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六年级英语练习(二) (编者寄语)练习说明:该练习紧扣教材编写而成,可用于学生 学习检测,复习、巩固、提高所学知识;也可作为每周家庭作业习题, 题量不大,难度适中,每题的分值仅供参考,教师乃至家长可以根据 学生薄弱项有针对性的调整该部分题型所占分值比重,以引起学生重 视,提升练习效果;当然如果学生基础特别薄弱,甚至兴趣不足,可 以自己取消分值,只当作练习,以保护孩子的学习积极性。如何取舍, 请您在练习前结合自己学生具体情况斟酌而定。 一、 补全单词。(分值:1 × 10) 1. w_nd_w 2. br_athe 3. c_ugh 4 .v_c_tion 5. n_xt 6. v_s_t 7. w_tch 8. pa_nt 9. s_ck 10. a_ain 二、 写出下面动词的过去式。(分值:2 × 20) 1. get ___ 2.sit ___ 3. hit ___ 4.give ___ 5.make ___ 6.visit___ 7.begin ___ 8.go ___ 9.come ___ 10.walk___ 11.can___ 12.is/am___ 13.have/has ___14.want___15.eat___16.see___ 17.run ___ 18.do/does___19.put___20.read___ 三、 单项选择。(分值:2 × 10) 1. — Where___you yesterday ? — I was at home. A. are B. were C. did 2. I___my house at home yesterday. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned 3. He didn’t ___breakfast this morning. A. ate B. eat C. eating 4. — What did he ___ yesterday ? — He ___ to the library. A. did; go B.do; went C. do; goes 5. — What are you doing ? — I ___ a lemon(柠檬). A. eating B. am eating C. ate 6. I want to ___ a doctor. A. is B. was C. be 7. Suddenly Mocky couldn’t ___. A. breathe B. breathed C. breathes 8. — Did Mocky ___ any bananas ? — No, he ___. A. want; did B. wanted; didn’t C. want, didn’t 9. He ___ in the library yesterday. A. wasn’t B. isn’t C. didn’t 10. She often ___ to school on foot, but yesterday she ___ to school by bus. A. go; went B. goes, went C. go; goes四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(分值:2 × 10) 1. Yesterday he helped his mother ___(wash)clothes. 2. It’s time to ___(go)to school. 3. What about ___(have)a rest ? 4. She likes ___(swim). 5. Let’s ___(go)home together. 6. Don’t ___(be)greedy. 7. She has to ___(wait). 8. Jim ___(play)football yesterday afternoon. 9. Ann ___(have)a dream last night. 10. Soon they ___ (be)in space and they saw many starts. 五、连词成句。(分值:2.5 × 4 ) 1. where; you; last; Sunday; were 2. did; what; do; he; yesterday 3. they; a; movie; watched; yesterday 4. Ken; to; the; went; supermarket; yesterday; his; friends; with

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