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八年级英语上册Unit1-3月考试卷听力部分(20分)一. 根据所听句子,选择最佳答案.(5分) (    )1. A. It’s Animal World   B. Do my homework   C. Watch TV  (    )2. A. yes, I think so      B. I don’t think so      C. Yes, it isn’t (    )3. A. Two days ago      B. For two days        C. Twice a day (    )4. A. All right          B. That’s too bad        C. That’s right (    )5. A. Go to bed early   B. Exercise to stay healthy  C. Study late every night二.听对话回答问题.(5分)(    )6. A. He likes it  B. He drinks it every day  C. His mother wants him to drink it(    )7. A. forty-six        B. Sixty-five          C. forty-nine(    )8. A. On foot          B. By bike           C. By bus(    )9. A. For Father’s Day    B. For her father’s birthday    C. For Mother’s Day(    )10.A. Drink some water    B. Have a rest   C. Take some medicine三.听短文回答问题.(10分) (    )11. What day is it today?       A. Friday               B. Saturday             C. Sunday (    )12. What are James and his friends going to do tomorrow?       A. Fly kites             B. Make kites            C. Stay at home (    )13. What are the twins going to do?       A. Help their father       B. Work on the farm       C. Fly kites (    )14. Mary is going to_____.       A. Do her homework    B. Help her mother with the housework       C. Fly kites with her friends (    )15. Are they all staying at home and doing their homework tomorrow evening?       A. Yes, they are.          B. No, they aren’t         C. I don’t know笔试部分(80分)一.单项选择题:(15分).(   )16.I often ____ my homework after my supper, but yesterday evening I ____TV.     A. do, watch     B. did, watched      C. did, watch.     D. do, watched.(   )17. Tom with his brother ____ playing football very much.     A. like          B. likes            C. liking           D. are liking(   )18. A lot of vegetables can help you to keep ____ good health.     A. in           B. to               C. with            D. for(   )19. ____ is very interesting ____ in the river in summer.     A. It, to swim      B. That, to swim      C. It, swim      D. This, swim(   )20. I don't like drinking tea ____ milk.     A. have           B. to              C. with         D. for(   )21. The girl ____ to bed until very late last night.     A. went           B. go             C. didn't go     D. don't go(   )22. I have ____ to do today.     A. anything important                    B. something important C. important nothing                     D. important something(   )23. What’s the matter with you?         -I had ______cold and had to stay  in _____bed .     A. a, a           B. the ,the            C. a,/            D./, a(   )24. You are too tired .You _____rest and ______go to work .A .should ,should   B. shouldn’t ,shouldn’t   C. should , shouldn’t   D. shouldn’t should(   )25.He likes reading ____ and he has _____books.     A. a lot, a lot.       B. lots of, a lot       C. a lot, lot of     D. a lot, a lot of(   )26._____ can I keep the dictionary?   ---A week.     A. How soon       B. How long         C. How often         D. How far(   )27.Watching TV too much is not good ____ your eyes.      A. at              B. to               C. for               D. with(   )28.I'm not feeling _____.     A. good            B. so               C. well              D. best(   )29.Robert often asks us _____ his Chinese.     A. to help with      B. to help him with    C. help him     D. helps him with(   )30. You ____ finish your homework before you go to play.     A. should           B. can              C. shouldn't         D. may二.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(5分)31.  This bike is ____________________(difference)from that one32.  The children have fun _____________(play)games  in the park .33.  Molly is going __________(camp)for his summer holiday.34.  Who is the ___________(health)one in your family ?35.  Jim goes swimming _____________( two  )a month三.完型填空. (10 分). Luis always had headaches and stomachaches .First, Luis’s doctor gave him some  36  , but  it didn’t work .Then his doctor asked him about his   37   food.Luis said he ate a lot of fish. His doctor said , “Stopped eating fish ,When Luis stopped  eating fish,he___38___much  better.            Sharon often had a very sore throat after.__39_  First, she stopped drinking  milk and eating cheese ,but this made___40___difference.Then ,in the summer ,the problem became worse, and it was difficult ___41___Sharon to eat .Her  doctor askedabout her diet. She said she ate about ten tomatoes ____42____day .The doctor asked her not to eat tomatoes .___43_ she stopped eating tomatoes ,her throat got better.   Fred worked in a car factory .There was ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___44___withhis hands and he could not hold his tools. First ,he went to see his doctor ,and she asked him to have a good rest. It didn’t work .After that ,his doctor asked him about his diet. Fred said he ate a lot of bread .She told him not to eat bread .Ten days __45_,Fred could hold his tools again.(    )36. A. medicine        B. milk          C. tea               D. fish (    )37.A.interesting        B. favorite       C. awful             D. weak(    )38.A.made            B. took          C. felt.              D. knew(    )39.A.eat              B. to eat         C. eats              D. eating (    )40. A .no              B. not           C. never             D. few (    )41.A.of               B. form         C. for               D .with(    )42.A.other             B .a            C. all               D. else (    )43 A. If               B .Because       C .Although         D. When(    )44.A.somethig wrong   B. anything wrong  C wrong something    D wrong anything(   ) 45.A. late             B behind         C. later             D. after四.阅读理解 (20分).AThere was a bookseller (书商). He did not like to pay for anything, One day a big box of books fell(掉下)on his foot.“Go to the doctor,” said his wife, “and show that foot to him.”“No,” he said, “I’ll wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time. Then I’ll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay(付款).”The next day the doctor came to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised (答应) to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. “Buy this medicine and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said.“Thank you,” said the bookseller, “And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?” asked the doctor.“Two pounds(英磅).” “Oh, good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?” asked the bookseller.“I look over your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my houses, I ask them to pay only one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge (收费) two pounds. And I came here today, didn’t I? Bye-bye!”(    )46.The bookseller didn’t want to see the doctor because ________. A. his foot wasn’t hurt.                         B. He couldn’t go any farther C. He didn’t have any money to pay the doctor      D. He didn’t want to pay the doctor(    )47.The next day the doctor came to the shop _______.  A. to buy some books                     B. to buy medicine  C. to borrow some money                  D. to see the bookseller(    )48.The seller asked the doctor to pay _______. A. nothing     B. two pounds     C. only one pound    D. two pound(    )49.The doctor paid the bookseller ________.  A. many money     B. much money      C. nothing     D. two pounds for books(    )50.Which of the following is right? A. The seller didn’t like to pay anything. B. The seller’s wife didn’t want him to go to the doctor. C. The seller was cleverer than the doctor.D. The doctor didn’t go to the shop to buy any things.B   There is an old English saying .It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning .Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever.This is true .The body must have enough sleep to be healthy Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every   night .   Children who do not have enough sleep can not do their work well and they may not be healthy.The body also needs exercise.  Walking ,  running ,jumping and playing games are all helps  the blood to move around inside the body .It is very important .Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood . Exercise helps us to think better.(   )51.If we want to be healthy ,we must ________.A.eat more   B. sleep more   C .play more   D. go to bed early and get up early(   )52.Children of young age should have _______hours  sleep every day .     A. ten          B. nine        C. eleven        D. twelve(   )53.If children don’t have sleep ,they will not ______     A. work well     B. be clever and healthy    C .eat well      D.A and B(   )54. The body also needs _______.A.sports           B .running         C. exercise          D .playing(   )55.Does exercise help us think better?     A. Yes , it does      B.  No, it does     C. No ,it does.     D .Yes ,it doesn’t五.句型转换( 10分)56. Mary eats junk food twice a week. (划线提问)    _____  _____  does  Mary eat  junk food?57. What's wrong with Bill? (同义句)  What’s                     Bill?58. He leaves for school early every morning. (同义句)   He _____  ______  school early every morning.59. We enjoyed ourselves at the party last night. (同义句)   We ______  ______ at the party last night  60. She is going fishing for vacation.(划线提问)          is she         for vacation?六.书面表达(20分)国庆将至,请写一篇短文,描述你的假期计划,要求语句通顺流畅,字迹工整,不少于80个单词。(国庆节:National Day)  
