九年级英语下Unit12 Section B(2c—Self Check)习题(带答案)

九年级英语下Unit12 Section B(2c—Self Check)习题(带答案)


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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpectedSection B 2c—Self CheckⅠ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。more than, believe, embarrass, hand in, run away from, disappear1. These details (细节) will make the story much more _________________.2. —Must I _________________ my homework today, Mr. Smith?—No, you needn't. You can give it to me tomorrow.3. The plane _________________ behind a cloud so we couldn't see it.4. Paula doesn't like making speeches in public. She thinks it's so _________________. 5. Sophie _________________ home without telling anybody but she soon regretted it.6. Traditional Chinese medicine was a great invention in ancient China. It has a long history of _________________ 3,000 years.Ⅱ. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。Bert is my best friend. Bert is honest so everyone trusts him. In other words, Bert is a b               (1) boy.Last Sunday his mom's new friend Claire came to see her. Because his mom was busy, she asked Bert to meet Claire. On Saturday evening, Bert went to bed late. On Sunday morning his alarm clock didn't r               (2) and his mom didn't wake him up before going to work, so Bert o               (3). Bert didn't get up t               (4) half past nine. He hurried to the airport by taxi. On the way, he had an u               (5) accident. Luckily, he wasn't hurt. But a young l               (6) in another taxi was hurt and was sent to hospital. When Bert finally got to the airport, he couldn't find Claire. He called his mom, and then his mom called Claire. Guess what happened? Claire was in hospital! The taxi that Bert was riding in hit the taxi that Claire was riding in! 参考答案:Ⅰ. 1. believable     2. hand in      3. disappeared 4. embarrassing   5. ran away from    6. more thanⅡ. 1. believable     2. ring     3. overslept      4. till 5. unexpected    6. lady

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