(国界). These two nations are same in many ways. Canadians buy many goods from the United States. Cars and clothes are two examples. Americans also buy goods from Canada. Much of the paper used in the United States comes from Canada. Some of the oil we use comes from Canada, too. Americans travel to Canada on holiday. And Canadians often visit the United States. It is easy for the people of one country to go to the other country. Canadians read about the United States in newspapers and magazines. Many Americans watch Canada baseball and hockey matches on Sundays. However, there are important differences between the United States and Canada. The United States has many more people. Because the population is smaller, there are more open places in Canada. There is much unusual land. This is another important difference. 61. Canadians buy from the United States. A. oil and paper B. nothing C. many things D. everything 62. The people in the United States like Canadian . A. newspaper B. basketball C. baseball D. oil 63. Which one of the following is NOT true? A. Canada is connected(连接) with America. B. Canada has not used all the land. C. Canadians don't like hockey. D. Canada has less people than USA. C Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so traveling to different places has become much easier than before. Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful for you. Before traveling: ● Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses. ● Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems. ● If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip, you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave. While traveling: ● Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit. ● Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. ● Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover on the bottle. 64. Traveling has become much easier because of the . A. modern technology B. modern traffic development C. travel agencies D. development of people's lives 65. You should before you leave your home for a trip. A. take some medicine with you B. clean the cover C. drink much water D. wear warm clothes 66. You had better not while you are having a trip. A. wear glasses B. be too tired C. wear a hat D. take a rest 67. If you while traveling, your trip will be happier. A. walk fast B. eat too much C. keep healthy D. climb a mountain 78. The passage mainly talks about . A. traveling development B. how to keep healthy during a trip C. activities before traveling D. activities while traveling D The 2012 Summer Olympics were held in London, UK. The city became the first in history to host the Olympic Games three times. The London 2012 Olympic mascots( 吉祥物), which are named after two small English towns, are Wenlock and Mandeville. They only have one eye. But they look very friendly. Wenlock is wearing bracelets( 手链) in the colors of the Olympic rings. UK children and families helped design the mascots. London had been preparing for the 2012 Olympics all the time. On May 5, the Olympic Stadium( 体 育 场 ) opened in east London. Schoolchildren in London were the stars of the day. Niamh Clarke-Willis is 9. She pressed the button(启动按钮) to open the Olympic Stadium with London 2012 Chairman Sebastian Coe. There were more than 40, 000 people taking part in the ceremony. The stadium can hold 80, 000 people. It hosted the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics on July 27. The 2012 London Summer Olympics were really a great success. 69. How many times has London held the Olympic Games? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times. 70. What do the names of the 2012 Summer Olympic mascots come from? A. Two small English towns. B. Two UK children. C. Two UK officers. D. Two UK families. 71. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics was held on July 27. B. The Olympic Stadium opened in south London. C. The stadium can hold 80,000 people. D. There were more than 40,000 people taking part in the ceremony. 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) Recently, an Internet game has become popular among young office workers and students. On the Internet people can "farm" on a piece of "land" and "grow", "sell" or even "steal" "vegetables", "flowers" and "fruits". 72. Of course, all those are not true, you know, they are on the Internet! I interviewed some people. 73. A parent says she doesn't quite understand why lots of young people are so mad about the childish games. 74. However, many junior high school children say they enjoy putting some "insects" in their friends' "gardens". And they've become closer because of the game. They think having fun together is the most exciting thing. 75. Students spend too much time playing the game, so they can not pay attention to their study. 76. Besides, it gives then the exciting experience of being a "thief". A. She thinks maybe they are just not confident to face the real world. B. Most young office workers think their work is too much for them and wish to relax for while. C. They can make some e-money and buy more "seeds", "pets" and even "houses". D. As for teachers, almost all of them say it's just a waste of time. E. Here are their opinions.八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) Canada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn comes, they have to go to the south where the weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there. Last spring, Bill Lishman found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm. They had lost their parents. Bill thought, "These young birds won't know what to do in the autumn." He had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him. All through the summer, he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese were after him. When the cold weather arrived in the autumn, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States, 600 miles south of his home in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and he returned home. This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn't arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia to get them. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn't find them. When he arrived back home, he found the geese waiting for him. They had found their way home without him! 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 77. Why do the Canada Geese fly to the south when autumn comes? 78. Where did Bill find sixteen young geese last spring? 79. How did Bill go to Virginia? 80. How long did it take Bill to look for the geese in Virginia? 81. What do you think of Bill Lishman? Module 2 检测卷 参考答案 一、听力(听力) 1. C 2. E 3. F 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C听力原文 Test 7 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与其相对应的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。每个句子读一遍。 1. Most young people like listening to pop music. 2. The woman reporter is reporting the fire. 3. Jack won the first place in the high jump. 4. If you want to keep healthy, you need to take more exercise. 5. Mary's mother made Mary a cake yesterday. Ⅱ. 听五段短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6. W: What do you think of the transportation in this city, Jeff? M: I think there should be more buses. 7. W: Hi, Hector! Did you go to work by car today? M: No, I rode my bike. 8. W: Can you come to my birthday party, Tony? M: I am sorry, Lisa. I have to visit Ted this Sunday. 9. W: How is your new English teacher, Miss White? M: She's less serious and more popular than Mr Smith. 10. W: Is that girl Maria? M: No, Maria has long curly hair. That girl's hair is short and straight. Ⅲ. 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 题。 W: Do you study English at school? M: Yes. I study English from Monday to Friday. W: How do you like it? M: I find it hard to learn. W: Why? M: I can't remember all the words. W: How was your report card about your English in the final exam? M: My English teacher, Miss Li, said I could do better. 听第二段对话,回答第 13-15 题。 W: Oh, Jack, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time.M: I've been to my hometown. W: Really? Where's your hometown? M: It's a city not far from Beijing. W: Are there many people in your hometown? M: Yes, quite a large number. There are about 2,000,000 people. W: Oh, so many people. There are only 200,000 people in my hometown. Hmm, by the way, did you enjoy yourself there? M: Yes, I did. I went hiking with my old friends. It was wonderful. W: Can I go with you next time? M: Of course. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 Hello, Sonia! This is Ted. Thank you for inviting me to your house this week. I'd like to, but I am afraid I can't. I will be very busy this week. This evening I am going to have a piano lesson. I have to study for my English test tomorrow. On Wednesday I am going to play basketball with my friends. On Thursday afternoon I am going to my cousin's birthday party. On Friday afternoon, I am going fishing with my dad. Can you come and go fishing with us then? We will be happy if you can come. Please call me this afternoon. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. population 22. million 23. especially 24. university 25. mountains 26. island 27. north 28. south 29. wide 30. west 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. especially 32. population 33. wide 34. University35. west 36. mountains 37. countryside 38. south 39. north 40. million 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 41. famous for 42. older city 43. better, stronger than 44. Does; swim faster; doesn't; swims slower 45. quieter; most 五、完形填空 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. A 54. A 55. D 六、阅读理解 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. B 60. B 61. C 62. C 63. C 64. B 65. A 66. B 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. A 71. B 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 72. C 73. E 74. A 75. D 76. B 八、阅读与表达(问答式) 77. Because the weather is warmer in the south. / Because the winter in Canada is cold. 78. On his farm. 79. By plane./He flew to Virginia. 80. For two weeks. 81. He is kind/warm-hearted.Module 3 检测卷 一、单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. They like playing ______ violin ______ football. A. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; / ( )2. Listening to the ___________ music always makes me _________ . A. relaxed , relaxing B. relaxed , relaxed C. relaxing , relaxing D. relaxing , relaxed ( ) 3. Boys and girls, believe in yourselves. The _________ you are , the better grades you’ll get. Amore carefully B more careful C. most careful D most carefully ( ) 4. I hope we have a better chance of ___________ the task . A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish ( )5.In our country the road is _______cleaner and wider than before. A. more B. little C. many D. much ( ) 6 .I think swimming is more exciting than _______the hills. A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing ( )7. Do you think math is __________ than English ? A. difficult B. as difficultC. more difficult D. most difficult ( ) 8. ---Excuse me, where is the museum? ---It’s near the bank. You can find it ______. A. clearly B. easily C. quietly D loudly ( )9.How about watching TV at home? —It’s too _______.Let’s play football. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. relaxing ( )10. He is not good at learning English and he always does his homework_______. A. quiet B. slowly C. quick D. careful 二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。There is a saying, “No sports, no life.”Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay11_ and get good grades. Everyone in our class_____12 sports. Our favourite 13___ is PE. We only have PE lessons 14__ ___ a week,but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The bo ys enjoy 15____ it, and many of the 16________ like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there17_____a lot of football fans (迷) in our class. When the weather is 18_______ ,we often play ping-pong outside. We h ardly ever play volleyball. We think its19________ .We have a basketball team. Our team often ha s friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to 20 _______ it. It’s very interesting. 11. A. healthy B. cool C. health D. thin 12. A. love B. loves C. loving D. loved 13. A. food B. drink C. subject D. fruit 14. A. two B. two time C. second D. twice 15. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play 16. A. students B. teachers C. girls D. people 17. A. were B. are C. is D. was 18. A. cloudy B. windy C. fine D. wet 19. A. boring B. relaxing C. exciting D. interesting 20 A. watch B. read C. look D. look 三、阅读理解(共 13 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 26 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Nancy's Gym Keep fit! Lose weight! $25/hour Open two days a week: Saturday and Sunday Ph: 45562233 Ice World Have fun skating here! $20 / hour for children $30 / hour for adults Tel: 88682526 Water World Open: 9 am to 9 pm Adults: $10 Children (aged 15 or under): $7 Tel: 21518296 Come to Water World! Two pools for children Two large pools for adults Two restaurants ( )21. What do people want to do at Nancy's Gym? A. To enjoy swimming. B. To learn skating. C. To become thinner. ( )22. Lucy likes skating. Which ad is she probably interested in? A. Ice World. B. Water World. C. Nancy's Gym. ( )23. You can call at _______ when you want to swim. A. 45562233 B. 88682526 C. 21518296 ( )24. You can go to swim in Water World at _______. A. 8:00 am B. 9:30 am C. 10:00 pm ( )25. Which costs the most for an adult? A. Keeping fit at Nancy's Gym. B. Skating in Ice World. C. Swimming in Water World. B In the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called "Dream (梦幻) World Cups" in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags (旗帜) of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan (迷)? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers (青少年) like playing and training football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 26. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have _____. A. Many football fans   B. a very good team C. many football player   D. a big playground 27. The next World Cup will be held in _______. A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005  D. 2004 28. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except _______. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers 29. In "Dream World Cup", the children drew the flags of some countries ______. A. to show their love for their own country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football 30. Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because ______. A. they are interested in football  B. they are football fans C. they think their favorite players are great  D. all of A, B an C “Beijing, Toronto and Paris are the most important cities bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008,” said Richard W. Pound, the IOC’s first vice president(副主席). “The host city of the Olympic Games of 2008 will be decided at the IOC meeting in Moscow in 200 1. Beijing is ready on its way because it nearly becomes the host of the Olympic Games of 2000, an d Toronto and Paris also have strong power(竞争力),” said Pound at an IOC meeting. After ten cities are interested in bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008. They are Beijing, Toronto, and Paris. Some of other cities are Osaka, Havana, Istanbul and Cairo. For the first time, the host city will be decided without IOC members visiting the places. The biddin g scandals( 丑 闻) of the Salt Lake City have made the IOC find new ways of bidding. That is why the IOC members will not be allowed to visit the bidding cities. ( ) 31. Richard W. Pound _________. A. can decide where to hold the Olympic Games B. knows the most about the Olympic Games C. is one of the IOC’s presidents D. will visit the most important bidding cities ( )32. In 2001, _________. A there’ll be the Olympic Games in Moscow B. the host city of the Olympic Games of 2008 will be decided C. the IOC members will have more meetings D. more and more cities are going to bid for the Oly mpic Games ( ) 33. The underlined parts “bidding for” and “host city” may mean ________. A. 申办;主办城市 B. 寻求;美丽城市 C. 建立;奥运之都 D. 盼望;都市风情 ( ) 34. Osaka, Havana, Istanbul and Cairo are ________. A. much smaller than Beijing, Toronto and Paris B. waiting to be visited by IOC members C. going to the IOC meeting in Moscow D. also bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008 ( ) 35. Which of the following is true? A. Beijing has strong power to bid for the Olympic Games of 2008. B. It is the first time for Toronto and Paris to bid for the Olympic Games. C. The bidding scandals are still not known by the bidding cities. D. The IOC has started new ways of bidding since 2000. 四、根据音标写单词(共 10 个小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 1.['kεəli əs] ____________ 2.[ə'ɡenst]____________3. ['ju:ʒuəl____________ 4. [pli:zd]__________ 5. [kəutʃ] _____________ 6. [in'dʒɔiəbl] ____________ 7. [ik'saitiŋ] __________ 8. [skɔ:] ___________ 9. ['bɔ:riŋ] _________ 10. [ɔ:l'redi]_______ 五、词汇应用(共 1 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) (1) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。 1. Tony always does our homework _____________(careless) 2. We trained _________(hard) this year than before. 3. I am afraid our team is doing even ________(bad) . 4. The more you go jogging, the _________(health) you will feel. 5. This week’s match is already _____________(exciting). 6. Danny fell down and hurt his arms _______ (bad). 7. 7.Table tennis is_______ (popular) than volleyball in China. 8. We all think we have a chance of_______ (win). 9. As a student, it’s important_______ (not be) late for school. 10. _______ (run) is more boring than playing tennis. (2) 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1. Listening to _______(使人放松的)music makes us relaxed . 2. What’s the _________(麻烦)with your computer ? 3. Don’t be so _________ (粗心的) about spelling . 4. We are playing _____(和……比赛)the League champions next week . 5. She was very _______(满意)with her exam results . 六、翻译句子(共 7 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 14 分) 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语。 1. 这周的比赛已经令人兴奋多了(exciting) ________________________________________________________________ 2.没什么比打网球更令人愉快的。(enjoyable) _________________________________________________________________ 3.我对这个消息感到兴奋。( be excited at ) _________________________________________________________________ 4.我认为篮球比乒乓球更令人兴奋。( exciting ) _________________________________________________________________ 5.那意思是我们有获胜的机会。(chance) _________________________________________________________________ 七、阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 The students’ life today can be very stressful (紧张的). They are under pressure (压力) every day. They need a break from it. Parents should ask children to do something else. (4) ______ not let them relax in front of the TV. A hobby is the perfect answer. There are many different kinds of hobbies. Chess is a good example. It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps children develop their thinking skills. Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. A child can collect almost anything: key rings, stamps, postcards, old coins, etc. Many of these collecting can be both interesting and fun. They teach children a lot and broaden (益处). For example, gardening . For example, gardening (园艺) is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches children about nature. (5) A hobby can be useful learning tool. Children may becomes experts in something if they really love their hobbies. Children will also learn to become more organized and make places. Hobbies will also teach children a lot about responsibility(责任). 1. 在文中划线部分(4)的空白处填入一个适当的连词使句意完整连贯。 ___________ 2.在短文中找出可以替换下面所给句子的一句话。 It is a god hobby for children to collects something. ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 3.:How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage? _______________________________________________ 4. Why is gardening a useful hobby? ———————————————————————— 5.将文中划线部分(5)的英语句子译成汉语。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 八、写作 (15 分) 请以 Let’s do exercise together 为题,根据以下提示,写一 篇 60-80 词的短文,向该栏目投稿。 开头已给出,不计入总次数 提示:运动的重要性:保持健康 保持良好心态 ......... 上学时步行或骑自行车 体育课做各种锻 炼(跑步、打篮球......) 周末与朋友去爬山、游泳等...... ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Module 3 检测卷 参考答案 一、1-5 BDBCD 6-10DCBAB 二、11-15ABCDB 16-20 CBCAA 三、 21-25 CABBB 26-30 BABCD 31-33 CBADD 四、 1.careless 2 against 3usual 4 pleased 5coach 6enjoyable 7 exciting 8 score 9 boring 10 already 五、(1) 1 carelessly 2.harder 3.worse 4. healthier 5more exciting6 badly7 more popular9 not to be10 Running (2 )1 relaxing 2 matter 3 careless 4 against 5 pleased六、 1. This week’s match is already more exciting. 2.thing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. 3. I’m excited at the news . 4. I think basketball is more exciting than table tennis . 5.That means we’ll have a chance of winning 七、1:But 2:Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. 3: Three 4:Because gardening is not only a physical activity but also it teaches children about nature. 5: 一个爱好可能成为有用的学习工具 八、One possible version: Let’s do exercise together. It’s very important for us to do exercise. Doing exercise can make us healthy and help us keep happy. What’s more, taking exercise is good for our study. We can do many kinds of exercise whenever we want. It is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike. During PE class, we can do exercise such as running jumping playing basketball and so on. On weekends, we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends. Also we can go hiking during the vacations. Let’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together! 4. You have to wait for hours because of bad weather. 5. You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful. 七、1. 2. because or 3. Will people go to work by plane?/ Will people take the plane to work? 4. Because they live near their work places 5. In the south of China. 八、One possible version: Dear Wang Ning, I’m glad to hear that you are going to visit my hometown. Welcome to Zhucheng. There are three ways you can choose, by train, by car and by bus. A journey by train is the most relaxing way and it’s less expensive. So it’s the best choice for most people..But it’s difficult to book tickets during the busy travelling season . If you decide to take a train, please remember to buy your ticket before. Another way to come to my hometown is by bus .This is usually the cheapest way, but the bus sometimes get crowded and dirty. and it takes you a long time. However, it will not cost as much as going by train. Of course you can drive to my hometown. It’s the most convenient if the traffic is not heavy. Most families like driving to travel. Ok, I hope this can help you. Have a good time. Yours, Xiangming Module 4 检测卷 一、 单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) ( ) 1. ---Did you get there by _______ train? ----No. We took __________ bus. A. / the B. a the C. /,/ D.the a ( ) 2. All the people went home _____________ Mr Wang , for he had to finish his work . A. with B. besides C. except D. after ( ) 3. Please choose carefully the places during the holiday. A. to visit B. visiting C. visits D. visited ( ) 4. Of all the students, Linda draws ______carefully. A Very B .much C .more D. most ( ) 5. ------ The T-shirt looks nice on you! How much does it ____________ ? I just _____________ ten dollars for it. A. take , afforded B. cost , paid C. cost , spent D. spend, took ( ) 6.Which do you like__________, tea, milk or orange juice? A. best B. better C. good D. well ( ) 7. In the last five years the workers _______ millions of trees. A. have planted B. planted C. has planted D. plants ( ) 8. If Bill doesn’t go , I won’t ,____________ . A. either B. also C. as well D. too ( ) 9. On snow days, a driver must drive as _________ as possible. A.fast B. slowly C. wisely D. carefully ( ) 10. The______ trees we plant, the_____ _the air will be. A. many; good B. much; well C .more; better D. more; good 二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Traffic is becoming worse and worse in big cities. Heavy traffic has caused a lot of to people’s life and work. For example, people have to get up to go to work on time and come back very late when their work is . There are many causes (原因) for problems, but the following may be the most important ones. One cause is the great increase ( 增 长 ) in the of private cars. Cars need more space but they fewer people. When more and more cars appear, roads and streets become very . It also causes air pollution. The other cause is that some people don’t care about traffic . They cross the streets even when the traffic lights are still . This may easily cause traffic accidents. But how can we these problems? I think if we go out by bus or by bike more often, we’ll use cars less. It may be a helpful way. 11. A.suggestions B.problems C.types D.imaginations 12. A.quietly B.late C.gently D.early 13. A.overB.on C.in D.out 14. A.foodB.water C.traffic D.electricity 15. A .price B.number C.population D.distance 16. A.give B.use C.make D.carry 17. A.wide B.long C.crowded D.empty 18. A.rules B.ways C.reports D.dates 19. A.green B.red C.yellow D.black 20. A.discuss B.think C.forget D.solve 三、阅读理解(共 13 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 26 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 ASome people have to use public transport, some dislike it and still some love it. If everyone has a car and drives anywhere they want to go, there will be serious traffic problems on the road. Luckily, trains are a good form of public transport. British people use trains a lot. This is especially so for people who are travelling from London to Paris. Every day about 20 trains leave London. They travel at a very high speed and people feel glad that the trains take only 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach Paris. It's much faster to travel by train than by bus or by car. This is because people have to drive cars or buses very carefully and lowly for many reasons, such as speed limits and traffic jams. However, when you are travelling by train, the speed is almost the same and there is no traffic jam for a train. Besides, Londoners think taking a train is one of the safest ways of travelling on the ground. Trains take quite a number of quality tests while they are made. More importantly, they have to take many safety checks before they are used on the rail track. What's more, trains in Britain are comfortable and provide fine services for their users. When you are on a London train, you will find that the train has comfortable tables and seats where people can sit. They also provide food services and power plugs(电源插头) for personal computers or mobile phone. 21. The main idea of the passage is that ________. A. British people enjoy public transport B. it's fast to travel from London to Paris C. trains in Britain provide fine services for their users D. trains are a good form of public transport for Londoners 22. In a traffic jams on the road, ________. A. drivers can drive fast B. drivers can drive carelessly C. cars are not moving fast D. cars will stop working 23. The 3rd paragraph of the passage mainly talks about the ________ of trains. A. speed B. safety C. services D. problems 24. Londoners often travel by train because trains are ________. A. old and slow B. large, clean and powerful C. fine and important D. fast, safe and comfortable 25. What can we know from the passage? A. We can travel from London to Paris in less than 2hours. B. We can do our work with personal computers on the train. C. We have to wait till we get off the train in order to have some food. D. The trains are only checked for quality reasons before they are used. B The longest train journey in the world is from the Pacific over to the Atlantic, going across Asia and Europe. You can do this famous journey with only a few changes of train .Some people start in Hong Kong and take the train to Beijing .This is a very good way to see a lot of Chinese passing by the window while you talk or eat .You can stay at a hotel in Beijing ,and then take the train for a five-day journey to Moscow. It is a long time ,but you can walk up and down the train and get out at some of the stations. You can take some good books and maybe some games too . There are the horses of Mongolia riding past .Don't they look lovely! Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator to do some sightseeing .Later the train goes past Lake Baikal ,one of the World's largest with 20%of the world's fresh water .As we go west the food changes. This is one of the best as well as the longest train journeys .Here is Moscow-with lots to do and more trains going on to Paris, or even ,under the sea, to London. ( ) 26. The longest train Journey in the world is from the Pacific to the ____________ . A. Indian B. Atlantic C. Antarctic ( ) 27. You can do this famous journey with ___________ changes of train . A. many B. few C. a few ( )28. You can stay in a hotel in Beijing , and then have a five-day journey to ________ . A. Paris B. London C. Moscow ( ) 29. The ___________ of Mongolia look lovely ! A. camels B. horses C. elephants ( )30. You can do some ____________ on the train. A. cooking B. reading C. fishing C The quickest and easiest way to get around London. Many English people like it. It has 275 (63 in the centre of London) stations across the city. You are always near to a tube station. Most people in London use a tube. It is very easy and comfortable. There are 12 Tube Lines in London. London Subway on all lines runs every few minutes from 05 :30 to 00:30 from Monday to Saturday and runs from 07 :30 to 23 :30 on Sunday. People can't smoke(吸烟) on the train because it's not good for passengers. The subway is the visitors' first choice. It's popular with people in London. ( )31.Which is the fastest way for visitors to travel around London? A. By taxi. B. By subway. C. By car. D. By plane. ( 32. How many days does London Subway work from 05 :30 to 00 :30 in a week? A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Six days. D. Seven days. ( 33. When does the first train of London Subway start on Sunday? A. At 00 :30. B. At 05 :30. C. At 07 :30. D. At 06 :30. ( )34. How many subway stations are there in the centre of London? A. 36. B. 63. C. 12. D. 275. ( )35. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The introduction to London Subway. B. The history of London Subway.C. The time of London Subway. D. The good of London Subway. 四、单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 1.['æksidənt]__________2. [ik'sept]________3. ['kraudid]_____________4. ['dʒə:ni]_________ 5. [hau'evə] ________6. [,aut'said] _________7. ['klɑ:smeit]____________ 8. [kɔst] _________9. [tʃɔis]__________ 10. [rəud] __________ 五、词汇应用(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (1) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。 1. It sounds ________ ( interest ) . 2. Wei Hua is an __________ (8 岁 )girl . 3. His parents want him _______ ( drop ) out of school . 4. He was tired .He wanted to stop ________ ( have ) a rest . 5. He was too tired , but he didnt stop ______ ( work ) . 6. In the last 15 years ,this project _______ ( raise ) money . 7. With the help of _____ ( he ) ,they got good marks . 8. _______ ( thousand ) of children have better lives . 9.Kitty has the __________(many) books of as all. 10.I think this problem isn’t as __________ (difficulty) as that one. I can work it out by myself. (2)根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1. A car ____________(意外事故)happened last night . 2. Can I _________(预订)two tickets to the concert tomorrow? 3. I hope you will have a good _________ (旅行). 4. He was so ___________(粗心的)that he made several mistakes in his maths test. 5. He was feeling bad , ____________(然而),he went to work . 六、翻译句子(共 7 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 14 分) 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语。 1. 托尼每天怎么去上学。(how ) _______________________________________________________________ 2. 到那儿要花费你 12 个小时的时间。 _____________________________________________________________ 3. 它是去上学最好的方式。( the best way to do ) ________________________________________________________________ 4. 因为天气不好,你可能要在机场等几个小时。 ______________________________________________ 5.你可以骑自行车上学,但是记得要小心。 ______________________________________________ 七、阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 People travel to work in different ways. (1)Some people go to work on foot because they live near their work places. Some people go to work by bike(A) _________they live farther away, (B)____________they like riding bikes. They think it's good for their health. Today more people have private (私人的) cars, so they can go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses. (C) 人们将乘飞机去上班吗? I think so, if necessary (如果必要的话). 1 将划线句子翻译成汉语。 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 在(A)、(B)两处填上合适的单词使句意完整。_________ ___________ 3.将(C)处翻译成英语。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do some people go to work on foot? _____________________________________________________________________ 5Where do many people go to work by ship? ____________________________________________________________ 八、写作 (15 分) 国庆节就要到了,你的朋友王宁打算从上海到你的家乡休闲旅游。假若你是小明,请 你给小明写一封信,谈谈来你家乡的多种交通方式及各种的优缺点和你的建议。 Dear wangming, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Ok, I hope this can help you. Have a good time. Yours, Xiangming Module 4 检测卷 参考答案 一、1~5 ACADB 6~10 BAADC 二、11-15 BDAC B 16-20DCABD 三、21-25 D C B D B 26-30 BCCBB 31-33 B C C B A 四、 1. accident 2except 3crowded 4 journey 5however6 outside7classmate8cost 9choice10 road 五、 (1)1interesting 2 eight-year-old 3 to drop 4to have 5working 6has raised 7him 8Thousands 9 most 10 difficult (2) 1 accident 2book 3 journey 4 careless 5however 六、 1. How does Tony go to school every day ? 2. It’ll take you twelve hours to get there. 3. It’s the best way to go there . Module 5 检测卷 一、单项选择(15 分) 1.____ , they lived a happy life. A. In the end B. At the end C. By the end D. At the end of 2.I wanted to see the Beijing Opera ,so Lingling offered ____me to watch an opera A. took B. takes C. to take D. taking 3.When and where did the story _____? A. to happen B. happened C. take place D. took place 4.Lashe’s teahouse _____ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. A. describes B. improves C. prepares D. corrects 5.--____ have you lived with your grandparents? --About three years. A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often 6.The Great Wall is one of ___ places of interests in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous 7.--Why not go to Laoshe Teahouse ? --______. A. It doesn’t matter B thank you C. Sorry to hear that D. sounds good. 8. Bingxin was a great Chinese writer of the __ century. A. twenty B. twentieth C. twenties D. twentyth 9.At last ,they decided _____ Beijing . A. don’t visit B. not visit C. not to visit D. not visiting 10.I think he ____ if he___ free. A. comes , is B. will come ,will be C. comes, will be D. will come, is 二、完形填空(10 分) Lao She was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. He was not only an excellent writer, 11 also a great modern novelist(小说家) and dramatist(剧作家). Lao She was born into a 12 family in Beijing and his real name was Shu Qingchun. His family was poor after his father died. His mother had a very 13 time. Lao She worked his way through college. After graduating he started to work as a 14 in primary and middle schools. He liked 15 since he was a child. He didn’t write his first novel until He was famous 16 his novel Camel Xiangzi and the play Teahouse. Teahouse shows the 17 of the Chinese people between 1898 and 1945. Most people like to see it. Like 18 famous intellectuals 知识分子 in China, he experienced lots of bad things in the middle 1960s. 19 , he killed himself in a lake in 1966. He was married to Hu Jieqing and they 20 four children, one son and three daughters.11.A.and B.but C.or D.so 12.A.poor B.mistakes C.rich D.plans 13. A.happy B.good C.mad D.hard 14.A.guide B.doctor C.teacher D.waiter 15.A.writing B.singing C.listening D.reading 16. A.as B.for C.to D.with 17.A.idea B.family C.life D.interest 18.A.other B.others C.another D.else 19.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Quickly D.Certainly 20.A.took B.played C.spent D.had 三、阅读理解(30 分) A Franz Schubert was a famous musician in the world.But he lived a very hard life and often suffered(遭受)from being hungry. One day he was very hungry and went to a small restaurant,hoping he might meet some friends there.He looked round but found nobody he could borrow any money from.Then his eyes fell on a paper on one of the tables.In it was a short poem(,诗歌).He read the poem and like it very much .Then he sat down and began to write a piece of music for the poem .Then he took his work to the owner of the restaurant.He only received a dish of beef and potato for it. Thirty years after his death,this music of the poem by Schubert was worth 40,000 francs.It was played in many big theatres and all the people loved it .This is his famous Berceuse(摇篮 曲). 21.We know the owner of the restaurant _________from this passage. A.was also a musician B.was very kind C.hated Schubert very much D.didn’t understand music very much 22.The passage didn’t tell us _________. A.how old he was when Schubert died B.how poor Schubert was C.why Schubert wrote a piece of music for the little poem D.whether Franz Schubert mastered the poem 23.What’s the meaning of the under line word “work”is A.作品 B.工作 C.盘子 D.纸张 24.The best title for this passage is ___________. A.Musician and Hunger B.Franz Schubert and his Berceuse C.Franz Schubert Died D.A Great Musician B Lao She wrote Teahouse in 1957. The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and1945. It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Life and his customers. It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighborhood. Finally, it says goodbye old Beijing and its people. The story starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty. It continues in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945.After the war, Wang loses the teahouse and he dies. Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899. His parents sent him to the Teahouse’s School in Beijing andhe learned to teach. Form 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories. He was named a “People’s Artist” and a “Great Master of Language”.He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. In Lao She’s Teahouse today, waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food. If you like Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse. Lao She’s Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world. 25. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? A. Lao She. B. Lao She Teahouse. C. The story of Teahouse. D. The play Teahouse. 26. How many years of life in China is shown in the play Teahouse? A. 57 years. B. 45 years. C. 98 years. D. 47 years. 27. When does Wang Lifa lose the Teahouse? A. In 1898. B. In 1916. C. Before 1945. D. After 1945. 28. Lao She was all of the following except __________. A. a boss of Teahouse B. a people’s Artist C. a Great Master of Language D. one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century C "I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the Internet." "I often check my e-mail forty times a day." "I often spend more than three hours during one time on the Internet." "I spend more time in chat rooms than with my 'real-1ife' friends." Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction ( 瘾 ) called Internet addiction. Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. Internet addicts lose control of the time they spend on the Internet. The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug (毒品) use. For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried, and they called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the Internet for several days straight. Studies show that about 6% to 10% of Internet users become addicted. And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them. They spend more time on the Internet than in the real world of friends and family. Is "surfing the Internet" a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms (症状): ●You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet. ●You can't wait for your next online time. ●You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours. ●You go out with your friends less and less. 29. How does the writer describe the addicts of Internet? A. It is something like making friends. B. It is a way of producing drugs. C. It is like taking drugs. D. It is terrible to imagine. 30. Why do people worry about the teens? A. The teens are wasting too much money. B. They used to work on the Internet. C. The playing field of the teens will disappear. D . More and more of the teens wil1 become addicted to the Internet 31. The example in the passage shows that _______. A. Internet problems are more serious among college students B. Internet addicts usually stay in the computer lab without sleep C. Some of the Internet users have already been seriously addicted D. The police often help to find those Internet addicts. 32. What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage? A. Don't be addicted to the Internet. B. Go to family activities more often. C. Do things as you have planned. D. Stay with your parents as often as possible. D One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door, was so hungry that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “how much do I own you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” With these words, Howard Kelly left that house. Year later the woman became badly ill and as finally sent to the hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor’s clothes, Dr. Kelly went into her room and recognized her at once. From that day on, he gave special attention to her, and decided to do his best to save her life. At last the woman was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the business office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words: “Paid in full with a glass of milk, Dr. Howard Kelly.” Tear of joy flooded her eyes. 33. The boy sent newspaper door to door in order to ________ . A. continue his schooling B. become a famous doctor C. thank the woman for her kindness D. support his poor family 34. After Dr. Kelly knew who the woman was, he ________ A. began to take good care of her himself. B. told her she once gave him a glass of milk C. made up his mind to try his best to save her. D. asked for her bill and paid it off at once. 35. The best title for this passage is _________ . A. A Warm-hearted Woman B. A Glass of Milk C. The Final Bill D. A Famous Doctor 四、根据音标写单词(10 分) 1. ['æktris]___________ 2. [ɔfə]________ 3.[di'skraib]__________ 4. ['kɔmən]___________ 5.['twentiiθ]___________6. ['kɔlidʒ]__________7. [sə'saiəti]____________8.['nɔvəl]_______ 9.['mædʒik]___________10. [ækt]_____________ 五、词汇应用(10 分) (1)用所给词的适当形式填空(5) 1.I wanted to see Beijing Opera ,so Lingling ________(offer) to take me there.2. The actors and ___________(act) were excellent. 3. After ____________(finish) school in 1918,he became a head teacher of a primary school. 4. We only planned __________( watch) for an hour, but we stayed there for three hours. 5. Mr Wang will teach _________(we) English this term. (2)根据汉语提示完单词,注意词形(5) 1.Laoshe is one of the greatest writers of the __________(二十) century. 2.It ___________(描述)the life of Wang Lifa and the changes to the lives of common people in Chinese__________(社会) 。 3.There are many ______________(顾客) in the restaurant because of delicious food. 4.Do you want to see the ____________(传统) music or classical music? 六.完成句子(每小题两分,共 10 分) 1 .I _______ _______ ______ ______ next time.(希望明白的更多) 2. He _______ _________ _________ _________ his play Teahouse.(尤其因为….而出名) 3.Laoshe Teahouse _________ _________ ________ ________(热烈欢迎) to everyone from all over the world. 4.He ________ (回到) to china _______ ________ ________.(五年后) 5. Daming _________ ________ ________ __________ to Mei Lanfang Theatre just now .(建议他们去) 七、阅读表达(10 分) All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy and to live longer . Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when "their" player or team wins. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China or Australia. And think of people in cold countries. Think how many love to skate or ski (滑雪) in Japan, Norway or Canada. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train(培养,训练) a person’s character(性格, 品格). One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(胜不骄,败 不馁). 1、In what kind of country do you think swimming is popular ? ____________________________________________________________________ 2.How long is the history of basketball? ____________________________________________________________________ 3.将文中的的划线句子译成汉语 _____________________________________________________________________ 4. 请列出运动的 2 个好处。 1)______________________________2)__________________________________ 5、给短文拟一个标题 ____________________________________________________________________. 八、写作(15 分) 请以 My favourite _________(一部电影或者一本书)为题,写一篇不少于 80 词的短文。 内容提示:1.故事的主人公 2. 主要故事情节 3. 对你个人的影响 Module 5 检测卷 参考答案 一、1-5ACCAB 6-10 DDBCD 二、 11-15 BADCD 16-20 BCABD 三、 21-24 DDAB 25 – 28 BDBA 29-32 CDCA 33-35 ACB 四、1. actress 2. offer 3. describe 4. common 5. twentieth 6. college 7. society 8. novel 9. magic 10. act 五、(1)1.offered 2.actresses 3. finishing 4.to watch 5.us (2) 1.twentieth 2.describes 3. Society 4.customers 5.traditional 六、1.hope to understand more 2. is especially famous for 3.gives a warm welcome 4.returned five years old 5. Advised them to go 七、1.swimming is popular in the countries near the sea or with many rivers. 2.It’s less than 130 years .3.一些运动或者比赛追溯到数千年前,像跑或者跳。4.1)keep people healthy and happy 2)help people to live longer 5. sports 或者 games 八、 My favourite book Blackbeard( 海 盗 黑 胡 子 ) is my favourite book. The main character is Edward Teach . .He is only happy when he is at sea. One day he meets one of nicer pirates(海盗).Day by day ,Edward Teach becomes a true pirate. Because he is very strong and frightening , he becomes very famous .He has long black beard, so people call him Blackbeard .He and his crew catch more than 40 ships from all over the world. And they get much gold and treasure . It makes the government angry .So the government try their best to kill him .At last , Blackbeard is killed by them . From the story , I know everyone should make our society more beautiful by working hard. Module 6 检测卷 一、听力(听力)(共 20 小题;共 20 分) 一、听力理解(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的 A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听 到的句子内容相匹配的图画。 1.A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4.A. B. C. B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. What did Mike do on Thursday afternoon? A. He played rugby. B. He did weight training. C. He did some running. 6. How does William's grandfather keep fit? A. By playing tennis. B. By running. C. By playing Taijiquan. 7. What did the boy have for breakfast? A. Some milk and a hamburger. B. An egg and a hamburger. C. Some bread and an egg. 8. What did Miss Brown talk about during the lesson? A. Healthy food. B. School dinner. C. A TV programme. 9. What did the girl do? A. She did weight training for two hours. B. She ran for two miles. C. She played Taijiquan for two hours. 10. What can we learn about the trip? A. It was an exciting trip. B. It was a short trip. C. It was a boring trip. 11. How will they get home probably? A. On foot. B. By subway. C. By taxi. 12. What will the man do? A. Write to her aunt. B. Call her aunt. C. E-mail her aunt. 13. What sign did the man see? A. Be quiet. B. No smoking. C. No littering. 14. What does the man mean? A. Mark should go on with the game. B. Mark should play outside.C. Mark should review his lessons. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有三个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第 15 至第 17 小题。 15. Where are the two speakers talking? A. In the supermarket. B. In the library. C. In the post office. 16. What is the boy looking for? A. A story book. B. A picture book. C. A book on animals. 17. Why does the boy need it right now? A. Because he likes it very much. B. Because he has to write a report. C. Because he wants to lend it to someone. 听下面一段材料,回答第 18 至第 20 小题。 18. Why did John's mother allow him to eat chocolates that Grandpa bought? A. Because they didn't cost her any money. B. Because she wanted to make Grandpa happy. C. Because she wanted to make John happy. 19. When would John's birthday be? A. On Wednesday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 20. Why did John shout in his bedroom? A. To make God know his wish. B. To make his mother know his wish. C. To make Grandpa know his wish. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 21. Are you i in this movie? 22. We must give up using plastic bags in order to p our earth. 23. Every spring my mother likes to g flowers and trees. 24. They did some r on traffic accidents yesterday. 25. He was in a very dangerous s because there were many wild animals around him. 26. His favorite subject at school is science and he wants to be a s .27. ---What's the most important morning news on CCTV today? ---The Chinese g warned Japan not to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. 28. The Great wall is a s of the Chinese nation. 29. Every day, I have to f (喂养) the three dogs. I really hate doing that. 30. There are many w animals in the forest. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 31. We can (筹集) money for the spring field trip by ourselves. 32. The zoo keeper had to do a lot of (研究) on how to look after giant pandas. 33. I am sure that we can (生产) this kind of engine. 34. What do you think of (情景) comedy? 35. Wheat (生长) in the north of China. 36. I want to be a (科学家) when I grow up. 37. We should (保护) the environment. 38. Jim says he is very (感兴趣) in Chinese, for he thinks Chinese is very useful. 39. My parents don't (允许) me to play computer games. 40. Is the river deep (足够) to swim in it? 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) 41. 我们应该尽力去帮助濒危动物。 We should try to help animals . 42. 妈妈拿走了小 Tommy 的玩具,于是他哭了起来。 Mum little Tommy's toys and he cried. 43. 我们很早便出发,为了避免塞车。 We left early avoid the traffic. 44. 一些大学生毕业后选择自己创办公司。 Some college students choose to companies of their own after graduation. 45. 我女儿想出一个学习英语的新方法。 My daughter a new way to learn English. 五、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 15 分) Do you like dolphins(海豚)? Dolphins live 46 water, but they are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物) that live in water. It has to (不得不) breathe(呼吸) air to the top of the water very often. A dolphin's nose isn't 47 to see. It's just a very small hole 48 top of the dolphin's head. This hole is called a blowhole. A dolphin 49 up every minute to breathe. It opens blowhole and takes air in, and then goes back into the water again. It can stay 50 the water for six or seven minutes if it has to. A dolphin's ears are very small, 51 its mouth is very 52 . It has almost one hundred teeth. A dolphin 53 very fast. Scientists are studying ways to 54 boat go faster through the 55 . 46.A. in B. on C. above D. under 47.A. easy B. difficult C. good D. fast 48.A. on B. on the C. at D. above 49.A. flies B. comes C. walks D. runs 50.A. at B. up C. on D. under 51.A. if B. or C. but D. so 52.A. small B. big C. good D. nice 53.A. goes B. swims C. runs D. walks 54.A. make B. ask C. tell D. talk to 55.A. air B. room C. land D. water 六、阅读理解(共 19 小题;共 38 分) A Denzil wasn't a very clever donkey. He always did some silly things because he didn't think. "Look out," the other donkeys said. "Here comes Denzil—everybody runs away!" One day, Denzil carried two heavy bags of salt, one on each side of his back. When he was crossing a big river, he fell into the water. The salt began to melt. When he tried his best to stand up, all the salt was gone. "Hey, that's really great," thought Denzil. "I must remember that. Next time I can do it again when I'm crossing a river." The next time he carried two bags of cotton(棉花). "Watch this, everybody," said Denzil when he and his friends got to the middle of the river. He went into the water and was gone! Nobody told him that cotton could get heavier in water. The other donkeys pulled him out at once and luckily he was still alive. 56. Denzil often caused trouble because . A. he was naughty B. he didn't think C. he was careless D. he was proud 57. For the first time, Denzil crossed the river with . A. salt B. cotton C. wood D. nothing 58. The underlined word "melt" means " " in Chinese. A. 凝结 B. 蒸发 C. 结冰 D. 融化59. Denzil in the end. A. lost his life in water B. went out of the water by himself C. swam to the other side of the river D. was saved by the other donkeys 60. The best title of the passage is . A. A Donkey Crossing the River B. How to Cross the River C. How to Carry Cotton D. A Donkey Saved Others B There are more and more people but fewer and fewer animals in our world now. We can seldom see birds and listen to their singing. Many animals can only be seen in the zoo or on books. As we all know, a lot of wild animals, such as pandas and tigers are in great danger. Recently, scientists found that the bees, which could still be seen everywhere now, were dying out, too. Can you imagine a world without bees? We would have no food if there were no bees working on the flowers. There are many laws to protect wild animals recently, but it is more important for us to do something for wild animals in our daily life. We can help make the world better by saving water, planting more trees and flowers and using less paper. Let's take animals as members of the world, but not just our food or pets. Let's share this beautiful world with them. 61. We can seldom hear now. A. bird's singing B. children's singing C. music on TV D. noise in cities 62. Which animal is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Panda. B. Tiger. C. Bee. D. Dog. 63. What would happen if there were no bees? A. We wouldn't get hurt. B. We would have no food. C. There would be more birds. D. Plants would grow better. 64. We should take animals as . A. food and pets B. pets and friends C. members of the world D. members of the family 65. What's the best title for the passage? A. Terrible World. B. Save the Bees. C. Plant More Trees. D. Save Wild Animals.C In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join Environment Clubs. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do. ● No-garbage lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school! ● No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car---not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun! ● Turn off the water! Do you know that some toilets an waste twenty to forty m3 of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets. We love our environment. Let's work together to make it clean. 66. Environment clubs ask students . A. to run to school every day B. to take exercise every day C. not to forget to take cars D. not to throwaway lunch bags 67. On a no-car day, will take a car to school. A. both students and teachers B. only students C. neither students nor teachers D. only teachers 68. After students mend toilets, they save . A. a small river B. a club C. a lot of water D. a toilet 69. The writer wrote the passage to ask students to . A. clean schools B. make less pollution C. join clubs D. help teachers D Preparation is the key to successful travel. In order to have a pleasant trip, you must prepare well before you start off. The most important thing you should do is to pack(把东西装入) your bags with useful things. About all, ★. For example, if you travel to another country, you must remember to take your passport with you. You should also take clothes that are suitable for the climate, such as a sweater, a swimsuit, a raincoat and suitable shoes. One more thing, never forget to take some medicine with you in case (以防) you get sick. In addition to these things, you should remember to take a camera so that you can take pictures of the places you visit. To keep in touch with your family and friends, you should carry a cell phone, too. It would also be good to carry a directory with all your family's and friends' telephone numbers in it. That way, if something goes wrong with your cell phone, you can still get in touch with them by using a public telephone. 70. Which of the following is the best to put in ★? A. find out as much information as you can B. you must choose the right place before you start off C. pack your bags with the necessary things D. there are some other things that you may want to take 71. What does the underlined word “directory” mean in Chinese? A. 旅游手册 B. 地图册 C. 便签簿 D. 电话簿 72. This passage is most probably from a . A. storybook B. grammar book C. dictionary D. travel magazine 73. From the passage, we can know that . A. We need a good plan and preparation before travelling B. The most important thing is to take a camera with us C. We don't have to take any medicine with us if we are healthy D. We can pack our bags with as many things as we like 74. What's the best title of the passage? A. Why to travel B. Where to travel C. Things to take when travelling D. Be careful when travelling abroad 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 4 小题;共 8 分) One day, while I was walking along the street, I noticed a piece of wood. 75. I picked him up and found he was badly hurt. I took it home as quickly as possible. After several days, the cat got well. The cat was very small. 76. So I called it Little Bit. At that time, I loved Little Bit very much. Wherever I went, I always took him. Any time I was home, he never left my side. 77. I spent most of my time with my friends. I would come in the house on my phone and not make time for Little Bit at all. Until one day, I found something was wrong with him and I took him to the pet hospital, but they could do nothing. 78. Little Bit's death made me realize how much he meant to me. I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always remember the special memories we made. A. However, I grew up. B. I could even put him into my pocket. C. Under the wood was a small black cat. D. My parents loved him very much. E. The poor cat filled my arms and died. 八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) Dear Sandy, I got to Beijing two months ago. My parents and I live in a flat in Beijing. I make a few friends here. Mike is an American. He is good at making things. Last week he made me a pumpkin lantern(灯笼). Zhu Gang is a Chinese. He lives near my home. We often go to school together. He rides the bike well. Sometimes I sit on his bike. Annie is an Australian girl. She has long hair. She is slim, and she always wears fashion clothes. Yesterday she wore a black skirt, long brown boots and a yellow blouse. Daniel likes eating snacks very much, though he is a boy. Sometimes Annie and I ask him for snacks. You know we girls always like snacks. But he is very funny. He always tells me some interesting stories. Well, I don't think you can recognize(认出) me now because I cut my hair short last Sunday. And I get thinner than before. Now it's very cold in Beijing. How is the weather in New York? Please e-mail me and tell me something about you. Yours, Kate 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 79. Whom does Kate often go to school with? 80. If you want to make a kite, whom can you ask for help? 81. What did Annie wear yesterday? 82. Who likes snacks? 83. Where is Sandy now? Module 6 检测卷 参考答案 一、听力(听力) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. C 听力原文 A) 在下列每小题内, 你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的 A、 B、 C 三幅图画。找出与你所 听到的句子内容相匹配的图画。 1. Mike' s grandfather keeps fit by swimming every day. 2. Tim usually goes running in the park. 3. My mother bought some vegetables this morning. 4. Chips are junk food. They are bad for the body. B)下面你将听到十组对话, 每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容, 从每组所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中, 找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. W: What did you do on Thursday afternoon, Mike? M: I did weight training. What about you, Betty? W: I played rugby with my friends. 6. W: My grandfather keeps fit by running. What about your grandfather, William? M: He keeps fit by doing Taijiquan. 7. W: Did you have noodles for breakfast? M: No, I had an egg and a hamburger. 8. M: What did Miss Brown talk about during the lesson? W: She talked a lot about healthy food. It's useful, but it' s boring. 9. M: You look tired. What' s wrong? W: My legs ache a bit. I ran for two miles. 10. W: How was your trip to Sichuan?M: Most of the time we were on the bus. What do you think? 11. W: How are we going to get home? It' s so late that the buses and subways have all stopped running. M: It seems that we have no choice but to call a taxi. 12. W: Did you telephone your aunt yesterday? M: Oh, my god, I forgot. I' ll call her right now. 13. W: Excuse me, I ' m afraid you can ' t speak loudly here. M: Oh, sorry. I didn' t see the sign. 14. W: Mark is playing computer games. M: Should he do that when the final exam is coming? C) 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有三个问题, 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料, 回答第 15 至第 17 小题。 W: Can I help you? M: I' m looking for a book named Animals On Earth. W: Let me see. ... Oh, maybe someone has borrowed it. Do you need it right now? M: Yes. When will it be back? W: I' m not sure. Why do you want to read it? M: I' ll write a report about animals in danger. And I must hand it in this Friday. W: We have another book about animals. The name of the book is Animals Around Us. It' s on the white book shelf. M: That' s great. Thank you. 听下面一段材料, 回答第 18 至第 20 小题。 John liked chocolates very much, but his mother doesn' t allow him to eat too many, because they are bad for his teeth. John had a nice grandfather. The old man loved John very much, and he bought John chocolates every time he came to visit him. Then John's mother let him eat some, because she thought she should keep the old man happy. One evening, a few days before John' s seventh birthday, John shouted loudly in his bedroom. "Please, God, make them give me a box of chocolate for my birthday on Saturday." His mother was in the kitchen. When she heard him shouting, she rushed into his bedroom and asked,"Why are you shouting? God can hear you when you talk quietly." "I know,"John answered with a smile,"but Grandfather in the next room can' t."二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. interested 22. protect 23. grow 24. research 25. situation 26. scientist 27. government 28. symbol 29. feed 30. wild 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. raise 32. research 33. produce 34. situation 35. grows 36. scientist 37. protect 38. interested 39. allow 40. enough 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 41. in danger 42. took away 43. in order to 44. set up 45. thought of 五、完形填空 46. A 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. D 51. C 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. D六、阅读理解 56. B 57. A 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. A 62. D 63. B 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. C 71. D 72. D 73. A 74. C 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 75. C 76. B 77. A 78. E 八、阅读与表达(问答式) 79. Zhu Gang 80. Mike 81. A black skirt, long brown boots and a yellow blouse. 82. Daniel. 83. In New York. Module 7 检测卷 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其匹配的图片,每个句子读一遍。          A       B       C D        E 1. ________ 2.________ 3.________ 4. ________ 5.________Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答案,每个句子读一遍。 6. A. She was running after the rabbit. B. She was very tired. C. She is feeling happy. 7. A. Yes, there was. B. There was a rabbit. C. There wasn't a tiger. 8. A. Why did you call? B. I'm playing the computer games. C. Maybe I didn't hear the phone. 9. A. No, she wasn't. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, he was. 10. A. I did my homework. B. I was doing housework. C. I went to the zoo. Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。 11. What were Bert's family doing in the photo? A. Watching the rabbits. B. Having a picnic. C. Running. 12. What was Bert doing in the photo? A. Watching the rabbits. B. Running. C. Looking at the flowers. 13. What were the rabbits doing? A. Sleeping. B. Eating. C. Running out of their holes. 14. What was Bert's mother doing in the photo? A. Planting some flowers. B. Looking at the flowers. C. Picking some flowers. 15. Who was flying a kite? A. Bert's brother and Bert. B. Bert's mother and sister. C. Bert's father and brother. Ⅳ.听短文,完成表格,短文读两遍。Something about Charlotte's Web The film About the friendship between a little 16.________ and a spider. The book Came out in 17._______; Tells us different kinds of farm animals, such as geese, 18.________ and horses. A survey (调查) after the film Theme: about our 19.________farm animals. Results:18 students loved pigs; 6 students loved sheep; 20.________ students loved horses or geese. 第二部分 笔试(100 分) Ⅴ.完形填空(30 分) A One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his __1__ and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I __2__ him.” The grandfather said, “__3__ me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did…” As the boy __4__ carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is __5__ and kind. He gets on well __6__ everything around him. But __7__ is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully __8__ he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制)me.” The boy looked into his grandfather's __9__ and asked, “__10__ tiger always controls you, Grandfather?” The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少)get angry now. ” 1. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather 2. A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy 3. A. Make B. Help C. Let D. Ask 4. A. saw B. felt C. talked D. listened 5. A. good B. bad C. lazy D. quiet 6. A. at B. on C. with D. about 7. A. other B. others C. another D. the other8. A. because B. though C. before D. but 9. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth 10. A. Who B. Which C. Where D. When B One sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. Then she 11 a sound. She looked up and saw a white rabbit 12 a coat passing by. "Oh, dear! I'll be late!" said the rabbit. It took a 13 out of its pocket and looked at the time. How 14 ! Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped 15 a big hole. Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too. Down, down, down. Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. She found 16 alone in a long, low hall. There were doors all around, but they were all 17 . Alice saw a small key on a table, 18 it did not fit any of the doors. Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key 19 it. The door opened! She could see a lovely garden on the other side. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too 20 . 11. A. listened to B. heard C. saw D. heard of 12. A. in B. on C. at D. under 13. A. book B. cap C. watch D. dictionary 14. A. excited B. happy C. amazed D. amazing 15. A. down B. out of C. up D. over 16. A. itself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 17. A. open B. broken C. opened D. locked 18. A. and B. but C. so D. or 19. A. to B. on C. under D. into 20. A. small B. weak C. strong D. big Ⅵ.阅读理解(20 分) A The Princess and the Pea was a famous story written by Andersen. Now let’s read it together. Long long ago, a prince wanted to marry a real princess, so he travelled around the world to find her. But he finally failed and went back sadly. One evening a big rain came, suddenly there was a knock on the door. The old queen opened the door, and found a beautiful girl was standing in front of the gate. Water was running down from her hair and clothes. She said that she was a real princess.The old queen asked her to come in. Then the old queen went into the bedroom, put a pea (豌豆) on the bed, and then put forty mattresses (床垫) on it. Then she asked the princess to sleep on this bed. The next morning, the old queen asked the princess, “Did you spend a good night?” “Well,” said she. “I didn’t close my eyes all night. I felt I was lying on something hard.” Now they knew that she was a real princess because she felt the pea through the forty mattresses. The prince married her, and they lived a happy life together. 1. What was the weather like when the princess came that night? A. It was fine. B. It was snowy. C. It was rainy. D. It was windy. 2. How was the princess’ sleep that night? A. Relaxing. B. Long. C. Good. D. Bad. 3. How could they know that the girl was a real princess? A. She liked to eat anything even peas. B. She could feel a pea through forty mattresses. C. She could make forty mattresses during one night. D. She could know the weather. 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The story happened at the princess’ house. B. The prince finally married the real princess. C. The prince and the princess were good friends. D. The queen didn’t like the princess at all. 5. Where can we find this story? A. In a history book. B. In a game book. C. In a storybook. D. In a math book. B One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧子)fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then a beautiful fairy(仙女)came out and asked the man what was the matter. "I have lost my axe, "he said. "It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood. " The fairy showed him a gold(金)axe and asked, "Is this yours?" "No, "said the man. The fairy then showed him a silver(银)axe and asked again, "Is this yours?" "No," again answered the man.Then she showed him the old axe. "Yes, that is mine," called out the happy man. "I know it well enough," said the fairy, "I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now I'll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one. " 6. One day when the man was cutting something, ________. A. he fell into the water B. his axe dropped into the river C. his axe fell into a lake D. he saw a beautiful fairy 7. The man was sad because________. A. he was poor and had no other axes B. he could not go on working C. he liked his axe very much D. his axe was a gold axe 8. The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe, but he didn't take them. Because he________. A. did not like them B. did not know they were made of gold and silver C. was very rich D. knew these axes were not his 9. At the end of the story the man had________. A. only one axe B. two axes C. three axes D, many axes 10. The fairy helped the man because he was________ man. A. an old B. a young C. a poor D. an honest Ⅶ.语法填空(10 分) Alice was sitting with her sister 1.______ (介词) the river and her sister was 2.______ (read) a book. Alice had nothing to 3.______ (do). Once or twice she looked into her 4.______ (sister) book. “And what is a book for,” 5.______ (think) Alice, “without picture or conversation?” Suddenly a white rabbit 6.______ (介词) pink eyes ran by. There 7.______ (be) nothing strange about that. She 8.______ (hear) the rabbit say, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I’ll be late!” Then the rabbit 9.______ (take) a watch out of its pocket 10.______ (连词) looked at it. Ⅷ.单词拼写(10 分) 根据句意及括号内所给汉语或以音标提示写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。 1. John ______ (跌落) down from the tree and hurt his knee.2. Alice was ______ (紧跟) the white rabbit. 3. I ______ (听到) the rabbit sing just now. 4. There are a lot of lovely ______ (兔) on the farm. 5. The river is very ______ (深的) and you can’t swim in it alone. 6. Danny writes to his parents once or ______ a week. 7. Although it rained heavily, they still worked in the ______. 8. ______ is my favourite colour. 9. The boy took some money from his ______ and bought a pen. 10. I ______ remember that I didn’t bring my key. Ⅸ.补全对话(10 分) A. Where? Outside my house? B. But I was listening to the radio. C. A knife was struck into an old man. D. Someone saw a man running towards your house. E. I was listening to the radio. P=Policeman ; B=Bobby P: What were you doing at ten o'clock last night? B: 1. ______ P: I see. While you were listening to the radio, someone struck a knife into an old man. B: 2. ______ P: I didn’t say that, sir. B: 3. ______ How terrible! P: 4. ______ B: Really? 5. ______ P: I didn’t say “you”, sir. I said “ a man”. Ⅹ.任务阅读(10 分) Danny is a donkey (驴) on an island. He likes to walk here and there. Soon he gets bored of ①______. “If I go to a new place, that will be better,” he thinks. “ ③It’s not a good idea to leave our island. And we are all friendly,” all the friends say to Danny. On a fine day he goes to another island. It is a quiet place and there are few people here. Danny eats a lot every day. Soon he becomes fat and can’t run fast. One day ②______ farmer sees Danny and catches him. He rides Danny every day and doesn’t even give him enough to eat. Danny becomes thin again. One night Danny flees (逃跑) from the farmer’s house. He goes back to his old island and decides not to leave his friends again. 任务一:分别在①与②填入适当的代词与冠词。 1. ①______ 2. ②______ 任务二:将③翻译成汉语。 3. __________________________________________ 任务三:回答问题。 4. What does Danny think of his friends’ words at first? __________________________________________ 5. What is Danny’s life on the new island like? __________________________________________ Ⅺ.书面表达(10 分) 当你学了《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的开头,特别是读到爱丽丝跟兔子进入洞里,你想不想知道爱丽丝究 竟遇到了哪些奇怪的人和动物?又发生了哪些奇怪的事?请根据提示写一篇 90 词左右的短文,开头已给 出(不计入总词数)。 Time 5 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:40 p.m. Place in a tree in a garden in a house on the grass Character the Cheshire Cat a white rabbit The Mad Hatter and the March Hare the Queen of Hearts Activity smiling running having a tea party sitting Then Alice went down the large rabbit hole after the rabbit but never thought about how she was going to get out again. . . . Module 7 检测卷 参考答案 第一部分 听力 1-5 CBAED 6-10 BBCCB 11-15 BACBC 16.pig 17.1952 18.sheep 19.favourite 20.12短文材料 Last week, we saw an English film Charlotte's Web in class. It tells us about the friendship between Wilbur, a little pig, and his clever friend Charlotte, a spider. When Wilbur is in danger of being killed by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages in her web in order to tell the farmer not to kill her friend. The book Charlotte's Web came out in 1952 but now it's still very popular. In the book, you can find different kinds of farm animals, such as geese, sheep and horses. After seeing this film, our English teacher did a survey about our favourite farm animals. The result are: 18 students loved pigs; 6 students loved sheep; the number of students whose favourite farm animals were horses and geese was the same—12. Our English teacher will take us to a farm to see farm animals next weekend. We're looking forward to it. 第二部分 笔试 完形填空 1-10 DBCDA 6-10 CDAAB 11-15 BACDA 16-20 CDBDD 阅读理解 1-5 CDBBC 6-10 BADCD 语法填空 1.by 2.reading 3.do 4.sister’s 5.thought 6.with 7.was 8.heard 9.took 10.and 单词拼写 1.fell 2.following 3.heard 4.rabbits 5.deep 6.twice 7.field 8.Pink 9.pocket 10.suddenly 补全对话 1-5 EACDB 任务阅读 1. it 2. a 3. 离开我们的岛屿不是一个好的想法。 4. He thinks they are wrong. 5. Very bad. 书面表达 Then Alice went down the large rabbit hole after the rabbit but never thought about how she was going to get out again. First, Alice saw the Cheshire Cat smiling in a tree at 5 p.m. She was very surprised that a cat could smile. She came over to a garden. Just then a white rabbit was running past her. It was 5:05 p.m. When Alice entered a big house at 6:30 p.m., she found that the Mad Hatter and the March Hare were at the table, having a tea party. When she ran out of the house, it was about 6:40 p.m. She saw the Queen of Hearts. She was sitting on the grass. Module 8 检测卷一、单项选择(共 10 个小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 1. While he ________ to the music, the teacher suddenly came in. A. is listening B. was listening C. listened D. listens 2. Do you have ________to tell me? A. important anything B. anything importance C. importance anything D. anything important 3. I ________ to school at 7:30 yesterday morning. A. was walking B. walk C. were walking D. walks 4. The snake bit the girl________. A. with the hand B. to his hand C. on his hand D. on the hand 5. It’s very dangerous to run ________ the street. A. cross B. to crossing C. across D. crossing 6. My father suggests ________out for a walk at the weekend. A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 7. We were in time _______ the bus. A. to catch B. catch C. catches D. catching 8. We have worked for three hours. Now let’s stop_______ a rest. A. had B. have C. to have D. having 9. ________ the street if the traffic light is red. A. Not cross B. To cross C. Cross D. Don’t cross 10. Jim saw a book lying on the floor . He _______and put it on the desk. A. took it out B. gave it up C. picked it up D. took it off 二、完形填空(共 10 个小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Last July, my 12-year-old car died on California's Santa Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, and I was 25 miles from home. I couldn't reach anyone to pick me up, so I 11 to take a bus. Not knowing the routes(线路), I thought I'd just go east. A bus stopped. I got 12 and asked the driver how far she was going. “Ten more miles,” she said. There was 13 bus I could take from there. This clearly was going to be a long night. I got off at the end of the route and she told me which bus to look 14 . After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi 15 home. Then a bus came up. There was no lighted number above its windshield (挡风玻璃). It was out of service, but the door opened. It was the same driver. “I just can't leave you here,” she said. “This isn't the nicest place. I will take you home.” “You will drive me home on the bus?” I asked in 16 . “No, I will take you in my car,” she said. “It's a long way.” “Come on,” she said. “I have nothing 17 to do.” She began telling me a story 18 we drove from the station in the car. A few days 19 , her brother had run out of gas (汽油). A kind man picked him up, took him to a service station and then back to his car. “I'm just passing the kindness along,” she said. When I offered her money as a thank-you, she refused. “Just do 20 nice for somebody. Pass it along,” she said. 11. A. agreed B. decided C. found D. used 12. A. away B. down C. on D. off 13. A. another B. same C. every D. each 14. A. at B. into C. after D. for 15. A. ride B. ticket C. guide D. driver 16. A. agreement B. surprise C. heart D. order 17. A. hardly B. probably C. else D. everywhere 18. A. so B. because C. before D. when 19. A. later B. earlier C. more D. missing 20. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 三、阅读理解(共 15 个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A One morning Mr. Smith gave his wife five walnuts (胡桃) for her fiftieth birthday before he went to work. She was disappointed at the present. So she put them in a basket with many other walnuts. Later that day the husband came back from work. He said “Happy birthday!” to his wife and asked what she had done with his present. Then he told her that he had put a diamond ring (钻石戒 指) inside one of the walnuts. How foolish the wife felt! She got the basket of walnuts. Then the husband and the wife tried to break every walnut until they found one with the diamond ring in it. 21. This story happened on __. A. Christmas Day B. New Year’s C. the wife’s birthday D. a holiday 22. The wife put the walnuts in the basket because __. A. she wanted to eat them with her husband B. she didn’t like the walnuts as her birthday present C. the walnuts tasted bad D. she didn’t know there was a diamond in one of them23. They broke the walnuts to __. A. find out what was inside the walnuts B. put the walnuts in the basket C. eat them up D. find the diamond ring B Last week Bill went to New York. It was his first time there, and he didn’t know his way around the city. He had a meeting at 10:00, and he wanted to be on time. The meeting was in the Peterson Building on 34th Street, but Bill didn’t know there. Two men stood on the corner. He asked them the way to the Peterson Building. “Pardon me,” he said, “but can you tell me how to get to the Peterson Building on 34th Street?” “Sure,” answered one of the two men. “You can get there in five minutes. Go to the next corner and turn left. Walk three blocks and there you are.” But the other man said: “There’s a better way. Get on the bus here at this corner. It stops right near the Peters Building.” “Not Peters,” Bill told them, “Peterson.” Then the first man said, “Oh, that’s on East 34th , not West 34th. It’s quite a long way from here. You have to take a bus. ” But the second man told Bill, “No, don’t go there by bus. It’ll take you to the Peterkin Building.” “Peterson. Not Perterkin. “Bill looked at his watch. It was almost ten o’clock.” “Thanks a lot.” Bill said, “I think I’ll take a taxi.” As he got into the taxi he saw two men arguing and pointing the different ways. Next time when he wanted to know how to get to a place, he’d ask a policeman! 24. Bill went to New York in order to________. A. go to the cinema B. have a meeting C. visit the city D. go home 25. Two men were arguing to each other about________. A. the way to the Peterson Building B. the meeting C. how to get to the meeting D. taking a bus or train 26. Bill finally________. A. walk to the place B. didn’t go to the Peterson Building C. took a taxi D. took the subway27. Next time Bill asked a ________to show him the way to a place. A. man B. woman C. taxi D. policeman C November 9 is a time for us to learn a lot more about fire (火). This is what to do in a fire: 1. Shout out. Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep. 2. Call 119. Never try to put out a fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire. 3. Keep down close to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it’s easier to breathe (呼吸) and see where you are going. 4. Test the floor. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out. 5. Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. A fire can become very big in a few seconds! 6. Don’t use the lift. Always use the stairs. The lift may go wrong and keep you inside. 7. Don’t go back. Even if you have left your pet or favorite toy inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense of smell. They often get out of buildings before people. 28. According to the passage, when something is on fire, you must at once. A. look for your pet B. telephone 119 C. call 120 D. put out the fire yourself 29. The passage tells us that we can in a fire. A. use the lift B. try to put out a fire ourselves C. open the hot door and go out D. shout as loudly as possible 30. You should keep down close to the floor because . A. people may be asleep B. the fireman can find you easily C. there is less smoke down there D. you should look after your things carefully 31. If the door is hot, we should . A. open it and get out B. find another way outC. stop to pick up something D. go back for something D 阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的句子把短文补充完整,将其代号填在答题 卡相应的题号后。注意选项中有一个多余选项。 A. The girls wear grey skirts. B. The exams are called GCSE. C. Mr. Rose is satisfied with all of us. D. So I will spend 5 years at this school. E. I also have one week’s holiday in February, June and October. Hugo is an English schoolboy who is fifteen. Now he is telling us something about his life: I started school when I was five. I turned to this school when I was eleven and I will leave next year when I am sixteen. 32 The school year starts in September and ends in July. I have two weeks’ holiday in December, two weeks in April and six weeks in July and August. 33 In June next year, before I leave this school, I will take exams in 10 subjects. 34 All children in England have to study English, mathematics, science and a foreign language. They can also choose some other subjects. My uniform is a black blazer, white shirt, a red and yellow tie and grey trousers. 35 There are 1,600 students in my school. Mr. Rose is my tutor. He does not teach my class but we see him every day. He helps us if we have problems. He also takes part in some activities with us after school. 四、根据音标写单词(共 10 个小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 1. / peil/ 2. / 'k ɔ:nə/ 3. /glæd/ 4. /'medsn/ 5. /f ridʒ/ 6. /ə'pɪə/ 7. /klaɪm/ 8. /ə'tenʃn/ 9. / θrəʊ / 10. /raʊnd/ 五、词汇应用(共 10 个小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Let’s stop ________(work), we are all tired. 2. I was trying _________(pick)it up when it bit me again. 3. The old man ___________(wait) to cross the road when I got there.4. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I want to tell you a piece of ______ (surprise) news. 5. He doesn't know how _______ (save) the photos onto a computer. (2)根据汉语提示完成单词,注意其具体形式。 1. The actor didn’t__________ (出现) at the party. 2. I found a little boy crying at the street __________ (拐角). 3. I have a cold. I must take some m__________ (药). 4. It’s not right to ___________ (扔) litter here and there. 5. Look! The lovely panda is __________(爬)up the tree. 六、完成句子(共 5个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 1. 不要和你的朋友并肩骑车。(side by side) 2. 一个男孩正边骑自行车边听音乐。(ride and listen) 3. 突然一条蛇出现了并咬了他的手。(bite sb. on the hand) 4. 汽车及时停了,但是男孩从自行车上摔了下来。(in time) 5. 我去设法捡起它,它再次咬了我。(pick up) 七、阅读表达(共 5 个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of thick paper, and letters, for example. She doesn't like newspapers very much. Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper? Scientists say, “All food comes in some way from plants.” Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat litt1e sea plants; then bigger fish swim along and eat them. Chickens eat lots of grass and give us meat. Think for a minute. What food does not come from plants in some way? Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. Now they begin to say, “We make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult.” What is the next thing? Perhaps it is food from paper. Scientists say, “We can turn paper into food. It will be good, cheap food too; cheaper than meat or fish or eggs.” So please keep your old books and letters. Don't feed them to your cat. One day, soon they will be on your plate. There is nothing like a good story for breakfast. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题: 1. What doesn’t his cat like? 2. Where does food come from in some way? 3. Can scientists make food like meat without the help of animals?4. How will the food made by paper be? 5. Where will the old books and letters be soon? 八、写作(满分 15 分) 假如你是学校《英语周刊》的小记者。你在上学的路上目睹了一起交通事故。请你根据 下面的提示,以“A Traffic Accident Happened”为题写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文,向同学们报 道一下这次事故,并提示大家注意交通安全。 提示: 1.时间:星期四上午七点半 2.地点:云南路 3.原因:一个女生骑自行车过马路时被一辆汽车撞了,当时司机正在打电话,没有看到这 个女生。 4.结果:女生伤得很严重,有人报了警并帮忙把她送到了附近的医院。 Module 8 参考答案 一、1-5BDA DC 6-10BACDC 二、11-15BCADA 16-20BCDBA 三、21-23 ADB 24-27 B ACD 28-31 B D C B 32-35 D E B A 四、1、pale 2、corner 3、glad 4、medicine 5、fridge 6、appear 7、climb 8、attention 9、throw 10、round 五、(一)1、working 2、to pick 3、was waiting 4、surprising 5、to take (二)1.appear, 2. corner, 3.medicine, 4.throw, 5.climbing 六、1、Don’t ride side by side with your friends. 2、A boy was riding his bike and listening to music. 3、A snake suddendly appeared and bit him on the hand. 4、The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike. 5、I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 七、1. She doesn't like newspapers. 2. Plants. 3. Yes, they can.4 . It will be good, cheap food too; cheaper than meat or fish or eggs. 5. They will be on the plate. 八、范文: A Traffic Accident Happened A traffic accident happened at half past seven on Thursday morning on Yunnan Road. A girl student was crossing the road on her bike when a car hit her. The driver was talking on his mobile phone at the time. He didn’t see the girl crossing the road. She hurt badly. Someone called the police and helped to take the girl to the hospital nearby. The traffic accidents like this are very common in our daily life. However, life only comes around once, so we should protect ourselves from injury. Students should be careful on their way home or to school. Do look left and right before crossing the road. Module 9 检测卷 笔试(100 分) 一、.单项选择(10 分) 1. One afternoon he found ____book. There was _____”s” on the cover of _________book. A a; an ; the B a; a; the C an; an; an D the ; a ; a 2. I eat ______ bread. I feel ______ full. A. too much ; much too B. too many ; too much C. much too ; too much D. too much ; too many 3. ---Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six? ---Yes, it’s ______. A. 85,662 B. 58,626 C. 58,662 D. 85,626 4. ____of the room _____empty. A Two third; are B Two thirds; are C Two third; is D Two thirds; is 5. ---Which country has ______ population, China, America or Japan? ---China, of course. A. the smallest B. the least C. the most D. the largest 6. It ______ us three days to finish the task. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid 7. My home town is a big town. It has a ______ of 3 million. A. pollution B. population C. city D. office 8. All the small factories should be _____because they make so much pollution. A closed down B put down C fallen down D turned down 9. ______ is clear that everyone wants to live in a quiet and clean city. A. This B. That C. It D. These 10. Hurry up! ______ fans are waiting for me at the concert. A. Million B. Millions C. Million of D. Millions of 二.完形填空(10 分) Today more and more people live in cities. So there is usually little room in a city to grow food. _1___of the land in a city is used __2___home, shops, roads and parks. Most food for city people is grown in the country . It is often brought to the city by ___3___, train and plans. Some food __4___comes into the city by car. Water is ___5___thing that cities get from the country . Everyone needs water every day. We use a little of it for ____6__, but we use even more to ___7__bathtubs(浴缸) and wash streets. The water used in cities comes mostly from the rain. But people __8____not use the rain that falls on cities. The rain becomes dirty as it falls through dirty air. Once it hits city buildings or streets, the rain will pick up more dirt. It is not good for drinking or bathing. So cities must reach out to __9___country for water there. The rain falls through air onto trees and grass. The fallen rain runs ___10___rivers and lakes. So it is importance to keep both cities and the country clean. 1 A some B Most C Many D Few 2 A for B of C by D from 3 A truck B bike C car D motorbike 4 A ever B even C still D once 5 A one B other C others D another 6 A eating B drinking C washing D watering 7 A fill B fall C full D drop 8 A need B may C can D must 9 A clean B tidy C clear D nice 10 A down B along C in D into 三.阅读理解(30 分) A China is the country with the largest population in the world. Too many people cause too many problems such as food problem. And today China 's population is still growing very fast, so in order to control the population, China has formulated (系统的提出) the policy of family planning, that is late marriage, late childbirth and having fewer healthier children. Men of 22 years old and women of 20 years old can get married. If a man of 25 or over 25 gets married to a woman of 23 or over 23, their marriage is a late marriage. Childbirth by a woman at the age of 23 or later is a late childbirth. The country encourages people to have only one child. Family planning is a useful policy to control China population. And it is still needed in China’s in the following years. 1. What is the passage about? A. China 's population problem. B. China 's childbirth. C. China 's late marriage. D. China 's family planning. 2. China has formulated the policy of family planning because ______. A. population problem can cause many other problems. B. China has too many people. C. China wants to control its population. D. A, B and C. 3.Which of the following is a late marriage? A. A man of 23 with a woman of 23. B. A man of 25 with a woman of 22. C. A man of 26 with a woman of 23. D. A man of 23 with a woman of 20. ______ can be born by most of the couples? A. Two babies B. Only one baby C. One or two babies D. Many babies 4 Family planning is ______ in today 's China? A. still needed B. not needed C. not good D. not useful B The one-child policy (政策) in our country has made most families much smaller than before. That is to say, there are fewer children in a family. But the population of China is still growing faster. Why? In fact, it's a serious problem not only in China, but also in the whole world. It's reported that the world population is expected to reach 9,200,000,000 by 2050. There are two important reasons. First, there are still more and more babies born every year. Next, people in the world can live much longer than before. The earth is too tired, but it has to burden (担负) more in the future. Who can save her? 5. The passage tells us that the whole world is suffering from (为……苦恼) the ______. A. pollution B. population C. flood D. hunger 6. The underlined word "expected" means ______ in the sentence. A. 希望 B. 祝愿 C. 期待 D. 预测 7. The population of the world will be about ______ by the year 2050. A. 92 million B. 92 billion C. 9.2 billion D. 9.2 million 8. Which is the best title for the passage? A. China's Population B. The Family Planning C. The Population Problem D. China's One-Child Policy C India has a population of 1.27 billion. Its population is the second largest in the world. China has the largest population of over 1.36 billion. One out of six people on this planet live in India. Although, the crown (王冠) of the world’s most populous (人口稠密的) country is on China’s head for ten years. India will take the position by 2030. With the population growth rate (率) at 1.58%, India will have more than 1.53 billion people by the end of 2030. Now more than 50% of India’s population is below the age of 25 and over 65% below the age of 35. About 72.2% of the population lives in some 638,000 villages. Some of the reasons for India’s quickly growing population are poverty, illiteracy ( 无 知 ), decrease in death rates and immigration (移民) from Bangladesh and Nepal. India started taking measures to stop the growth rate quite early. India had the “National Family Planning Program” in 1952. It became the first country in the world to have a population policy. However, it failed to reach the final goal (目标). 9.Over 65% of India’s population is below the age of    . A. 25 B. 35 C. 45 D. 55 10.    is not the reason for India’s quickly growing population. A. Poverty B. Illiteracy C. Increase in death rates D. Immigration11. Which of the following is TRUE? A. India’s population growth rate is 1.58%. B. One out of seven people on the earth live in India. C. About 72.2% of India’s population lives in the city. D. In 1953, Indian started the “National Family Planning Program”. D When you read the sentence, the population of the earth has grown by 10 people. _12___Most of these new people are born in developing countries. These countries are found in much of Africa, South America and parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average (平均),only one or two children. 13 In the developing countries,more than on billion people already live the poverty ( 贫 困 线 ). _14_____Children get little or no time at school and suffer from (经受苦难)many kinds of diseases. The UN has said that the world’s population will reach over 10 billion by the year 2100. If the number makes your head spinning(眩晕),you’re not alone. Many experts(专家)are worrying that so fast population growth could have very bad results. ____15__ 根据短文内容, 从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 A The population density of that country is 685 per square mile. B These people don’t have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing. C That may not sound much, but it’s about 14,000 people per hour. D But in the developing countries, many women have five or more children. E It could hurt the environment and increase the number of poor people. Answers: CDBE 四 根据音标写出单词(5 分) 1[nɔiz]_______ 2 [pri'pεə] _________ 3[nəʊts]________ 4[ri'pɔ:t] 5[hju:dʒ]________6 [kɔ:z] ________ 7['prɔbləm]________8 ['inkri:s] 9['biljən] _________ 10[fifθ]__________ 五 词汇应用(10 分) (1)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 1With more and more cars and buses, there will be more and more _______(pollute).2 It’s more difficult for old people_____(learn) English well. 3This restaurant offers good _____(serve). 4 It’s ______(cheap) to share a car than to have a personal car. 5 Let’s do everything we can ________(stop) the pollution and save water. (2) 根据汉语提示完成单词。(5 分) 6 There are many ______(公寓) on Centre Street and Mr Green lives in one of them. 7 It’s not polite to talk loudly in ________(公共的) places. 8 Mr Black teaches maths at a _________(当地的) primary school. 9 It _______(描述)what is happening all over the world. 10 Do you know what the _________( 人口) of China is now? 六 翻译句子。(10 分) 1 我们班三分之二的学生是女生。(two thirds) 2 中国的人口比澳大利亚的人口多。(larger than) 3 当地的那所小学校在五年前就倒闭了。(close down) 4 她完成所有的工作要花十二个小时。(it takes sb some time to do sth) 5 诸城是一座有着一百多万人口的城市。(with) 七 阅读表达(10 分) Most new people were born in developing countries. These countries are found in much of Africa, South America and some parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average (平均), only one or two children. In the developing countries, many women have five or more children. In 1950, around one quarter of the world's population lived in the developed countries. By 2050, these countries will be home to only around ① 十 分 之 一 of the world's population. ②In the developing countries, more than one billion people are still living below the poverty (贫困) line. These people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing. Children get little time at school and people suffer (遭受痛苦) from many kinds of diseases. ③At the beginning of the 21st century, the world's population was around six billion. The U.N. has said that the world's population will level off (平稳下降) at 12.5 billion by the year 2100. Other groups think the world's population will continue to grow, reaching 14 billion before it becomes stable (稳定的), or even falls. 1. In what areas of the world can developing countries be found? ___________________________________________________ 2. 将①处的汉语译成英语。 _____________________ 3. 将句②翻译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________ 4. 写出句③的同义句: At the beginning of the 21st century, the world ______ ______ ______ ______ about six billion. 5. There will be twelve and a half billion people on the earth in 2100, won't there? 八 书面表达(10 分) 某英文杂志正在就人口问题对你做调查,你所在的城市人口多吗?人口增长带来哪些问题? 你对此有什么好的建议和想法?请你根据以上问题提示,以“The population of my city”为话题, 写一篇 80 词左右的英语文章。 Module 9 检测卷 参考答案 一 AADDD  CBACD 二 BAABD BACAD 三 Addca B bdcc C bca D cdbe 四 1noise 2 prepare 3 notes 4 report 5 huge 6 cause 7 problem 8 increase 9 billion 10 fifth 五 1 pollution 2 to learn 3 services 4 cheaper 5 to stop 6 flats 7 public 8 local 9 describes 10 population 六 1. In much of Africa, South America and some parts of Asia. 2. one tenth 3. 在发展中国家,超过十亿的人仍然生活在贫困线以下。 4. had a population of 5. Yes, there will. 七 1 Two thirds of the students in our class are girls. 2 The population of China is larger than that of Australia. 3The local small school closed down five years ago. 4 It will take her twelve hours to finish all the work. 5 Zhucheng is a city with over one million people. 书面表达 The population of my city I live in a small city, but the population of it is very large. Because there are more and more people, there is more and more pollution. There is too much traffic and noise in the streets every day. And the air in the city isn't clean and fresh. Rubbish is everywhere. The water in the river and lake isn’t clean. Many fish are dead. I think the government should do something to protect our city. There will be better in the future. Module 10 检测卷 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片,每个句子读一遍。 1.         A B C 2.         A B C 3.         A B C 4.        A B C 5.           A B   C Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。 6. What's the weather like today? A. It's cold.  B. It's cool.  C. It's hot. 7. Which season does the woman think is the best time to go swimming? A. In summer. B. In winter. C. In spring.8. Where is the woman going? A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the school. 9. What are they talking about? A. A film. B. The weather. C. A trip. 10. Why will the woman stay at home tomorrow? A. Because she wants to read a book. B. Because she likes to stay at home. C. Because it will probably rain. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第 11-12 题。 11. Where will Lucy go? A. To Liaocheng. B. To Weihai. C. To Binzhou. 12. How does Lucy know the weather? A. On TV. B. On the radio. C. On the newspaper. 听第二段材料,回答第 13-15 题。 13. What's the weather like in Hangzhou now? A. Very warm. B. Very cold. C. Very hot. 14. Did Wang Fang go to Hangzhou? A. Yes. B. No. C. We don't know. 15. Where will they read stories about Hangzhou? A. On the radio. B. On TV. C. On the Internet. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。 16. When do Nancy and Peter listen to the weather report? A. On Thursday evening. B. On Friday evening. C. On Friday morning. 17. What are Nancy and Peter planning for the weekend? A. A trip to the beach. B. A trip to the park. C. A ski trip in the mountains. 18. When is it going to snow? A. On Friday night. B. On Friday morning. C. On Saturday night. 19. What will the weather be like on Sunday?A. Cold and cloudy. B. Warm and rainy. C. Clear, cold and sunny. 20. What can you know from the passage? A. Nancy and Peter are going to have a wonderful weekend. B. Nancy and Peter listen to weather reports very often. C. Nancy and Peter go swimming or skiing every weekend. 第二部分 笔试(100 分) Ⅴ.完形填空(25 分) A In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, 1 and winter. 2 in the U.S., there are only three in another way. In every season, Americans have a ball game. They are football, basketball and baseball. If you want to know what season it is, just look at what people are 3 . For many Americans, sports are very important and 4 in their life. Besides (除……之外) "the big three" sports, Americans play some other kinds of sports. In 5 weather, people enjoy water sports. They surf or sail in the water. Swimmers enjoy 6 in the river or in the swimming pool. It is also lucky for fishermen if they 7 something in lakes and rivers. In winter sportsmen have interests in 8 fun. When the sky begins to 9 , people can run out to make snowmen and have snowball fights. Lakes and rivers can become playgrounds for skating. People play indoor sports whatever(无论什么) the 10 . Sports like bowling and table tennis are year-round activities. 1. A. fall B. winter C. summer D. spring 2. A. Because B. And C. Or D. But 3. A. eating B. sleeping C. drinking D. playing 4. A. cheap B. pleasant C. bad D. sad 5. A. warm B. cold C. stormy D. rainy 6. A. himself B. yourself C. themselves D. ourselves 7. A. talk B. break C. catch D. hang 8. A. freezing B. rainy C. sunny D. cloudy 9. A. cry B. move C. rain D. snow 10. A. passport B. temperature C. railcard D. umbrella B The weather is closely related( 联 系 ) to our life. It is all around us all the time. It is an important part of our lives. We can't control (控制) it, but it often controls how and __11__ we live, what to do, what we wear and what we eat. Read this passage and learn __12__about the weather. What is the weather? The weather is just the state of the atmosphere ( 大 气 层 ) __13__any time, such as temperature, wind, __14__, sun, etc. What makes the weather change? As we know, not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlight. Some places get __15__ sunlight. So it's warmer in those places. Some places get little __16__no sunlight in winter. Then those places have colder temperatures. These differences in temperature make the air and water __17__ around the earth. The movement helps to take the heat energy from the sun across the earth. So the __18__changes. What's the difference between weather and climate (气候)? Climate is a place's weather over a long time. The weather changes from day to day and __19__from hour to hour. It can be sunny in the morning, cold and wet in the afternoon. But the climate changes very __20__ over lots of years. 11. A. where B. which C. what D. when 12. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything 13. A. in B. for C. on D. at 14. A. water B. rain C. plant D. animal 15. A. much B. more C. little D. less 16. A. and B. so C. or D. but 17. A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving 18. A. sun B. earth C. weather D. sunlight 19. A. already B. almost C. ever D. even 20. A. differently B. slowly C. carefully D. easily Ⅵ.阅读理解(20 分) A In England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun may begin to shine. It may be just like a day in summer. You can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can sometimes swim, and in summer you can sometimes wear warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them on a sunny morning. But you’d better not laugh at them. If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat in the morning, maybe later you will have to walk in the rain. People often say that in England you can have four seasons in one day. Sometimes you may feel you have the same season all year round. 1. People in England often talk about the ______. A. money B. meals C. people D. weather 2. People in England can have ______ in one day. A. four seasons B. four meals C. four coats D. four clothes 3. The underlined word “raincoat” in Paragraph 2 means “______” in Chinese. A. 外套 B. 雨衣 C. 泳衣 D. 帽子 4. In the afternoon the sun may begin to shine. It may be just like a day in ______. A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. People can only swim in winter. B. People can only wear warm clothes in winter. C. People can sometimes wear warm clothes in summer. D. People needn’t take an umbrella in the morning. B All week long, it seems you sit inside at school when it is fine outside. But when the weekend comes, it is very cloudy. There is rain in the weather report. In some ways, you may be right. Scientists studied more than 40 years of weather data (数据) from around the world. It shows weekend weather is different from weekday weather in some places. Part of the study involved (包括) 660 weather stations in the US. At more than 230 of these places, the weather on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday was different from the weather on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The difference was small-but the pattern was striking enough to make the scientists take notice. “This kind of weekly rise and fall doesn't any natural cycles (自然周期变化),” the scientists say. Instead, they think that air pollution from human activities makes the weather become different. 6. What’s the weather like on weekends? A. It’s rainy. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s cold. D. It’s fine.7. How did the scientists study the weather? A. They watched the sky. B. They listened to the weather report. C. They studied the weather data. D. They watched the weather report. 8. Scientists studied the weather data from ______ weather stations in the US. A. 40 B. 230 C. 400 D. 660 9. The underlined word “striking” means “______” in Chinese. A. 细微的 B.严重的 C.明显的 D. 大致的 10. What makes weekend weather different from weekday weather? A. The sun. B. The water. C. The river. D. Human activities. Ⅶ.任务阅读(15 分) Last summer holiday I went to Taiwan with my parents. Taiwan is really beautiful ! The weather is good. It is always warm and humid(潮湿的) because the sea is around Taiwan. In the north, there is winter, but in the south, there's no winter and you can enjoy sunshine(阳光) every day. The typhoon(台风) season is from June to October. There are many mountains in Taiwan.(A)A-li Mountain is one of the five biggest mountain there. We went to climb A-li Mountain one afternoon. There are many trees in the forest there. They are very tall and many of them are really old. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. In the lake there are many kinds of fishes. (B)We also went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. There are many kinds of foods in the small towns near the sea. A kind of dumplings with shrimp(虾) in it is my favorite. Taiwan ia a beautiful island. I love it!I took many photos there. Would you love to see them? 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 1. 任务一:根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。 The writer went to spend the summer holiday with ________. 2. 任务二:根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 The trees in the forest in A-li Mountain are ________. A. tall and old B. short C. new D. short and old 3. 任务三:将画线(B)处的句子译成汉语。 _______________________________________________________4. 任务四:画线(A)处句子中有一处错误,请改正并将正确的句子写在答题线上。 _______________________________________________________ 5. 任务五:回答下列问题。 (A)What's the weather like in Taiwan? _______________________________________________________ (B)Where did the writer spend the vacation? _______________________________________________________ Ⅷ..补全对话(10 分) A. I hope so, too. B. What's the weather like in winter? C. Is that true? D. I don't think so. E. Thank you for your kindness. F. Yes, it's really a nice and bright day. G. What about your hometown? A:It is such a lovely day. I love sunshine. B:1._______ A:I hope it stays like this. B:2._______ A:Is the weather usually like this here? B:A bit hotter than today. A:3._______ B:It's pretty cold and it often snows in winter. 4._______ A:A lot like the weather here, not too hot or cold. B:I heard it rains a lot. 5._______ A:Mmm, yes. It rains but not any more than other places. Ⅸ单词拼写(10 分)根据句意及括号内所给汉语或以音标提示写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。 1. There is ______ (厚的) ice on the lake. 2. There are a lot of ______ (云) in the sky. I think it will rain soon. 3. —What’s the ______ (温度) today? —15-18℃. 4. The city is three ______ (英里) from here. 5. Gansu Province is in the ______ (西北) of China. 6. —I won’t go to the park. —Me ______ ['naiðə]. 7. It ______ [maɪt] be warm in February. 8. I ______ [wɪʃ] I could go to the moon in the future. 9. ______ [ɔːl'ðəʊ] he has lots of money, he lives a simple life. 10. Don’t ______ [dʒəʊk]! He is a very serious man. Ⅹ.语法填空(10 分) It is well-known that the English go out with 1.______ (冠词) umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather 2.______ (介词) Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to stay long. Spring can be rainy or windy, but the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In 3.______ (fact) there can be as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer in the best time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can 4.______ (be) sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, with 5. ______ (tree) in the woods and parks changing colors. 6.______ (在……期间)autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets 7.______ (cold). It might snow, especially on high land and in 8.______ (冠词) north. There are also very high winds in this season. January and February are the coldest 9.______ (month) of the year, while the warmest are often July and August. The difference in temperature 10. ______ (介词) winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average temperature for winter is about 4.5℃, and for summer about 15.5℃. Ⅺ.书面表达(10 分) 暑假就要到了,你的朋友 John 要来你所在的城市(青岛)旅游度假,他向你(Zhang Ming)了解青岛一年四季的气候情况和人们在夏天所进行的体育活动。请你为他写一封信作 简要的介绍,内容包括:1. 青岛位于中国东部,在美丽的海边,这里春天暖和多风,夏天不太热、经常下雨,秋天凉 爽,冬天较冷,最低气温在零下 4 度。 2. 夏天是去游泳和划船的最好时间。这里的沙滩很好,适合打沙滩排球 (beach volleyball) 。 要求:100 词左右。 Module 10 检测卷 参考答案 第一部分 听力 1-5 CABCA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 BBABC 16-20 ACACA 第二部分 笔试 完形填空 1-5 ADDBA 6-10 CCADB 11-15 ACDBB 16-20 CACDB 阅读理解 1-5 DABBC 6-10 ACDCD 任务阅读 1. his/her parents  2. A 3. 我们也去了海滩,享受了阳光。 4. A-li Mountain is one of the fifth biggest mountains there. 5. (A)It's always warm and humid.  (B)In Taiwan. 补全对话 1-5 FABGC 单词拼写 1.thick 2.clouds 3.temperature 4.miles 5.northwest 6.neither 7.might 8.wish 9.Although 10.joke 语法填空 1.an 2. in 3.fact 4.be 5.trees 6.During 7.colder 8.the 9.months 10.between 书面表达 Dear John, I’m happy you’ll travel to my city. Now let me tell you something about Qingdao. It is in the east of China and it's near the beautiful sea. It's warm and windy in spring. It's not too hot in summer. And it rains a lot. The weather is cool in autumn. It's very cold in winter. The lowest temperature can be -4℃. Summer is the best time to visit Qingdao. You can go swimming and boating. The beach is very good and playing beach volleyball is the most popular sport there. I think you will have a good time there. Welcome to Qingdao!Yours, Zhang Ming Module 11 检测卷 一、听力(听力)(共 20 小题;共 20 分) 听力理解(共 30 分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话 你将听两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 1.A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4.A. B. C. 5.A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分) 请听一段对话,完成第 6 至第 7 小题。 6. What does the woman do? A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A policewoman. 7. Where are the speakers? A. On a farm. B. At an airport. C. In a railway station. 请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题。 8. What did Tony think of his last weekend? A. Fantastic. B. Awful. C. Boring. 9. What does Susan decide to do next Sunday afternoon? A. To play sports. B. To have her classes. C. To visit the History Museum. 请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11 小题。 10. What's the matter with Jenny? A. She has a terrible cough. B. She has a toothache. C. She can't sleep well at night. 11. What can you know from the dialogue? A. Jenny has been ill for about three weeks. B. They didn't agree to plant trees together. C. Frank's home is far away from his school. 请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13 小题。 12. What are both speakers interested in? A. Journey around the world. B. The space science. C. Cultures of different countries. 13. What does David advise Emma to do to realize her dream? A. Read more books or magazines. B. Make some experiments with him. C. Do lots of exercise to keep fit. 请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15 小题。 14. What's the speaker mainly talking about? A. Different ball games at school. B. A spoken English competition. C. Special after-class activities. 15. What's the purpose of the speaker? A. To advise us to join in the three activities after class. B. To show us how to play an English drama on a stage. C. To let us know more about the steps of model making. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题纸的相应位置上。 A Winter Camp Where is the camp? How long will it last? When are they going to meet? Where are they going to meet? What will they take with? In a mountain 16. For about two 17. At 7:30 next 18. morning At Exit C of the 19. Station Gloves, 20. and ID cards 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) 21. In the USA, when you get a present, you must open it i . 22. They are twins, but they have many d . 23. It is t for people to give money as a gift during the Chinese New Year. 24. She has an excellent t in clothes, art and music. 25. When you a a present, you must use both hands. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 26. It was such a (惊奇) that he couldn't deal with it. 27. How many d (差异) are there between the two pictures? 28. I had a very unusual (经历) last Sunday. 29. Mr. Green received a present from his friend, but he didn't (接受) it. 30. We have lots of (传统).31. He does everything well because he is always (严肃的,认真的) about what he does. 32. Would you like some ( 三明治), Peter? 33. We Chinese have meals with (筷子). 34. Our company has trips to suit all kinds of (品味). 35. Too much work has been placed on his (肩膀). 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) 36. 当你参观博物馆时,你不能拍照。 You when you visit a museum. 37. 迈克,你千万不要玩火。 Mike, you play with fire. 38. 我还需要再说一遍我的电话号码吗? my telephone number again? 39. 你必须小心结冰的路面。 You careful of the freezing road. 40. 最后一班车已经开走了,所以我只好步行回家。 The last bus had gone, so I back home. 五、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 20 分) It is common in English to ask people about their holidays. In the west, many families 41 on holiday during the summer months, and it is very usual to 42 about this. If the holiday has not yet taken place, then their holiday plan will be 43 about. And if it is already over, then where they went, whether they 44 it and so on can be discussed. Similar questions are asked before some public 45 . Foreigners living and working in China often have 46 for travel, either at weekends or during their holidays, so such kind of 47 lead to lots of talks. They may be 48 to know if they have chosen the 49 places, especially those a little less 40 ones. 41.A. stay home B. go away C. make money D. visit friends 42.A. ask B. know C. write D. see 43.A. heard B. read C. worried D. talked 44.A. knew B. liked C. spent D. ended 45.A. places B. holidays C. planes D. classrooms 46.A. chance B. money C. planes D. time47.A. stories B. facts C. excuses D. questions 48.A. worried B. interested C. tired D. pleased 49.A. right B. wrong C. same D. far-away 50.A. difficult B. expensive C. helpful D. famous 六、阅读理解(共 18 小题;共 36 分) A The Spring Festival is China's biggest traditional(传统的) holiday. It usually comes in January or February. It is also called "New Year" because it makes the beginning of a lunar(农历) new year and the coming of spring. It is celebrated by a big family reunion dinner. People are very excited and happy. Many people travel hundreds of kilometres to get home for the holiday. And railway stations, bus stations and airports are filled with people hurrying home. Shops and supermarkets are crowded with holiday shoppers. Children are especially happy. They are having their winter vacation; they have many delicious things to eat; they wear new clothes; they fire crackers(爆竹) and fireworks(烟花). Besides, they get some pocket money from their parents as gifts. The Chinese living in foreign countries also celebrate this big holiday with lion dances, dragon(龙) dances and other colourful performances. Today even many foreigners have come to like our Spring Festival. 51. Which is China's biggest traditional holiday? A. Mid-Autumn Day. B. New Year's Day. C. The Spring Festival. D. Christmas. 52. Why is the Spring Festival also called lunar New Year? A. Because it is the beginning of a lunar new year. B. Because it is a spring day. C. Because it is the beginning of a new year. D. Because it is the biggest traditional holiday. 53. Why are the railway stations, the bus stations and the airports so crowded during the holiday? A. Many people are going to other countries for a visit. B. Many people are going home for family reunion. C. Many students are returning to their schools. D. Many people are going to other cities to do the shopping. 54. What do the children not get during the holiday? A. Gift money. B. Candies and crackers. C. New textbooks. D. New clothes.55. How do Chinese living in foreign countries celebrate the Spring Festival? A. By sending cards to friends. B. By returning to China for family reunion. C. By holding big parties. D. With lion dances, dragon dances and other performances. B Americans think much about time. From childhood they learn to value(珍视) time. As children they are taught to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying, they say he is living on a borrowed time. Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for more money. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly see a man walking slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running. They love time because time can bring them money and lots of things. But sometimes they also hate time, because they feel they have become servants(仆人) of the clock. 56. What do the Americans mean by “Time is money”? A. If someone has time and works hard, he can make a lot of money B. It takes quite a lot of time to make money C. Working hard can bring people health D. It is not easy to make money 57. The passage says that a dying person . A. is having a good time B. thinks time goes easily C. is living on a borrowed time D. is saving time 58. From this passage we can be sure that . A. Americans live in a quick rhythm(节奏) B. Americans live a hard life C. Americans are good at saving time D. Americans always walk fast C LONDON(Reuters)—British milkman Steve Leech, who saved several shops and flats by putting out a fire with 320 pints of milk, was celebrating Thursday after winning a national bravery award. Leech, 35, named “Hero Milkman” by the National Dairymen's Association, said that he had noticed smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England, while delivering( 递送) milk as usual a year ago. “I saw the flats up above and thought I'd better do something. So I kicked the door in and started pouring milk everywhere,” Lee told Reuters Thursday. “When firemen arrived, the fire was almost out,” he said. Firemen said he had helped save the lives of eight people living in the flats above the shops. “It was hard work opening all those bottles, especially since they have tamper-proof lids. But it was even harder trying to explain to my boss where all the milk had gone.” 59. This is a(n) from London. A. poster B. review C. advertisement D. news report 60. Leech was awarded the prize for his . A. hard work B. brave behavior C. invention D. patriotic behavior 61. Which is the correct order of what Leech did about a year ago? 1 The fire was almost put out. 2 He kicked the door in. 3 He noticed smoke coming out of a shop. 4 He delivered mile as usual. 5 He poured milk everywhere. A. 12345 B. 42351 C. 34125 D. 43251 62. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests(暗示) that tamper-proof lids add to the difficulty of those bottles. A. stealing B. breaking C. opening D. wasting 63. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Leech put out a fire with milk at the age of 34. B. Cornwall is in the north of England. C. Leech saved eight people in the shops. D. The fire was already out before firemen arrived. D If you are in America or go to American families to have meals, you should learn some table manners. Here are some tips: Don't circle your plate with your arms. If you do so, you will become the focus(焦点) of the table. Everyone would wonder, "Is there anything wrong with the food?" This may give a wrong message that you don't like the food or something like that. Don't push the plate back when finished, leave it where it was. Do you want to let the hostess know that you've just done a labor? Don't lean(倚靠) back and say "I'm through" or "I'm full". Just put the fork and knife across the plate. That's all. Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one or two bites(块) at a time. Never take a huge mouthful of anything. Do you want to show how hungry you are? Don't do that. It's not so good. It's never good to reach across the table for anything. If the thing you want is not at hand, simply ask the nearest person for help, like "Mrs. Smith, could you pass me the dish?" 6. According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG? A. Leave the plate where it was when finished. B. Cut up one or two bites before you start to eat. C. Push the plate back where it was. D. Don't take a huge mouthful of anything. 65. After finishing dinner, you should . A. put the fork and knife across the plate B. stand up and leave the table C. say "I'm full" D. say "Thank you" 66. If you want a dish far from you at table, you should . A. ask the nearest person for help B. leave your seat to get it C. sit there until others help you D. stand up and reach across the table for it 67. If you are at table and circle your plate with your arms, other people will think . A. you don't like the food B. the food isn't good for you C. there is something wrong with the food D. all above 68. Which can be the best title for this passage? A. How to Behave in America? B. Table Manners in AmericaC. What you Can Do in America? D. Table Manners 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 4 小题;共 8 分) I was born in the computer age.69. They were already adults when the first personal computer came out. But with the development of technology, more jobs need skills like typing, sending e-mails, etc. When I was in middle school, they started asking me to help them do things with computers. 70. But my dad would make me stay up to finish his work. My parents even made me talk on the phone whenever there was something wrong with our computer. After realizing my parents really need my help, I tried to be more understanding. After all, I wasn't born knowing how to use a computer. 71. I feel that teaching them by myself is better. We can communicate more and share understanding. I know it's usually hard for adults to learn new skills. And a patient teacher is helpful for them. 72. Parents and teens need to help each other. A. So I try to teach them patiently. B. However, my parents weren't as lucky as me. C. It is hard for them to use the computer. D. Sometimes I had hours of homework to do. E. How can I help them learn about computers? 八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) What is your favorite color? Ask famous people like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johansson, and Bono—singer of the band U2, and maybe they will say "green". That's not because these artists particularly like the color green. It's because they are interested in green fashion. What is "green fashion"? Green fashion is about making and wearing clothes that are good for humans, animals and the earth. In the past, green fashion made people think of hippies(嬉皮士) and ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is different. It is about looking good and caring about the earth and other people. You can have interesting clothes and live a green lifestyle. Around the world, green fashion is becoming popular. For example, the UK company People Tree sells men's and women's clothing. They are made from natural fabrics(织物) like cotton and wool. Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Nepal, Kenya, and Bangladesh. People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they make. Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN. When the clothes sell, EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 73. What's "green fashion"? 74. What did people think of when they heard "green fashion" in the past? 75. Are the clothes made in People Tree made from natural fabrics? 76. Who started the clothing company called EDUN? 77. What's the passage mainly about? Module 11 检测卷 参考答案 一、听力(听力) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. village 17. weeks 18. Thursday 19. Sunshine 20. hats 听力原文 第一题、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段 对话你将听两遍。 Number 1 W: Where is Annie? M: She has gone to Sydney on her journey. Number 2 W: What are you going to be when you grow up, Steven? M: I'm going to be an astronaut. Number 3W: What would you like to do to save the planet, Peter? M: I'd like to help recycle things in our community. Number 4 W: Have you ever read the book Harry Potter, Mark? M: Yes, I have. It's a successful series by J. K. Rowling. Number 5 W: Did Steve Jobs create lots of digital products with his team? M: Yes, his inventions, especially iPhones, have greatly changed our way of life. 第二题、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 请听一段对话,完成第 6 至第 7 小题。 W: Good morning, sir. Your passport, please? M: Here you are. W: What's your name, please? M: My name is John Smith. W: Which country are you making a journey to? M: Canada. W: What's your flight number? M: CA360. W: What time will the airplane take off ? M: At 8:30 a.m. W: Have a good trip, sir. M: Thank you very much. W: You're welcome. 请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题。 W: Hi, Tony! How was your last weekend? M: Awful, Susan. I was busy with my lessons. W: What did you do last weekend? M: I visited the History Museum and had a lot of fun there. Have you ever been there before? W: No, never. I do nothing but studying all the time on weekends. M: That sounds bad. You need to relax and try something new instead.W: That's a good idea. Can you tell me about the museum? M: It's hard to say. There is so much to see. You'd better visit it if you're free. W: Oh, it would be a good way to spend my weekends. Could you please go with me next Sunday afternoon? M: No problem. Let's do it. Goodbye! W: Bye! 请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11 小题。 W: Hello, Frank. M: Hello, Jenny. You don't look well. What's the matter? W: I've got a terrible cough, and I cough day and night. M: I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been like this? W: About two weeks. The doctor said the cough was mainly caused by air pollution. I think we should do something to protect the environment. M: I think so. What should we do? W: First, we'd better ride bikes or walk to school more often. M: All right! But my home is far from our school. W: Why don't you take a subway instead? M: You're right. From now on, I'll do as you said. W: What else can we do? M: We can plant more trees. W: OK! Let's do it. 请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13 小题。 W: Hi, David. What are you doing? M: Hi, Emma. I'm reading a magazine. W: What's it about? M: It's about space science. W: Fantastic! I also take great interest in space. M: Really? Who's your favorite astronaut? W: Liu Yang. Because she gave a lesson and did some experiments in space. M: I admire her too. What's your dream, Emma? W: I wish to travel in space one day.M: That's a great dream! How are you going to realize it? W: I'm going to do lots of exercise to keep fit. M: That's great! It's necessary for you to have a strong body. But you need to read books or magazines to get more knowledge about space science. W: I agree with you. Can you give me some help? M: Sure. I'll lend the magazine to you after I finish it. W: OK. I'm sure the book will help me a lot. M: I hope so. Would you like to share ideas with me after you read it? W: Yes, I'd love to. I believe I will make good progress with your help. M: I'll try my best. Let's sit down and make a booklist first. 请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15 小题。 Hello, everyone! Let me talk about some special after-class activities in our school. These activities will help you learn something you can't learn from your textbooks. The following three activities are provided at our school, you can choose any of them according to your interests. If you want to improve your spoken English. You'd better join the English drama group. In this group, it is a good chance for you to practise not only oral English but also performing skills. You can challenge different characters in plays. You can also learn how to perform them in colorful costumes. This is the best way to learn spoken English. We hope to see you on the stage at the end of this term. If you love sports, playing ball games will be your best choice. In our school, you can join basketball team, football team or volleyball team. All kinds of matches are organized every week. It is good for your physical health. And you will be offered a good chance to make friends and encourage teamwork. All of us are looking forward to seeing you on the fields or courts. For model-making group, you can put different small blocks together and make them into a model according to the picture in your mind. You must try hard and overcome many difficulties when you are making a model. If you join this group, you will get to know more about science world and become interested in it. We are waiting to see your models on show. I hope these after-class activities would be helpful and each student would enjoy a bright and colorful school life here! 第三题、听对话, 记录关键信息。请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语将所缺的关键信息填 写在答题纸的相应位置上。对话你将听两遍。 W: Have you made a plan for this winter vacation, Jacky? M: Not yet. I'm too busy to think about it. What's your idea, Ann? W: Shall we join a winter camp in a mountain village? M: Good idea. What can we do in the camp? W: We can do lots of outdoor activities such as hiking in the mountains, skiing on thehillside and hunting treasures in a field. M: That sounds good. Can we meet many people during the camp? W: Sure. We can make many friends there. M: How long will the camp last? W: For about two weeks. M: How are we going there? W: We are going by subway to avoid the traffic jam in the city. M: All right. When and where are we going to meet? W: We'll meet at Exit C of the Sunshine Station at 7:30 next Thursday morning. M: OK. What will the weather be like during the camp? W: It will be very cold. So don't forget to wear your warm clothes. M: What else do we need to take with us? W: We'd better take our gloves and hats, especially our ID cards. M: No problem. W: Hope we'll have lots of fun in the camp. See you. M: See you. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. immediately 22. differences 23. tradition 24. taste 25. accept 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 26. surprise 27. differences 28. experience 29. accept 30. traditions 31. serious 32. sandwiches 33. chopsticks34. tastes 35. shoulder 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 36. can't take photos 37. must not 38. Need I say 39. must be 40. had to walk 五、完形填空 41. B 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. B 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. B 六、阅读理解 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. A 57. C 58. A 59. D 60. B 61. D 62. C 63. B 64. C 65. A 66. A 67. D 68. B 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 69. B 70. D 71. E 72. A 八、阅读与表达(问答式) 73. It's about making and wearing clothes that are good for humans, animals and the Earth. 74. Hippies and ugly clothes. 75. Yes, they are. 76. Singer Bono and his wife. 77. Green fashion. Module 12 检测卷 一、听力(听力)(共 20 小题;共 20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 (5 分) 1.A. weight B. height C. night 2.A. remained B. reused C. refused 3.A. safety rules B. city rooms C. tasty noodles 4.A. We all don't have to go to school today. B. All of us should go to school today. C. All of us mustn't go to school today. 5.A. The player recovered in a year. B. The player spent a year recovering. C. The player didn't recover at all. Ⅱ.听对话和问题,选择正确的答案 (5 分) 6.A. Because there are too many cars. B. Because the traffic light is red. C. Because the traffic light is green. 7.A. She was ill. B. She rode a motorbike. C. She had a traffic accident. 8.A. Safety rules. B. The importance of safety rules. C. A new ruler. 9.A. Make the floor dry. B. Make the kitchen wet. C. Slip and fall. 10.A. He is falling down. B. He is getting down from the tree. C. He is climbing up a tree. Ⅲ. 听长对话和问题,选择正确的答案 (5 分) 11. Why can't the woman go to sleep? A. Because she isn't sleepy. B. Because she is too exciting. C. Because she can't forget the accident. 12. Where was the man riding when the accident happened? A. He was riding on the right side of the road.B. He was riding in the middle of the road. C. He was riding in the street. 13. Why was the man taken to the hospital? A. His right arm was broken. B. He was not badly hurt. C. The woman is the driver. 14. What caused the accident? A. The man's not obeying the rules of the road. B. The driver's skill. C. The woman's carelessness. 15. Did the woman drive a car, too? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn't. C. We don't know. Ⅳ. 听短文填空 (5 分) Information Sheet It's important for students to 16. at school. Students shouldn't crowd when they go 17. . 18. school alone on school nights would be dangerous. Their school things and money should 19. . Students should 20. each other and helping each other is very important. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 10 小题;共 15 分) 21. Playing computer games for a long time is very h to our health. 22. Father often w me not to play ball games in the street. 23. Staying c in an earthquake is important. 24. Tony is a b boy. He saved three children from the fire. 25. My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h . 26. Being blind and deaf, the poor boy can't i (想象) what his future will be like. 27. I had a m examination yesterday.28. The building is very tall, but you can take a l to the top. It's easy and quick. 29. Can you really mend a b heart? 30. She had t riding her bike to the cinema last Sunday. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 10 小题;共 15 分) 31. Did the doctor (警告) your father against smoking? 32. Eating too much chocolate is (有害的) to your teeth. 33. Can you (想象) living without light bulbs? 34. Speaking in front of so many people, he can't keep c (平静). 35. The little boy is (勇敢的) enough to swim across the river. 36. Lucy is polite and (乐于助人的). We all like her. 37. The king has a lot of (权力) but he isn't happy. 38. (医疗的) machines were badly needed in those earthquake-hit areas. 39. Many people have got a cold because the temperature (下降) a lot several days ago. 40. Please ask me for help when you are in (困难;麻烦). 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 9 小题;共 18 分) 41. Please (整理床铺) by yourself. 42. 不要把他和别人比较。 Don't him others. 43. 它们一定真的很有价值,我可以看一看它们吗? They really valuable. Can I see them? 44. 这件上衣对 Jim 来说太小了,不可能是他的。(词数不限) The coat is much too small for Jim, so it . 45. She (可能在弹) the piano. 46. 告诉孩子们不要接触刀子。 Tell the children to keep knives. 47. 李老师警告我们不要用他的电脑玩游戏。(词数不限) Mr Li has his computer for playing games. 48. 你能确定火车是否准点吗? Can you whether the train is on time? 49. 你可以看到湖底的鱼。You can see fish the lake. 五、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 15 分) Every year a number of people die in traffic accidents. How do these traffic accidents 50 ? Maybe the drivers drink 51 , or maybe there's something wrong 52 their cars. However, the most important reason may be that people don't obey the traffic 53 . In our country, traffic goes on the right. But in many 54 countries, for example, in Singapore, traffic goes on the opposite side. It's easy to cause an accident if you walk or drive in the 55 direction. When the traffic lights turn 56 , you can go across the road. When they turn red, you must stop. If you are walking, it is important and necessary to walk 57 the zebra crossing. The most dangerous 58 is the corner. People don't often 69 much attention when they're near the corner. And sometimes there are no traffic lights near the corner. If you want to be safe, please obey the traffic rules. 50.A. happen B. make C. find D. invent 51.A. too many B. very much C. too much D. much too 52.A. from B. of C. about D. with 53.A. rules B. ideas C. mind D. ways 54.A. another B. other C. else D. each 55.A. hard B. easy C. wrong D. difficult 56.A. blue B. black C. white D. green 57.A. on B. in C. over D. under 58.A. work B. place C. road D. street 59.A. cost B. use C. bring D. pay 六、阅读理解(共 18 小题;共 36 分) A In 2011, there was a terrible traffic accident. It happened in Zhengning, northwest of Gansu. On November 16, a school bus crashed(碰撞) into a truck. 19 kids and two adults(成人) died during the accident. The accident happened at 9:40 a.m. in Yulinzi town. At the beginning, five people were dead, including four children and their bus driver. Another 16, their teacher included, died in the afternoon. It was foggy when the accident happened. It's true. However, there was a deeper reason. It's said another 43 children were hurt in the accident. And they were in hospital. So we can know that the school bus was carrying 64 people all together. In fact, the broken school bus has only nine seats. It was terribly overloading(超载). The accident is one of many in China about school buses or students. It's time to pay attention to the safety of school buses! 60. How many people died during the school bus accident in Gansu? A. 16. B. 19. C. 21. D. 43. 61. We can learn from the second paragraph that . A. two adults died in the school bus accident B. there were 43 people when the school bus crashed C. 16 people were sent to the hospital in the afternoon D. the broken school bus has sixteen seats 62. The deeper reason for the accident was . A. the bad weather B. the careless driver C. the bus' overloading D. the terrible road condition 63. The writer writes the passage to . A. tell us the quality of school buses B. attract our attention to school bus safety C. inform us of the damage of some car crashes D. tell us some important reasons for accidents B Dear editor(编辑), Can't your newspaper do something about the custom(习惯) of hitchhiking? A short time ago, on a car travel I counted at least 50 people standing beside the road, asking for rides. Many of them were young women. Don't they understand how dangerous it is to get into the car driven by a stranger? How much do they know about the driver? Is he a good driver or not? They know nothing! Many of these young hitchhikers may come from good families. Don't their parents teach them anything about the world? I always taught my children not to talk to strangers. I never let them take rides from people they didn't know. Isn't there enough crime(犯罪) today without asking for trouble by hitchhiking? On the other hand, hitchhiking may bring some traffic trouble. Don't you think what I said is true? A Worried Grandfather 64. The word "hitchhiking" means . A. waiting for a bus at the bus stop B. driving in a dangerous wayC. going on a long way by getting free rides in other people's car D. asking a stranger the ways in a car 65. The Worried Grandfather . A. doesn't like young women to drive cars B. thinks it is dangerous for a young woman to get into a stranger's car C. likes drivers to be careful and strict in their work D. never lets his children get into other people's car 66. The Worried Grandfather . A. was hit by a car when he was standing by the road B. is a good driver and often gives free rides to strangers C. is in trouble now and he wants to get some help from the newspaper D. sees much of the world and he is very careful 67. The Worried Grandfather wrote the letter to tell . A. the newspaper to let its readers know the danger of hitchhiking B. young women never to go on a long travel alone C. young people to listen to their parents at home D. his children not to talk to strangers on the road C One day when I was working as a psychologist at a children's hospital, a boy named David showed up in the waiting room. I showed him into my office."Please sit down," I said. David's grandparents had died and his mother had been killed in a car accident. At that time he was 14 and an orphan(孤儿). The first two times we met, David didn't say a word. "Come back next week, if you like," I said. After that we played chess every week—in silence. Usually, he arrived early and took the chessboard out. It seemed as if he enjoyed being with me. But why did he never look at me? "Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with." I thought. Some months later, I sat and watched David quietly across the chessboard. Suddenly, he looked up at me. "It's your turn." he said. After that day, David started talking. He made friends in school and joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me later from his university. I learned from David how time makes it possible to overcome( 战胜) almost anything. David showed me how one can reach out to another. 68. What was the writer's job? A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A psychologist. D. A teacher. 69. What did David do at the first two meetings? A. He kept silent and didn't say anything. B. He began to talk with the writer. C. He played chess happily with the writer. D. He began to smile at the writer. 70. Which of the following is NOT the change that happened to David? A. He began to talk and make friends with others. B. He joined a bicycle club. C. He entered a university. D. He began to listen to others. 71. What did the writer learn from David? A. It is necessary for us to make friends. B. Patience makes it possible to overcome almost anything. C. We should show more care and love for lonely children. D. We need to share pain and happiness with our friends. 82. Which one is TRUE according to the passage? A. When they met for the first time, the writer played chess with David. B. David's parents died in a car accident and he stopped talking for a few months. C. After playing chess silently with the writer for some months, David finally started talking. D. At last, David became a psychologist at a hospital, too. D Who do you admire(崇拜)? Different people may have different ideas. If you're a sports fan, perhaps the person you admire most is a great basketball player, and Yao Ming is probably the one in your mind. If you study music or play an instrument, perhaps the person you admire most is gifted musician like Mozart, who began to write beautiful music at a very young age. Or maybe you admire great scientists, for example, Yuan Longping. We have many reasons to admire famous people and we often give much of our respect to them. However, we shouldn't neglect those who are common, such as nurses, train drivers, firemen, cleaners and so on. They may be working in a corner of the world without being noticed, but all these people spend their working days serving the public. They show great dedication( 奉 献). However, what they do is often unnoticed by us. Have you ever thought of what our life will be like if they stop working? So next time when you appreciate famous people, don't forget those who are common around you. 73. Yao Ming is a great . A. pop singer B. actor C. basketball player 74. Mozart began to write when he was very young. A. music B. letters C. books 75. The underlined word "neglect" in Paragraph 3 means . A. give comments on B. make fun of C. care little about 76. In Paragraph 3, the writer mainly points out . A. the reasons why we admire famous people B. the importance of common people's work C. the places where common people are working 77. What's the main idea of this passage? A. Famous people are admired by most of us in our life. B. Common people should also be given respect as the famous ones. C. Common people should be given the most respect in our society. 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) "Have you finished your lesson, George?" Said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite. "No, father," replied George, hanging down his head. "78. " "Because it is so difficult, father, I'm not sure that I shall never learn it. 79. My memory is so bad." "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?" "80. " "You are good at skating, and flying your kite, and playing footballs, are you not?" "Yes, father." "And you cannot learn your lesson! My dear boy, you are lying to yourself. 81. " "But have I not tried, father?" again asked George. "82. Come, for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making, and give another effort to get your lesson ready. Be serious, and you will soon learn it." A. No, I'm pretty sure that I should not. B. You can learn as well as any one, if you will try. C. It is easy. D. Well, try again. E. Besides(而且), I could not remember it after I had learned it. F. If you don't pay more attention to your lessons you will never be fit for anything. G. Why not, my son? 八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) I used to be an easily angry boy. But since I watched a TV report, I have changed a lot. That evening, after doing my homework, I sat down to watch a report on TV. It said that two young boys were once good friends, but one day they fought each other just because of a joke between them. At that time both of them were too angry with each other, so one killed the other finally. The result for the two was so terrible. One was dead, far away from his family and his friends forever. The other was put into prison(监狱). All this happened just because of anger(愤 怒). Anger is a bad thing, which may cause some terrible things to happen, either to ourselves or to others around us. Being angry easily is not a good habit for a clever man. As an article says, "We cannot change the way other people act, so it is important to learn to live happily with them." Maybe smiling at others is the easiest way. If others' ideas are really not good, keep an open mind. Having a friend is much better than having an enemy(敌人) after all! 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 83. What kind of boy did the writer use to be? 84. What made the writer change a lot? 85. Why did the two good friends fight with each other? 86. Can anger cause bad things to ourselves and others around us? 87. What should we do if we cannot change the way other people act according to the article? Module 12 检测卷 参考答案 一、听力(听力) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. stay safe 17. upstairs or downstairs 18. Going out of 19. be taken good care of 20. get along well with 听力原文 Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 1. We want to know your height. 2. Liu Mei refused to cheat others. 3. You should learn and obey some safety rules for students. 4. All of us needn't go to school today. 5. It took the player a year to recover. Ⅱ. 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案 6. W: The traffic light is red. M: I see it.We must stop now. Q: Why must they stop now? 7. W: Why didn't Li Ming come to school? M: Because his mother was hit by a motorbike.He had to look after her in the hospital. Q: What happened to Li Ming's mother? 8. W: What did you learn today? M: A new safety rule.It's very important for us to learn more rules. Q: What are they talking about?9. W: Please dry the floor,my dear son.It's so wet in the kitchen. M: Oh,Mum.Then you won't slip and fall. Q: What will the boy do? 10. W: Don't climb too high,or you'll fall down. M: It doesn't matter.I'll be careful and the tree is so strong. Q: What is the boy doing? Ⅲ. 听长对话和问题,选择正确的答案 W: I can't go to sleep.I can't stop thinking about the accident that happened yesterday. M: How did it happen? W: A man was riding a bike in the middle of the road.Then a car ran to him quickly and hit him.He fell off his bike. M: Was the man badly hurt? W: Yes,his right arm was broken. M: Was he taken to the hospital? W: Yes.The driver sent him to the hospital at once. Ⅳ. 听短文填空 It's important for students to stay safe at school.Here are some rules that can help them. First,they shouldn't crowd when they go upstairs or downstairs.They may hurt themselves or others by falling off steps.Second,they shouldn't go out of school alone on school nights.That would be dangerous.Third,they should take good care of their school things and money. Fourth, they should get along well with others.Being in the same school or the same class,they study and live together,so helping each other is very important. Keep these rules in their mind; they'll be safe. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. harmful 22. warns 23. calm24. brave 25. helpful 26. imagine 27. medical 28. lift 29. broken 30. trouble 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. warn 32. harmful 33. imagine 34. calm35. brave 36. helpful 37. power 38. Medical 39. dropped 40. trouble 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 41. make your bed 42. compare, with 43. must be44. can't be his 45. could/might be playing 46. clear of 47. warned us not to use 48. make sure 49. at the bottom of 五、完形填空 50. A 51. C 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. D 六、阅读理解 60. C 61. A 62. C 63. B 64. C 65. B 66. D 67. A 68. C 69. A 70. D 71. B 72. C 73. C 74. A 75. C 76. B 77. B 七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 78. G 79. E 80. A 81. B 82. D 八、阅读与表达(问答式) 83. He used to be an easily angry boy. 84. A TV report. 85. Because of a joke between them. 86. Yes, it can. 87. We should learn to live happily with them.

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