牛津初中英语(Units 1—6,7A)期末考试参考试题

牛津初中英语(Units 1—6,7A)期末考试参考试题


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牛津初中英语(Units 1—6,7A)期末考试参考试题 考试内容: 口试 听力 笔试 总分 考试时间 20分 20分 60分 100分 100分钟  一、 口试 (共计20分) A.朗读课文(10分)     内容: Unit 1 Reading  p4            Unit 2 Reading  p20            Unit 3 Reading  p36            Unit 4 Reading  p56            Unit 5 Reading  p72 (学生通过抽签选定一篇朗读内容,每篇文章只要求读其中1至3节)     B.回答问题(5分) 根据实际情况回答下列问题。(共5题 每小题 1 分) 1. A:  Are you a member of the Reading Club in your school? B:  Yes. I am. / No. I am not. 2. A:  Do you like dancing?   B:  Yes. I do. / No, I don’t. 3. A:  Can I use your ruler?   B:  Yes,you can. 4. A:  Where do you live?   B:  I live on Spring Road. 5. A:  Which is your favourite festival?   B:  The Mid-Autumn festival. C.  口头表达(5分) 1. Say something about yourself 2. My day 3. My favourite festival 4. Say something about your favourite food and lifestyle 5. Say something about your favourite shopping mall       (学生抽选其中一题,每个话题至少说五句话) 二、听力(共计20分) A. Millie 正在向大家介绍班上同学的爱好,请将所听句子的序号填到相应的横线 上。(听一遍。共5题,每小题1分)                                          B. 上课了。老师用英语问了Millie一些问题,你能帮助她回答吗?将正确答案的 序号填入左边的括号内。(听两遍。共5题,每小题1分): (   )1. A. Monday.           B. Sunday.            C. Wednesday. (   )2. A. January 1st.         B. October 31st.       C. December 25th. (   )3. A. In a bookshop.       B. In a sports shop.     C. In an electrical shop. (   )4. A. Dumplings.         B. Rice dumplings.     C. Chocolate eggs. (   )5. A. Less than 10 hours.   B. Seldom.            C. 5 yuan each day. C.英语课上,吴老师请全班同学一起听一篇英语短文,并要求他们根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。下面是吴老师布置的作业,你也来试一试,好吗?(听两遍。共5题,每小题1分) (    ) 1. John and Betty are brother and sister. (    ) 2. John is my cousin. (    ) 3. John is not a student. (    ) 4. Betty is older than (比……大) John. (    ) 5. Betty is now at school. D.  Millie是健身俱乐部的成员,Simon也想加入健身俱乐部,他请Millie带他俱 乐部咨询。请听俱乐部的经理与Simon 的对话,并根据对话内容在卡片上填入Simon的相关信息。 (听两遍。共5题,每小题1分)  Name __________ Age  _____________ Tel  ____________________               What club do you want to join? __________________________________________ Why do you want to join the club? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 三、 笔试  (共计60分)   A.基础知识  (20分) (A)        Millie 在和父母谈论她的同学Simon 。请根据上下文的意思,选出正确 答案补全下面的短文。(共5分,每小题1分) Daniel has a lot of VCDs. He likes (1)___________________ (listening to / watching) them. He also loves playing computer (2) _______________         (games / game) and looking for things on the Internet. He spends an hour on his (3)                __ (homework / garden) every day. He often plays basketball in the afternoon. He usually plays it with his classmates in the (4)             (playground / tennis court). He thinks it is good for his (5) ____________ (health / exercise)   (B)         你想了解Kitty的日常饮食和生活方式吗? 请选用适当的词组完成短文。 (共5分,每小题1分)   keep healthy   lots of   grow up   for two hours   get tired         Hi! My name is Kitty. I am 12 years old. I want to be a dancer when I (1) _____________. So I dance (2) ____________________every day. I always (3) ______________after I dance. I need (4) ___________ energy to dance.  For a dancer, it is very important to (5) ____________. (C)  Millie在做老师布置的家庭作业时,遇到了一些困难,作为好朋友的你, 能帮她一下吗?(共10题,每小题1分) (    ) 1. When you go to school. you say “_________” to your parents.         A. Good evening.   B. Goodbye.    C. Good night. (    ) 2. — When is our National Day.       __It’s on __________ the first.         A. October             B. September       C. June (    ) 3. Mr Green has no time to cook at home. He often has dinner ___________.         A. on the bus        B. at home         C. in the restaurant (   )4.Amy always helps the children in poor areas. She is kind and ____________.         A. beautiful           B. helpful          C. young (    ) 5. — Can I have ________cakes, please?         — Sorry, I don’t have ________cakes in my fridge.         A. some … any           B. any … any         C. any … some (    ) 6. — Your coat looks very nice.         — __________________.         A. No, it isn’t nice at all.    B. Yes, it is.          C. Thank you. (    ) 7. — I forgot to bring my ruler. ________________         — Certainly. Here you are. A.     Can I borrow yours?          B.     Give it to me. C. Sorry, I want to use yours. (    ) 8. — Do you understand what this word means?         — Sorry, ________________.         A. I see      B. I know          C. I don’t (    ) 9. — Would you like some bread?         — ________________. I’m hungry.           A. Yes, please      B. No, thanks       C. Yes, I would (    )10. My little brother is only one year old. He_____________ books.         A. don’t read   B. often reads        C. can’t read       B. 语言运用 (40分) (A)  Millie 的生日快到了,妈妈带她去商店买新衣服。下面是她妈妈与营业员之间的一段对话,Millie 有几句没听清楚,你能帮她补上去吗? (共5题,每小题1分) (S= shopkeeper   W= Woman) S:   Good afternoon. (1) _________________________ W:  Yes, I am looking for a dress for my daughter.       S:   (2) __________________________________ W:  Red, please. S:   (3) _______________________ I think it’s very nice. W:  Yes, it’s nice. But it’s too long, and its colour is a little dark. S:   (4) __________________________________ W:  Oh, it’s nice. Here’s eighty dollars. S:   Sorry. The long one is eighty dollars. But this one is eight–five dollars. W:  Oh, I’m sorry. (5) ______________________________ S:   Thanks very much. A. How about this light red one? B. Which colour do you like? C. Can I help you? D. There is a red dress. E. Here’s one hundred dollars. (B) Millie 昨天上网查询资料时看到了这样一篇完型填空文章,觉得有点难。你行吗?请帮她选择正确答案。(共10题,每小题1分) Most children like watching TV. On TV (1) _______can learn a lot and they can see and know many things about (2) __________country and the world. Of course, they can learn over the radio. but they can learn better and more easily with (3)__________. Why? Because they can hear and (4) ___________ at the same time. But they can’t (5) ________anything over the radio. Many (6) _______ watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on (7) ________. But a few children watch TV every (8)________. They (9) _________very late. So they can’t have a good    (10)________. How about you, my young friend? (    ) 1. A. they        B. you        C. I            D. we (    ) 2. A. your        B. our        C. my          D. their (    ) 3. A. radio       B. film        C. game        D. TV (    ) 4. A. watch       B. speak      C. listen        D. sing (    ) 5. A. hear        B. like        C. see          D. learn (    ) 6. A. children                   B. old people     C. shopkeepers                D. policemen (    ) 7. A. Monday      B. Friday     C. weekends     D. weekdays (    ) 8. A. place         B. time       C. man         D. night (    ) 9. A. go to bed                   B. go to the park C. come back home             D. get home (    )10. A. time        B. rest          C. game      D. meal (C) Millie正与Amy谈论各自的早餐。阅读他们的对话,然后完成后面的题目。(共5题,每小题1分) Amy:   I’m on a diet (节食) now,so I don’t have breakfast. Millie:  Never? I always have a good breakfast. Amy:   What do you have? Millie:  Well, I usually have a cup of coffee and eggs. Sometimes I have some tea and a few pieces of bread. Sometimes I have a big glass of milk and a bowl of noodles. I often put an egg in my noodles. Today I … Amy:   Oh, no, please. Don’t tell me any more. You are making me hungry now !      看完对话之后,请你概括一下他们两人的早餐情况。 Amy doesn’t want to be fat,so she is on a diet now. She never has (1)_________. But Millie always has a (2)_________breakfast. She usually has (3)____________________________________. Sometimes she has (4)_______________________________________________. Sometimes she has (5) _______________________________. (D)  Millie的叔叔是一位教师,他经常给Millie 发电子邮件谈他班级的情况。现在你和Millie一起读她叔叔发来的新邮件,然后根据短文内容补全后面的表格。(共5格,每格1分) Hello, Millie! How are you these days? Now I am in charge of a new class. I am their new teacher. The students in my class come from different countries. Henry is English. He’s from London. George is Australia. He’s from Sydney. Mary is an American. She’s from New York. Tom and Jim are Canadians. They come from Ottawa. Li Ping and Wei Hua are Chinese. They come from Nanjing. Miqiko and Miyoko are Japanese. They are from Tokyo. My students come from so many countries, but they are good friends. They often help each other. They have great fun here. Yours Uncle Name Country City     Henry      England        George      Australia    Sydney          America        Tom and Jim      Canada     Ottawa     Li Ping and Wei Hua           Nanjing    Miqiko and Miyoko           Tokyo  (E) Millie在班上调查同学们最喜爱的生日礼物。请根据调查表和Millie一起    完成下面的作业。(共5题,每小题1分) football CD  Comic book Hair clip Computer games  Amy × √ √ √√ × Simon √√ √ √ × √√ Kitty × √√ × √√ √ Sandy × √√ √ √ √ Daniel √√ √ √ × √√    (     ) 1. Both girls and boys like ____________________.             A. football     B. CDs     C. computer games    D. comic books    (     ) 2. _________________both love hair clips.             A. Amy and Simon           B. Kitty and Sandy             C. Kitty and Amy            D. Amy, Sandy and Kitty (     ) 3. _____________ doesn’t like computer games.             A. Daniel    B. Amy    C. Kitty    D. Simon     (     ) 4. No girls like ___________________.              A. computer games   B. CDs    C. comic books    D. football (     ) 5. ______________doesn’t like comic books.    A. Amy            B. Daniel    C. Kitty            D. Simon (F) 写作(10分) 一天,Millie心爱的宠外物狗Eddie突然不见了。请你根据所提供的寻物启事写一篇短文。不少于五句话,开头和结尾已给出。                                       Lost  Look for:   A dog            Name :  Eddie          Appearance :        a yellow fat dog          long tail,a big mouth                         two big ears,small eyes                        Other information :  2 years old, like eating hamburgers                            like sleeping all day                          Telephone number:  12345678                                             E-mail address :     Eddie @ sina. com                                      Thank you !                                      My pet dog is lost.                                              ______  __________________________________________________________________  Thank you very much! ____                                  ______________ _____ Millie                                                                    ____听力原稿及参考答案: 一、听力部分 A)  A. Simon loves playing football. B. Kitty dances every day. C. Daniel enjoys playing computer games. D. Sandy likes listening to music. E. Amy is a member of the Swimming Club. (Key: D C B E A) B)  1. What day is the first day of a week? 2. When is Halloween? 3. Where can I buy a Walkman? 4. What do people in the West eat at Easter? 5. How often do you eat snacks? (Key: B B C C B) C)  This is Betty. She is my aunt and uncle’s daughter. She is eleven. Betty’s brother is John. He looks like my uncle. He is thirteen. He’s a student. Now Betty and John are in my home. They are having a good time.         ( T T F F F) D) ( M= Manager;    S=Simon ) M:  Hi. can I help you? S:  Yes, I want to join the volleyball club. M:  So you like volleyball. don’t you? S:  Yes. M:  May I know your name, please? S:   Simon. M:  How old are you? S:   I am eleven years old. M:  What’s your telephone number? S:   83211238. M:  Do you often play volleyball? S:   No, I’m not good at it, but I want to learn about it. M:  Welcome to our club. I’m sure you will have fun here. ( Simon / 11 / 83211238 / Volleyball club. / I am not good at it, so I want to learn about it. )  二、笔试部分             A)(A) 1. watching 2. games  3. homework 4. playground 5. health      (B) 1. grow up  2. for two hours  3. get tired  4. lots of  5. keep healthy      (C)  1-5 B A C B A     6-10 C A C A C B)  (A)  1-5 C B D A E (B)  1-5 A D D A C    6-10 A D D A B (C)  1. breskfast  2. good   3. a cup of coffee and eggs 4. some tea and a few pieces of bread 5. a big glass of milk and a bowl of noodles with an egg in it (D)  London. Mary. New York. China. Japan (E) 1-5 B C B D C                 (F) A sample : My pet dog is lost. Its name is Eddie. It is 2 years old. It’s a yellow fat dog. It has a long tail. It has small eyes and big ears. Its favourite food is hamburgers. It likes sleeping all day. If you see a dog like that, please call me. My telephone number is 8569324. Thank you very much.           Millie                                    
